West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
No, it wasn’t here in West Seattle. Just happened onto this mention of Eddie Vedder making a cameo at the Tractor Tavern (in Ballard) on Tuesday night on the Mayor’s Office of Film and Music‘s new blog-format website. (Full story seems to be at RollingStone.com.)
That’s one of the ways Inauguration Night wrapped up in West Seattle – with revelers dancing to the sound of the West Seattle Big Band at the WS Democratic Women-presented Inaugural Gala at The Hall at Fauntleroy. West Seattleites in DC are reliving their memories – that includes Stephanie and Hans, who are sharing their take on The Big Day, along with photos:
Read on:Read More
Thanks to Mark Ahlness for sharing that photo of his Arbor Heights Elementary third-grade class, “spontaneously ris(ing) for the moment. Some raise their hands with their new president, some hold their hands over their hearts.” Hours later, media crews were invited to two other West Seattle elementary schools where students were expecting phone calls from Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson, to talk about her experiences in D.C. at The Big Event. We were at both – first, our video from Clarissa Resendez‘s 5th-grade classroom at Highland Park Elementary:
HP principal Ann Gray was on hand for the event too. Minutes after the HP call ended, Dr. Goodloe-Johnson was on the line in Room 18 at Gatewood Elementary, where Jeffrey Case‘s 4th- and 5th-graders had gathered – this video allows you to listen in on their first four minutes of listening, and talking, to the superintendent:
That’s Gatewood principal Rhonda Claytor at right in this next photo, looking on proudly during the interaction:
Dr. Goodloe-Johnson made both phone calls from the offices of the Council of Great City Schools in D.C.; the council is a coalition of more than 60 big-city school districts from around the U.S. Both classes chosen for today’s chats have been working on relevant study units — Ms. Resendez’s Highland Park students have been “studying the role of the President of the United States,” according to info provided by the district communications team, and Mr. Case’s Gatewood students have been “studying … U.S. history and the civil-rights movement.”
All WSB coverage of the 2009 Inauguration — including pre-inauguration reports from West Seattleites in D.C. — is archived here, newest to oldest.
You saw the massive crowd in national-media video. What was it like to be part of it – not just during the ceremony, but for hours before?
Our first report comes from Carter and Dan, the Fauntleroy residents who’ve been sharing their stories from DC the past few days:
We’re expecting quite a bit from our new President. As he said, we need to sacrifice, and we felt like we did today. We celebrated with a record two million other ice cubes.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
That “unity wreath” — cutouts of hundreds of handprints — is one of the ways students at West Seattle’s Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic School paid tribute this afternoon to Dr. King, one day after his official holiday, on the day a dream came true in D.C. The entire OLG student body, preschool through 8th grade, gathered in the church sanctuary at 35th/Myrtle (map) to read, sing, and pray, and the spirit of their words and music, on this historic day, could not help but move even the most hard-hearted onlooker. Third-graders read short tributes to people in their lives who they believe exemplified some of Dr. King’s values; one student honored her mom — “In my family, she is the peacekeeper”; another, his big brother — “He stands up for me”; and another student, President Obama, saying he and Dr. King “both want peace.” After reinforcing that by praying a Litany of Peace, students went out to the campus’s north grounds to release dozens of doves:
OLG school staff told us the doves are more like homing pigeons — after releases like this, they fly back to their keeper’s home. Side note: The school has an open house this Sunday – 9:30 am-1 pm.
That’s the donation box at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) as part of the inauguration-honoring shoe drive hatched by Bob Loblaw in the WSB Forums — through tonight you can take new (or gently used) shoes, at the Hotwire box or at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center. They’re going to Soles4Souls. (This is the second fill-up for the box at Hotwire, by the way.) Still need a call to action? Here’s the full video clip of this morning’s Inaugural Address (after the Oath of Office; speech starts 3 minutes into the clip):
(Will be updated with more photos/video from West Seattleites, as we get them)
Click the player to watch MSNBC ongoing Inauguration Day coverage live right now. (The Inauguration page also has a Hulu player where FOX coverage is streaming. To watch the live Twitter feed, go here.)
To see the new look of the official WhiteHouse.gov presidential website, go here. Here’s a notable excerpt from the first entry on its “blog”:
One significant addition to WhiteHouse.gov reflects a campaign promise from the President: we will publish all non-emergency legislation to the website for five days, and allow the public to review and comment before the President signs it.
We’ll add local photos/video of inauguration-watching moments as we get them. Here’s the Chelan Cafe, from Bob Loblaw:
Here’s the swearing-in, as watched and cheered by the West Seattle Democratic Women’s breakfast gathering at the WS Golf Course:
From Alki, this photo of Michael Adams‘ party:
(Michael’s caption: From left, Rachelle Kauffman, Estevan Mazariegos, Michael Adams, Alex Siao, Ryan Trail, Lacey Watson. Breakfast: Blueberry Pancakes, apple smoked bacon, scrambled eggs w/ green onions, buttermilk toast and Mimosas! Michael & Ryan’s place- photo by Rachelle Kauffman)
As we post this, the inaugural lunch is kicking off (10:33 am PT) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein just mentioned the population of the recipe page on the inaugural website; the site seems to be overloaded at the moment but if you want to try it later, here’s the link.
(Added 11:23 am) Molly sent this video clip of her inauguration decorations:
(Added 12:55 pm) Paul Dieter sent this video shot while watching at Seattle Center with a group from The Center School (a Seattle Public Schools high school attended by more than a few West Seattleites):
(Added 1:21 pm) Cami McNamara from Alki sends this clip from where she watched this morning’s historic events — The Paramount Theater downtown:
Here’s Cami (right) with Jackie Ramels (Alki resident who chairs the city Parks Board):
And the Paramount marquee:
(added 1:30 pm) Kathleen from Highland Park sends more photos from the Chelan Cafe by The Bridge:
I just returned from a fantastic inauguration breakfast at the Chelan cafe. About 15 or so people sat and ate comfortably in the Ebb Tide Room watching the inauguration on 4 large plasma TVs. The atmosphere was festive including decorations, inauguration food specials, and just a general feeling of a small slice of the community coming together to share their happiness and joy. The owners (1st pic) couldn’t have been more hospitable! A great morning!
(added 3:55 pm) Barbara watched the ceremonies at Town Hall downtown:
(added 8:05 pm) From Arbor Heights, this group watched the inauguration together: Melissa, Tappi, Derek, Jake, and Maria:
(added 8:16 pm) Two sets of Obama cupcakes – first one from Trophy Cupcakes, photo sent by Lisa; second photo from Emily:
Got an Inauguration Day photo? We’ll add to this, for the record, till they stop coming in; editor@westseattleblog.com – we also will report separately on other events later today including two West Seattle schools where students will talk by phone with Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson, who’s in DC, and some of tonight’s West Seattle celebrations.
Meantime, click ahead to read a poem just sent by West Seattle poet Carol Smith:Read More
We’ll put up live video when the actual ceremony gets a little closer — embedded players (and West Seattle event info) on our Inauguration page. (And if you want to follow a fragmented flow of what’s really happening in DC, here’s the live Twitter stream; among the countless attendees who are posting, King County Executive Ron Sims – here’s his direct Twitter link.)
Almost one full year ago, it started here with the precinct caucuses:
(2/9/08 photo by Tim, taken at Arbor Heights Elementary)
As we reported that night, the 34th District went 70% Obama, 28% Clinton, on a day of overflow crowds everywhere. Two months later, for the district caucus April 5 at WSHS, it was standing- and floor-sitting-room-only:
Seven months after that, on Election Day, we found Chris Porter – who’d been an Obama delegate at the Democratic National Convention – among the morning sign-wavers on the Fauntleroy overpass:
That night, we shot this video at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) during a long, loud ovation after the networks called the Obama victory:
We’ll be back at Skylark tonight; it’s one of the venues with post-inauguration celebrations listed (along with other events and info re: today) on our special Inauguration page.
(Preamble to the Constitution, signed by Carter, Dan and many others in DuPont Circle)
(The box from which the new President will view the Inaugural Parade)
To recap, we’re getting inauguration updates from two teams of West Seattleites in D.C. — we heard earlier from Stephanie and Hans, and now we have two reports – and more photos – to share from Carter and Dan:
DC is high gear. There are crowds everywhere the events are happening. Metro stop lines are a half to a full block long. Parade route has people parading. The National Mall is busy with activity. Everyone is in a great mood despite the crowds. Smiles abound and the random chatting up of strangers. “Where are you from?” is a question everyone asks.
We have a change of plans regarding how we are going to get there. As of this moment, we are going to attempt the 4:00AM Metro from Arlington to the National Mall. I’m voting for just walking the four miles. Everyone i’ve spoke with is going 4AM or before. They won’t even open the Mall until 7 or 8AM (depends on the source). The media here is warning, if there is 2 million people, you will have a personal space the size of a page of newspaper!
Attached photo is “Give Bush The Boot” game. It was a riot watching people vent with the hundreds of shoes. Ironically, while I was in front of the White House, the Police handcuffed and arrested a young guy for throwing a shoe on the White House lawn. They shut down the street which prevented me from going up to the fence.
Carter also sent a celebrity photo … and we have his report from earlier today, including the inaugural concert details — ahead:Read More
Both of our teams of inauguration correspondents — West Seattleites in D.C. for the big event who offered to share some of what they’re doing and seeing — have sent updates in the past few hours. The pix above are more souvenirs, photographed by Stephanie and Hans – here’s their quick update:
Following the plan, my brother and I headed to the nearest metro station to pick-up our train passes. The parking lot was full, so I jumped out to make it a quick run. How hard could it be?
Five lines, about 15 people deep and growing by the minute.
By what can only be termed a miracle, I managed to get in the “right” line at the right time. To my left, a metro worker was furiously attempting to restart one machine. The smart-trip cards were sold out further down. The cash lines were in a constant state of clamor — ironing and re-ironing crumpled bills. And everywhere, the sense that most of the people in line were not “regulars.” One perplexed fellow managed to buy 18 farecards, each $1.35. (Which, separately, won’t get him, um . . . anywhere.)
Despite all this, people were generally pretty upbeat and helpful. Which was a good thing. Because by the time I got to the front of my line, the machine had stopped taking debit cards. Mercy.
My sister-in-law (a veteran commuter) tells me that she’s never seen a line for a metro pass. Much less five at the same time. If that’s any indication of what tomorrow will be like, I can’t wait.
Oh, and I won’t even be sorry about the cash if we end up not using our passes . . . they’re just too cool. =)
Yes we can!
The latest from the other team in D.C. — Carter and Dan — with even more photos – coming up shortly. All our 2009 Inauguration coverage is archived here; our page of info about how/where to watch tomorrow, and who’s celebrating where afterward, can be found here.
Seattle Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson is in Washington, D.C., for the presidential inauguration, and the district has just announced that she’ll talk with two West Seattle elementary-school classes via phone tomorrow afternoon: Highland Park Elementary at 2:15 pm, Gatewood Elementary at 2:40 pm. Here are excerpts from the district’s media advisory, explaining which classes Dr. Goodloe-Johnson will talk with, and why:Read More
Wherever you are tomorrow at 9 am and whoever you’re with, we would love to have a photo of your inauguration-watching group, so that we can post it tomorrow as part of the WSB “historical record.” Cameraphone, whatever. Names if possible, but not mandatory. Sorry we didn’t think of this sooner, but better late than never. Either send it to editor@westseattleblog.com afterward – or if you upload to Flickr, Facebook, TwitPic, wherever, just let us know where to find it so we’ll know we have permission to use it. Thanks! (More local inauguration info is on our special page, here.)
The past two nights, we’ve brought you updates from Carter and Dan, Fauntleroy residents in D.C. for the inauguration (albeit without tickets). Right now, we have a report from West Seattle resident Stephanie, who’s also in D.C. along with husband Hans and their toddler – who’s going to spend Inauguration Day with area relatives while Mom and Dad join the crowd. Hans is tweeting at @p_delta (with photo links from their sightseeing), and Stephanie has sent a longer update – which explains (among other things) the photo you see above:Read More
Two more updates this morning (in addition to our first two installments from West Seattleites in DC – read them here and here): First, we’ve added an Inauguration page, with a variety of info including local events planned during and after the actual swearing-in (chances to celebrate on into the night). Second, we wanted to remind you about the WSB Forums-organized shoe drive in honor of the new administration’s call for service — now through Tuesday, there’s still time to take new or gently used shoes to drop boxes at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) and Full Tilt Ice Cream. They will all be donated to Soles4Soles (read about that organization here). And here’s the official flyer.
(the ticketed seats in front of the U.S. Capitol, with sign-bearing passersby, and media)
Those are just a couple of the latest photos sent back by two of the West Seattleites who are in “the other Washington” for the presidential inauguration. Last night, we published the first report from Fauntleroy residents Carter and Dan (read it here; photo of Carter at right), and this morning we added photos they sent; tonight, we have just received another report, and lots more pix, including the two above – read on:Read More
As mentioned previously, the day before Inauguration Day is not only MLK Day, it’s also the day that President-elect Obama has suggested as a National Day of Service. Add another person to the long list of those answering the call — Katy L from Fairmount Springs:
In response to Obama’s call to National Service in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this Monday, I am organizing a diaper drive at the Jefferson Square Safeway store on behalf of WestSide Baby. We will be there from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., collecting diapers for low-income families in the South King County area. Nancy Woodland, Executive Director of Westside Baby, tells me their supply of diapers in sizes 4, 5, and 6, as well as training pants, is completely gone. They have had to turn families away.
For those looking for an opportunity to serve that day, we still need a few more volunteers to help out. You can contact me at revkaty@nwlink.com. Otherwise, please stop by to say hello or drop off some diapers, if you can.
Other events are listed on usaservice.org, the website set up for Day of Service – and service opportunities beyond that. Here’s the latest list of results for our search of West Seattle and environs – several more events added since last we checked a few days ago.
(photo from Carter, showing the space that’ll be jammed with people on Inauguration Day)
Over the past few weeks, we’ve received e-mail from several West Seattleites who will be at the Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday – and they’ve promised to send updates on what it’s like to be there, both before and during (maybe even after). We have our first dispatch tonight from Carter and Dan, Upper Fauntleroy residents who’ve already arrived — here’s what Carter wrote (with more photos, added Saturday afternoon):Read More
Three items of West Seattle news related to next week’s inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States:
SHOE DRIVE: The WSB Forums shoe-collection drive has just kicked off. Read all about it here; collection boxes are now in place, including the one shown at left at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Another one’s set up at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center. Please take new (or lightly used) shoes to one of those spots between now and Inauguration Day; they will all be donated to Soles4Soles (read about that organization here). If you have a question, here’s where it’s being discussed in the forums. And here’s the official flyer.
DAY OF SERVICE: One day before Inauguration Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday 1/19, is a National Day of Service – and Laura calls our attention to a link where you can find West Seattle-area events and opportunities. We found five atop the list in this configuration; if you know of more West Seattle service opportunities that day or the preceding weekend, please add a comment here, or e-mail us (editor@westseattleblog.com) – thanks!
WEST SEATTLE LABRADOODLES: Dog lovers know the Obama family has been talking about bringing a new pet to their new home, and in an interview yesterday (see the video here), the President-elect revealed they’re considering either a labradoodle or a Portuguese water dog. Longtime WSB’er Amy Gates is a labradoodle breeder – here are two of hers:
Amy is the owner of Sound Labradoodles, breeding multigenerational labradoodles. She tells WSB, “This means our dogs breed true — we’re not just putting a poodle and a labrador together. Australian labradoodle breeders have refined the breed over the past 30 years, including infusing a few other breeds like Irish Water Spaniel into the breed.” She says the breed is appealing to the Obama family because of the allergy-friendly aspect (Malia Obama is allergic to most dogs): “Due to the breed refinement, our dogs are more reliably non-shedding and allergy friendly. A simple poodle-lab cross will not have a reliable result. It might shed, and it might cause allergies.” Amy also says Labradoodles are perfect for the kind of busy environment that’ll constitute life as First Dog: “Labradoodles are really people-focused. They were first bred as service dogs, and many labradoodles are still used as service dogs and therapy dogs. This means they can be trained to be very calm and patient with lots of people around, which is definitely a factor in the Obama household!” Amy’s website is at www.soundlabradoodles.com.
(January 18 note: We now have an INAUGURATION INFO page – click here to go there)
A few national-news sites have posted the Obama/Biden Inauguration Day schedule of events in the past few hours, so it seems to be relatively new news – if you haven’t seen it, here’s the Inauguration Week/Day schedule on the official Inaugural Committee website. From that site, we discovered the Inaugural Committee has its own Twitter feed at @obamainaugural (see/follow it here). Meantime, the first open-to-the-public Inauguration Day events to cross our radar have been on the WSB Events calendar for a few days – here’s the announcement we first published there:
INAUGURATION DAY, will be busy for the WEST SEATTLE DEMOCRATIC WOMEN, as in the morning they will be having a Breakfast/Inauguration Viewing and later in the evening hosting an Inaugural Dinner/Gala. You need not be a member of WSDW, a female, or even a Democrat to attend either function, simply want to celebrate President-elect Obama’s inauguration and the CHANGE it will bring! The BREAKFAST/INAUGURATION VIEWING will be from 7:00 A.M. to approximately 10:00 A.M. at the West Seattle Golf Course. A big screen TV will be provided so to watch the Inauguration and Parade. Please contact WSDW via Karen at (206) 935-3216 or e=mail wsdwomen@yahoo.com to make a reservation.
The WSDWomen’s INAUGURAL DINNER/GALA begins at 6:00 P.M. at The Hall at Fauntleroy with a no-host beer and wine social hour followed at 7:00 P.M. with dinner and a dessert run showcasing absolutely scrumptious desserts. State Sen. Joe McDermott will be the Master of Ceremonies. Dancing and other frivolity will top off the end to a spectacular day! Please contact WSDW via Karen at (206) 935-3216 or e-mail wsdwomen@yahoo.com to obtain tickets to this event.
Reservations are required for both.
Other West Seattle Inauguration Day events open to the public? Let us know – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
ADDED SATURDAY AFTERNOON: First one that we’re adding to the calendar – Dave at West 5 sends word that his Junction establishment’s a fine place to celebrate afterward: “No TVs to watch the event but we will celebrate with Happy Hour pricing all day 11-6, with $4.00 bloody marys & mimosas.”
Two items from the WSB Forums that you should know about if you haven’t seen ’em already:
DON’T THROW SHOES, DONATE THEM! “Bob Loblaw” came up with a great idea to improve on social-network suggestions about throwing shoes on Inauguration Day (example here). Bob writes, “While I’m all for throwing shoes at the Federal Building on January 20, as is being planned on Facebook and elsewhere in ‘honor’ of our outgoing president, I’m starting to think it’s a waste of shoes. Any interest in a “shoe drive” that day instead? I’d be happy to load up the car with new children’s shoes and run them to a local charity in honor of our incoming president.” Interested? Here’s where to join in – he’s looking for ideas, suggestions, support if you’re up for it.
THE BEST OF 2008, AS YOU SEE IT: Yes, we will probably write the inescapable “West Seattle 2008 in review” item tonight or tomorrow, as we did, in ever-evolving style, in 2005, in 2006, and in 2007 (when we published several “Top 7 of ’07” lists). But much more interesting: What’s on YOUR best-of list as 2008 ends? WSB Forum members are discussing it here.