West Seattle, Washington
24 Friday
10:14 AM: In the hallway at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, the Gathering of Neighbors is under way, starting with a resource fair – tablers include:
*West Seattle Food Bank
*Dept. of Education & Early Learning
*West Seattle Time Bank
*West Seattle Helpline
*Seattle Subway
Opening ceremony is at 10:30. More to come.
11 AM: First panel is under way in the theater.
11:37 AM: The theme today is ‘growing pains’ and this discussion with Councilmember Lorena González and the Junction Association‘s Susan Melrose, plus Ben Crowther from The Urbanist and the city’s HALA project manager Michelle Chen, has touched on many challenges and opportunities. We have it on video and will add later when the clip’s ready. West Seattle-residing broadcaster Brian Callanan moderated. (Added – here’s the video:)
12 PM: Breakout sessions now, from business development to light rail. Still time to get here for the concluding panel on homelessness, to be moderated by Councilmember Lisa Herbold, scheduled as an encore of the panel we covered at the 34th District Democrats in January.
ADDED SATURDAY EVENING … a few more photos. From the organizing group VieWS (Visualizing Increased Engagement in West Seattle), Pete Spalding showed off his T-shirt from the first GoN back in 2004:
The group that launched the GoN was Megawatt, which disbanded in 2007 but not before having a lasting effect on the local community, not just via this event but also by creating West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day in 2005 (after MW’s closure, we took it over in 2008 and beyond; we’ll be opening registration in early April for this year’s WSCGSD, which is nine weeks from today – Saturday, May 14th).
Take a break from the keyboard and come talk about West Seattle’s “growing pains” face to face with people from around the peninsula. Whatever time you can spare to be part of this Saturday’s annual Gathering of Neighbors, that’s what it’s all about. This update includes the full lineup of topics and panel participants:
This coming Saturday, March 12th, at 9:00 am at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, VieWS (Visualizing Increased Engagement West Seattle) and the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association will present the 2016 edition of the Gathering of Neighbors. This gathering of West Seattleites will focus on the theme of “Growing Pains” and the challenges facing West Seattle as we see rapid growth in populations, jobs, and housing and the benefits and drawbacks that growth brings to our neighborhoods. What “pains” might that growth bring; what can we do to ease the “pain”?
This year’s event will feature opportunities to learn about the recommendations by the Mayor’s Housing Affordability & Living Agenda (HALA) Committee, plans to renew and double the Housing Levy, what increased density might mean for our peninsula, what a Sound Transit 3 package might look like for your vote in November, and the recent declaration of a Homeless State of Emergency by Mayor Ed Murray and County Executive Dow Constantine.
Hear from invited experts about what is happening with housing, zoning, community centers, parking, transportation, and much, much more and how all this change is both creating new opportunities for us and our loved ones while also stirring up fears of increased inequality, ongoing historical inequities, and permanent damage to the character of our neighborhoods.
As always, we will also offer breakout sessions where you can learn more about how you can get be part of shaping the impact all of these changes will have on our community and meet local leaders and organizations already involved in these issues. The heart of this event is “showing up.” When you show up to help move your community a little further along, you make a difference.
The morning’s agenda will be packed:
· 9:00 am – Social/Refreshments provided by Nucor and a proud West Seattle small business
· 9:30 am – Open House & Informational Tables: What are the Challenges Facing West Seattle?
· 10:30 am – Welcoming Ceremonies
· 10:45 am – Expert Panel: What is Being Done About Growth in West Seattle?
Moderated by Brian Callanan, Seattle Channel
*Michelle Chen, Senior Project Manager, Housing Affordability Livability Agenda
*Lorena Gonzalez, Seattle City Councilmember, At-Large
*Susan Melrose, Executive Director, West Seattle Junction Association
*Roger Valdez, Director, Smart Growth Seattle -invited
*Sharon Lee, Low Income Housing Institute -invited· 11:40 am – Breakout Sessions: How Do I Get Involved in Shaping Our Community?
*North Delridge Action Plan update – David Goldberg (OPCD) & ACT Team members
*ST3 Planning – West Seattle Transportation Coalition + Rob Johnson, Seattle City Councilmember, District 4
*Land Use/Urban Village Growth – Cindi Barker and Deb Barker
*West Seattle Chamber conversation about business development· 12:30 pm – Facilitated Discussion: Are We In a Homelessness State of Emergency?
Moderated by: Lisa Herbold, Seattle City Councilmember, District 1
*Michael Maddux, community advocate, and current Chair of the King County Young Democrats
*Hanna Brooks Olsen, founding editor of Seattlish; her work on the subject has appeared in the Atlantic and Salon.
*Mercedes Elizalde, Policy & Engagement Strategist for Seattle City Councilmember Debora Juarez, District 5· 1:00 pm – Wrap-Up
Youngstown is at 4408 Delridge Way SW.
(WSB photo from previous Gathering of Neighbors, November 2014)
Just two weeks until the next edition of the Gathering of Neighbors. After months of mentions at local community meetings, the full lineup/schedule for the March 12th event is out tonight. Here’s the announcement:
On Saturday, March 12th, at 9:00 am at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, VieWS (Visualizing Increased Engagement West Seattle), Southwest Youth & Family Services, and the Delridge Neighborhood Development Association will present the 2016 edition of the Gathering of Neighbors.
Our theme is “Growing Pains” and will focus on the challenges facing West Seattle as we see rapid growth in populations, jobs, and housing and the benefits and drawbacks that growth brings to our neighborhoods.
This year’s event will feature opportunities to learn about the recommendations by the Mayor’s Housing Affordability & Living Agenda (HALA) Committee, recent updates proposed for the 2035 Comprehensive Plan, plans to renew and double the Housing Levy, what a Sound Transit 3 package might look like for your vote in November, and the recent declaration of a Homeless State of Emergency by Mayor Ed Murray and County Executive Dow Constantine.
Learn from invited experts about what is happening with housing, zoning, community centers, parking, transportation, and much, much more and how all this change is both creating new opportunities for us and our loved ones while also stirring up fears of increased inequality, ongoing historical inequities, and permanent damage to the character of our neighborhoods.
As always, we will also offer breakout sessions where you can learn more about how you can get be part of shaping the impact all of these changes will have on our community and meet local leaders and organizations already involved in these issues.
The morning’s agenda will be packed:
· 9:00 am – Social/Refreshments
· 9:30 am – Open House & Informational Tables: What are the Challenges Facing West Seattle?
· 10:30 am – Welcoming Ceremonies
· 10:45 am – Expert Panel: What is Being Done about Growth in West Seattle?
Moderated by Brian Callanan, Seattle Channel
Featuring a City Staffer, Urbanist, Elected Official, West Seattle Organization Leader, and Homeless Advocate· 11:40 am – Breakout Sessions: How Do I Get Involved in Shaping Our Community?
Ø North Delridge Action Plan update – David Goldberg (OPCD) & ACT Team members
Ø ST3 Planning – West Seattle Transportation Coalition + Rob Johnson, Seattle City Councilmember, District 4
Ø Land Use/Urban Village Growth – Cindi Barker and Deb Barker
Ø West Seattle Chamber conversation about business development· 12:30 pm – Facilitated Discussion: Are We In a Homelessness State of Emergency?
Moderated by Lisa Herbold, Seattle City Councilmember, District 1
Ø Michael Maddux, 43rd District Democrats and former City Council candidate
Ø Hanna Brooks Olsen, Seattlish writer, Project Manager for Civic Ventures
Ø Mercedes Elizalde, Policy & Engagement Strategist for City Councilmember Debora Juarez
Youngstown is at 4408 Delridge Way SW.
What makes West Seattle livable and healthy? Facilitator Maketa Wilborn asked the question toward the start of today’s Gathering of Neighbors at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. And he gathered a group of attendees into a circle to offer one word about what they were expecting from the day’s event:
Expectations for this year would have differed from the past; some years, the community-building event included a resource fair – many local organizations and agencies holding court at tables/booths so attendees could roam to at will – but this time, it was a deeper dive into four topics and two projects. If you wanted to talk about transportation problems and solutions, you could have huddled with West Seattle Transportation Coalition leaders:
Land use, development, growth interest you more? The recently launched West Seattle Land Use Committee was recruited to head up that topic:
Public safety and crime prevention were on the docket in another room, organized by the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network and including Southwest Precinct Community Police Team Officer Jonathan Kiehn:
And in a fourth room, your editor here accepted the invitation to present information about getting connected and staying informed:
We created a sort of mini-directory of West Seattle organizations and places for the occasion, as well as a one-pager about best practices when trying to get the word out about something, and will publish it here on WSB within a few days (after we add links for everything on the list!). That also was a suggestion of Gathering of Neighbors organizers – local community leaders under the umbrella VIEWS (Visualizing Increased Engagement in West Seattle) – asking presenters to make resources available, so once there are links, we’ll help get the word out about them here too.
Back to what people were saying about that sense of West Seattle pride – some samples of the written record:
(Thanks to whomever gave us the shoutout on this one!)
Before the final sessions – focusing on two city projects now in the planning stages, Fauntleroy Boulevard and the North Delridge Action Plan – facilitator Wilborn climbed a ladder in the Youngstown hallway to put up the “graphic chart” that he’d created from what had been said so far:
(He promised that’ll eventually be available via his website, too.) At the heart of all this was “showing up,” as one of the participants in our discussion put it. Whenever, however, you can show up to help move your community a little further along, you make a big difference.
After another rocky (to say the least) commute, you might be wondering what’s being done, what can be done, how can you get involved in supporting a solution. So before we get to our preview of what’s up today – we’re reminding you about this Saturday’s Gathering of Neighbors, which includes a chance to spend an hour with the West Seattle Transportation Coalition, among other things. Transportation is not the only topic on the agenda, but it’s top-of-mind right now, so we’re nudging you. Details on the official flyer:
The Gathering of Neighbors is at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW), 9 am-1 pm but even if you can just drop by for the 10 am-11 am breakout sessions … see you there!
You see the announcements and stories go by – this project, that community council, this meeting, that survey – but you’re still not quite sure how to get fully community-connected. Here’s an excellent opportunity: This year’s Gathering of Neighbors, organized by local community advocates and volunteers, just announced for 9 am-1 pm Saturday, November 15th. If you’ve been in the past – this one’s different; instead of another resource fair where you can circulate between tables and booths, it’s a chance to talk and listen. After a one-hour opening program at 9 am, here’s what’s scheduled:
10:00-11:00 AM – 4 BREAKOUT SESSIONS
*Land Use (led by Delridge & Southwest District Councils’ Joint Land Use Committee)
*Transportation (led by West Seattle Transportation Coalition)
*Public Safety (led by West Seattle Blockwatch Captains and Seattle Neighborhood Group)
*Staying Informed & Getting Connected (led by Tracy Record, West Seattle Blog)
About that last one … along with info on where to find and share info, we’ll also share the best ways (not just WSB) for you to get maximum exposure for what YOU need to announce, including the best way to write a “news release” (hint, sometimes you don’t need one at all) and the top things you DON’T need to do (but might think you do) to get media coverage/attention. Back to the schedule:
After choosing one of the breakout sessions to learn more about how you can stay informed and get involved, join in one of two discussions about major projects underway in West Seattle:
*North Delridge Action Plan (led by DPD/DON staff)
*Fauntleroy Way SW Boulevard Project (led by SDOT staff)
The Gathering of Neighbors will happen this year at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW). See you there!
This year’s Gathering of Neighbors is an indoor-and-outdoor event – right outside the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria, on the walkway/plaza leading from the school parking lot to its south-side doors, you can find out all about RainWise.
It’s a program to get more homes off the rainwater/runoff grid, and more areas of West Seattle are eligible for rebates to cover at least part of the cost of installing “green stormwater infrastructure” such as cisterns. Inside the Galleria, get “wise” in another way – meet local volunteers such as Eldon Olson from the Morgan Community Association and Cindi Barker from West Seattle Be Prepared/Emergency Communication Hubs
There’s a preparedness drill next Saturday, in fact, and they’re still signing up prospective “actors.” Others you might meet at the Gathering of Neighbors include Yun Pitre and Ed Pottharst:
They’re neighborhood coordinators for the city’s Department of Neighborhoods, and work with many of the groups that keep things clicking around here. Plus – how often do you get to have a say in the future of a major local arterial? You can share your vision for the north half of Delridge Way – look for the map spanning a table, with neighborhood advocate Pete Spalding (below right) behind it:
There’s also entertainment and refreshments; as first published here last night, here’s the official program listing more of whom you might meet and see if you get on over to Sealth by 3.
Going to Saturday’s Gathering of Neighbors community-building event at Chief Sealth International High School? We just received the program that’s being printed for the event – see it in its entirety (PDF) here. One set of highlights: Here’s who’s participating in the noon-3 pm resource fair:
34th District Democrats
Alki Art Fair
Delridge Grocery/Delridge Produce Cooperative
Delridge Neighborhood Development Association
King County Community & Technical Colleges
Morgan Community Association
North Delridge Neighborhood Council
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods/PACE LEadership
Seattle Foundation Neighbor to Neighbor Fund
Seattle Neighborhood Matching Fund Program
Seattle Public Library
South Seattle Community College
Southwest Seattle Historical Society / Log House Museum
Southwest Youth & Family Services
West Seattle Be Prepared! – Emergency Communication Hub
West Seattle Democratic Women
White Center Chamber of Commerce
White Center Development Association
The morning starts at 9 am with refreshments, 9:30 am with welcoming ceremonies, and then a slate of workshops that will be held simultaneously at 10:20 am and again at 11:05 am – all detailed in the program. It’s all free; just head into the Galleria at Sealth, between the gym and the main school building, north of the parking lot at 2600 SW Thistle.
East to west, north to south, people from all over West Seattle are at the Gathering of Neighbors right now, till 3, in the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria, and the place is abuzz with conversation. Above, that’s Ariana Rose Taylor-Stanley and Galena White from Delridge Produce Cooperative. On the north side of the Galleria, till 1, special presentations on preparedness:
That’s Debbie Goetz from the city’s Office of Emergency Management. Every speaker’s been announced by West Seattle Be Prepared‘s Cindi Barker, hollering from the staircase over the Galleria:
No, no one called 911, but police have stopped by too – chatting here with award-winning Pete Spalding, who’s on the Southwest Precinct Advisory Council:
(added) Admiral Neighborhood Association president Katy Walum came to answer questions about some of the group’s high-profile projects, such as Summer Concerts at Hiawatha (this year’s performers to be announced soon!)
West Seattle’s own South Seattle Community College, represented too:
Lots more to see and do. We’re by the door, so say hi (as many already have done) on your way out! Entertainment starts at 1 pm, and the day began with a special leadership summit, including an hour we have on video that we’ll add – along with more photos! – later. Admission’s free; parking’s right out front off SW Thistle, and once you’ve parked, look for the path to the Galleria, to the left (west) of the gym.
1:24 PM UPDATE: The tables are breaking up – and the event’s moving on to food (pizza and bake sale) and entertainment – look for all that toward the north side of the Galleria!
ADDED SATURDAY NIGHT: Video from one of the performances – members of Twelfth Night Productions sang several songs, in this clip, a comic Monty Python song from “Spam-A-Lot”:
One other performance clip – student marching-band musicians – is at the end of this story. We also recorded two events earlier in the day, during the invitation-only leadership summit – here’s “Neighbor Power” guru Jim Diers:
Second, the Leadership Panel moderated by Ron Angeles, featuring Sili Savusa of the White Center Community Development Association, Aileen Sison of White Center B.O.S.S., Tony Fragada of the Alki Community Council, and Kirk Mead of the Admiral District Business Association and West Seattle Chamber of Commerce:
Gathering of Neighbors was organized and coordinated by a volunteer group this year – VIEWS.
Just before WSB became a full-time news service, we learned a LOT about neighborhood organizations – nonprofits, community councils, and more – by attending the first Gathering of Neighbors events years ago. The GoN idea was the brainchild of Megawatt, the now-defunct nonprofit that also dreamed up West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day. When they closed up shop in 2007, we took over WSCGSD (coming up May 12th this year!), and others took on the Gathering of Neighbors. This year, a new group of volunteers, VIEWS, is putting it together, and you can enjoy the result of their work – and lots of community groups’ ongoing efforts – this Saturday at the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria, first GoN in a year and a half. From the draft program for the day, here’s who you’ll find there:
Performances between 1 and 3 pm are scheduled to include Aikido of West Seattle, an ensemble from Twelfth Night Productions, Wise Orchid Martial Arts, and Denny/Sealth music students. But first, an area with a special focus on preparedness, 11 am-1 pm, featuring:
plus Preparedness speaker sessions every 15 mins.
City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management
King County Public Health Reserve Corps
West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network
West Seattle Amateur Radio Club
Seattle Auxiliary Communication Service
Washington State Animal Response Team
City of Seattle Home Retrofit Program
Red Cross
Other organizations who’ll be represented at tables/booths during the overall resource fair 11 am-3 pm, with lots of info and people happy to chat with you, include:
34th District Democrats
Admiral Neighborhood Association
Artisan Electric
Cascadia Solar Project
City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Delridge Produce Cooperative
Highland Park Action Committee/Highland Park Improvement Club
North Delridge Neighborhood Council
Roxbury Spine and Wellness Center
Seattle Neighborhood Group
Seattle Fire Department
Seattle Police Department
Seattle Public Library
South Seattle Community College
Southwest Seattle Historical Society / Log House Museum
Sustainable West Seattle
West Seattle Blog (hey! that’s us!)
West Seattle Community Orchestras
West Seattle Democratic Women
White Center Chamber of Commerce
If you’ve never been to Sealth, the parking-lot entrance is off SW Thistle, and the Galleria entrance is the central building with the angled roof, set back and to the north of the lot. No admission charge, but there will be food for sale, scheduled to include Giannoni’s Pizza and a dessert fundraiser put on by Sealth students. See you there!
Organizers of this year’s Gathering of Neighbors have a reminder for you this morning – the big event is one week from today at Chief Sealth International High School:
Make connections with dozens of local businesses, community groups, non-profits, and social service providers from across the West Seattle Peninsula, discover hidden resources right in your own neighborhoods, and learn more about how you can get involved in making our community an even better place to live!
The public event kicks off at 11:00 am with our Neighborhood Resource Fair, featuring a special themed area this year on “Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Recovery.” One section of the information tables and vendors will feature children’s activities and prizes, a demonstration hub, and preparedness speakers on how your family and your home can Be Prepared for when disaster strikes.
Hear from the Neighborhood Emergency Communication Hubs, City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management, King County Public Health Reserve Corps, West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network, West Seattle Amateur Radio Club, Seattle Auxiliary Communication Service, Washington State Animal Response Team, and City of Seattle Home Retrofit Program! PLUS, other community groups, government agencies, and local businesses…
The fair continues while we feature local food and entertainment from 1:00-3:00 pm. Come gather with your neighbors and share in food trucks, dessert fundraiser tables, and fine performances you won’t want to miss! Local performers will include a world percussion group, martial-arts demonstration, and students from the Denny/Sealth Music department.
The Gathering of Neighbors returns this year, with a new group of community volunteers leading the way, and, as Michael Taylor-Judd told the Southwest District Council night before last, they can use your help to make it happen! Here’s the official announcement:
Come be a part of the Gathering of Neighbors: Businesses and Community organizations from across the West Seattle Peninsula, all together, one day, one place, as “one community”.
April 21st, 2012 marks the return of the Gathering of Neighbors, this year sponsored by Visualizing Increased Engagement West Seattle(VIEWS) and SW Youth and Family Services. The combination of both community and businesses participants promises to have Chief Sealth High School bursting at the seams with booths full of information.
Attendees will experience, in one place and time, the tremendous wealth of services and goods available to them in their own neighborhoods right here in West Seattle. Entertainment and refreshments will be part of the celebration.
Part of our celebration will be appreciation for the artistic side of West Seattle, and we will be featuring a photo, logo, and essay contest. There were will be suggested topics and submission categories on the website, with prizes presented to the top selections the day of the event.
Are you part of a group or business who would want to participate? Download applications and more info at viewswestseattle.org or contact Rafael Garcia, rafa.les.gar@gmail.com , (206) 380-2066
Gathering Of Neighbors:
Date: Saturday, April 21st, 2012
Time: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Location: Chief Sealth International High School,
2600 SW Thistle St
The banner’s been hung by the Chief Sealth International High School Galleria front doors with care – in hopes that you and many other West Seattleites soon will be there! (Apologies to the original author!) The 2010 Gathering of Neighbors is under way, till 4 pm today. Workshops and even a keynote speaker for the first time – plus a food truck available at lunchtime – just c’mon over and wander through. (Workshops, including our social-media primer, are in the classrooms on the west side of the Galleria, at 11:30 and again at 1:30.) More soon!
11:22 AM UPDATE: There’s a Galleria overview from about 10 minutes ago. Among the organizations in our line of sight – West Seattle Chamber of Commerce (here’s Patti Mullen):
Also, Ventana Construction (WSB sponsor), Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, Sustainable West Seattle, West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network (here’s Karen Berge):
Plus: West Seattle Be Prepared, 34th District Democrats, Morgan Community Association, WestSide Baby, Highland Park Action Committee, Lafayette Elementary Play It Forward Project – to name just a few. Also the West Seattle Community Orchestras, West Seattle Food Bank, Alaska USA, Chief Sealth PTSA … and the Nature Consortium and DNDA (whose executive director Derek Birnie is on the right in this next photo):
We’re told the Pai’s Thai/Hawaiian food truck is already set up here, too.
12:58 PM UPDATE: We’re done with our first social-media-primer workshop (and the three workshops including food-growing, solar energy, and “kid zone”) – another round of all four is coming up in half an hour – we’re in the classroom at the far southwestern corner of the Sealth Galleria (through the front door, extreme left turn. Principal John Boyd is now speaking – talking about what it really means to be an international school, teaching “global perspectives” and world languages, among many other things – and will be introducing former Seattle Mayor Norm Rice shortly.
1:04 PM UPDATE: Former Mayor Rice is talking about the community-building work he now does with the Seattle Foundation, after remarking on the strength of the West Seattle community, and the aspects of a strong community that he’s seen around the Galleria here at the Gathering of Neighbors.
He urges everyone to stay focused on “what’s good for the community” – the same way that in our families we focus on “what’s good for the family.” He concludes – “Keep on doing the work that you’re doing … everyone has a role to play and a place to stand” to strengthening a community. “We’ll say at the end, ‘all is well, all is well’.”
3:06 PM UPDATE: Update – the event’s ending now – rather than going till 4. So if you haven’t been here yet, we’ll see you next year! Thanks to everybody who joined us for the social-media discussion/workshops – they were a blast.
Hope to see you tomorrow at the Gathering of Neighbors – dozens of West Seattle organizations and businesses (including WSB) gathered in one place to meet neighbors including you! GON is scheduled for 11 am to 4 pm Saturday in the Galleria at Chief Sealth International High School (that alone is one reason to come visit – if you haven’t seen this brand-new facility yet), admission’s free. New this year, it’s more than just tables to visit (fun as those are) – workshops and speeches are planned too (including one we’re presenting) – here’s the schedule:
4 hour-long workshops happening simultaneously, presented twice, once at 11:30 am and once at 1:30 pm (these will be in TBA classrooms):
WORKSHOP #1: Social Media/Citizen Journalism – presentation & Q/A with WSB!
WORKSHOP #2: “Fresh” movie screening and DNDA Family Gardening coordinator discussion
WORKSHOP #3: Solar Energy education/employment opportunities, presented by Solar Epiphany
WORKSHOP #4: Family/Kid Zone with DNDA’s Resident Engagement Coordinator
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: At 1 pm, CSIHS principal John Boyd and former Seattle Mayor Norm Rice
FOOD: Pai’s Thai/Hawaiian truck will be parked at Sealth if you’d like to buy lunch. And DNDA’s Phillippia Goldsmith adds that, “Our very own Delridge Fresh Food Spot project will be facilitating a Multi-cultural Food Pyramid game complete with yummy snacks!”
Hope to see you there. P.S. This may sound kind of goofy but since the Online Journalism Award for “community collaboration” that we accepted last weekend is yours too – we’re bringing it to display at the WSB table in the Sealth Galleria. Again, 11 am-4 pm tomorrow, come meet West Seattle neighbors and new friends.
One week from Saturday, Gathering of Neighbors 2010 brings dozens of West Seattle organizations and businesses to Chief Sealth International High School so that you can find out more about who’s doing what to help strengthen and energize our community – and meet more of our peninsula’s amazing people – with just one visit to one place. If you have a business, organization, or service, and aren’t signed up for a table yet – why not? Our reports from Gathering of Neighbors 2009 are here, here, and here, if you need to know more about what to expect – but this year, as organizers have explained, it’ll be even livelier, with workshops plus the keynote talk by former Mayor Norm Rice, who’ll be introduced by Sealth principal John Boyd. Today’s the deadline to register; the form’s online here (PDF). See you at GON, 11 am-3 pm Saturday (November 6)!
Just got word today from Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association executive director Derek Birnie that former Seattle Mayor Norm Rice (right) has confirmed as keynote for this year’s Gathering of Neighbors in West Seattle, coming up November 6th at Chief Sealth International High School. It’s a chance for community organizations and West Seattle businesses to gather in one place so that they and community members can learn more about each other. And tonight, the Gathering of Neighbors registration form is online, for prospective participants. This will be the first GON since spring 2009; Birnie told WSB in a phone conversation that it’s expanding to be more than just a gathering of community exhibitors with a smattering of entertainment. For example, you’ll see more workshops – Birnie describes them as “learning exchanges.” GON will also be a kickoff of sorts for DNDA, he explains, as it grows into a role of not just making projects happen, but also helping sow and nurture “Seeds of Innovative Leadership” (SOIL for short) – which will be a “peninsula-wide leadership program” that you’ll hear more about at Gathering of Neighbors. Click here to download the registration form – you can e-mail it to phillippiag@dnda.org or send via postal mail to Phillippia Goldsmith, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW, Seattle 98106.
That’s just one of the young performers from Youngstown Arts Center who drew a cheering crowd in the Chief Sealth/Boren cafeteria during today’s Gathering of Neighbors; just feet away, we had a ringside seat for the dancers, rappers, poets, and other performers, including the Inner City Ensemble:
What today’s event was truly about was the people. The people who came to find out more about West Seattle organizations and businesses – and the people who are busy making this an incredible community to call home – people like Chief Sealth students Sara Schendel and Sam Westler:
They are two of the students who’ve been working for months with Cooper Elementary students on a project in the adjoining greenbelt; they’re now working outdoors just about every weekend and are inviting you to join their next work party – 10 am-2 pm next Saturday (4/11) on the south side of Cooper. See our previous Gathering of Neighbors coverage here; we have yet more to tell you about — more great community events and news picked up during conversations today (thanks again to everyone who took the time to chat with us!) — coming up later.
City Council President Richard Conlin has just spoken to the crowd that’s here in the cafeteria with us and some of the other participants at the Gathering of Neighbors (music and treats are back here too, all free) — the photo above is from a few minutes earlier, when he stopped to talk with Highland Park Action Committee leaders including chair Dan Mullins (left) – all the fun here is continuing till 3 pm at Chief Sealth @ Boren. Also from the HPAC booth – a collage display that Dina Johnson put together:
Lots of other neighborhood groups here too – we spoke with Andrew Mead of the High Point Neighborhood Association, Cindi Barker and Chas Redmond from the Morgan Community Association, we’ve also seen Matthew Slye with the Admiral Neighborhood Association, and Junction Plaza Park (where we chatted with Junction Neighborhood Organization president Erica Karlovits – they’ll be at the Farmers’ Market again tomorrow too – pledges of volunteer help are going well, now it’s time to chip in a few dollars to make the park happen):
We have talked to so many other cool people who are here – Larry Carpenter of the Alki Community Council just stopped by, the city’s Neighborhood Service Center reps Stan Lock (based in The Junction) and Ron Angeles (based in Delridge) are here, as are the Southwest Precinct’s Community Police Team officers – we’ve seen Officers Adonis Topacio and Ralph Wilson so far. Music is big here too – we’re next to the Glee Club, and Toni Reineke with Westside Symphonette has a table in the hallway:
The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce organized this along with Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA) so they’re here in force too – stop by the Chamber’s table and get one of their West Seattle Community Resource Guides:
Be sure to fill out the survey too; there’s a dropbox on our table. Also just dropping by: County Council Chair (and Executive candidate) Dow Constantine, who you will see emcee’ing the King County Water Taxi kickoff tomorrow at Seacrest, noon-2 pm (don’t forget the fireboat Leschi will be there at 12:45 – weather’s looking good so far).
1:32 PM UPDATE: Still an hour and a half to get down here to the Gathering of Neighbors. Music and food here in the cafeteria – lots of giveaways along the way – at the Stor-More (WSB sponsor), among other places:
Other WSB sponsors here include Ventana Construction (which is having another one of its free workshops next week):
Eagle Electric, too:
And Fitness Together:
We’ve picked up a few more stories along the way and will publish them in a bit – it’s 3 pm now, time to fold up and head back to HQ.
From the Gathering of Neighbors (continuing till 3 pm at Chief Sealth @ Boren, find us in the cafeteria, where free food’s available too!), where so many of the people we talk to often for WSB news stories are also here:
FAUNTLEROY PAVING UPDATE: Jessica Murphy from SDOT just stopped by our table. We asked if there’s word yet on whether the Fauntleroy Way paving project will stretch past California (see our previous report) – she says the bid was awarded a week ago and it WILL cover the full stretch, all the way to SW Holly. She’s here with updated flyers.
PARKS LEVY COMMITTEE UPDATE: Pigeon Point’s Pete Spalding (above with wife Kerry Hughes) is here too, on behalf of the PP Neighborhood Council; he is one of three West Seattleites on the new committee overseeing how the money from last fall’s Parks Levy will be spent, and he tells us there will be a series of four public meetings citywide next month to get your thoughts on how to use the levy’s “Opportunity Fund” — dates aren’t set yet but will be soon, and he says one WILL be in West Seattle. So if there’s a park project you’d like to see happen (the Delridge Skatepark would be one proposal, since money to build it got cut out of this year’s budget)
More to come – including photos from the event!
Once you come in the doors of Chief Sealth @ Boren, be sure to follow the signs to the cafeteria. Lots of great people to see and meet along the way – we’re in the cafeteria (where some special events will be happening too) – once you enter the cafeteria, we’re on the left side, red-covered table, two laptops, right next to the Seattle Glee Club. (Free food, music, and other special events will be happening in here too – it’s a little crowded in the hallway but make your way back here and find the fun.) Already had our first today-only-discount West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day signup and the event hasn’t even officially started yet! See you here. (We’ll post some in-progress reports as the event unfolds, too.) 11:25 AM UPDATE: Not even half an hour in, and we’ve already had four signups, including two groups!
Come see us at the Gathering of Neighbors (11 am-3 pm, Chief Sealth @ Boren) for a special one-day, in-person discounted signup fee, or sign up online right now by going here. Garage Sale Day isn’t one big sale, but many sales all over West Seattle, big and small, all brought together on one map, promoted around the region by your friendly neighborhood WSB team — it’ll be the 5th annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, our second year coordinating it. Saturday 5/9/09, 9 am-3 pm, is the big day. If you don’t have a place to sell your own stuff, by the way, get in touch with Lora @ Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) – she’s going to open her courtyard as a group-sale spot (and if anyone else is interested in doing that, please contact us to coordinate – garagesale@westseattleblog.com). Contests this year too – still finalizing the details (last year we had “best sign” and “most unusual sale item”) and prizes. Five weeks from today, mark your calendar, sign up now … last year we had more than 145 sales, but remember, there are 60,000 people in West Seattle, hundreds of thousands of more in the city limits, plenty of shoppers to go around! (Hope to see you at Gathering of Neighbors even if you’re NOT signing up … full participant list here.)
Just received the official final list from Phillippia at DNDA, which is presenting the Gathering of Neighbors/Biz Expo with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce. To see the full list, click here – we’ll be there along with more than 70 other local businesses and organizations, including — just to name a few — WSB sponsors Budget Blinds, Eagle Electric, Stor-More, Ventana Construction, and the West Seattle Family YMCA, plus lots of other folks you’re going to want to meet, including the West Seattle Emergency Communications Hubs volunteers, the community orchestra Westside Symphonette, WestSide Baby, experts to answer your questions about what’s up with the Alaskan Way Viaduct, we could go on all night. Just come by and say hi, 11 am-3 pm tomorrow, Chief Sealth HS at Boren (5950 Delridge; here’s a map), and remember that if you’re thinking about joining in this year’s West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (May 9), sign up at our table tomorrow — the first day of registration — and get a one-day-only discount on the signup fees (which pay for mapmaking, posters, other fun stuff that gets WSCGSD on the regional radar). See you tomorrow!
Three reasons we’re starting the weekend countdown way early:
GATHERING OF NEIGHBORS: Think you know West Seattle tip to toe, Duwamish Head to Delridge Triangle, Herring’s House Park to Weather Watch Park? We bet you’ll still find someone, something, some group, some business that’s new to you, when you drop by the Gathering of Neighbors/Biz Expo (WSB sponsor) this Saturday, 11 am-3 pm, Chief Sealth at Boren. We’ll be there, which brings us to …
WEST SEATTLE COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE DAY SIGNUPS START SATURDAY: May 9th is the 5th annual WSCGSD — one day with garage sales all over West Seattle! more than 145 registered last year — and we’re starting registration earlier this year in response to suggestions made last year. First day of registration is this Saturday, and if you come sign up in person at the WSB table at the aforementioned Gathering of Neighbors, we’re offering a one-day-only, in-person-only discount from the regular fees (which are otherwise the same as last year, which in turn was a cut from the year before): That means if you sign up with us in person that day at G-o-N, it’s $10/individual sale, $15/organization-school-etc., $25/block. (Rest of the time it’s $12-$20-$30.) By the way, if you don’t have room for your own sale, we know of at least one place that will offer space for you to come set up a table – Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor), in the courtyard – more on that later this week.
WATER TAXI SEASON STARTS SUNDAY: It’s one of the best freebies of the year – the King County (formerly Elliott Bay) Water Taxi will be free all day on kickoff day this Sunday, plus Seacrest Pier will be in full celebration mode that day from noon-2 pm — music, speeches, surprises, general revelry. Water Taxi schedules and fares all await you here.