West Seattle, Washington
14 Tuesday
That map shows the location of a pipe project just announced by Seattle Public Utilities for a block and a half of the 26th SW greenway in North Delridge. It will affect people who drive, bike, and walk in that area, but it also comes with a request for those who live there: Don’t use outdoor water while the work is under way (indoor water, no problem, since it drains to a different part of the system). Here’s the full advisory, which neighbors should be getting if they haven’t received it already:
SPU says the work should start within the next two weeks.
Community Power Works (CPW), the City of Seattle’s home-energy-upgrade program, is now available in West Seattle, and sponsoring WSB to get the word out. Here’s the info the program wants to share: Community Power Works is a federally funded initiative aiming to facilitate weatherization of more than 2,000 homes and small businesses before June of 2013. Home upgrades increase health and comfort, and offer opportunities to “live your values,” such as decreasing energy consumption and reducing your carbon footprint.
For homeowners, Community Power Works provides the opportunity for a $95 whole-home energy assessment (normally $400), and consultation with CPW’s home-energy experts to prioritize work based on the needs of the home and homeowner. Energy experts also advise on rebates and incentives available for the project, valued at $2,000 for over 20% energy savings per household. After bid selection, a CPW pre-approved contractor conducts the work, and it is quality-checked at no charge when complete. CPW also provides affordable financing if needed, and bundles all applicable utility rebates and incentives. For more information and to sign up for the program, visit CommunityPowerWorks.org or call 206.449.1170.
We thank Community Power Works for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.
That’s what a guy from West Seattle suggests we need, in this P-I “guest column.”
This morning’s P-I dissection of Pointlessness at the Polls points out, pointedly, that despite WS being home to Hizzoner, our collective voting position was a 180 from his. (P.S. Don’t forget, the Lame-Duck-A-Duct is closed most of this weekend.)
-We’ve been watching the additional ballot counts roll in each day since voting ended on Tuesday. The tunnel option has held steady at 70% no, but replacement-a-duct has lost ground day by day … on election night, it was at 55% no; tonight, that’s up to 57% no.
-Speaking of the viaduct, we know a bit more about exactly when it will be shut down next weekend for the big inspection. At least it won’t be out of commission the entire weekend.
Just in case you are completely sick of everything and anything related to the viaduct vote, we will share our thoughts, plus all the latest cool analysis links, after the jump:Read More
The first, and apparently only, count of the night for the viaduct vote is in:
Tunnel – 70% no.
Replacement-a-duct – 55% no.
More ballots to be counted tomorrow (and beyond).
-Two days short of the Ides of March, we’ll see whether voters choose to stab the tunnel or the replacement-a-duct out of their respective miseries … or both … or neither … or what …
-Or what, indeed? Tomorrow night, you can call in to ask Hizzoner himself. Not that you’ll be guaranteed an actual answer; so far this week, he’s just waffling.
-Haven’t voted yet, but still intend to? P-I offers one last roundup of info-links.
-That public viaduct tour later this month, during the twice-yearly inspection closure, is already sold out, says the DOT. No worries; here’s a better way to walk the lame-duck-a-duct.
-Second-to-last day to drop off your ballot (if you’re mailing it, it has to be postmarked no later than tomorrow). High Point Community Center is the WS dropoff spot, 7 am-8 pm today and tomorrow. (ALMOST as satisfying as non-mail voting.)
-The P-I drops by Diva to sample viaduct-vote opinions.
-Also from the P-I — a puffy overanalysis of what the v-vote debate truly means.
-Another voice for no/no: Will.
-Warning — The viaduct closes March 24-25 for its twice-yearly inspection. But you can sign up now to take a walking tour during the shutdown!
-No ballot dropoff today; just tomorrow and Tuesday, 7 am-8 pm, High Point Community Center and assorted non-WS locations.
-Times editorial: Yes on replacement-a-duct.
-Small online vote with seven options: Surface/transit wins.
-If seven options aren’t enough, how about a “tube”?
-A non-local blog calling itself Designing Public Consensus takes a look at all this.
-Another dropoff day at High Point CC, 11 am-3 pm only. Looks like 100K of our citymates already have voted; so much for the boycott idea.
-Uh-oh, start tracking your home’s value on Zillow to see if it really does start dropping like a rock because of the whateverduct dithering. (And if it does, this guy has no sympathy.)
-Thinking of supporting the replacement-a-duct? Take a close look at construction closure projections first.
-Who knows what we’ll really eventually wind up with? Could even be the rebuild remix.
-USA Today tries to relate the viaduct vote to the rest of America by describing it as “a landmark visible in the opening credits of … ‘Grey’s Anatomy’.”
-The P-I finds people to expound on the vote’s pointlessness, says voters are misinformed anyway, and finally issues its official editorial position: same as ours.
-The Times looks at post-viaduct land values, notes $600 million of work can be done without a consensus, hauls out a pro-replacement-a-duct columnist, and gives the pro-retrofit side some space.
-Once again today, you can drop your ballot off @ High Point CC, 7 am-8 pm. (Same hours Monday & Tuesday, but it’s 11 am-3 pm Saturday, and no dropoff Sunday.)
One of the many reasons not to like voting by mail: You gotta lick two envelopes. Even if you’re just dropping off your ballots, as we did this morning @ High Point Community Center. (Helpful signs out front and inside will point you directly to where a tableful of vigilant folks is guarding the ballot-collection box. ALMOST like voting in person.) Anyway, be sure to put your ballot in the “security envelope”; then sign and date the right spot on the OUTER envelope, before sealing the once-enveloped ballot inside. Here’s how we both voted:
-Today’s your first opportunity to drop off your ballot in West Seattle (High Point Community Center).
–Dave Fox’s take on the whole mess is almost funny.
–The Weekly reviews the viaduct’s twisted history.
-Is Councilprez Nick really just mad at Hizzoner over viaduct-vs-tunnel, or is this really worth getting wadded up about?
-If you want to take a good close-up look at the viaduct before the voting deadline, Sunday morning’s your chance.
–Official WS Herald editorial position: Yes on replacement-a-duct.
–Bruce Ramsey says we should just be happy we GET TO vote!
-What life supposedly would be like during construction.
-No Tunnel Alliance plots a “We (Heart) the Viaduct” rally for Election Eve.
–Another tunnel opponent writes the Herald, dubbing Hizzoner “Gridlock Greg.”
-As for Hizzoner himself, he’s talking cops today, not the t-word.
–Four state legislators (including our West Seattle rep) say, even before the votes are counted, it’s time to revisit The Third Option.
–In the transcript of his online Q-n-A session, lame-duck Councilmember Peter S says no/no will “send (politicians) a message” — but then in the next breath says he’ll ignore the vote results if they turn out “yes elevated.”
-The Muni League says voting no/no isn’t enough — vote blank/blank.
-Dylan says, don’t even vote.
–Blue-Eyed Buddhist ‘fesses up to a yes tunnel/no elevated vote.
-The viaduct’s just in a bad place, period.
-What life would really be like during a rebuild.
-A rebuild would spend $50K on behalf of each of us, says the Sightline Institute. (Can we just take the $ instead?)
-Times columnist Danny Westneat takes a walk under the viaduct with a guy identified as a West Seattle writer (we’re guessing this is him, though there’s no geo info on that site) and arrives at the conclusion that he’s joining us No/No-ers.
-Missed this one in the Saturday Times: Tunneling would raise our utility bills.
-And it’s a Times trifecta in this PATP update: E-mail your questions now for tomorrow’s online session with lame-duck councilmember Peter S, following last week’s appearances by Nick L and Hizzoner.
-Even a “new” viaduct would include a section of repaired/retrofitted viaduct, says the P-I.
-A fan of a seldom-discussed option, a bridge over Elliott Bay, lays it out in the Times.
-Pro-viaduct commercial, analyzed.
-Anti-viaduct commercial, analyzed.
-Near the end of this councilmember-who’s-leaving profile, West Seattle’s Most Famous ex-State Supreme Court Justice thinks 100,000 people live in WS.
-Two more cases for “no/hell no” — Geov Parrish and Cascadia Report.
–Viaduct, The Blog keeps shilling for “repair & prepare,” aka “retrofit” and … (You know, we just keep yearning to rhyme “retrofit” with “acquit,” a la Johnnie Cochran.)
-Shockingly, Slog hasn’t posted ANYTHING on the VV so far today.
Under The Viaduct, WSB reader Lillie found this wolf, clearly cousin to the owl and bear beneath The Bridge, perhaps howling in anger at the vote that’s wasting $1 million?
-City Council member Peter Steinbrueck says he’ll leave the council when his term expires this fall, to focus on The Third Option.
-His current council colleague Nick Licata, who’s pro-rebuild, answers questions on the Seattle Times website from noon-1 pm today. You can send yours now. (If you missed it, here’s the transcript of Hizzoner’s lunchtime online Q-n-A from yesterday. Even just the photo of him at the keyboard is worth the click.)
-No surprise, this ballot of too many options, yet too few, is apparently confusing people. (Can’t say we didn’t warn ’em.)
Just spotted along the westbound Fauntleroy Way end of The Bridge — huge banners with a sequential message (a la the “Burma Shave” roadside signs way back when) — REPLACE IT?/NO … FIX IT! (We feel a growing sense of kinship in our pro-retrofit-ness.)