Fauntleroy 1203 results

VIDEO: Big turnout for this year’s gathering to call salmon home to Fauntleroy Creek

(WSB photos and video unless otherwise credited)

Any day now, Fauntleroy Creek is likely to see the first spawner of the season. Today, the biggest turnout in years gathered for an annual tradition, singing and drumming to call the salmon home. As always, Jamie Shilling led the songs, starting with “Habitat,” to the tune of the 1960s classic “Lollipop“:

We counted more than 80 people, from babies to seniors, gathered steps from the creek, outside the home of Judy Pickens and Phil Sweetland, long active not only with the Fauntleroy Watershed Council, but also the Salmon in the Schools program, which teaches local students about salmon’s life cycle as they raise fry to release into the creek each year. But this afternoon’s gathering was a celebration of what’s yet to come.

Interspersed with Shilling’s songs, Judy told the story of how – after work to restore the creek – the first known modern-day spawners, nicknamed Harry and Louise, showed up 29 years ago. Community members gathered to drum – inspired by ancient traditions – in hopes that would encourage more. Over the years, thousands have shown up, counted by volunteer creek watchers like Dennis Hinton (below with Judy):

Three salmon were spotted near the mouth of Fauntleroy Creek earlier in the weekend, Judy revealed at this afternoon’s gathering – adding that watchers also saw “seals with napkins under their chins.” The mouth of the creek is near the Fauntleroy ferry dock. Judy noted that Washington State Ferries employees came to the gathering today for the first time – helping out during one song:

Today’s gathering ran a little longer than some years because of a surprise – the Watershed Council honored your WSB co-publishers for all our years of covering their work.

We were not only surprised but deeply honored. Everyone then gathered for a group photo – another dedicated creek volunteer, Tom Trulin, took it from atop a ladder:

This week, Tom, Dennis, and others will be out watching for spawners to make it into the creek. Last year, they counted 254, a near-record in the quarter-century of counting. We’ll let you know when we get word of sightings. Meantime, learn more about Fauntleroy Creek – one of Seattle’s few salmon-bearing streams – at fauntleroywatershed.org. There’s an overlook tucked away at upper Fauntleroy Way and SW Director, just south of the stairway that leads to the bus stop across from the ferry dock.

FAUNTLEROY NOTES: Festival recap; pumpkin search Saturday; salmon drumming Sunday

Three Fauntleroy notes:

(WSB photo, cake-contest entries, last Sunday)

FALL FESTIVAL RECAP: On behalf of the volunteer organizers of the Fauntleroy Fall Festival, held this past Sunday (WSB coverage here), Ben Weagraff tells us the light rain didn’t get in the way of a good time:

This year, we estimate that the crowds were comparable to the year before. We feel comfortable saying that we had over 1,000 people. We built almost 500 birdhouses and painted almost 800 pumpkins. We also welcomed more than 100 community volunteers to help make the event possible.

The most noteworthy thing was from 24 Carrot Parties (the bunny people) – she said that she had never seen such well-mannered children at a community event this large. Usually at an event like this, they have some “behavioral challenges” and are worried about their bunnies — but that wasn’t the case with our children and our neighbors.

To make planning easier for all of our vendors, we agreed to Save the Date for October 20, 2024 for next year’s festival.

PUMPKIN SEARCH: This Saturday (October 21st), the Fauntleroy Community Association invites you to this year’s Great Pumpkin Search. Volunteers will hide pumpkins around the Endolyne Triangle area: “There will be little pumpkins, easy to find for the little ones, and larger pumpkins for the grown-ups who come. As a bonus, there will be special pumpkins and holiday gifts to find in various locations. This is a first-come, first-served event so don’t wait too long.” This is set for 1 to 3 pm.

(WSB file photo, youngest participants in past salmon-drumming event)

SALMON DRUMMING SUNDAY: It’s almost time for the coho to come home. Every fall, the Fauntleroy Watershed Council gathers community members to drum and sing by the creek to welcome them. The more voices, and drums, the better. It’s a short, fun, memorable gathering – bring whatever you want to use for a drum, or just bring yourself (and family members neighbors …). This happens 4 to 4:30 pm Sunday (October 22); just go to upper Fauntleroy Way at SW Director and follow the drumbeats down a driveway to the gathering spot.

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Damp but ‘delightful’ Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2023

2:14 PM: The Fauntleroy Fall Festival is on! You have until 5 pm to get to the 9100 block of California SW for free festival fun at venues on both sides of the street – the activity list and schedule can be seen here. (And if you’re worried about the weather – many of the events/activities are under a canopy or indoors.)

2:43 PM: Bunny visits are immensely popular. Here’s the line:

That’s happening behind the schoolhouse, where you’ll also find pumpkin bowling:

And music – the Brews Brothers are playing until 3:

Walking from that area toward the schoolhouse, you’ll find West Seattle photographer Holli Margell‘s decorated photo booth:

One change in plan – no birds; The Falconer had to cancel because of illness.

3:30 PM: Before the cakewqlk (video above), the cake judging – Josie and her Dia De Muertos cake won big:

(added) Kathryn sent the next photo – explaining, “Cora was so excited to win the beginners category with her first cake!”

Heading outside, to the Fauntleroy Church parking lot, a variety of festival classics – like pumpkin-decorating:

Birdhouse-building too:

Little ones can make salmon hats to wear to the salmon-drumming event one week from today:

Or get up and take a look inside Seattle Fire Engine 37 (nearest one to Fauntleroy):

Along with activities, you’ll also find booths with local organizations, including the Fauntleroy Community Association:

And the Emergency Communication Hubs (a good thing to get up to speed on – it’s just been a week since that North Sound earthquake shook some here, and the statewide earthquake drill is ahead this Thursday):

And as we’ve been noting in previews, this is volunteer-powered, including the crossing guards helping people get safely between the venues:

The rain has remained light, but again, there’s plenty to do indoors too – the West Seattle Big Band, directed by Jim Edwards, has just started its set inside The Hall at Fauntleroy on the schoolhouse’s south end!

Festival’s only half-over – still time to get here and have fun until 5.

7 PM: Adding more photos and video above. The festivities were best summarized by someone we passed while there, remarking to someone she was with, “This is a delightful fall festival!”

WEEKEND PREVIEW: Map and schedule for Fauntleroy Fall Festival – and a reminder for cake-bakers!

October 13, 2023 7:18 pm
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That’s the map for Sunday’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival – venues on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW in the heart of Fauntleroy, 2-5 pm. Here’s what you’ll find – the activity list, and the schedule for time-specific events:

And one more reminder for cake-bakers – you’re invited to enter the decorated-cake contest (with entries doubling as donations for prizes in the cake walk) – bring your fall-themed cakes to The Hall at Fauntleroy‘s Vashon Room (south end of Fauntleroy Schoolhouse) by noon Sunday – more info here.

FOLLOWUP: Federal investigators blame ferry Cathlamet’s Fauntleroy crash on ‘fatigue and complacency,’ saying the captain apparently briefly fell asleep

(Photo by Mark Dale, July 28, 2022)

Thanks for the tips. Fourteen and a half months after the state ferry M/V Cathlamet hit an offshore structure at the Fauntleroy terminal, the National Transportation Safety Board has announced the results of its investigation. First, here’s the NTSB summary:

Fatigue and complacency led to a Washington State Ferries passenger and car ferry striking a mooring structure, or dolphin, at a Seattle ferry terminal last year, the National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday. The contact resulted in $10.3 million in damages to the vessel and $300,000 in damages to the dolphin.

The Cathlamet had crossed Puget Sound with 94 people on board and was approaching the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal on July 28, 2022​, when it struck the ferry terminal dolphin. One minor injury was reported.

The master did not take any action to correct the ferry’s course, slow down or sound the alarm before the contact. He also did not recall what happened and seemed unaware of how the ferry ended up striking the dolphin. Investigators found these events were all consistent with incapacitation from a microsleep, a brief period of sleep lasting a few seconds, due to fatigue.

“Fatigue affects all aspects of human performance, including decision-making, alertness, and reaction time,” NTSB investigators said in the final report. “Mariners should understand the performance effects of sleep loss and recognize the dangers of fatigue, such as microsleeps. When affected by fatigue, mariners should arrange for a qualified watchstander to serve in their place and avoid being on duty when unable to safely carry out their responsibilities.”

The NTSB also found the Cathlamet bridge team exhibited complacency by not complying with Washington State Ferries’ policies when undocking and docking the ferry. The Cathlamet quartermaster did not actively monitor the master as the ferry approached the dock, as required by company policy. Had he done so, he could have quickly taken the helm when the master became incapacitated.

“Complacency occurs when operators repeatedly complete a task without consequence, desensitizing them to its inherent risk,” the report said. “To combat complacency, operators should comply with procedures, such as operating checklists, that are in place to prevent single points of failure, and companies should train operators on the importance of following procedures.”

The full 18-page investigation report is here. It includes this:

Coast Guard Investigators interviewed the master on the day of the casualty. When asked if he felt rested when he arrived at the vessel on the morning of the casualty, the master said, “Well, I don’t know if I’d call it 100% rested … I mean, it was hot out, very hot, you know, trying to sleep.” (At the time of the casualty, there was a heat wave occurring in the Seattle area.) The master informed investigators of a family member’s medical condition and overall health, which had been deteriorating, and that the situation had been bothering him. The master told investigators, “I got engagement, and the next thing I know I hit, I hit the dolphin. That’s all I know.”

The master retired from WSF the day after the casualty, surrendered his Coast Guard credential, and would not provide any additional information to investigators.

Washington State Ferries released its own report back in March (WSB coverage here), as the repaired ferry was finally returning to service. The federal report lists a higher cost ($10.6 million) for the ferry and structure damage than WSF cited ($7.7 million) back in March

BAKERS WANTED: Fauntleroy Fall Festival cake contest

October 10, 2023 9:00 am
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(A few of the cakes from 2022 Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

As we’ve been reminding you, the Fauntleroy Fall Festival is now just days away – Sunday (October 15th), 2-5 pm. Here’s another way you can be part of it – bake and decorate a cake! From organizers:

The Fauntleroy Fall Festival will be hosting our annual Cake Decorating Contest and Cake Walk! Here’s your chance to show off your baking skills! We’re accepting fall-themed cakes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced categories. Please submit entries by noon (Sunday) in the Vashon room of the Hall at Fauntleroy. Following contest voting, cakes will be gifted in the Cake Walk.

The Hall (south end of Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, 9131 California SW) is one of the main venues for the festival. Meantime, a few volunteer openings remain, and even if the online signup fills up, organizers tell us you can show up on festival day to help out, too.

COUNTDOWN: Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2023, one week away!

(2022 WSB photo, The Falconer at Fauntleroy Fall Festival)

From birds to bunnies to bouncing, crafting to cakewalking, the Fauntleroy Fall Festival‘s unique lineup of fun is just one week away! From 2-5 pm next Sunday, October 15th, festival activities take over both sides of the 9100 block of California Avenue SW in the heart of Fauntleroy, in and around Fauntleroy Church/YMCA and The Hall at Fauntleroy/Schoolhouse. Thanks to donations and volunteers (still a few spots left), it’s all free (except for some food/beverage offerings). P.S. If you’ve never been to the Fauntleroy Fall Festival before, our coverage from last year shows you some of the fun.

MORE FALL FUN: Fauntleroy Community Association’s Great Pumpkin Search returning

October 2, 2023 6:35 pm
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(2022 photo courtesy Fauntleroy Community Association)

The Fauntleroy Community Association wants to be sure you know it’s planning another Great Pumpkin Search this year – and that volunteers are appreciated too if you have any time to spare:

You can look forward to “The Great Pumpkin Search,” presented by the Fauntleroy Community Association. This fun event for the whole family will be on Saturday, October 21, from 1 to 3 pm. The Association will have a booth set up in the triangle across from Endolyne Joe’s. The pumpkins will be hidden on the streets that spoke out from that triangle. There will be little pumpkins (easy to find) for the wee ones and a few larger pumpkins (harder to find) for the grownups. As a bonus, there will be a few prize pumpkins and related gifts to find. All of this is on a first come, first serve basis. We also encourage you to take a picture if you find pumpkins and post them on social media and tag it #FCAPumpkinSearch.

Just like the Spring Egg Hunt, we would love volunteers to hide the pumpkins at 11:30 am that day. If interested, please call or email Candace Blue, 206-401-8406, blueyvette47@gmail.com.

P.S. We’re assembling our annual Halloween-and-more fall-fun page this week, so if you are planning an event you haven’t yet sent us information about, please do as soon as you can – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

COUNTDOWN: Fauntleroy Fall Festival, two weeks away

October 1, 2023 10:48 am
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(WSB file photo)

Even before we get to Halloween, October brings plenty of fall fun. One of the biggest events is just two weeks from today, so here’s a reminder to set your calendar – the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. From 2-5 pm on Sunday, October 15th, you’ll find a variety of activities on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW in the heart of Fauntleroy, in and around Fauntleroy Church/YMCA and The Hall at Fauntleroy/Schoolhouse. Pumpkin-painting, birdhouse-building, salmon-hat-making, music, and more – all free (except for some food/beverage offerings) thanks to volunteers (can you help?) and donations. Rain or shine!

BIZNOTE FOLLOWUP: For everyone wondering about the ex-Original Bakery space

Some readers have been wondering what’s going on with the vacant Fauntleroy space where The Original Bakery closed in February. As we reported at the time, the space at 9253 45th SW was taken over by the same company that owns Endolyne Joe’s next door. Owner Peter Levy told us in February that they planned to open a new establishment that would serve “morning pastries and espresso,” with other details to come. But with no outward sign of activity in the past seven months, readers asked if the plan was still on. Reached by email, Levy tells us they’ve been waiting all this time for a building permit: “We finally did get approval and the final permit required was issued yesterday.” So, he says, “We will be starting construction activity immediately, with an expected opening now estimated in mid-January.” Some details are still being worked out: “What we know at this point is that we will be opening at 7 am, providing an assortment of baked goods and coffee/espresso. We are still in the development stage as to what our service will include for the lunch and dinner hours. We are at this time intending on a limited breakfast menu with the aforementioned baked goods and continuing service throughout the day and evening. Up until about a week or two ago, we were still not clear if we would be able to secure the permits required to proceed, but with permit in hand it’s full speed ahead.”

Have fun at the Fauntleroy Fall Festival while volunteering!

(WSB photo, Fauntleroy Fall Festival 2022)

The Fauntleroy Fall Festival is just two and a half weeks away. It’s powered by volunteers and donations, and festival organizers are especially interested right now in more of the former:

The Fauntleroy Fall Festival is Sunday, October 15, from 2-5 pm. This annual event is free to the community and expects more than a thousand people this year. The event offers bouncy castles, pumpkin painting, bird house building, live music, bunny petting zoo, food vendors, pie-eating contests, and so much more. The event is organized by volunteers and could use additional help the day of the event. If you have the time, please consider volunteering for the event.

The festival is spread across both sides of California SW in the heart of Fauntleroy – in and around the church/Y and event hall/schoolhouse.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Fall Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church

Don’t need it? Don’t throw it away – recycle it! The twice-a-year chance to do that courtesy of Fauntleroy Church – working with partner 1 Green Planet – is happening right now, until 3 pm. Electronics, appliances, batteries, and more are on the long list of what they’ll accept (which also is clear about what they WON’T accept). You can drive up, ride up, walk up, and drop off your item(s) in the church lot, 9140 California SW [map], no charge – but please don’t wait until the last hour if you can possibly get there sooner.

WEEKEND PREVIEW: Recycle Roundup on Saturday

(WSB photo from April Recycle Roundup)

One of this weekend’s biggest events is a little over 36 hours away – Fauntleroy Church‘s twice-yearly Recycle Roundup. It’s happening 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, a chance to drop off dozens of types of recyclable objects free. The list of what Recycle Roundup partner 1 Green Planet will and won’t accept is here. During the previous Recycle Roundup on Earth Day (April 22nd), 450 people brought in 14+ tons of recyclables! Organizers have just one request – don’t wait until the last hour if you can possibly avoid it, get there earlier; there’s plenty of capacity!

UPDATE: Suspect arrested after 2-hour police search in Fauntleroy – and southward – with helicopter

4:38 PM: Police are searching around homes on Fauntleroy Way SW just south of the ferry dock, looking for a man in what’s described as a “weapons call” and possible burglary. He’s described as Hispanic, with dark medium-length hair, no shirt, tan pants. The Guardian One helicopter is on its way to join the search. More information as we get it.

4:47 PM: The helicopter’s arrived in the area.

4:56 PM: We went to the area to look for an officer to ask about what preceded all this. We’re told the first call came from people at the ferry dock who saw what they described as a naked man with a knife or possibly box-cutter. Police noted that this might be the same person seen acting suspiciously near Fauntleroy Church earlier in the day.

5:08 PM: This search has moved a bit further south, along Marine View Drive. Meantime, police are also investigating an unrelated burglary near Fauntleroy Park, to the east of all this, and it sounds as if they have arrested someone – DIFFERENT suspect. … The original subject of the search, meantime, is said to be running through yards in the 10000-10200 block of Marine View Drive and is described as carrying a machete.

(Reader photo)

5:22 PM: The search has moved westward from there to 47th SW.

5:34 PM: They’re surrounding an area there and making the mandatory announcements that a K-9 will be deployed.

5:57 PM: Nothing new to report. Many officers still in the area, and Guardian One is back after a brief break.

6:31 PM: With the helicopter’s help, they’ve located the person they believe is who they’ve been looking for. … And he’s reported to be in custody. This was in the 10200 block (whether 47th or Marine View Drive, not clear). … Officers also just told dispatch they’ve found the machete, too.

CONTINUING SUNDAY: Second-Time Sale at Fauntleroy Church

September 16, 2023 9:51 am
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How big is Fauntleroy Church‘s Second-Time Sale? So big that about two dozen people were waiting to get in when we arrived just before the doors opened at 9 am. So much stuff, the Fellowship Hall is brimming – even some items on the stage:

And more outside!

Here’s the overview from volunteer Judy Pickens: “Bargain-priced items range from towels to fine jewelry, books to cookware, and china to furniture, all clean, culled, and well-organized. Proceeds benefit the ministries of this active United Church of Christ congregation.” (That includes community projects like next Saturday’s Recycle Roundup!) The sale is on at 9131 California SW until 4 pm today, with an encore session 11:30 am-3 pm Sunday.

Surveys and pumpkins @ Fauntleroy Community Association

September 15, 2023 2:25 pm
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Two toplines from this week’s monthly meeting of the Fauntleroy Community Association: The organization is getting ready to launch its periodic community survey. Homes and businesses in the “greater Fauntleroy area” will get postcards inviting them to answer the survey online. Questions will include opinions of the Fauntleroy ferry-dock replacement (as reported here last month, the timeline for that project has now moved back) and assessment of community awareness of FCA projects and events. … Speaking of which, one update: FCA’s annual community pumpkin hunt is set for October 21st, 1-3 pm. About 200 pumpkins will be hidden in the general Endolyne business district area, and some gifts will be up for grabs, including a glass pumpkin from Avalon Glassworks. … The FCA board meets second Tuesdays most months, 7 pm, at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse; watch fauntleroy.net for updates between meetings.

TUESDAY: Fauntleroy Community Association’s first fall meeting

September 10, 2023 6:12 pm
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Previously, we previewed the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s first fall gathering, this Tuesday (September 12th). Also resuming meetings for fall on Tuesday: the Fauntleroy Community Association. The FCA also expects a Southwest Precinct rep to attend with updates on local crime/safety issues, so if you have a question for police, community-group meetings provide you with regular opportunities. Also on the FCA agenda – a look ahead to next month’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival, an update on Washington State Ferries issues, and a discussion of Sound Transit‘s West Seattle plan, among other issues. Community members are welcome to attend in person – 7 pm Tuesday in the conference room at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) – or online (registration information is at fauntleroy.net/meetings).

COUNTDOWN: 2 weeks until fall Recycle Roundup

(WSB photo from spring Recycle Roundup last April)

If you’re doing fall cleaning and finding things you no longer need, remember that the fall Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church is now just two weeks away – 9 am to 3 pm Saturday, September 23. The list of what Recycle Roundup partner 1 Green Planet will and won’t accept this time is available – see it here. (More than 60 items on the “will accept” list, only 20 on the “won’t.”) It’s free to drive up, ride up, walk up, and drop off your item(s); the church is at 9140 California SW.

FERRY ALERT UPDATE: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth solves crew challenge

September 7, 2023 10:23 pm
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Just in from Washington State Ferries: “For Friday, September 8, due to a shortage of crew, the route will be operating on one-boat service for start of the service day on the #1 sailing schedule.” Schedule links are on the alert page, which is where to check in the morning to see if the one-boat plan really happened or not – lately some of these announcements are followed by “never mind” after WSF manages to find the crew member(s) needed.

6 AM: And indeed, WSF solved the problem and is back to 2 boats.

Brown water in Fauntleroy

We continue keeping track of brown-water instances when we get reader reports about them – otherwise there’s no public way to track them via the Seattle Public Utilities website. Today we’ve heard from one reader who is seeing it near Fauntleroy/Trenton, which is by the south end of Lincoln Park. In many cases, it’s because of SFD hydrant testing stirring up “sediment” (rust) in the lines, but nonetheless, any time it happens at your residence or business, please report it to SPU – 206-386-1800.

FERRY ALERT: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth down to one boat

3:19 PM: Thanks for the tip. Washington State Ferries says M/V Issaquah had to go out of service for “necessary unscheduled vessel maintenance,” so the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route is currently down to one boat. WSF says that “engineers are on board (Issaquah) working on the issue.” Meantime, M/V Kittitas continues the #1 schedule; you can check Vessel Watch for its location.

3:41 PM: WSF now says it’s a “steering issue” and they’re still working on it.

6:16 PM: No ETA for a fix yet. WSF says the wait at Fauntleroy is now up to 3 hours for drivers

GET READY: Next Fauntleroy Church Recycle Roundup less than a month away

If you’re ready for some pre-fall cleaning, you can start getting ready for the next Recycle Roundup dropoff event at Fauntleroy Church. It’s set for 9 am-3 pm on Saturday, September 23rd, and the list of what Recycle Roundup partner 1 Green Planet will and won’t take is available already – see it here. Then just be ready to drive up, walk up, ride up, and drop off your recyclables, free, that day. The church’s Green Committee coordinates this twice a year – last one was on Earth Day (April 22nd), with 450 people dropping off 14+ tons of recyclables.

YOU CAN HELP: Summer party to benefit Fauntleroy Fall Festival

August 24, 2023 12:15 pm
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If you haven’t already seen this in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar: You’re invited to a Neighborhood Night Out next Tuesday to benefit the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. It’s a 21+-only event on Wildwood Market‘s rooftop deck at 9214 45th SW with wine, beer, and neighborhood merch, 4-8 pm. All proceeds will go to this year’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival, which is planned October 15th, free to the community as always, powered by fundraising like this as well as other community donations and volunteer help, No need to RSVP for the event – just show up Tuesday (August 29th) at Wildwood (which is a festival sponsor)!