Earthquake 11 results

3.0 earthquake across Puget Sound

We haven’t received reports of anyone here feeling it, but an email alert this morning revealed a 3.0 earthquake just across Puget Sound from West Seattle. The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network map shows the 7:49 am quake was centered 16 miles below the surface, about three miles northeast of Bremerton. According to PSNS’s quake-history map, this is the first one of note in the central Puget Sound area since the last one mentioned here on WSB, back in February (estimated at 3.6 but later changed to 3.4).

Another anniversary of note: Nisqually earthquake, 23 years ago. Here’s one readiness reminder

Another anniversary to note today: 23 years since the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually Earthquake on February 28, 2001. The next big one could happen in a minute or a year or a century … so preparedness is always a good idea. We usually take this occasion to remind you of one simple thing: Learn and remember the location of your nearest Emergency Communication Hub. It’s where community volunteers will help coordinate information and resources, if an earthquake – or other major disaster – knocks out normal channels of communication. Here’s the West Seattle map:

Again, this is an all-volunteer effort, so if you don’t see a hub near you, it’s probably just because someone hasn’t volunteered to coordinate one! Here’s how. (Hub volunteers hold regular drills – here’s one we covered last year.)

3.6 earthquake. Did you feel it?

Thanks to David Hutchinson on Alki for the tip about an earthquake centered near Hood Canal at 8:30 this morning. According to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network‘s event page, the magnitude was 3.6, and the quake originated 28 miles underground. Here’s how it looked on a seismogram at Alki Point. David reports, “Slight back and forth movement accompanied by a quiet creaking sound in building.” He also noticed while checking the PNSN site that there was a microquake – 1.2 magnitude – at 11:25 last night a lot closer.

UPDATE: 4.3 earthquake in North Sound, felt here

7:29 PM: Multiple readers are reporting they felt an earthquake. Preliminary report is a 4.2, southeast of Marrowstone, in the North Sound. Tsunami **NOT** expected.

7:40 PM: The magnitude has been revised to 4.5.

7:45 PM: And another revision – 4.3.

8:23 PM: Checking the archives, last quake felt in our area was a 2.2 microquake nine months ago, 16 miles beneath California/Dawson. … That’s a lot shallower than tonight’s quake; according to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network‘s event page, this one was 35 miles down.

8:37 PM: A reader comment reminds us to mention two things:
-If this reminds you to take just one simple preparedness step, know the location of your closest Emergency Communication Hub.
-The annual statewide ShakeOut earthquake drill is coming up October 19th.

8:50 PM: A few more notes – did you know Alki has a seismogram? Left side of this screengrab is how the 7:21 pm quake looked there:

And for even more data related to this quake, here’s its USGS page.

Small earthquake beneath West Seattle

Thanks for the tip! Last night at 10:13 pm, 16 miles beneath California/Dawson, there was a 2.2-magnitude earthquake, according to the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network. That’s a small quake but it’s the first time in decades that West Seattle has had a 2.0-or-greater quake, according to the PNSN list. (We haven’t heard from anyone who felt it – the tip came from someone who got an automated alert about it.) Last quake we noted here was a 1.4 beneath Roxbury/14th two years ago.

ADDED 4:59 PM: We’ve gone back and searched quake records; since that 1.4 in December 2020, we’ve had two even-smaller microquakes in West Seattle, on two consecutive days – a 1.3, 7.8 miles beneath the surface just west of Fairmount Ravine’s north end, on May 29th of last year, and a 1.7 the next day, 12.7 miles beneath 42nd/Waite.

ANNIVERSARY: 20 years since Nisqually Earthquake; one preparedness step to take right now to prepare for the next quake

Exactly 20 years ago, at 10:54 am February 28, 2001, West Seattle and the rest of the region was shaken in a big way by what went into the history books as the Nisqually Earthquake, after its South Sound epicenter. The magnitude 6.8 quake was big but not The Big One – that is considered to be still likely someday, maybe in our lifetimes, maybe not. But you need to be ready – there are abundant reasons why, such as what’s shown on this USGS map of how the area stacks up in shaking risk; note that some parts of West Seattle are considered at higher risk than others.

Meantime, preparedness remains vital. Every time there’s an anniversary, we remind you that a single, simple action you can take is to know your nearest Hub:

Shown on that map are the Emergency Communications Hubs – community-powered, pre-planned locations you would go in case of major catastrophe, if regular communication channels were disrupted. Be sure you and your family know the closest one. If there’s not one anywhere near your neighborhood, you can organize one – start here. Quakes are still happening – usually too small to feel (check this map for the most-recent ones) – but still without warning; even though an “early warning” tool is in development, it would give you seconds at best.

P.S. So where were you when the Nisqually Quake hit?

EARTHQUAKE: Local microquake on Christmas night

11:41 AM: This was small enough and deep enough that it may have gone entirely unfelt, but a friend pointed this tweet out to Verne, who emailed us, so for the record: An earthquake of 1.4 magnitude – what’s considered a microquake – happened at 9:48 pm Christmas night, 17 miles beneath the West Duwamish Greenbelt, east of where SW Thistle ends. Here’s the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network page for it; here’s its US Geological Survey page (which includes a link for sending a report if you felt it); here’s a map. The quake was originally estimated at 2.0, but that was revised to 1.4 once it got an official review this morning.

2:11 PM: The microquake’s been reviewed again and now the epicenter has been shifted south to White Center, 14th SW just south of Roxbury.

UPDATE: Small earthquake felt in West Seattle

8:52 AM: We didn’t feel it but several readers tell us they did – that was indeed a small earthquake, 3.2 magnitude, at 8:27 am, epicenter in Kitsap County, north of Bremerton.

9 AM: Here are more details from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (whose map we’ve added above).

9:23 AM: The PNSN site now shows a smaller quake, in that same area, 1.9 magnitude, about half an hour later. So far the reports we’ve had of people feeling the 3.2 quake here are from north West Seattle.

2:34 PM: Commenter aRF points out that the area has had a few more small quakes in the hours since.

Mioposto Admiral closed after staff member tests positive for COVID-19

Thanks for the tip: Mioposto‘s Admiral restaurant has announced online, and via a note on its door, that it’s temporarily closed:

Our Admiral location is temporarily closed as one of our employees has tested positive for the coronavirus. Out of an abundance of caution, we will be closing the restaurant for a few days while our entire staff gets tested and awaits results. We are having a professional cleaning crew completely disinfect all surfaces later today to ensure a safe reopening. While aiming for a Tuesday reopening, the safety and health of our staff and our community is our top priority and we continue to closely monitor the situation. Thank you for trusting us, we do not take it lightly, and we will see you soon. Take care of yourselves and each other!

GRATITUDE: Highland Park help from Duwamish Valley Youth Corps

The photo and words of gratitude for the Duwamish Valley Youth Corps are from Paula Huffman:

The morning of July 22, over 20 dedicated youths showed up to clean out a garbage and invasive plant mess in a greenbelt along 14th Avenue SW in Highland Park. This group provides restoration services for wetlands, greenbelts, and city raingardens. Supervisor Carmen Martinez says the group works for cookies and other refreshments. Carmen can be contacted at 206-816-2856. Highland Park residents really appreciate this group!

UPDATE: Yes, that was an earthquake. Strongest since Nisqually

3:05 AM: Texters reported feeling an earthquake, and indeed there was one, 4.7 magnitude – here’s the map. Epicenter was east of Everett. If you felt it, you can tell the USGS about it here.

3:17 AM: The USGS has revised the magnitude of the 2:51 am quake to 4.4.

3:25 AM: 4.4 isn’t huge but certainly the strongest in the region in quite some time. Here’s the page showing recent Puget Sound quakes. First quake of at least 4 magnitude since February 2017. (Here’s the list of other 4-or-greater quakes in our region, going back half a century. This was the second-strongest since the 2001 Nisqually quake.)

3:42 AM: Scientists have revised the magnitude again, now to 4.6. If that holds, it’s the highest-magnitude quake since Nisqually.

4:02 AM: One more link before we go back off watch for a while – the aftershocks are shown here.