Kiwanis Club of West Seattle 50 results

GRATITUDE: Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s pancake-breakfast thank you, and last day for benefit bidding

December 9, 2024 9:13 am
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(WSB photos, Saturday)

One of the events we covered and co-sponsored this weekend was the well-attended Kiwanis Club of West Seattle pancake breakfast on Saturday morning. This morning, the club’s president Denis Sapiro sends words of thanks, with a reminder that this is the final day for their online auction of donated local items:

The Kiwanis Club thanks all the attendees and donors for making the Community Breakfast a grand success. Scout Troop 284 & 8284 did a great job getting the Hall arranged, serving the meal, and cleaning up! Seattle University Circle K members cooked the meal.

Key Club members from West Seattle High and Chief Sealth International assisted with the raffle, Santa photos, and technical support. Gunnery Sergeant Samuel Hernandez and Sergeant Angalina Roseberry represented Toys for Tots standing with Santa in the photos, too.

Today, Monday the 9th, is the last full day to contribute to the Kiwanis online Silent Auction at:

Donations to the Kiwanis 21st Century Scholarship Fund can be tax deductible,

COUNTDOWN: One week until pancakes and Santa with Kiwanis Club of West Seattle – plus an online auction open now!

November 30, 2024 4:19 pm
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(WSB photo, 2023 Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast)

One week from today – Saturday, December 7th – brings some of the biggest events of the holiday season. It all starts at 7 am in the Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds) with the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s annual pancake breakfast. $8 in advance or $10 at the door – and kids under 10 eat free! – gets you pancakes, Husky Deli ham, orange juice, coffee, and tea. Free Santa photos! Raffles! Benefit wreath, ornament, and nut sales! And you’re welcome to bring new unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots (with active-duty Marines there to gratefully accept them). Show up whatever time works for you between 7 am and 11 am next Saturday morning. The entrance is right off the (free) parking lot on the south side of the Masonic Center (and again, you can buy your discounted advance ticket right now by going here).

P.S. The Kiwanis Club also is raising money for its community work right now via an online auction, with items including gift certificates/cards for local businesses, from coffee to clothing (and beyond!). Go here to browse and bid!

FREE SEEDS: But first, Kiwanis Club of West Seattle needs your feedback

Fall showers bring thoughts of spring flowers – and vegetable plants. Last year, the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle provided about 200 packs of seeds at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, to both schools and individual gardeners. Another round is planned next year, but first, the club is requesting your feedback:

Kiwanis will again offer free vegetable and flower seeds in 2025. Teachers and parents can help Kiwanis select the type and number of seeds to order by completing the survey here.

Kiwanis offers the Seed Project to boost family fun and joy, and to provide an educational experience with a hands-on activity! As the seeds grow into plants they can be transplanted to your garden.

Please add your contact information (particularly your email address), so that we can let you know when seeds will be available at the Farmers’ Market in the Spring of 2025. If you have any questions, please contact us via email:

Denis Sapiro, President, Kiwanis Club West Seattle

Please complete the Google form before December 10, 2024

YOU’RE INVITED: Ukraine relief update at Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s next gathering

August 28, 2024 7:02 pm
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Two and a half years into the war in Ukraine, where do relief efforts stand, and how can you help? The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s next dinner meeting will feature a local guest answering those questions – here’s the invitation:

Peter Gelpi, West Seattle’s own, will be returning to Ukraine soon. The Kiwanis Club will host Peter at their monthly meeting – next Wednesday, September 4 – open to the public. Peter will report on the feeding programs, orphanage, and evacuations. The meeting starts at 6 PM, so attendees are asked to be seated prior to 6. Attendees can order dinner off the menu. RSVP is requested prior to Tuesday, 9/3, to help the Great American Diner & Bar (4752 California SW) with seating and staffing. RSVP to or 206-601-4136 (text or voice).

Ready to grow? Two ways to get freebies for your garden in West Seattle this weekend

It’s grow time for gardens – from apartment container gardens to house-yard gardens the size of mini-farms, and everything inbetween. This weekend, two giveaways you should know about:

SATURDAY – FREE PLANT STARTS FOR GIVING GARDENS: If you can grow vegetables to donate, this one on Saturday is for you:

Calling all home gardeners who would like to grow and share with their community.

Pick up free plants to grow and harvest for local food programs! Get starts this Saturday, April 20th, 11 am to 1 pm at The Heron’s Nest, 4818 Puget Way SW. Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers at Heron’s Nest, these plants are ready for your garden! The plants available will be:

Pac choi
Mustard Greens
Swiss chard
Lettuce varieties

As an added bonus, Heron’s Nest is offering free compost. Bring buckets and help yourself to the uncovered portion of the pile.


SUNDAY – FREE SEEDS: The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s seed giveaway is set for this Sunday at the Farmers’ Market:

The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle will be giving away vegetable and flower seeds at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sunday, April 21st. Seeds will be distributed from 10 am to 1 pm at the Kiwanis booth, located between Easy Street and Cupcake Royale. There are a limited number of packages, so packages will be given away on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Kiwanis Seed Project hopes to encourage growing vegetables at home and teaching children how food gets to the table. Chairperson Jay Potratz has received seed donations from West Seattle Nursery and Page’s Seeds. Seeds can be used in classroom instruction too. Please contact Denis Sapiro at 206-601-4136 with any questions.

YOU’RE INVITED: Hear from West Seattle’s new city councilmember at Kiwanis Club of West Seattle meeting

(WSB photo: Councilmember Rob Saka at Monday’s protest rally outside Chief Sealth IHS)

One month after District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka took office, what are his plans, and how is he responding to community issues? The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle invites you to hear firsthand this Wednesday (February 7), 6 pm, during their meeting at Great American Diner & Bar in The Junction (4752 California SW). Just RSVP by Tuesday to president Denis Sapiro, via email at or by calling 206-601-4136. He adds, “Please give your name and number attending. Guests are expected to order off the menu prior to 6 pm” (that night).

WEEKEND SCENE: Holiday giving @ West Seattle Junction Cocoa and Coat Drive

Right now at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market, volunteers from the Kiwanis Club await your donations of coats and warm clothing! Until 1:30 this afternoon, their booth at the south end of the market, right past the barricades at California/Alaska, is headquarters for the West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays Cocoa and Coat Drive – cocoa for donors! Everything collected goes to the people helped by the West Seattle Food Bank. (Our photo shows all the donations from the first filled barrel being offloaded so there’s room for more!)

WEEKEND SCENE: Community teamwork at Kiwanis Club of West Seattle Pancake Breakfast

December 2, 2023 9:22 am
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Lots of teamwork at today’s Kiwanis Club of West Seattle Community Pancake Breakfast, continuing until 11 am at Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds in The Junction). Above – the kitchen crew. Below – Troop 284 Scouts (having breakfast before their volunteer work as servers):

Santa Claus is there too, along with U.S. Marines Gunnery Sgt. Samuel Hernandez and Cpl. Alejandro Cavazos on behalf of Toys For Tots:

If you’re going, you can bring an unwrapped toy to donate – the Kiwanis Club’s been collecting them at their weekly Farmers’ Market booth for weeks.

This is a tradition that goes back decades (prior to the pandemic hiatus) – Joel Draper found the apron he used to wear for the occasion:

The Kiwanis Club raises money for its work with youth, including Key Clubs at local high schools. Price of this morning’s breakfast: $10 at the door, kids under 10 free with a paying adult.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: From donations to decor in The Junction

December 11, 2022 12:10 pm
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As noted in our daily highlight list, you have extra reasons to go to The Junction during Farmers’ Market hours today:

The West Seattle Food Bank, West Seattle Junction Association, and Kiwanis Club of West Seattle are teaming up to accept coat (and other warm clothing) donations, with free cocoa, at the south end of the market (California/Alaska). A very young donor visited while we were there:

Also at the booth, you can buy Hometown Holidays mugs and $2/foot holiday garland, both benefiting WSJA (which is a nonprofit too):

Across the Walk-All-Ways intersection, just outside the market at KeyBank Plaza, you’ll find the Pathfinder K-8 PTSA selling handmade garlands and other “door decor”:

This is the second of three consecutive Sundays they’re in The Junction to sell the fundraising wreaths/decor, which benefit outdoor education for Pathfinder students. You can also order online!

All of the above is happening until 2 pm today.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Food drive at 3 grocery stores

October 22, 2022 10:59 am
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Kai and Jay from Chief Sealth International High School are among the Key Club students collecting donations for the West Seattle Food Bank at three local grocery stores until noon today. With them at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) is Shari Sewell from the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle; other sites are PCC (WSB sponsor) and Metropolitan Market.

P.S. If you missed today’s drive, here are ways to donate any time!

HALLOWEEN SEASON: Student-painted pumpkins at West Seattle Farmers Market

October 16, 2022 11:42 am
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Thanks to the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle for the photo! In their booth on the west side of the Farmers’ Market, Key Club members from Chief Sealth International High School are again selling painted pumpkins as a fundraiser. The market is on until 2 pm; if you miss them this week, they will be back next week.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Vandalism, theft put two nonprofits’ vans out of service

Both these reports came in this afternoon:

THE KENNEY’S VAN VANDALIZED: Silvia at The Kenney sent the image of a man they report tried to get into their building and then broke into their van around 1:30-2 am today, where he “cut wires that control our door and wheelchair lifts for our residents … also he proceeded to ignite a small fire in front of our building.” The wires in the van weren’t stolen, just cut, she said; they found a foot-long saw near the cut wire. We’ve asked if any community help is needed and will update if so.

CATALYTIC CONVERTER TAKEN FROM KIWANIS VAN: The nonprofit Kiwanis Club of West Seattle does need help recovering from a theft that put their van out of service. The club reports:

Sometime around March 7th, someone stole the catalytic converter from the Kiwanis van. The van is vital for the Kiwanis Club to continue its service to the community, and they are seeking donations to help cover the cost of the repair, which is estimated at $1,000.00. If you can chip in and help them pay for it, contributions can be made through their PayPal account or checks can be mailed to Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, P.O. Box 16128, Seattle, WA 98116.

You may have seen the Kiwanis booth at the West Seattle Farmers Market or attended the annual Pancake Breakfast, but did you know the KiwanisClub and its members have been a fixture in West Seattle since 1929?

The major emphasis of the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle is improving the life, safety and health of children in West Seattle. Sponsored youth programs include Key Clubs in 3 West Seattle high schools, Seattle University Circle K, South Seattle College scholarships, Scout Troop 284, Troop 8284, Venturing Crew 284, Crew 279 and Cub Scout Pack 136. The club also supports Westside Baby, Food Lifeline, West Seattle Food Bank and Clothesline, Project Cool, Relay For Life, the SIGN Fracture Care Programs, and the Seattle Adopt-A-Street program.

The Kiwanis Club will have to temporarily divert funds from its community service to pay for the repair. Any contribution to repair the van is appreciated! Members expect to be back at the West Seattle Farmers Market in late Spring, once their van has been repaired. Contact Club President, Denis Sapiro, at 206-601-4136 with any questions.

The theft happened while the van was parked near (corrected) 44th/Hinds.

Stocking stuffers that can change the world: Kiwanis Club of West Seattle auctioning local gift cards and more instead of serving pancakes

November 26, 2021 10:03 pm
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For a second year, the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle has had to skip flipping pancakes at a holiday-season breakfast benefit – so the service club hopes you’ll shop their online auction instead. Lots of gift cards donated by local businesses – food, fun, fitness, and more – plus potential presents, from art to electronics to jewelry. You can browse and bid by going here. The auction’s on through December 4th, which in non-pandemic times would be the day the club hosts that pancake breakfast. Instead, all you have to do is spend a little time with their online auction so they can keep helping kids, with projects from Key Clubs to Scouting to fighting childhood cancer.

GIVING: 2 more dropoff locations for Kiwanis Club of West Seattle’s Toys for Tots drive

That’s the crew in the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle booth at the Farmers’ Market earlier this month, already collecting Toys for Tots for this year’s holiday season. Now they’ve sent word of two more places you can drop off new, unwrapped toys:

The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle has partnered with two businesses to provide “Toys for Tots” dropoff locations.

Edward Jones Advisor Bill Anderson, 3727 California Ave SW, Monday – Friday 8 AM to 3 PM

Northwest Art & Frame, 4733 California Ave SW, Monday – Saturday 9:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Sunday 11 AM – 5:30 PM

For additional information, contact Denis Sapiro, 206-601-4136

HALLOWEEN: Painted-pumpkins fundraiser Sunday

No time to carve a jack o’lantern? Buy a painted pumpkin from the Chief Sealth International High School Key Club! They’ll be at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle booth at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market this Sunday, 10 am-2 pm (while supplies last). The Kiwanis booth is usually on the west side of the market, close to the north end (California/Oregon).

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle’s police commander on staffing and more

Hours after interim Police Chief Adrian Diaz‘s media briefing about staffing changes, Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Kevin Grossman spoke with the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, online. He said he has no further details, yet, about how the 100 “redeployments” will affect his staffing levels, but of course he’s hopeful it means more officers headed this way. Right now, Capt. Grossman said, the precinct staff is 10 percent below what it was when he started, due to attrition – retirements, officers moving to other parts of the city, or moving to other cities’ departments. In addition, this precinct and the others all have to contribute to the “task forces” that deal with some of the ongoing protests on Capitol Hill. On another note, he and operations Lt. Sina Ebinger, who also was at the meeting (as was Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner), will not be regularly attending community meetings as they have since taking over two months ago. Grossman says he wants patrol officers to attend the meetings in the areas they cover, so they can build relationships. (That was part of the reason Chief Diaz cited on Wednesday for moving more officers into patrol.) A special focus of the Kiwanis’s community work is mentoring youth, particularly via Key Clubs, so some Q&A last night focused on that; Danner will be working to set up meetings where she and officers can talk with high-school and middle-school students and hear their concerns.

P.S. Another Kiwanis note – they’re expecting this year’s Pancake Breakfast, usually the first Saturday of December, to be a “virtual” event, so stand by for more on that.

PHOTOS: West Seattle Kiwanis serve up pancakes and holiday cheer

8:59 AM: Volunteer helpers from Scouts to West Seattle Timebank members are with the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle until 11 am in the Alki Masonic Center, for the annual Pancake Breakfast! Pancakes, ham, beverages, $10 at the door, kids under 10 free – and it’s sit-down service. Santa photos, raffles, Toys for Tots too. Be part of a 70+-year West Seattle tradition (backstory here). More photos later!

ADDED 10:14 AM: Here’s a look at some of the people making this happen – above and below, the kitchen crew:


The Kiwanis Club works closely with local high schools’ Key Clubs. Here’s Kiwanian Shari Sewell with Azlin from the West Seattle High School Key Club:

That club is also selling handmade ornaments at today’s breakfast:

And if you bring a Toys for Tots donation … two Marines are here to receive them:

With Santa are Cpl. Kazimir Klossowski and Sgt. Thomas Ledesma. And here from the Timebank, Tamsen and Jacqueline:

The Masonic Center is at 40th/Edmunds.

Bargain breakfast with backstory: Let West Seattle Kiwanis cook for you Saturday morning

December 4, 2019 4:37 pm
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(2018 WSB photo)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Saturday is the busiest day of the holiday season in West Seattle.

Why fix your own breakfast when somebody else is ready to cook for you, with the (low) price you pay achieving more than simply filling your belly?

Any time between 7 and 11 am Saturday, you can walk into the Alki Masonic Center in The Junction, sit down, and enjoy fresh-made pancakes (secret recipe!), ham (not just ANY ham – more on that later), and more. Beverage included! If you pay in advance – online – it’s only $8, though even the at-the-door price of $10 is a deal. Kids under 10 accompanying a paying adult get to eat free and get a photo with Santa Claus, too.

This is all thanks to the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle. It’s not only a bargain breakfast, but one with a backstory – three-quarters of a century worth. Looking ahead to this year’s breakfast, we talked with the club’s historian Denis Sapiro. He’s the “default” historian, he explained, now that he’s been a member for 40+ years.

We talked about logistics too – breakfast for hundreds over the course of four hours. But in some parts of the country, he notes, there are pancake breakfasts serving thousands! (Rodeo days in Cheyenne, Wyoming, among them.)

Here in West Seattle, the Kiwanis pancake breakfast is a tradition for kicking off the heart of holiday-shopping season in The Junction (lately, the shopping starts much earlier, but this is still a huge day of event, including the Junction Tree Lighting). It’s changed venues over the decades. The Masonic Center (which has a big room that’s a popular event venue, with a sizable parking lot) is just the latest in a long line. One past venue was on the second floor of the old Hancock Fabrics store, part of what used to be on the 39th/Alaska site that holds Spruce (LA Fitness plus apartments) now. Another past venue was at the time home to the West Seattle YWCA, just south of the Masonic Center, current home to Origins Cannabis. “People would line up even in the rain and snow,” and Kiwanians took hot coffee around while breakfastgoers waited patiently to get in.

While attendance is lower, the fundraising – which benefits programs such as the Kiwanis-sponsored high-school Key Clubs – is higher. That includes money raised through sponsorships offered to local businesses/organizations. (Again this year, community sponsors include WSB.)

(WSB photo, Kiwanis board members)

Selling advance breakfast tickets is a weeks-long activity. Along with the online sales, you can buy discount tickets from club members on several Sundays – you’ve probably seen their hot-coffee booth at the south end of the West Seattle Farmers’ Market. In years past, some members have been star sellers – Denis will tell you the story of Oscar “who used to walk the streets and go into every business and sell tickets, he could sell a thousand!”

Along with fundraising, the pancake breakfast is also a toy drive – bring new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots. The Kiwanis added it more than a decade ago “because people want to give more than the cost.” They also offer a few tables in the room to nonprofits; the now-defunct West Seattle Hi-Yu used to be there each year, selling Christmas ornaments. This year, you’ll have an opportunity to meet West Seattle Timebank members.

The volunteers who help make it happen include Boy Scouts as well as Kiwanis and Key Club members – the students helped by Kiwanians, giving back. Though Kiwanis is part of a larger, worldwide organization, Denis explains, “we really can quickly change our focus to the need of the community as our members see it … we can get projects from the parent organization but can also do our own thing. We decided working with the high-school kids was really important.”

Now to the logistics: “Because we’ve been doing it for so long, we have a well-organized method,” Denis explains. Two longtime members do the shopping, once they’ve estimated the turnout. The pancake recipe is secret (though we’re told it involves Krusteaz mix), and they use two pancake-batter dispensers made in White Center by a company that sells them all over the world, Food Equipment Design (read about its co-founder Yvonne Belshaw here).

About the ham – it’s from Husky Deli! Though that business’s always-big holiday open house is the night before, Denis says, Jack Miller himself warms and slices it for them by 6:30 am so it’s “ready for us to pick up and take down” to the breakfast site.

They serve breakfast with “real” plates and silverware, so this is a more sustainable event than you might expect. And thanks to the volunteers, there’s table service; it’s NOT a buffet-type setup. But getting to work in the kitchen is the prized duty that morning – “always competitive,” says Denis. “It’s fun to be there cooking with your buddies.”

(2018 WSB photo)

That includes former club members who come back just to help out with this special event.

So special, Santa himself has been part of it since the 1980s, when they had to use Polaroid cameras for instant photos, in the pre-smartphone days.

Ready to buy your ticket? Scroll down this page. Then just show up at 4736 40th SW between 7 and 11 am on Saturday (December 7th) and enjoy breakfast, knowing you’ve just become part of a longtime West Seattle tradition.

Free at West Seattle Farmers’ Market on Sunday while they last: Swag bags!

August 31, 2019 11:59 am
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(Photo courtesy West Seattle Junction Association)

Here’s a reason to get to the West Seattle Farmers’ Market right at the start tomorrow: Your last chance to get a free “swag bag”! The last 100 bags, full of freebies and coupons from local businesses and organizations. The bags were created through a grant-funded collaboration of the Junction Association and Chamber of Commerce. They’ll be available starting at 10 am Sunday at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle booth at the south end of the market, right at California/Alaska, until they’re gone.

PHOTOS: Kiwanis Club of West Seattle and friends, serving you pancakes and holiday fun

December 1, 2018 9:04 am
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(WSB photos by Patrick Sand)

The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle invites you to join them for breakfast at the Masonic Center – the club’s 72nd annual Pancake Breakfast, on until 11 am.

You get not only food and drink (orange juice, coffee, etc.) but also a heaping helping of holiday spirit – Scouts and Key Club members are volunteering, Marines are collecting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots, and Santa Claus is there for holiday photos.

(Chief Sealth IHS Key Club members)

(Scouts from Troops 41169 and 284)

(Cpl. Kazimir Klossowski and HM2 Mallory Michaels)

If you haven’t already bought your ticket, it’s $10 at the door for adults, and kids under 10 who are accompanying them get to have breakfast for free! You can also check out the fundraising raffle and bake sale. The center’s at 40th/Edmunds – entrance is off the parking lot. (WSB is among this event’s community co-sponsors.)

Start your Saturday at the West Seattle Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast

(WSB file photo)

Two days away from one of the busiest days of the holiday season – and you can start it by supporting a local service club while enjoying a festive fresh-cooked breakfast! This is the 72nd year the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle is presenting its holiday-season pancake breakfast, 7 am to 11 am Saturday (December 1st) at the Masonic Center in The Junction. Buy your ticket online in advance (go here) and save $2 – it’s $8 online, $10 at the door. Kids under 10 are free with paying adults, and Santa is there for photos too! If you can, bring a new unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots. The Masonic Center is at 4736 40th SW; WSB is among the breakfast’s community co-sponsors.

See what won the ‘Ugliest Produce’ vote at West Seattle Farmers’ Market

Produce does not need to be flawless to be delicious. You probably already know that. The point was reinforced at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle booth at today’s West Seattle Farmers’ Market, as vendors contributed entries for the “Ugliest Produce” contest. Market shoppers voted with beans. And the winner was …

… a tomato from Kittitas Valley Greenhouse.

West Seattle holiday scene: Kiwanis Club’s pancake popularity!

December 2, 2017 3:22 pm
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(WSB photos)

As we’ve been noting, lots going on this Saturday, and one of the earliest events was a big hit: The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle‘s 70th annual Pancake Breakfast at the Masonic Center in The Junction! Above, that’s the crowd when we stopped by in the third hour.

Everyone who breakfasted with the Kiwanians this morning helped support local youth programs, including Key Clubs and Scout troops, as well as cancer research at Children’s Hospital. The Chief Sealth International High School Key Club, in fact, was helping out this morning (at left is WS Kiwanis president-elect Shari Sewell):

And the event also is a dropoff for the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots donation drive:

Sgt. Fredrick Willard and Corporal Vallory Cunningham were there on behalf of the USMC. Also on hand, Santa! If you missed it this year, set your calendar reminder for the first Saturday in December in 2018.