West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
1:38 PM: SPD and KCSO are investigating gunfire at the 30th/Roxbury 76 station. More info to come.
30th is blocked off on the south side of the intersection.
2:11 PM: SPD has turned the scene over to KCSO, whose jurisdiction it’s in. KCSO tells us that their first call was around 12:40 pm for “reckless shooting”; no one was hurt. KCSO says Explorer West Middle School, several blocks away, has lifted its lockdown; we are waiting to hear back from Seattle Public Schools about its multi-program building across the street.
Here in the heart of winter, it’s time to think about summer, especially if your family needs to line up camps for your kid(s). Our newest WSB sponsor, West Seattle CampFinder, is all about that – here’s what they want you to know about their service:
Finding the right summer camps for your kids just got a whole lot easier! West Seattle CampFinder is your local, comprehensive resource for discovering more than 600 summer camps from more than 60 local organizers. West Seattle CampFinder makes it simple to find camps and activities right here in West Seattle that meet your family’s needs.
West Seattle CampFinder was created by West Seattle mom Michelle Kusowski: “In 2023, I found myself spending hours gathering camp information, sharing information with friends, setting up reminders for registration dates, and hoping it all came together.” Thinking that there had to be an easier way and with the encouragement of family and friends, she decided to build it. West Seattle CampFinder was born.
The goal of West Seattle CampFinder is simple: to save families time by offering a centralized place for West Seattle summer-camp information, allowing parents to spend less time researching and planning and more time enjoying life. Now in its second year, West Seattle CampFinder has camp information, registration dates, helpful reminders, filter options, and more! And there’s more to come!
Check out the website at www.westseattlecampfinder.com and join as a member to access the resource. Follow us on Instagram at instagram.com/westseattlecampfinder for more updates and tips.
We thank West Seattle CampFinder for choosing to advertise their service by sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB. Interested in doing the same? Call or text 206-293-6302.
Thanks to Kathleen Fueger for the photo of a U.S. Navy submarine in view as it passed Alki this morning. That’s the second submarine sighting in less than a week, though we don’t know if it’s the same one; the Navy told us they generally don’t comment on specific submarines’ movements, though they did offer an explanation of last week’s steam emission.
(Mount Baker as seen from Alki at sunset – photo by David Hutchinson)
Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
DONUT DEADLINE: Place your order for Madison MS PTSA‘s Krispy Kreme sales – for pickup on Friday (Valentine’s Day) – by midnight tonight.
BLACK HISTORY MONTH ART EXHIBIT: 11 am-6 pm, visitors welcome at the Washington State Black Legacy Institute (2656 42nd SW) in The Admiral District.
BABY STORY TIME: Noon at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).
HOMEWORK HELP: Drop-in time for students to work with volunteer homework helpers at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond), 4-5:45 pm.
COMMUNITY CPR CLASS: 5:15 pm at Dakota Place Park (California/Dakota), presented by SFD’s Medic 2 program with Seattle Parks – the registration link is in our calendar listing, so you can check if there’s still room.
BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS: Postseason begins for West Seattle HS girls’ team, 5:30 pm Metro League tournament playoff game at and vs. Garfield HS (400 23rd Ave.).
GET CRAFTY: 6-10 pm, Monday is “Crafting and Creativity Night” at The Missing Piece (9456 35th SW), info here.
D&D: Weekly D&D at 6:30 pm at Meeples Games (3727 California SW). All welcome, first-time players included!
LISTENING TO GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP: 6:30 pm with Tamara Kubacki, meeting at Mama Be Well Healing Studio (4034 California SW). “Grief groups are brave and safe spaces where bereaved people can share their stories and speak their loved one’s name without fear of getting advice, platitudes, or being shut out, no matter how long it’s been since their loved one’s passing.” – you can attend once or multiple times. Fee. Preregistration requested – our calendar listing explains how.
MONDAY NIGHT TRIVIA: Four places to play tonight! … Every-other-week music quiz at Easy Street Records, 6:30 and 7:30 pm sessions (4559 California SW) … 7 pm at The Good Society (California/Lander); 7 and 8 pm Sporcle Pub Quiz at Three 9 Lounge (4505 39th SW); 7:30 pm with QuizFix at The Skylark (3803 Delridge Way SW)
MEDITATION IN FAUNTLEROY: Monday night meditating – free weekly Zen sitting/meditation in the chapel at Fauntleroy UCC (9140 California SW), 7 pm-8:30 pm.
MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: The Alley features music on Monday nights, jazz with The Westside Trio, 8 pm at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW), 21+, no cover.
MONDAY KARAOKE 9 pm Monday night, sing your heart out during karaoke at Talarico’s Pizzeria (4718 California SW).
Thanks to everyone who contributes listings to our calendar – if you have something to add (or update), please send the info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Local writer Julia Douthwaite Viglione sent the invitation to the next free “Write YOUR Story“ for 7- to 11-year-olds:
Write YOUR Story Spring 2025
Enrolling now
Theme: Defiance and Protest!Who is invited? People age 7-11 who like stories
When? Every Wednesday, March 5—May 7, 2025, 4:30—5:30 pm
Where? Upstairs activity room, Curious Kidstuff toy store, 4740 California Ave SW
Write YOUR Story, est. 2012, is a free workshop led by local writers for local kids
“We read, we write, and we have a lot of fun.”For info or to enroll, contact: juliawsea@gmail.com
We will read The Queen Always Wanted to Dance and Papagayo, The Mischief Maker: two tales that show how to defy oppression in joyous community!
8:11 AM: Again this morning, orcas are in Elliott Bay, off Seacrest and heading east, reports Kersti Muul.
9 AM: A few minutes ago, Kersti noted in a comment below that the whales have stopped for food off Anchor/Luna Park.
6:05 AM: Good morning – it’s Monday, February 10, 2025.
We’re again facing a Cold Weather Advisory, taking effect at 6 tonight; the forecast for today calls for cold sunshine today, high in the upper 30s. Today’s sunrise/sunset – 7:22 am and 5:25 pm.
Metro buses – Regular schedule.
Water Taxi – Also on a regular schedule today.
Washington State Ferries – Regular service on the Triangle Route, with M/V Issaquah and M/V Cathlamet, plus M/V Salish as the “bonus boat.”
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:
Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:
Low Bridge – Looking west:
1st Avenue South Bridge:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here (including links to live video for most); for a quick scan of West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras, see this WSB page.
See trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/water? Please text or call our hotline (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!
SPD released a sheaf of summaries late Sunday, covering the past several days. Here are four incidents we hadn’t previously reported:
NORTH DELRIDGE GUNFIRE: Around 5:30 pm Friday, after callers reported suspected gunfire near 26th/Brandon, police found unspecified “evidence in a nearby park,” and bullet damage to a tree.
SOUTH HIGHLAND PARK GUNFIRE: Around 4:30 am Wednesday, after callers reported suspected gunfire and three people on the run, police found unspecified “evidence” at 16th/Kenyon – though the ground was covered in snow.
GUN ARREST: Police checking out an “illegally parked” car in the 2600 block of Alki Avenue SW at 11:19 pm Thursday found two people insiede and one gun in the console. The vehicle’s occupants did not have a concealed-pistol license for the gun, described as a “Glock 19 loaded with 10 rounds.” One occupant, 19, was booked into jail for unlawfully carrying a pistol (a misdemeanor).
FAILED ROBBERY ATTEMPTS: SPD believes two incidents early Friday are related. At 12:17 am, two people went into the Chevron station/minimart at Admiral/41st; one ran behind the counter, demanded money, then hit the clerk, who police say “squared up” against him, at which time both robbers left. Their car is described as a black or dark gray Hyundai Tucson. Police think the would-be robber who hit that clerk went into the 35th/Avalon 7-11 with a mask, gloves, and gun, but saw the clerk hit the holdup-alarm button, and bolted. Fingerprint evidence was obtained.
(WSB video/photos)
Air: A few degrees above freezing. Hearts: Warm. That was the situation on the upper field at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex this morning, as West Seattle High School softball players led their annual preseason clinic for younger players, ages 7-13. First session was for the youngest participants, ending with a spirited round of base-running (as also shown in our video above):
The players instructed their students in other skills including hitting and throwing. Each of the two groups had takers for every spot – more than 30 per session:
Along with opportunities to practice coaching and mentoring skills, the clinics were fundraisers for the team. Every participant got this special T-shirt:
The clinics were originally organized four seasons ago by player Kamil Ygnacio, who has since graduated – her sister Kaila Ygnacio took the ball and ran with it:
So have newer players’ parents, so the clinics will carry on even as the roster changes over the years. This year’s group stopped down for a players-only group photo while awaiting the next group’s arrival:
(L-R: Hannah, Daeja, Stella, Alice, Julia, Kenzie, Lila, Violet, Molly, Kaila, Marina)
They’ll be starting play in less than a month – spring sports start in early March.
No snow expected, but a dangerously frosty wind chill is at the heart of the Cold Weather Advisory alert that the National Weather Service has ordered for our area. It’ll be in effect 6 pm Monday through 10 am Wednesday, with the potential for wind-chill temperatures in the teens to 20s. Forecast says wind will be out of the north/northeast much of that time. (The NWS graphic in this story shows this alert applies to much of Western Washington – light blue on the map.)
Though most of that video was recorded off-peninsula, the star is Erik Bell, founder of the prolific volunteer-cleanup group A Cleaner Alki (which does its good work at many non-Alki spots too). The video was created by REI (West Seattle-founded!); Erik explains, “The actual Plogging video (running and trash pickup) was shot by REI’s Events Team at Lake Union last Fall to feature on their YouTube channel, and it just went live today. They wanted to highlight what A Cleaner Alki was about, so I provided them with a bunch of stills and a handful of drone videos I had shot at our cleanups” (you’ll notice some of that showing the Marginal pullout under the West Seattle Bridge). Want to get involved with A Cleaner Alki? They’re out pretty much daily – see where and when by going here.
With seconds to go until halftime at the Super Bowl – if you’re even/still watching, considering it’s lopsided so far – we have word of whales off West Seattle. Kersti Muul reports “orcas, including 124Ds, in north end of Elliott Bay – Seattle side, southbound, approximately Seattle to Bainbridge ferry lanes.” Let us know if you see them!
No, not together.
CUPCAKES: We got word from Cupcake Royale that starting this week, you’ll be able to pick up online pre-orders across the street from their old West Seattle location, at Ala Mode Pies (4225 SW Alaska). Hours 10 am-9 pm Tuesdays-Sundays – again, preorders only, via the CR website.
PIZZAS: Starting today, Mioposto in Admiral (2141 California SW; WSB sponsor) is serving up heart-shaped pizzas through Valentine’s Day and a bit beyond, with a beneficiary:
From February 9th through 16th, we’re baking up Heart Shaped Pizzas, available in Pepperoni, Cheese, or Margherita. 20% of proceeds will go to El Centro de la Raza, supporting their amazing work in our community. El Centro de la Raza has been a vibrant community hub for over fifty years, providing social services, education, and advocacy to empower the Latino/a community in Seattle and King County.
Mioposto hours are on this page.
ADVANCE AUTO PARTS: The auto-parts store at 4505 38th SW has been in a long goodbye for weeks, but now it’s set the closing date: March 7. This closure is part of a larger decision to shut down nine stores in the Seattle area, including locations in Tacoma, Seattle, Lakewood, Auburn, Bellevue, Burien, Federal Way, Kent, and Puyallup. Hundreds of locations across the Pacific Northwest and California will also close. Until the store closes, an everything-must-go sale is currently being held, with discounts of 50% to 95%. (All sales are final.) The company has cited ongoing supply-chain issues to several news outlets, including difficulties in inventory management and logistics, as key reasons for the closures.
Thanks for the texted tip. High Point Library is closed today. Unplanned, says this note on the branch’s webpage:
The High Point Branch will be closed on Sunday, Feb. 9 due to insufficient staffing. The book return will remain open and holds will be extended.
P.S. SPL says this is one of two branches in the system – along with the Chinatown/ID branch – closed today for a staffing shortage.
If you’re home-shopping or have another reason for interest in the real estate market – you can get “straight talk” about the state of local real estate this year by visiting West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) for this Wednesday night (February 12) event:
The new year always has everyone asking “how’s the market?” It’s an important question and one that is usually coming into focus about now.
For years we’ve quipped that the beginning of the real estate season usually coincides with the conclusion of football. Well, this weekend is the Super Bowl, and the market is poised to do its usual thing, which is to take off! We’re hosting an open house and inviting the West Seattle Community to join us for the conversation
Wednesday’s event starts at 6 pm; get a preview here. As noted there, the WSR crew also plans to address some unique local factors including light rail and the city’s rezoning proposals.
Received via postal mail:
Want to play handbells?
The West Side Ringers are looking for people to ring English Handbells. No experience is necessary, as we are open to all skill levels. We meet on Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5 pm. Our group currently plays at retirement communities as a service to seniors.
If interested, send an email to anjdroege@gmail.com
(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
The list is a little light today, with many expected to watch The Big Football Game – whether at your home or favorite local venue – but the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar does have some highlights for your Sunday:
SKI SHUTTLE: Shuttle to Crystal Mountain now picks up at 7:15 am Sundays at Mountain to Sound Outfitters (3602 SW Alaska; WSB sponsor).
SOLD-OUT SOFTBALL CLINICS: We’re told this morning’s clinics with WSHS softball players coaching younger girls at Nino Cantu SWAC are sold out!
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Long before game time, you’re invited to meet for today’s run at 9 am at Highland Park Corner Store. (7789 Highland Park Way SW)
AMERICAN MAH JONGG: Meet up with other players – all levels – 9:30-11:30 am at The Missing Piece. (35th/Roxbury)
FAMILY DISCO: Dance with your wee one(s) at South Seattle College‘s Brockey Center, benefiting West Seattle’s co-op preschools, 10 am-11:30 am. (6000 16th SW)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Open 10 am-2 pm, with last-minute game goodies to be found among the winter produce (root vegetables! greens! cabbage! apples!) and beverages, flowers, cheese, fish, meat, prepared hot food, baked goods, nuts, candy, condiments, more. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)
DUWAMISH TRIBE LONGHOUSE & CULTURAL CENTER: The longhouse is open for visitors, 10 am-5 pm. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Need a tool to get your project going, or to finish assembling a holiday gift? Borrow it from the Tool Library, open 11 am-4 pm on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
PRODUCE POP-UP: Noon-7 pm at 5444 Delridge Way SW in the ex-Cascadia Fresh Market space, as previewed here – go stock up on primo produce!
YOGA SERIES CONTINUES: At 1 pm, second of eight weeks for Yoga with Miche in The Admiral District – our calendar listing has details.
WEST SEATTLE INDIVISIBLE: 2:30 pm. at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, this resistance group meets, all welcome, as previewed here.
‘COVENANT’ MATINEE: Instead of football, how about theater? First matinée for ArtsWest‘s new play, 3 pm, get ticket(s) here. (4711 California SW)
SUPER BOWL WATCH PARTY: Haven’t decided where to watch? Ounces welcomes you, 3:30 pm, and burgers from Burb’s are in the house too. (3809 Delridge Way SW)
ASTRA LUMINA: Celestially inspired light show on the grounds of the Seattle Chinese Garden at the north end of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, 6 pm and later admission times. Tickets and info here.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: Sunday nights bring music with the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW) – 8-10 pm.
Are you planning, organizing, and/or publicizing something that should be on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Please email us the basic details – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
11:32 PM: The crash itself doesn’t look too bad from the traffic cam, but westbound Fauntleroy and northbound 35th are blocked right now just west of the end of the West Seattle Bridge, after two drivers collided in the intersection. At least one is being checked out for possible injuries.
11:49 PM: Checking back on the live SDOT camera, one vehicle is already gone and a tow truck has just arrived for the other one, so this should be cleared before long.
11:56 PM: All clear. (We’ll follow up with SFD on whether anyone was hurt.)
ORIGINAL SATURDAY NIGHT REPORT: Police found evidence of gunfire in South Delridge after 911 reports about it around 7:40 pm, according to emergency-radio archives. No injuries reported so far. Police found shell casings near 21st/Barton, and an empty gray Kia Avalon – left running – with bullet damage. Witnesses told them the people responsible for the gunfire left the scene in a car, but no consistent description; dispatch later reported the person who had been driving the Avalon called in to say they’d left it after getting shot at. Barton was blocked off for a while as police looked for other evidence, but it’s reopened now.
ADDED SUNDAY MORNING: The police-report summary we obtained this morning includes the info we reported above, with one additional detail: The person who called in about the car declined to come back for it, saying, according to police, “he was already out of the city and would not return.” The car was impounded.
(WSB video/photos)
The Seattle Chinese Garden‘s Lunar New Year festival today not only had a lion-dance “workshop” and children’s crafts…
… it also had a visit from Mayor Bruce Harrell, who spoke for five minutes, preceding a proclamation with a spirited defense of diversity, equity, and inclusion, currently under federal siege:
As the mayor pointed out, north-end City Councilmember Dan Strauss – who has visited Seattle’s Chinese sister city Chongqing, home to the garden’s stylistic inspiration – was also at the festival, which offered music and games as well. The garden’s regular visiting hours are here.
Thanks for the tips and photos! Also seen on Alki this afternoon and getting a lot of attention, the SS Cape Intrepid. No, it’s not a U.S. Navy vessel – the Cape Intrepid is a U.S. Maritime Administration Ready Reserve ship that can support the Navy, and has been moored in Tacoma. Trackers say the Cape Intrepid is out on “sea trials” right now, passing the south end of Whidbey Island.
(Added: Photo by Bucky Hayes-McQueen)
3:26 PM: More than 100 people are marching along the Alki Trail again today in support of immigrants’ rights. We didn’t hear about it until it was just starting but caught up with the group as it headed east/southbound; they were detouring onto Luna/Anchor Park. Photos/video to come.
(Added: WSB video)
4:09 PM: Above is our roadside video as the group passed just before turning into Luna/Anchor Park. We continued heading south/west and didn’t see any other groups. Listening to police radio, we’re hearing the demonstration is now along Alki Avenue in the 1300 block – one officer had told dispatch a few minutes ago that someone had been assaulted and they were arresting a suspect, though there was no word of whether it involved demonstrator(s) or other(s).
8:38 PM: Here’s what police tell WSB about that:
Two arrests were made at the protest on Alki. One protester was arrested for assaulting another protester in front of officers. The adult was arrested and booked into King County Jail on investigation of assault. The second arrest was of a juvenile that was arrested for obstruction. The juvenile stood in front of a patrol vehicle that had lights activated to prevent it from moving, and was arrested and I & R’d (Identified and Released) to a parent. No injuries or reportable use of force.
(Photo courtesy Caroline Goodell)
“We are biased — our bias is toward democracy,” Caroline Goodell says about West Seattle Indivisible, which sent WSB an announcement to let the community know about their meeting Sunday afternoon (February 9). “Our democracy is under threat,” she told WSB by phone. “Our intention is to stand together and fight back in defense of our rights, our communities, and our values.” While the group doesn’t currently organize protests, Goodell says members have participated in demonstrations and encourage civic engagement through actions like calling and writing to senators, in-person advocacy, and voter education. They provide a space for community members to come together, discuss issues and commit to tangible steps toward change. The group meets every two weeks, typically on Sundays. Meetings include check-ins and action-based discussions, where participants gather at tables focused on different political issues and commit to specific actions before the next session. The next meeting is tomorrow from 2:30-4 p.m. at the West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW).