West Seattle Event Calendar

Want your West Seattle event/meeting/etc. to be listed here? Please send basic info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thanks! Please include full details AS PLAIN TEXT IN YOUR E-MAIL, *not* in an attached doc/poster/flyer/etc. A web link for more info helps too. Thank you!

USING THE CALENDAR: Mouse over any entry to show the “plus” sign at right; click it to expand the item for more info without leaving this page; click “read more” for the FULL listing.

Chocolate Beer Week at The Beer Junction
Feb 13 – Feb 23 all-day

Chocolate Beer Week
2/13-2/23 All Day

The Beer Junction

Coming into February we ask ourselves, “what can we do that is the MOST opposite of Dry January?” Enter: Chocolate Beer Week; 10 days of absolute decadence at the hands of confection inspired beers. February 12th-23rd.
Valentine’s Day is a great time to welcome excess back into your life and it just so happens that our festival of overindulgence coincides. So skip the prix fixe, order a pie from one of the many lovely pizza paisanos in the Junction and bring it in to truly stuff yourself. Or at least come by for a night cap after your dinner res!
We’ve got beers inspired by the flavors of Snickers, Fudgesicles, Black Forest Cake, Chocolate Covered Cherries, Peppermint Bark, Mounds Bars, Coconut Creams, Oatmeal Cookies, Vanilla Lattes, Hazelnut Lattes, German Chocolate Cakes and Fluffernutters.

You know you need to indulge a little after this month, why not go all the way? See you soon!

The Good Society’s 5th-anniversary weekend
Feb 14 all-day

It’s been five years since we first opened our doors and shared our beer with you! The world looked a lot different on February 14th, 2020. But with your help, we persevered and made it this far. In those five years we have shared hundreds of thousands of beers, wine, cider, non-alcoholic beverages, pretzels, and pizzas together.

We’ve brewed thousands of barrels of beer across over 250 batches and over 130 recipes. We’ve won 22 medals for our beers including gold medals at the most prestigious and competitive competitions in the world – and we won Small Brewpub of the Year at the Great American Beer Festival. With your help, we’ve given back over $44,000 to our community and we survived a global pandemic.

This weekend we will drop GS5, our fifth anniversary beer. This year took the opportunity to work with a bunch of advanced hop products from Citra, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops. We also added Nectaron and Azacca to the mix for an insanely aromatic and juicy IPA.

But there’s more! We will also have casks of our oatmeal stout infused with chocolate and coconut on the bar at each location beginning Friday until they are gone. We will also have cakes at both locations from our friends Lovely & Dapper including one made with our stout. Saturday in West Seattle we will be doing our Smash After the Mash smash burger pop up from 4-7 PM. Saturday in Queen Anne we will have Anniversary Trivia at 3 PM. And on Sunday in West Seattle, the Westies Run Club will be running at 11:30 AM and Anniversary Trivia at 3 PM.

Valentine’s Day Bird Counts @ two locations, two times
Feb 14 all-day

“Valentine’s Day Bird Counts”

What: Two birding adventures in West Seattle Parks for the International Backyard Bird Count Event

Where/When: Delridge Community Center (All ages) Friday, February 14th 9:00 am-11:00 am; Westcrest Park (Ages 50+) Friday, February 14th 12:30-2:00 pm

Grab your love bird and join a Seattle Parks and Recreation Naturalist for the Great Backyard Bird Count on Valentine’s Day! Come to one of these two FREE community events in West Seattle and learn more about the local birds in your community. See you there!

Live Artist Showcase Night at The Spot West Seattle
Feb 14 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Friday – Live Artist Showcase Night at The Spot West Seattle 7 to 10 pm

‘Covenant’ evening performances at ArtsWest
Feb 14 @ 7:30 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

DJ Night at Revelry Room
Feb 14 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 15 @ 1:00 am

Fridays – DJ Night at Revelry Room (behind Jet City Labs) – enjoy cocktails and DJ sets by some of the region’s top DJs and musicians. Music 9p – 1a

Friday Night Karaoke at Talarico’s
Feb 14 @ 10:00 pm

Karaoke is back on Friday nights! 10 pm with Rone

The Good Society’s 5th-anniversary weekend
Feb 15 all-day

It’s been five years since we first opened our doors and shared our beer with you! The world looked a lot different on February 14th, 2020. But with your help, we persevered and made it this far. In those five years we have shared hundreds of thousands of beers, wine, cider, non-alcoholic beverages, pretzels, and pizzas together.

We’ve brewed thousands of barrels of beer across over 250 batches and over 130 recipes. We’ve won 22 medals for our beers including gold medals at the most prestigious and competitive competitions in the world – and we won Small Brewpub of the Year at the Great American Beer Festival. With your help, we’ve given back over $44,000 to our community and we survived a global pandemic.

This weekend we will drop GS5, our fifth anniversary beer. This year took the opportunity to work with a bunch of advanced hop products from Citra, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops. We also added Nectaron and Azacca to the mix for an insanely aromatic and juicy IPA.

But there’s more! We will also have casks of our oatmeal stout infused with chocolate and coconut on the bar at each location beginning Friday until they are gone. We will also have cakes at both locations from our friends Lovely & Dapper including one made with our stout. Saturday in West Seattle we will be doing our Smash After the Mash smash burger pop up from 4-7 PM. Saturday in Queen Anne we will have Anniversary Trivia at 3 PM. And on Sunday in West Seattle, the Westies Run Club will be running at 11:30 AM and Anniversary Trivia at 3 PM.

Free group run with West Seattle Runner
Feb 15 @ 8:00 am

Free weekly group run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Embodiment Unwinds Trauma @ Bend N Move
Feb 15 @ 9:00 am

Embodiment Unwinds Trauma @ Bend N Move
by Life in the Body

The body holds traumas large and small. From the daily grind in our society to stressful life transitions, to more acute events, no one is free from the impacts of trauma. Saturdays at Bend N Move is one piece of the puzzle to unwind trauma with movement designed to bring you into your body where you’ll get in touch with the tensions and patterns you’re holding, all while simultaneously and gradually releasing them. Sign up at www.bendnmove.com/class-schedule

Saturdays 9 am.
Jan 4, 11, 18, 25, Feb 15, 22 and March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29

Heavily Meditated @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary & Studio
Feb 15 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Heavily Meditated, a community meditation.
Saturdays 9-10 am.
Free event – register at: eventbrite.com/e/1089384170379?aff=oddtdtcreator

Walking for Well-Being — Introductory 1-Mile Walk
Feb 15 @ 9:30 am

Walking for Well-Being–Introductory 1 Mile Walk (flat, no hills) @ Lincoln Park on Saturdays at 9:30 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in Lincoln Park — Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering approximately 1.0 mile on the upper portion of Lincoln Park and is over flat terrain in less than half an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Walking for Well-Being, Saturdays @ 47th/Fauntleroy
Feb 15 @ 10:00 am

Walking for Well-Being—Move together in nature, Wednesdays/Saturdays @Lincoln Park 10:00 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Free Saturday writing group
Feb 15 @ 10:30 am

(For location – see this site.)

This is a FREE, WEEKLY, IN-PERSON active writing group grounded in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. It is a safe, critique-free space.

WRITERS OF ALL LEVELS WELCOME. Whether you haven’t picked up a pen since high school or are a pro, you are welcome. 16 and up. For more on AWA method go to Amherstwriters.org.

THE COVID RULES: To protect our immunocompromised writers, we ask that all participants be vaccinated against COVID and, if eligible, receive timely COVID variant boosters. We follow the King County Health Department recommendations regarding masking, OR if any member of our group requests it, we will all wear masks even if KCHD does not recommend it. Please bring a mask just in case. We have extras. Thank you for doing your part to protect members whose medical concerns or treatments make COVID infection potentially deadly.

REGISTRATION IS FREE BUT REQUIRED: Go to meetup.com/seattle-writers-block


1-3 writing sessions within each 3-hour meeting. Expect to be writing for approximately 2 hours. Writing prompts will be offered as a starting point, use them or follow your own muse. After each writing session, those who wish are invited to read their work aloud for encouraging, positive response. We do not critique each other’s writing, but instead support the work and the effort.


Snacks to share

Whatever you like to write on (paper, computer, papyrus . . .)

Ready encouragement for other writers


Pieces you’ve already written. Sharing in this group is limited to work written during the session.

Judgment of others efforts

GriefShare @ Grace Church
Feb 15 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend.
Griefshare meeting provides 13-week session beginning Saturday, February 8th, 2025 from 10:30- 12:30 and ends May 10th, 2025. Room 128 downstairs.

Contact Debbie Bacon 509-560-3414 or griefshare.org.

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 15 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Family reading time at Paper Boat Booksellers
Feb 15 @ 11:00 am

Regular weekly family reading time.

Sale at South Delridge KAVU
Feb 15 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

KAVU Buzznard Winter Warehouse Sale

Surprise! Another warehouse sale, so spontaneous right? Why you ask? Because everyone deserves a slice of the KAVU mindset!


The act of buzzing hard on life
To buzz hard on life

Saturday February 8th – Monday February 17th


80% off all Summer 2024 goods
50-70% Off Fall/Winter 2024
All Bags 60-80% Off
Select Clothing, Bags, Hats $5, $10, $20
Best selection Feb 8-10, sale all week!
Free gift for first 100 customers Feb 8th!

9064 Delridge Way
Tues-Sun: 11-6

West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 15 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

Tue/Thu: 5 pm–8 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am–4 pm

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Feather in the Wind Pop-Up Art Show @ Alki Arts' upstairs annex
Feb 15 @ 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Feather in the Wind Pop-Up Art Show

Please join us for a 3 day-Valentine-weekend- pop-up art show in West Seattle… 5 participating artists creating a one of a kind shopping experience in the upstairs annex of Alki Arts Gallery, 6030 California Avenue SW.

Thursday, February 13th 5-8 pm Opening reception during Art Walk hours
Friday, February 14th 12-6 pm
Saturday February 15th 12-6 pm

Stop in for bubbles and bites during this one-weekend show to see the work of a group of West Seattle artists. We sure hope to see you there!

Included artists:

*Kassie Hennessey: When Feathers Appear

*Johanna Lindsay: Penguina Designs

*Marie Tornow: Beachwood Pottery

*Gretchen Flickinger: G Flickinger Art Design

*Suzanne Uschold: Fine Art Quilts

Build animals with Kirsten at The Clay Cauldron
Feb 15 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

February 8, 15, 22, 1 – 3, $45, Handbuilt animals with Kirsten at the Clay Cauldron, 5214 Delridge Way SW, www.theclaycauldron.com, text frances at 206-330-7027 to sign-up or for more information. Create a sculpted animal and add color with slip.

Baby/toddler groups @ Viva Art
Feb 15 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Sat 1/4 3 pm-4:30 pm: Baby Massage Class

Sat 1/11 3-4:30 pm: Pre-Crawlers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 1/25 3-4:30 pm: Crawlers to Walkers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 2/1 3-4:30 pm: Baby Massage Class

Sat 2/15 3-4:30 pm: Pre-Crawlers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 2/22 3-4:30 pm: Crawlers to Walkers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 3/1 3-4:30 pm: Early Speech Skills and Baby Sign Play Group

Event details:
$30 per session (or pay what you can)
Registration required- calendly.com/seattlespecialists

Located at VivaArts (near Trader Joe’s in West Seattle)- 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW. (Limited parking is available in the lot behind the neighboring brewery building)

Come meet other families and learn new skills to support your little one’s development from an infant and toddler development specialist with over 15 years of experience. Each play group or class has a different area of focus, and all are interactive and individualized.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about a specific play group or class, please contact Rachel Medina

Text or Call 206-822-7633

Walk-in Massage Clinic at Nepenthe
Feb 15 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Walk-in Massage Clinic
9447 35th Ave SW
Saturdays 3-5 pm
*First come first served
*Short specific sessions

Rainier Roller Riot bout at Southgate Roller Rink
Feb 15 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The Heartbreak Brawl: Rainier Roller Riot v. South Sound Roller Derby

Location: Southgate Roller Rink – 9646 17th Avenue SW, White Center

Date & Time: Saturday, February 15th – 5 pm – 8 pm

Event Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-heartbreak-brawl-rainier-roller-riot-vs-south-sound-roller-derby-tickets-1133488066319

Dinner and a movie are so over! Bring your sweetheart, crush, or situationship to the date of a lifetime — our day-after-Valentine’s bout with South Sound Roller Derby! This bout includes an extra-special preshow by local drag artists and other surprise performers.

4:30 pm – Doors Open

5:00 pm – Pre-Show

6:30 pm – First Whistle

8:30 pm – After-Party

‘Covenant’ evening performances at ArtsWest
Feb 15 @ 7:30 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

Beats at Revelry Room
Feb 15 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 16 @ 1:00 am

Beats on Saturdays:

DJ sets by some of the region’s top DJs and musicians. 9 pm – 1 am.

Saturday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Feb 15 @ 10:00 pm

Saturdays at 10 PM we have Karaoke

The Good Society’s 5th-anniversary weekend
Feb 16 all-day

It’s been five years since we first opened our doors and shared our beer with you! The world looked a lot different on February 14th, 2020. But with your help, we persevered and made it this far. In those five years we have shared hundreds of thousands of beers, wine, cider, non-alcoholic beverages, pretzels, and pizzas together.

We’ve brewed thousands of barrels of beer across over 250 batches and over 130 recipes. We’ve won 22 medals for our beers including gold medals at the most prestigious and competitive competitions in the world – and we won Small Brewpub of the Year at the Great American Beer Festival. With your help, we’ve given back over $44,000 to our community and we survived a global pandemic.

This weekend we will drop GS5, our fifth anniversary beer. This year took the opportunity to work with a bunch of advanced hop products from Citra, Mosaic, and Simcoe hops. We also added Nectaron and Azacca to the mix for an insanely aromatic and juicy IPA.

But there’s more! We will also have casks of our oatmeal stout infused with chocolate and coconut on the bar at each location beginning Friday until they are gone. We will also have cakes at both locations from our friends Lovely & Dapper including one made with our stout. Saturday in West Seattle we will be doing our Smash After the Mash smash burger pop up from 4-7 PM. Saturday in Queen Anne we will have Anniversary Trivia at 3 PM. And on Sunday in West Seattle, the Westies Run Club will be running at 11:30 AM and Anniversary Trivia at 3 PM.

Westies Run Club: Sunday Funday Runday @ rotating locations
Feb 16 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Join us for a conversational 3-5 mile run, then hang out after for a coffee & bite to eat! Find us on Heylo: heylo.group/westies-run-club or on IG @westiesrunclub to see our rotating locations as we explore West Seattle.

American Mah Jongg at The Missing Piece, Sundays
Feb 16 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

American Mah Jongg
At The Missing Piece in West Seattle (Roxbury and 35th Ave SW)
9456 35th Ave SW

All playing levels are welcome! We are an open, friendly group of experienced and newer players who play American Mah Jongg and follow NMJL rules. Please bring a current NMJL card with you. If you don’t have one, someone usually has an extra card to loan out. On Wednesdays we have drop-in games between noon – 4 PM, we also meet on Sundays 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

For more info, email Stacey Rea: stacey1955@gmail.com

Weekly Group Polar Plunge at Alki @ Statue of Liberty Plaza
Feb 16 @ 9:30 am

Group Polar Plunge at Alki – Every Sunday at 9:30 am

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 am at Alki for a group plunge in the Sound. We meet at the picnic tables west of the Bathhouse.

No prior experience necessary! If you’re new to plunging, we’ll help you through it.

For event updates, sign up for our email list on our website (https://www.coldwatercollective.net) and follow us on Instagram @coldwatercollective_seattle

West Seattle Farmers Market @ West Seattle Junction
Feb 16 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Every Sunday, year-round! In The West Seattle Junction, on California Ave SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska. Look for the newest Ripe ‘n’ Ready List here.

Donation drives at Alki UCC
Feb 16 @ 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Alki UCC’s Food/Clothing/Outdoor Gear Donations Drive
Third Sunday of the month from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
September 15, October 20, November 17, December 15, January 19, February 16, March 16, April 20, May 18, June 15, July 20

Front Courtyard/6115 SW Hinds

Priorities change monthly to meet special and seasonal needs — so please check our website for updates.

The Westside Interfaith Network (WIN), our donations drive partner, requests non-perishable food/personal hygiene items as well as men’s work clothing, socks, work boots, etc. Outdoor gear is always needed: blankets, tents, tarps, backpacks, etc.

Your donations are distributed through WIN’s “Welcome Table,” a weekly Saturday meal for unsheltered and low-income folks hosted in White Center. This distribution serves as a stop-gap for many people relying on weekly visits to the food bank.

Please note! Can’t make it to the monthly drive? No problem! Just leave your donations in the barrel outside the church’s front entrance … at your convenience.

IF YOU WANT TO DONATE MORE THAN 3 BAGS, PLEASE CONTACT US FIRST TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS. We unfortunately don’t have the storage space or staff to accommodate large donations between drives.

Deepest gratitude to our community for your generous support of our neighbors in need.

Sale at South Delridge KAVU
Feb 16 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

KAVU Buzznard Winter Warehouse Sale

Surprise! Another warehouse sale, so spontaneous right? Why you ask? Because everyone deserves a slice of the KAVU mindset!


The act of buzzing hard on life
To buzz hard on life

Saturday February 8th – Monday February 17th


80% off all Summer 2024 goods
50-70% Off Fall/Winter 2024
All Bags 60-80% Off
Select Clothing, Bags, Hats $5, $10, $20
Best selection Feb 8-10, sale all week!
Free gift for first 100 customers Feb 8th!

9064 Delridge Way
Tues-Sun: 11-6

West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 16 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

Tue/Thu: 5 pm–8 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am–4 pm

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Sunday Run Club @ Ounces
Feb 16 @ 12:00 pm

Sunday Run Club
Takes place every Sunday at noon at Ounces.

Run is open to all running levels and starts/finishes at Ounces. Runners can go at their own pace and distance. Just show up at Ounces at noon on any Sunday to run! Strollers and pets welcome.


Music workshops at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church
Feb 16 @ 12:15 pm – 1:30 pm

St John the Baptist Episcopal Church invites anyone who is interested in singing to join us for a series of music workshops every other Sunday afternoon from 12:15-1:30 pm beginning February 2nd. Reading music and singing are skills that everyone can learn, develop, and share! Whether you’re in the SJB choir, sing at home, or even if you have no musical background but want to learn, join SJB’s Choir Director, Dr. Thomas Alaan, to explore how you can develop your skills – this workshop is for all levels of musical ability!

We’ll explore written music notation, how to read rhythms and notes, learn how your voice works, how to sing with more confidence, and more. RSVP is requested but not required. Please visit sjbwestseattle.org/events/music-talks to RSVP or request more information. We hope you will join us on Sunday afternoons from 12:15-1:30 pm on 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16, and 3/30. Affiliation with the church is not required and all are welcome! St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church is located at 3050 California Ave SW in the Admiral District of West Seattle.

Chamber Music Festival @ St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church
Feb 16 @ 1:30 pm

Music Northwest hosts a Chamber Music Festival on Sunday February 16th, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church. Violinist Quinn Price and pianist Jane Harty present music of Aaron Copland, Jean Sibelius, and Johannes Brahms at 3 pm. A free pre-concert event begins at 1:30 featuring participants in the Music Northwest Adult Chamber Music Camp.

Tickets for the Festival are available at musicnorthwest.org. Free tickets for students age 26 and under are available by contacting Music Northwest 24 hours in advance. 206 937 9792.

Come and join us for a brief respite from chaos!

Kavon Samadi at Tim’s Tavern
Feb 16 @ 2:00 pm
Sunday Cribbage at West Seattle Eagles
Feb 16 @ 2:00 pm
‘Covenant’ matinees at ArtsWest
Feb 16 @ 3:00 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

Triangular Jazztet at The Alley
Feb 16 @ 8:00 pm

Two sets, 8 pm and 9 pm, on Sundays.

Sunday karaoke at Admiral Pub
Feb 16 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 17 @ 1:30 am

Sundays & Wednesdays, 9 pm-1:30 am – Karaoke with KJ host and West Seattle legend Loretta.

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 17 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Crafting & Creativity Night at The Missing Piece
Feb 17 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Crafting & Creativity Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW

What’s your creative outlet? Knitting? Painting miniatures? Creative writing? Sketching? Calligraphy? Something else? Bring your supplies and come in to work on your crafts and hobbies at our big tables with other like-minded creative types!

Listening to Grief Peer Support Groups @ Mama Be Well Healing Studio
Feb 17 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Grief Support Groups

Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing. Every participant has dedicated time to speak about whatever they’d like, without judgment or interruption. Talking about our deceased loved ones in a supportive environment helps us remember them fully and helps us learn to carry the weight of their loss a little more gently.

These are ongoing, drop-in groups, but space is limited. Because of the sensitive nature of traumatic loss, the Thursday group is open only for those who are traumatic loss survivors. Learn more and register at listeningtogrief.com/groups. Contact Tamara at tamara@listeningtogrief.com with questions.

Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 9:30 am-11:00 am at Nurture Wellbeing Studio 102
Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at Mama Be Well Healing Studio

$32/session. 4 sessions for $102 (use within 6 weeks). Discounts are available for those who could otherwise not afford to attend.

Open D&D at Meeples Games
Feb 17 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Mondays: 6:30-10 pm
Open D&D

Seattle’s largest open D&D group can be found at Meeples Games. First time playing? No problem. Experienced player? Great! This group is for everyone from beginners of all age groups.

Each drop in session is $5, with a chance to join one of the continued campaigns. Seats are first come first serve.

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society
Feb 17 @ 7:00 pm

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society Public House (California/Lander).

•Hosted by Will.
• 7-9 pm
•Teams up to 8 people welcome.
•$2/person entry – winner take all.
•$20 gift card as second place

Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge
Feb 17 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

7 pm & 8 pm. Join us for drinks, grub and lots ‘o trivia. Free to play and open to anyone 21 and older.

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation @ Fauntleroy UCC
Feb 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation
7:00 – 8:30 pm (repeats every Monday)

The Chapel, Room 402, at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church or Christ

9140 California Ave SW
Contact: pr@pszc.org

Puget Sound Zen hosts a weekly Monday evening sitting/meditation in the Chapel, Room 402 at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church of Christ. Evenings will consist of chanting, meditation and discussion.

Everyone is welcome – people from all different meditation/spiritual traditions, people who have never meditated, and people who are curious.

If you arrive 10 minutes before the service we’ll give you some brief instructions, or you can just walk in and follow along.

Trivia w/Quizfix @ The Skylark
Feb 17 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Quiz Night on Monday nights, 7:30 pm, at The Skylark – Free to play!

Six Rounds, ten questions each. This includes an audio round, a picture round, three themed rounds and a random round with questions from several different categories. Maximum of 6 team members to be eligible for prizes.

1st place: $25 gift certificate
2nd place: $15 gift certificate
next to last place: pitcher of Cold Beer Pilsner

Seattle’s Best Trivia Night is at the Skylark every Monday. Come early to grab a table and dinner.

The Westside Trio at The Alley
Feb 17 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Westside Trio
The Alley
Mondays 8-10 pm
No cover charge

Monday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Feb 17 @ 9:00 pm

Update: We will have Karaoke every Monday starting at 9 pm.

Early morning F3 men’s workout group at Hiawatha
Feb 18 @ 5:30 am

F3, a free national men’s workout group:

We have a local workout location that meets at Hiawatha park on Tuesday mornings at 5:30 am sharp. The group has been around for a few years, so many folks that are up early might have come across us before doing burpees or pushups and counting out loud. We’d love to extend the invite to men of any fitness level – we work out as a group and don’t leave anyone behind, come as you are and hopefully leave a bit better.

The workout is 45 minutes long and then we all get coffee at West Seattle Grounds. You don’t need to bring anything special, just wear comfortable athletic clothes appropriate for the weather and some sneakers. Some work or gardening gloves can be helpful if you have a pair. Just don’t be late or the whole group is doing penalty burpees.

More info on our website

Enhance Fitness classes with Lifelong Recreation @ High Point Community Center
Feb 18 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Lifelong Recreation is excited to announce that new Enhance Fitness classes for adults ages 50+ are coming to West Seattle at High Point Community Center, starting in January! We are accepting new participants at any time. Please join us on Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am with instructor Novella Fraser. Enhance Fitness is an evidence-based fitness program for older adults that combines cardio, light strength training, stretching and balance exercises, and Novella makes it super fun! Enhance Fitness is adaptable to all fitness levels and needs.

The Winter class session is Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 am Jan. 7 – March 18.

Cost is $88 for Self-Pay, or is free if you have the Silver&Fit or OnePass insurance wellness benefit. If you’re new to taking Enhance Fitness classes with Seattle Parks and Recreation, please fill out this form prior to registration to verify your Silver&Fit/OnePass status: https://seattlegov.na1.adobesign.com/public/esignWidget?wid=CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhB1XpzWitrQNY3GNO4FcjET3HLkyp2ahWUX1KdrXD7pYC_tcsk5widBYOxqNpUOUuE*

For any questions, please contact masha.shtern@seattle.gov or 206-450-9522

Class info: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search?onlineSiteId=0&activity_select_param=2&site_ids=132&activity_keyword=enhance&viewMode=list

To learn about other Lifelong Recreation programs, view our Winter catalog here: https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/ParksAndRecreation/Programs/LifelongRecreation/LRP-Winter_2025.pdf

Limited scholarship funds are available through Seattle Parks and Recreation for this or any other activity: https://seattle.gov/parks/scholarships-and-financial-aid

Qi-Gong sessions at Viva Arts @ Times: 10-11 T-Th, 12:15-12:45 Fri
Feb 18 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 10-11 AM, and every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM (only with 7 days prior reservation)
Where: Viva Arts, 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW, West Seattle

Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.

Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links:

Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Thursday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1120273782039?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

No class on March 25th, 27th and 28th.

Postcards4Democracy, Tuesday gatherings @ C & P Coffee Company
Feb 18 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Postcards4Democracy – West Seattle gathers at C&P Coffee every Tuesday
10:30 – 12 Noon year-round to handwrite reminders urging Democrats and
Independents to register and vote. Bring stamps and postcards — or
we’ll do what we can to get you started.

(Postcards4Democracy also meets all this summer on Saturdays 12-2 pm at C&P.)

Website: www.Postcards4democracy.org

email: postcards4democracyWS@gmail.com

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 18 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Tuesday wine tastings at Walter’s Wine Shop
Feb 18 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Walter’s Wine Shop is hosting wine tastings on Tuesdays! September is focused on California state wines/

This is a drop-in event, no reservations needed; from 5-7 pm. Costs $10 and if you buy a bottle you get $5 off

Weekly demonstration for racial justice
Feb 18 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


SAME PLACE: The intersection of 16th Ave. SW & SW Holden St.; West Seattle


TIME: 5:00-6:00 pm

Join members of Hate Free Delridge and Puget Ridge Cohousing for this ongoing community sign-waving event and help spread the message that Black Lives Matter and the time to end systemic racism is NOW! We have signs to share or bring your own!

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 18 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Scrabble Night at The Missing Piece
Feb 18 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Scrabble Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW


Join us for some casual Scrabble…all experience levels welcome! We encourage you to bring your set along in case we have several tables of players.

West Seattle Ukulele Players’ evening meetup @ Good Society
Feb 18 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

West Seattle Ukulele Players, WSUP! Meet the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6-8pm. Gather to sing and play Ukuleles, on outside covered patio at Good Society Brewery & Pub! All levels welcome. The next one is Feb 18th.
Email for more info, westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com

Free track run with West Seattle Runner
Feb 18 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly track run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron
Feb 18 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday evening 6:30 – 9:00 is Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron. Guided projects offered or work on your own projects. Potluck snacks, wine and beverages offered. Sign up in advance – 206-330-7027, www.theclaycauldron.com, theclaycauldron5214@gmail.com

West Seattle Toastmasters 832 @ online
Feb 18 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

TOASTMASTERS 832: Join us online at 6:30 p.m. to work on your public speaking, communication, and leadership skills! RSVP for Zoom link: wstoastmasters832@gmail.com. Upcoming meeting dates: February 4 and 18, March 4. Find out more at westseattletm832.org.

Belle of the Balls Bingo @ The Skylark
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm

Free to play every Tuesday – now at 7 pm. New, silly prizes every week and fun for the whole family.

PFLAG meeting in West Seattle @ Admiral Church
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

*Changed since launch to third Tuesdays at 7 pm per church website*

Sporcle Pub Quiz trivia at The Beer Junction
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm

Sporcle Pub Quiz with @pubquizdavid is now at Beer Junction every Tuesday night at 7 pm and 8 pm.

Trivia and Tacos @ Admiral Pub
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday Trivia and Tacos

Join us for Trivia. 5 rounds of trivia, it’s free to play with big cash prizes. $75 cash for 1st / $50 cash for 2nd place and a $50 gift card for 3rd place.

Trivia at Future Primitive on Alki
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

From Amelia:

! I’m going to be hosting a new weekly trivia night at Future Primitive down at Alki.

Tuesday Trivia at Future Primitive’s Alki Beach Bar
2536 Alki Ave SW
7-8:30 pm
Teams up to 6 people welcome
Free to play, gift cards for top two teams

Trivia at Ounces
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm

Tuesday Trivia

Free Tuesday Trivia every Tuesday night at 7 pm

More details here: ounceswestseattle.com/upcoming-events

Tuesday night trivia at Zeeks Pizza West Seattle
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm

Free trivia, teams of up to 6, happy-hour prizes for beverages and food. With Geeks Who Drink.

West Seattle Dharma at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse
Feb 18 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

West Seattle Dharma – New Monthly Meditation – Every 3rd Tuesday, 7-8:30 pm

Trivia Tuesdays at Christos on Alki
Feb 18 @ 7:15 pm

Trivia Tuesday at Christo’s on Alki. 7:15 pm.
$2 Buy in. 1st Place- Cash. 2nd & 3rd Place Prizes.
Random Bonus Prize Questions.
$6 Drafts. $6 Wells. $7 Wine. 1/2 Price Appetizers

ONGOING: Pottering Series at the Clay Cauldron @ times vary
Feb 19 all-day

Pottering Series at the Clay Cauldron
Instructor Lora Radford

Explore the world of clay at the Clay Cauldron. Classes are now open for the Autumn 2024 and Winter 2025 quarters. The Pottering series is designed for beginner potters who enjoy learning how to create simple, yet functional ceramics. You will learn various techniques including rolling, forming, smoothing, pinch pots, and glazing.

The classes are limited to six students to maintain a hands-on and immersive experience. Experience the world of pottery by yourself or bring some friends. You will be a part of the pottery community of creators as we explore the medium together.

Your creations will be glazed and fired in the kiln. You can pick up your creations 3 weeks after the class. The Pottering instructor will email you when your piece is ready. Please pick up your piece within 14 days of the email.

15 mins Welcome and overview

75 mins Hand building

15 mins Break and glazing transition

60 mins Glazing

15 mins Clean up and payment

Payment: Venmo/PayPal/Credit Card + $1.50 fee

$40 per class

3 HRs

Includes: Clay, tools, glazing, kiln firing, guided instruction

Bring: Snacks and beverages (wine, beer or nonalcoholic)

Optional: Apron

Register at potteringclasses@gmail.com with your name, class title, and class date. You will receive a confirmation email and also a reminder email 3 days before your class.

The Clay Cauldron is located at 5214 Delridge Way SW

Street parking is available

For Questions about the Pottering Series: Email Lora potteringclasses@gmail.com

For Questions about the Clay Cauldron: Email Frances theclaycauldron5214@gmail.com

Make a Luminary

Create a pierced constellation, ceramic luminary. Reminiscent of the night sky, your handmade luminary emanates a soft glow when lit with a candle. You will learn slab rolling, piercing, joining, and glazing.

Friday, September 13 – 6pm to 9pm

Saturday, October 5 – 1pm to 4pm (Autumn theme)

Saturday, November 16 – 1pm to 4pm (Snowflake theme)

Make Two Bee Bowls

Thirsty pollinators will celebrate your garden with two flower-inspired staked bee bowls. Each bee bowl will be completed with a teeny tiny bee. You will learn how to create pinch pots, roll and form clay, use techniques to create a flower and glazing.

Wednesday, September 18 – 6pm to 9pm

Saturday, March 15 – 1pm to 4pm

Wednesday, March 19 – 6pm to 9pm

Make a Botanical Bowl

Using stones and botanicals forged from the natural environment, your botanical bowl will be hand-formed around large stones with pressed leaves. You will learn slab rolling, pressing, smoothing, forming, glazing.

Friday, September 27 – 6pm to 9pm

Wednesday, November 20 – 6pm to 9pm

Monday, January 27 – 6pm to 9pm

Make a Travel Mug

Take your creativity to go. Create a ceramic travel mug or rounded travel cup. Each mug or cup is complete with a reusable straw. You’ll choose the style. You will learn slab rolling, knife work, smoothing, joining, and glazing.

Saturday, September 28 – 11am to 2pm

Friday, December 13 – 6pm to 9pm

Wednesday, February 19 – 6pm to 9pm

Make a Dog Dish

Woof! Your puppers deserves a custom dog dish. You decide the size of the dish based on your dog’s desire. You will customize your dog dish by stamping the name of your pup and an *imprint of their paw! You will learn slab rolling, joining, stamping, smoothing and glazing. Food safe finish.

*We will arrange prior to your class a piece of clay wrapped in plastic wrap you can pick up from the studio.

Friday, October 11 – 6pm to 9pm

Monday, January 6 – 6pm to 9pm

Saturday, March 1 – 1pm to 4pm

Make Small Cat Bowl

Meow! Create the cutest of cat bowls. Your bowl is crafted to look like your cat! The bowl is designed with cat ears and the instructor will give you direction how to paint to *resemble your feline. You will stamp your kitty’s name for a final flourish. You will learn slab rolling, joining, smoothing, stamping, forming, painting and glazing. Food safe finish.

*Bring a picture of your cat looking at your phone camera or photograph for reference.

Wednesday, October 16 – 6pm to 9pm

Wednesday, January 15 – 6pm to 9pm

Monday, February 3 – 6pm to 6pm

Make a Spiral Serving Bowl

This unique out-of-this-world spiral galaxy bowl will be a showstopper on any table. Large enough to hold charcuterie snacks, dip, crackers and other assorted delights. You will learn slab rolling, cutting, smoothing, forming, joining and glazing. Food safe finish.

Friday, October 25 – 6pm to 9pm

Saturday, December 7 – 11am to 2pm

Monday, February 10 – 6pm to 9pm

Instructor bio: Lora enjoys the mindfulness of creating forms that mirror the natural world. She finds ways to envision nature and turn it into functionality. Her practice of making pottery is centered by her joy of teaching and guiding others.

“You’re like the Bob Ross of pottery.”

-Student Jessica Z.

Gift certificates available – give the gift of creativity! Email lora potteringclasses@gmail.com to purchase, or purchase in-person the day of your class.

Follow The Clay Cauldron on Facebook and Instagram @the.clay.cauldron

Follow Pottering’s events Facebook and Instagram @potteringclasses

All designs are the property of Pottering.

Walking for Well-Being, Wednesdays @ Meet at 47th/Fauntleroy
Feb 19 @ 10:00 am

Walking for Well-Being—Move together in nature, Wednesdays/Saturdays @Lincoln Park 10:00 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Toddler Reading Time at Paper Boat Booksellers
Feb 19 @ 10:30 am

Toddler Reading Time every Wednesday at 10:30 am!

Day of Remembrance for Japanese American Incarceration: Healing through Art, Music, and Storytelling @ South Seattle College Olympic Hall and online
Feb 19 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Day of Remembrance for Japanese American Incarceration: Healing through Art, Music, and Storytelling

Please join us virtually or in person at South Seattle College (SSC) on February 19 for our event commemorating Day of Remembrance for Japanese American Incarceration. SSC Music Faculty Mako Kikuchi will speak about his family’s experience of forced removal and incarceration during WWII and will perform excerpts from his forthcoming EP In Shadows alongside sanshin player and vocalist Mako Willett. Dee Goto, Joe Abo, and Mary Abo, members of the Omoide Project, will be in conversation with Kikuchi to discuss the importance of storytelling to heal from trauma and ensure that history does not repeat.

Refreshments will be provided after the program.

Attendees who would like to attend virtually can register for and access the event using this link: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_G-bw_hEATuSvWS49kCO0xg.

We look forward to gathering and sharing stories with you all! Please reach out to mako.kikuchi@seattlecolleges.edu with any questions about the event. Sponsored by the Kip Tokuda Civil Liberties Program, 4Culture, South Seattle College ACO, and AANAPISI.

Featuring live performances and conversations with:
Mako Kikuchi, South Seattle Music Faculty
Mako Willett, Sanshin Player and Vocalist
The Omoide Project, Japanese American Writing Group

DATE: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
TIME: 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
LOCATION: South Seattle College, 6000 16th Ave SW , West Seattle, WA 98106 / Olympic Hall, Room 120 – South Seattle College Campus (“OLY” on the campus map)

Midday Eucharist at First Lutheran Church of West Seattle
Feb 19 @ 11:45 am

Mid-Day Eucharist at First Lutheran Church

Wednesdays at 11:45

Looking for spiritual nourishment? Join us every Wednesday on your lunch break for our mid-day Eucharist service. First Lutheran Church of West Seattle, 4105 California Ave. SW, in the Chapel. 206-935-6530, admin@flcws.org

American Mah Jongg at The Missing Piece
Feb 19 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

American Mah Jongg
At The Missing Piece in West Seattle (Roxbury and 35th Ave SW)
9456 35th Ave SW

All playing levels are welcome! We are an open, friendly group of experienced and newer players who play American Mah Jongg and follow NMJL rules. Please bring a current NMJL card with you. If you don’t have one, someone usually has an extra card to loan out. On Wednesdays we have drop-in games between noon – 4 PM, we also meet on Sundays 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

For more info, email Stacey Rea: stacey1955@gmail.com

ReJuvenate Yoga at Viva Arts
Feb 19 @ 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

At Viva Arts studio: vivaartsseattle.com

ReJuvenate Yoga – a class for all on Wednesdays from 1:30-2:30 $20 drop in.

Toddler Story Time at Southwest Branch Library
Feb 19 @ 3:00 pm – 3:30 pm

At Toddler Story Time, kids ages 1-3 and their families can enjoy songs, stories, and music.

Southwest Branch
Registration is not required.

About this event

In this all-singing, all-dancing class, toddlers and their caregivers learn how to develop early literacy skills through dancing, music, and stories.

Early Learning is a great way for toddlers and their families to develop learning, literacy, and language skills as well as community with other families.

Fix-It Workshop at West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 19 @ 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Every Wednesday
5:30 pm-7:30 pm
West Seattle Tool Librar
y (Youngstown Cultural Arts Center)

Tools, appliances, small electronics, and more! Use the tools and facilities of the shop and pick our librarians’ brains to get your damaged equipment back in the action.

Availability is first-come-first-served. This workshop is provided free of charge, though donations are appreciated!

We ask that all items brought for repair be of reasonable size. We are unable to service pressure vessels, refrigeration equipment, firearms, and high-voltage electrical components.


Healing Through Creativity: a 14-Week Journey Through The Artist’s Way @ online
Feb 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Healing Through Creativity: a 14-Week Journey Through The Artist’s Way
Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:00 pm on 10/23, 10/30, 11/6, 11/13, 11/20, 12/6, 12/13, 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19
Where: Online

Are you ready to rediscover your creative spark and reconnect with what truly brings you joy? Join an intimate group of five for a transformative 14-week journey through the book The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron. This small, supportive space is designed for healers, wanderers, and creatives who seek to recover their sense of creativity, process fear, and move forward with renewed passion. It’s perfect for those seeking a blend of professional emotional support, structured creative practices, and soulful community. In this group, you’ll develop a daily journaling practice to deepen self-awareness, create a weekly self-care practice that nurtures your inner child, learn how to move through the fear of failure in a safe, structured environment, be seen, heard, and supported as you navigate the messiness of transformation, and connect with others in a gentle, healing space that encourages your authentic self to shine. Each group meeting will start with a grounding and breathing practice to help you feel more centered. Then everyone will have time to share their answers to the weekly prompts and process personal experiences of practicing and implementing the exercises from The Artist’s Way. There will also be time to share any feelings, memories, creative output, and/or synchronicities that arose during the week. All group members will be a witness to each others’ creative expressions and personal experiences, holding space for each other respectfully and compassionately. The group will end with a guided meditation and relaxation practice to help you transition out of the group. By the end of this 14-week journey, you’ll have cultivated a mindset of openness and feel empowered to embrace new possibilities with confidence and clarity.

Cost: $60/meeting ($840 for all 14 meetings)
More information & Registration Link:

Watercolor Mixed-Media Art Classes @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
West Seattle Runner’s free group run
Feb 19 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly group run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Live music at Locöl
Feb 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Free Live Music Wednesdays!
7902 35th Ave SW
Rotating Artists
6:30 – 8:30

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary/Studio
Feb 19 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Kundalini Yoga and Gong Bath
Every Wednesday 7-8:30 pm

Music Bingo at The Good Society
Feb 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Do you love music? Do you like games? Come check out Music Bingo at Good Society every Wednesday from 7-9 PM! Bring your friends and enjoy some tunes and brews with chances to win prizes!

Open Mic Night @ Skylark Café & Club
Feb 19 @ 7:30 pm – 11:00 pm

Fully backlined open mic at Skylark free every Wednesday, 7:30 pm sign-up 7:30pm sign-up /Music starts at 8:30 (The line to sign up often starts to form around 7:00 so get here early!)

It’s great for musicians, but it is also a great night out to see some of Seattle’s best up and coming musicians.

  • No host to hog the spotlight, just bands/solo acts and a friendly, experienced sound engineer
  • >Full 16 track recordings of your set available for purchase ($10 for solo acts, $20 for bands), make a demo!
  • Full menu and bar available with 12 beers on tap
  • All genres welcome: solo, acoustic, electronica, full bands, and comedy of any type
    10 minutes/2 songs each

  • Gretsch house drums, Vox AC30 guitar amp, Yamaha G50410 guitar amp, Ashdown ABM500 bass amp, Shure mics, DIs, etc.
  • You are welcome to bring more gear, just talk to the sound engineer beforehand to make sure it is compatible

PLEASE NOTE: The list goes out at 7:30 but people arrive much earlier to line up and is first come first served. Please be courteous of those that were there before you. While this is free to sign-up, please arrive hungry and thirsty, and do purchase something as we want to keep providing the opportunity and keep it free.

Weekly MINGO at Three9 Lounge
Feb 19 @ 7:30 pm

Three9 Lounge’s MINGO (musical bingo) every Wednesday at 7:30 pm hosted by Mingo Maniac.

Trivia at Beveridge Place Pub
Feb 19 @ 8:00 pm

Wednesday night trivia at 8 pm with Quizmaster J!

Wednesday karaoke at Admiral Pub
Feb 19 @ 8:00 pm – Feb 20 @ 1:00 am

Karaoke at the Admiral Pub

Every Sunday and Wednesday 8 pm till 1 am

Trivia at Talarico’s
Feb 19 @ 8:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Trivia with Phil T. $2 buy-in. Prizes. Reservations at (updated) talaricospizza.com/reservations

Qi-Gong sessions at Viva Arts @ Times: 10-11 T-Th, 12:15-12:45 Fri
Feb 20 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 10-11 AM, and every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM (only with 7 days prior reservation)
Where: Viva Arts, 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW, West Seattle

Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.

Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links:

Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Thursday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1120273782039?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

No class on March 25th, 27th and 28th.

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 20 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

West Seattle Ukulele Players @ email for location
Feb 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: Weekly Song Circle Thursdays from 1:00-2:30 pm. Grab your ukulele (or other instrument) and come play with us – all levels welcome! Currently at C&P Coffee, but we move around. Email us at westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com for details.

Strong Bodies, Strong Bones at Center for Active Living
Feb 20 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 pm

Join certified yoga therapist Milo in weight bearing movements that will help you become stronger and steadier—slowly,
gradually and safely. You will be led through a series of movements that strengthen your bones and muscles, which will
give balance to your body and help avoid osteoporosis. This class can be enjoyed by all levels. Please bring a mat, blocks and a blanket and pillow if you have them.

Food trucks at Highland Park Corner Store
Feb 20 @ 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Food trucks 4-8 pm Thursdays at HPCS:

Truck of the week listed on the store’s website; we also include it in our West Seattle Thursday highlight list.

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 20 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Walking for Well-Being, Thursday nights @ meet at 47th/Fauntleroy
Feb 20 @ 6:00 pm

Walking for Well-Being — Move together in nature, Thursday evenings @Lincoln Park 6:00 PM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine. Please bring your own light for our nighttime walks.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Westies Run Club @ Future Primitive
Feb 20 @ 6:00 pm

Westies Run Club
Thursdays at 6 pm

Join us for a conversational 3-mile run, then hang out afterward! Now meeting at Future Primitive on Alki. Find us on Heylo: heylo.group/westies-run-club or on IG @westiesrunclub.

Blues night at The Spot West Seattle
Feb 20 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Thursdays are blues-music nights at The Spot.

Board Game Night at Meeples Games
Feb 20 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Thursdays: 6:30-10 pm Board Game Night

Join Meeples Games for a night of board game fun! Each week we will teach you a new game and play some favorites as well. This event is open to all ages!

Highland Park Run Club @ Highland Park Corner Store
Feb 20 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Thursdays @ 6:30 – Highland Park Run Club meets for about a 3-mile run, starting and ending at Highland Park Corner Store

Alki Community Council meeting @ Online or in-person
Feb 20 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

The meeting starts at 7 pm; you can attend in person at Alki UCC or via videoconference – the January 2024 agenda has information on how to access the latter.

Trivia at Burger Planet
Feb 20 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Weekly trivia at Burger Planet. Theme rotates weekly, teams max out at 6, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place teams!

‘Covenant’ evening performances at ArtsWest
Feb 20 @ 7:30 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

DJ night at Revelry Room
Feb 20 @ 8:30 pm

Weekend starts early with DJs at Revelry Room.

West Seattle Earlybirds Toastmasters Club @ Online
Feb 21 @ 7:35 am

West Seattle Earlybirds, Toastmasters Club #650
Virtual: on zoom at this time
Fridays from 7:35 am to 9:00 am
For details, email westseattleearlybirds650@gmail.com

Qi-Gong sessions at Viva Arts @ Times: 10-11 T-Th, 12:15-12:45 Fri
Feb 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 10-11 AM, and every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM (only with 7 days prior reservation)
Where: Viva Arts, 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW, West Seattle

Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.

Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links:

Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Thursday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1120273782039?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

No class on March 25th, 27th and 28th.

Stay ‘n’ Play indoor drop-in play @ Arbor Heights Community Church
Feb 21 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Stay N Play is our Friday morning open gym for infants and preschool kids. We open up our lower level with games, toys, a bouncy house and more for kids to run and play. Get a break in the day and meet other moms and dads on the westside. Contact our Children’s & Family Ministry Director McKenzie Garceau at mckenzie@arborheights.org for questions.

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 21 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Qi Gong Sessions at Viva Arts
Feb 21 @ 12:15 pm – 12:45 pm

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM
Where: Viva Arts, West Seattle
Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.
Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links: Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

After-School Magic League @ Meeples Games
Feb 21 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Fridays: 4-6 pm After School Magic League

Join one of our Magic: the Gathering experts for an afternoon of Magic fun! This event is perfect for everyone 12+ who are looking to learn a little more about Magic: the Gathering. This event is $5 per week.

Songwriter Incubator Night at Kenyon Hall
Feb 21 @ 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Songwriter incubator night at Kenyon Hall:
7904 35th Ave SW

Third Friday of every month
Starting Friday, January 20th

6 – 6:30 – Sign up
6:30 – 9:30ish – Play like you haven’t played in public for 3 years and you’ve been honing your skills and your creative process to a fine point for a moment just like this!

Free to All Ages

Hosted by ‘The EL’ at Kenyon Hall.

Encouraging the advancement of songwriting and performance skills in a community driven listening environment. We are focusing on the support, development and inspiration of local creators and performers.

Live Artist Showcase Night at The Spot West Seattle
Feb 21 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Friday – Live Artist Showcase Night at The Spot West Seattle 7 to 10 pm

‘Covenant’ evening performances at ArtsWest
Feb 21 @ 7:30 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

DJ Night at Revelry Room
Feb 21 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 22 @ 1:00 am

Fridays – DJ Night at Revelry Room (behind Jet City Labs) – enjoy cocktails and DJ sets by some of the region’s top DJs and musicians. Music 9p – 1a

Friday Night Karaoke at Talarico’s
Feb 21 @ 10:00 pm

Karaoke is back on Friday nights! 10 pm with Rone

Free group run with West Seattle Runner
Feb 22 @ 8:00 am

Free weekly group run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Embodiment Unwinds Trauma @ Bend N Move
Feb 22 @ 9:00 am

Embodiment Unwinds Trauma @ Bend N Move
by Life in the Body

The body holds traumas large and small. From the daily grind in our society to stressful life transitions, to more acute events, no one is free from the impacts of trauma. Saturdays at Bend N Move is one piece of the puzzle to unwind trauma with movement designed to bring you into your body where you’ll get in touch with the tensions and patterns you’re holding, all while simultaneously and gradually releasing them. Sign up at www.bendnmove.com/class-schedule

Saturdays 9 am.
Jan 4, 11, 18, 25, Feb 15, 22 and March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29

Heavily Meditated @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary & Studio
Feb 22 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Heavily Meditated, a community meditation.
Saturdays 9-10 am.
Free event – register at: eventbrite.com/e/1089384170379?aff=oddtdtcreator

Walking for Well-Being — Introductory 1-Mile Walk
Feb 22 @ 9:30 am

Walking for Well-Being–Introductory 1 Mile Walk (flat, no hills) @ Lincoln Park on Saturdays at 9:30 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in Lincoln Park — Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering approximately 1.0 mile on the upper portion of Lincoln Park and is over flat terrain in less than half an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Walking for Well-Being, Saturdays @ 47th/Fauntleroy
Feb 22 @ 10:00 am

Walking for Well-Being—Move together in nature, Wednesdays/Saturdays @Lincoln Park 10:00 AM

Join Walking for Well-Being for Movement & Community! Walk together with fellow West Seattleites in and around Lincoln Park –Rain or Shine.

This free weekly walk is organized by Julie Garbutt of Waypower Coaching and takes place at a conversational pace covering 2.5 miles in an hour. All fitness levels are welcome.

Meet us at the corner of 47th Ave SW & Fauntleroy Way SW (across from the 76 Gas station). We leave promptly at the listed start times, so please plan to arrive early. The start is next to the C-Line bus stop at SW Webster St and features plentiful street parking.

For more information, access our online brochure.
Contact julie@waypowercoaching.com for more information.

Free Saturday writing group
Feb 22 @ 10:30 am

(For location – see this site.)

This is a FREE, WEEKLY, IN-PERSON active writing group grounded in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. It is a safe, critique-free space.

WRITERS OF ALL LEVELS WELCOME. Whether you haven’t picked up a pen since high school or are a pro, you are welcome. 16 and up. For more on AWA method go to Amherstwriters.org.

THE COVID RULES: To protect our immunocompromised writers, we ask that all participants be vaccinated against COVID and, if eligible, receive timely COVID variant boosters. We follow the King County Health Department recommendations regarding masking, OR if any member of our group requests it, we will all wear masks even if KCHD does not recommend it. Please bring a mask just in case. We have extras. Thank you for doing your part to protect members whose medical concerns or treatments make COVID infection potentially deadly.

REGISTRATION IS FREE BUT REQUIRED: Go to meetup.com/seattle-writers-block


1-3 writing sessions within each 3-hour meeting. Expect to be writing for approximately 2 hours. Writing prompts will be offered as a starting point, use them or follow your own muse. After each writing session, those who wish are invited to read their work aloud for encouraging, positive response. We do not critique each other’s writing, but instead support the work and the effort.


Snacks to share

Whatever you like to write on (paper, computer, papyrus . . .)

Ready encouragement for other writers


Pieces you’ve already written. Sharing in this group is limited to work written during the session.

Judgment of others efforts

GriefShare @ Grace Church
Feb 22 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

If you have lost a spouse, child, family member or friend.
Griefshare meeting provides 13-week session beginning Saturday, February 8th, 2025 from 10:30- 12:30 and ends May 10th, 2025. Room 128 downstairs.

Contact Debbie Bacon 509-560-3414 or griefshare.org.

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 22 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Family reading time at Paper Boat Booksellers
Feb 22 @ 11:00 am

Regular weekly family reading time.

West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 22 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

Tue/Thu: 5 pm–8 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am–4 pm

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Build animals with Kirsten at The Clay Cauldron
Feb 22 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

February 8, 15, 22, 1 – 3, $45, Handbuilt animals with Kirsten at the Clay Cauldron, 5214 Delridge Way SW, www.theclaycauldron.com, text frances at 206-330-7027 to sign-up or for more information. Create a sculpted animal and add color with slip.

Soul Sisters in Seattle monthly song circle
Feb 22 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Soul Sisters in Seattle Song Circle (meets every 4th Saturday from 1-3 pm).

Come join a group of kind, fun women for a song circle led by Sandra Glauz. No singing experience needed, just come if you want to sing delightful, easy, heart-filled songs and chants. Sandra teaches all the songs and parts. Please reach out to Sandra with your name and cell phone number and she’ll text you the address and flyer. listwithsandra@yahoo.com

The Reptile Lady at Ounces
Feb 22 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

The Reptile Lady at Ounces
Saturday, Feb 22 | 2-4 pm
Lizards, Turtles, Snakes and more! Come meet The Reptile Lady and a bunch of her exotic reptile friends at Ounces! Event is FREE and family friendly!


Baby/toddler groups @ Viva Art
Feb 22 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Sat 1/4 3 pm-4:30 pm: Baby Massage Class

Sat 1/11 3-4:30 pm: Pre-Crawlers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 1/25 3-4:30 pm: Crawlers to Walkers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 2/1 3-4:30 pm: Baby Massage Class

Sat 2/15 3-4:30 pm: Pre-Crawlers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 2/22 3-4:30 pm: Crawlers to Walkers Motor Skills Play Group

Sat 3/1 3-4:30 pm: Early Speech Skills and Baby Sign Play Group

Event details:
$30 per session (or pay what you can)
Registration required- calendly.com/seattlespecialists

Located at VivaArts (near Trader Joe’s in West Seattle)- 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW. (Limited parking is available in the lot behind the neighboring brewery building)

Come meet other families and learn new skills to support your little one’s development from an infant and toddler development specialist with over 15 years of experience. Each play group or class has a different area of focus, and all are interactive and individualized.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about a specific play group or class, please contact Rachel Medina

Text or Call 206-822-7633

Walk-in Massage Clinic at Nepenthe
Feb 22 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Walk-in Massage Clinic
9447 35th Ave SW
Saturdays 3-5 pm
*First come first served
*Short specific sessions

Community Drumming Circle @ Inner Alchemy Sanctuary & Studio
Feb 22 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Community Drumming Circle
Saturday February 22, 6-8 pm.
Tickets: eventbrite.com/e/1130835803329?aff=oddtdtcreator

‘Covenant’ evening performances at ArtsWest
Feb 22 @ 7:30 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

Beats at Revelry Room
Feb 22 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 23 @ 1:00 am

Beats on Saturdays:

DJ sets by some of the region’s top DJs and musicians. 9 pm – 1 am.

Saturday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Feb 22 @ 10:00 pm

Saturdays at 10 PM we have Karaoke

Westies Run Club: Sunday Funday Runday @ rotating locations
Feb 23 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

Join us for a conversational 3-5 mile run, then hang out after for a coffee & bite to eat! Find us on Heylo: heylo.group/westies-run-club or on IG @westiesrunclub to see our rotating locations as we explore West Seattle.

American Mah Jongg at The Missing Piece, Sundays
Feb 23 @ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

American Mah Jongg
At The Missing Piece in West Seattle (Roxbury and 35th Ave SW)
9456 35th Ave SW

All playing levels are welcome! We are an open, friendly group of experienced and newer players who play American Mah Jongg and follow NMJL rules. Please bring a current NMJL card with you. If you don’t have one, someone usually has an extra card to loan out. On Wednesdays we have drop-in games between noon – 4 PM, we also meet on Sundays 9:30 – 11:30 AM.

For more info, email Stacey Rea: stacey1955@gmail.com

Weekly Group Polar Plunge at Alki @ Statue of Liberty Plaza
Feb 23 @ 9:30 am

Group Polar Plunge at Alki – Every Sunday at 9:30 am

Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 am at Alki for a group plunge in the Sound. We meet at the picnic tables west of the Bathhouse.

No prior experience necessary! If you’re new to plunging, we’ll help you through it.

For event updates, sign up for our email list on our website (https://www.coldwatercollective.net) and follow us on Instagram @coldwatercollective_seattle

West Seattle Farmers Market @ West Seattle Junction
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Every Sunday, year-round! In The West Seattle Junction, on California Ave SW between SW Oregon and SW Alaska. Look for the newest Ripe ‘n’ Ready List here.

West Seattle off-leash area info @ Farmers Market
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR) invites community to participate in the development of two new off-leash areas (OLAs) at West Seattle Stadium and Othello Playground. Please join us for one of the community engagement events: either on February 20 or 23 to learn more about the development of new off-leash areas.

On Feb. 20 the Othello Playground OLA Open House at Othello UW Commons, 4200 S. Othello St., Suite 117 in Studio A/B from 4 to 7 p.m.
On Feb 23 the West Seattle Stadium OLA Open House at the West Seattle Farmer’s Market from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Come find our booth at the Farmer’s Market.
SPR’s project team and design consultant will be available to answer questions, present concept design options, and gather valuable community feedback. The feedback collected will help shape the final design of these new OLAs.

The West Seattle Stadium OLA will transform the current unpaved overflow parking lot into a dedicated off-leash area, and the Othello Playground OLA will be located in the southwest corner of the park. Both sites will include fencing, seating for pet owners, and an environmentally friendly stormwater bioretention area with thoughtful plantings.

The Seattle Park District Cycle 2 provides funding for the construction of two new OLAs and the design of a 3rd. As mandated by the funding, one of these OLAs will be constructed in West Seattle and the other OLA can be constructed in any other neighborhood of the city. The third site (funded for design only) may be anywhere in the city, though construction funds will need to be secured first. Seattle Park District Cycle 2 provides funding for these projects along with funding to ensure Seattle’s nearly 500 parks, playfields, and community centers remain welcoming places for recreation, learning, and healthy communities.

Monthly Grief Circle
Feb 23 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Monthly (Any Grief) Grief Circle
Sunday, February 23, 2025
10:30 am – Noon
Nurture Wellbeing, Studio 102
6307 California Avenue SW

Listening to Grief hosts a monthly grief circle, where we’ll talk about all the things we’re collectively grieving and all of the personal grief we all carry. You’ll find community and a brave space to share your grief and worries.
Any type of grief is welcome, from major life transitions, to pet loss, to grieving the climate crises or current political circumstances. Anticipatory grief, both for loved ones and for ourselves and planet, is also welcome. The doors are open to everyone feeling grief in these troubling times.

Please register and learn more at listeningtogrief.com/events/grief-circle

West Seattle Tool Library @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 23 @ 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

Tue/Thu: 5 pm–8 pm
Sat/Sun: 11 am–4 pm

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Sunday Run Club @ Ounces
Feb 23 @ 12:00 pm

Sunday Run Club
Takes place every Sunday at noon at Ounces.

Run is open to all running levels and starts/finishes at Ounces. Runners can go at their own pace and distance. Just show up at Ounces at noon on any Sunday to run! Strollers and pets welcome.


Yoga with Miche
Feb 23 @ 1:00 pm

Pre-Registration, class, and location details in this link:

8 weeks of Yoga with Miche!
Sundays 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM in the Admiral Junction
February 2nd, 9th, and 23rd
March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th
$30/session- Come for 1 or come for all!

*For all levels, beginners are especially welcome! Adults only at this time.
**Pre-registration required as we have limited space

Please bring a yoga mat (you usually can find good deals at Marshall’s or Goodwill…or borrow from a friend) and a water bottle (with…water in it…). Wear clothes you can move comfortably in. Physical requirements are: stairs (to get to the Canopy Classroom) and the ability to get to the floor and lie down and back up without needing Miche to break out her first-aid skills.

‘Covenant’ matinees at ArtsWest
Feb 23 @ 3:00 pm

ArtsWest presents the West Coast Premiere of COVENANT by York Walker, directed by Nicholas Japaul Bernard. The cast features Simone Alene, Deja Culver, Felicia Loud, Donovan Mahannah, and Kaila Towers. COVENANT performs at ArtsWest from February 6 – March 2, 2025. Tickets are available online at artswest.org or by phone at (206) 938.0963.

In this Southern gothic thriller, a struggling guitarist returns to his small Georgia town a blues star and rumors begin swirling that he may have made a deal with the devil to attain his musical genius. Before long, however, it becomes clear he’s not the only one with a secret. A mythic and suspenseful new play that delivers one devilish twist after another, York Walker’s COVENANT explores the power of belief and the thin line between rumor and truth.

This production welcomes back three stand-out theater artists to ArtsWest, including Felicia Loud who portrayed Billie Holiday in the 2018 production of LADY DAY AT EMERSON’S BAR AND GRILL. Loud also wrote and performed in her original show HERE THERE BE DRAGONS: CHASING MY VOICE along with her Black Stax counterpart Jace Ecaj in 2022. Deja Culver returns after starring in CLYDE’S (2024) as Letitia. COVENANT marks Nicholas Japaul Bernard’s directing debut at ArtsWest. Bernard portrayed the titular character in HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH twice in ArtsWest’s 2018 and 2023 productions.

When asked what drew him to directing COVENANT, Nicholas remarked, “I was drawn to this script – by how lush and tight York Walker made it. There’s so much to dig into and so many questions to ask but York kept a vice grip on what he wanted to say, what he didn’t want to say, and what he meant to imply. It’s clear he wrote this script for actors and I love a playwright who takes care of his actors.”

ArtsWest will present COVENANT Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Saturday through Sunday at 3 pm.

West Seattle Classic Novels (and Movies) Book Club’s February 2025 meeting @ C & P Coffee
Feb 23 @ 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Classic Novels (and Movies) book club of West Seattle

Join us in February for our next meeting!

Title: Persuasion, by Jane Austen (1818).

FYI on the film: Persuasion is a 2022 American film on Netflix; it stars Dakota Johnson and Cosmo Jarvis.

Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025

Time: 3 pm–4:30 pm or so. (Arrive around 2:30 to purchase beverages and chat; we begin right at 3 pm, and choose our next title at 4 pm.)

Place: Outdoor table behind or on side of C & P Coffee on California Ave SW

Triangular Jazztet at The Alley
Feb 23 @ 8:00 pm

Two sets, 8 pm and 9 pm, on Sundays.

Sunday karaoke at Admiral Pub
Feb 23 @ 9:00 pm – Feb 24 @ 1:30 am

Sundays & Wednesdays, 9 pm-1:30 am – Karaoke with KJ host and West Seattle legend Loretta.

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 24 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Crafting & Creativity Night at The Missing Piece
Feb 24 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Crafting & Creativity Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW

What’s your creative outlet? Knitting? Painting miniatures? Creative writing? Sketching? Calligraphy? Something else? Bring your supplies and come in to work on your crafts and hobbies at our big tables with other like-minded creative types!

Listening to Grief Peer Support Groups @ Mama Be Well Healing Studio
Feb 24 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Grief Support Groups

Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing. Every participant has dedicated time to speak about whatever they’d like, without judgment or interruption. Talking about our deceased loved ones in a supportive environment helps us remember them fully and helps us learn to carry the weight of their loss a little more gently.

These are ongoing, drop-in groups, but space is limited. Because of the sensitive nature of traumatic loss, the Thursday group is open only for those who are traumatic loss survivors. Learn more and register at listeningtogrief.com/groups. Contact Tamara at tamara@listeningtogrief.com with questions.

Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 9:30 am-11:00 am at Nurture Wellbeing Studio 102
Mondays (except October 14 & November 25): 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm at Mama Be Well Healing Studio

$32/session. 4 sessions for $102 (use within 6 weeks). Discounts are available for those who could otherwise not afford to attend.

Open D&D at Meeples Games
Feb 24 @ 6:30 pm – 10:00 pm

Mondays: 6:30-10 pm
Open D&D

Seattle’s largest open D&D group can be found at Meeples Games. First time playing? No problem. Experienced player? Great! This group is for everyone from beginners of all age groups.

Each drop in session is $5, with a chance to join one of the continued campaigns. Seats are first come first serve.

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society
Feb 24 @ 7:00 pm

Monday Night Trivia at The Good Society Public House (California/Lander).

•Hosted by Will.
• 7-9 pm
•Teams up to 8 people welcome.
•$2/person entry – winner take all.
•$20 gift card as second place

Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge
Feb 24 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

7 pm & 8 pm. Join us for drinks, grub and lots ‘o trivia. Free to play and open to anyone 21 and older.

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation @ Fauntleroy UCC
Feb 24 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Weekly Zen Sitting/Meditation
7:00 – 8:30 pm (repeats every Monday)

The Chapel, Room 402, at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church or Christ

9140 California Ave SW
Contact: pr@pszc.org

Puget Sound Zen hosts a weekly Monday evening sitting/meditation in the Chapel, Room 402 at the Fauntleroy Church/United Church of Christ. Evenings will consist of chanting, meditation and discussion.

Everyone is welcome – people from all different meditation/spiritual traditions, people who have never meditated, and people who are curious.

If you arrive 10 minutes before the service we’ll give you some brief instructions, or you can just walk in and follow along.

Trivia w/Quizfix @ The Skylark
Feb 24 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Quiz Night on Monday nights, 7:30 pm, at The Skylark – Free to play!

Six Rounds, ten questions each. This includes an audio round, a picture round, three themed rounds and a random round with questions from several different categories. Maximum of 6 team members to be eligible for prizes.

1st place: $25 gift certificate
2nd place: $15 gift certificate
next to last place: pitcher of Cold Beer Pilsner

Seattle’s Best Trivia Night is at the Skylark every Monday. Come early to grab a table and dinner.

The Westside Trio at The Alley
Feb 24 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm

The Westside Trio
The Alley
Mondays 8-10 pm
No cover charge

Monday night karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria
Feb 24 @ 9:00 pm

Update: We will have Karaoke every Monday starting at 9 pm.

Early morning F3 men’s workout group at Hiawatha
Feb 25 @ 5:30 am

F3, a free national men’s workout group:

We have a local workout location that meets at Hiawatha park on Tuesday mornings at 5:30 am sharp. The group has been around for a few years, so many folks that are up early might have come across us before doing burpees or pushups and counting out loud. We’d love to extend the invite to men of any fitness level – we work out as a group and don’t leave anyone behind, come as you are and hopefully leave a bit better.

The workout is 45 minutes long and then we all get coffee at West Seattle Grounds. You don’t need to bring anything special, just wear comfortable athletic clothes appropriate for the weather and some sneakers. Some work or gardening gloves can be helpful if you have a pair. Just don’t be late or the whole group is doing penalty burpees.

More info on our website

Enhance Fitness classes with Lifelong Recreation @ High Point Community Center
Feb 25 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Lifelong Recreation is excited to announce that new Enhance Fitness classes for adults ages 50+ are coming to West Seattle at High Point Community Center, starting in January! We are accepting new participants at any time. Please join us on Tuesdays 9:30-10:30 am with instructor Novella Fraser. Enhance Fitness is an evidence-based fitness program for older adults that combines cardio, light strength training, stretching and balance exercises, and Novella makes it super fun! Enhance Fitness is adaptable to all fitness levels and needs.

The Winter class session is Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 am Jan. 7 – March 18.

Cost is $88 for Self-Pay, or is free if you have the Silver&Fit or OnePass insurance wellness benefit. If you’re new to taking Enhance Fitness classes with Seattle Parks and Recreation, please fill out this form prior to registration to verify your Silver&Fit/OnePass status: https://seattlegov.na1.adobesign.com/public/esignWidget?wid=CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhB1XpzWitrQNY3GNO4FcjET3HLkyp2ahWUX1KdrXD7pYC_tcsk5widBYOxqNpUOUuE*

For any questions, please contact masha.shtern@seattle.gov or 206-450-9522

Class info: https://anc.apm.activecommunities.com/seattle/activity/search?onlineSiteId=0&activity_select_param=2&site_ids=132&activity_keyword=enhance&viewMode=list

To learn about other Lifelong Recreation programs, view our Winter catalog here: https://www.seattle.gov/documents/Departments/ParksAndRecreation/Programs/LifelongRecreation/LRP-Winter_2025.pdf

Limited scholarship funds are available through Seattle Parks and Recreation for this or any other activity: https://seattle.gov/parks/scholarships-and-financial-aid

Free coffee/tea + resource info @ Neighborhood House
Feb 25 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Qi-Gong sessions at Viva Arts @ Times: 10-11 T-Th, 12:15-12:45 Fri
Feb 25 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am

What: Qi Gong Sessions
When: Every Tuesday & Thursday from 10-11 AM, and every Friday, 12:15-12:45 PM (only with 7 days prior reservation)
Where: Viva Arts, 4421 Fauntleroy Way SW, West Seattle

Description: These sessions are open to everyone, regardless of experience. Participants will learn gentle movements that promote relaxation, energy balance, and overall well-being. On Fridays, the focus is on stress relief and restoring vitality to prepare for the weekend. Arrive 15 minutes early for an introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine principles and stay afterward for a brief meditation.

Sign-Up: Interested participants can sign up through this links:

Tuesday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1003239655817?aff=oddtdtcreator

Thursday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1120273782039?aff=oddtdtcreator

Friday: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1049277325727?aff=oddtdtcreator

No class on March 25th, 27th and 28th.

Postcards4Democracy, Tuesday gatherings @ C & P Coffee Company
Feb 25 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm

Postcards4Democracy – West Seattle gathers at C&P Coffee every Tuesday
10:30 – 12 Noon year-round to handwrite reminders urging Democrats and
Independents to register and vote. Bring stamps and postcards — or
we’ll do what we can to get you started.

(Postcards4Democracy also meets all this summer on Saturdays 12-2 pm at C&P.)

Website: www.Postcards4democracy.org

email: postcards4democracyWS@gmail.com

Black History Month Art Exhibit at WSBLI
Feb 25 @ 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

Visit the new Washington State Black Legacy Institute at 2656 42nd SW – see days and times above.

Fairmount Park Elementary tour/open house
Feb 25 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Fairmount Park Elementary school tour for incoming kindergarteners on January 30 from 8:30 – 9:30 AM and February 25 from 5-6 PM. No registration required, just sign in at the front office.

Tuesday wine tastings at Walter’s Wine Shop
Feb 25 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Walter’s Wine Shop is hosting wine tastings on Tuesdays! September is focused on California state wines/

This is a drop-in event, no reservations needed; from 5-7 pm. Costs $10 and if you buy a bottle you get $5 off

Weekly demonstration for racial justice
Feb 25 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm


SAME PLACE: The intersection of 16th Ave. SW & SW Holden St.; West Seattle


TIME: 5:00-6:00 pm

Join members of Hate Free Delridge and Puget Ridge Cohousing for this ongoing community sign-waving event and help spread the message that Black Lives Matter and the time to end systemic racism is NOW! We have signs to share or bring your own!

West Seattle Tool Library, Tuesday/Thursday hours @ Youngstown Cultural Arts Center
Feb 25 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

The West Seattle Tool Library is open at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center space (east side of main building).

West Seattle Tool Library provides free, community access to a wide variety of tools, training, and sustainable resources. Utilizing a diverse collection of over 1,500 tools, our membership has successfully grown entire community orchards, built mini-greenhouses, and even just mowed their own lawns. From basic tasks to brilliant innovations, the projects accomplished by the West Seattle Tool Library’s 780+ members have made all the tools in the collection proud to be working again.

Scrabble Night at The Missing Piece
Feb 25 @ 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Scrabble Night
6:00 pm to 10:00 pm
The Missing Piece
9456 35th Ave SW


Join us for some casual Scrabble…all experience levels welcome! We encourage you to bring your set along in case we have several tables of players.

Free track run with West Seattle Runner
Feb 25 @ 6:15 pm

Free weekly track run – all levels – meet at West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor).

Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron
Feb 25 @ 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday evening 6:30 – 9:00 is Girls’ Night at The Clay Cauldron. Guided projects offered or work on your own projects. Potluck snacks, wine and beverages offered. Sign up in advance – 206-330-7027, www.theclaycauldron.com, theclaycauldron5214@gmail.com

Belle of the Balls Bingo @ The Skylark
Feb 25 @ 7:00 pm

Free to play every Tuesday – now at 7 pm. New, silly prizes every week and fun for the whole family.

Sporcle Pub Quiz trivia at The Beer Junction
Feb 25 @ 7:00 pm

Sporcle Pub Quiz with @pubquizdavid is now at Beer Junction every Tuesday night at 7 pm and 8 pm.

Trivia and Tacos @ Admiral Pub
Feb 25 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Every Tuesday Trivia and Tacos

Join us for Trivia. 5 rounds of trivia, it’s free to play with big cash prizes. $75 cash for 1st / $50 cash for 2nd place and a $50 gift card for 3rd place.

Trivia at Future Primitive on Alki
Feb 25 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

From Amelia:

! I’m going to be hosting a new weekly trivia night at Future Primitive down at Alki.

Tuesday Trivia at Future Primitive’s Alki Beach Bar
2536 Alki Ave SW
7-8:30 pm
Teams up to 6 people welcome
Free to play, gift cards for top two teams