West Seattle Lost/Found Pets

Lost or found a pet? E-MAIL INFO/PHOTO TO: westseattleblog@gmail.com – plain text with contact #, one JPG photo, no Word/PDF/etc. docs. PLEASE let us know when the situation is resolved, so we can remove the listing. Thanks!

RULES: Please only report “found” pets that are in your custody – if you see a “possible lost pet running around,” check to see if it is reported as lost. If it is, PLEASE contact the owner directly with your sighting – they might not see a comment soon enough. If the pet needs medical attention, please get that attention before asking us to post. Please do NOT submit a comment with an opinion of the pet, its owner, its circumstances, its breed, OR promoting someone who charges $ to search for pets.

ARCHIVES: Everything up to 4/1/2012 ***is here***.

FOUND DOG: Delridge

I found this puppy with harness and leash attached but no contact info. They were near Delridge and Henderson while on the way to work. Hopefully you can spread the word. I am most likely taking them to Burien Cares when they open today.

970 208 2140

FOUND CAT: Tuxedo, Westwood

Heather 206-919-7022, Westwood

Anyone missing this fluffy cat? He seems to have taken up residence under my shed and I’m seeing him more frequently. He has an AirTag which I think is broken as I wasn’t able to read. He’s super fluffy with a big fluffy tail. He has been well fed but he seems to be thinner now so I thought I’d post. Friendly but skittish. I wasn’t able to get close while trying to take a photo but he’s let me pet him previously. Not sure of the gender.

FOUND CAT: Black, Highland Park

This young collarless cutie has been hanging out in my yard, on 15th Ave SW, between Holden and Webster. Does anyone recognize it? 206 454 0120

LOST CAT: Senior, ailing

OLDER CAT: He had a lion haircut and white patch on his chest. He was not doing well and we were doing best to keep him comfortable in his last days. He vanished from our house yesterday while I was out for work and my son was at day camp. No sign of him ANYWHERE. Black/darkbrown fur. 206-371-9414

LOST DOG: Seen Dr. Noodles? Golden Doodle in Gatewood

Dog Name: Dr. Noodles (Noodles)
Dog Info: 6 year old golden doodle
Owner Name: John Campbell
Owner Phone: 206.330.5347

Missing since yesterday/last evening. I came home after being away for about 5 hours at 10 pm last night and Noodles was gone. No sign of forced entry and nothing else was missing. Friendly but active and vocal dog, with no history of running away or getting lost.


(Lucy is back with her dog-sitter; info removed)


(info removed)

FOUND CAT: Morgan Junction

We found a friendly no collar silver gray Tabby on the corner of Morgan and Fauntleroy at about 8:30pm. They were intent on crossing the intersection. They appeared stressed and confused. For their safety we decided to take her home to find her family.

Desperately want to connect her/him with their family. Im sure they are missed. Hard to get good photos cause …cat. white muzzle, white paws, and knee high white left sock. 206.397.2329

SIGHTING: Cat in Highland Park, on doorstep

This little guy showed up on my front doorstep and tried to come in! Seems pretty young! Could be that they were just having some authorized wandering time but just in case someone’s looking for them. Left some water out. 11th/Henderson.

LOST CAT: Looking for Mochie

Last seen 8/23 in the AM, usually returns at night or morning at the latest.
Sweet female cat named Mochie, she loves attention, and unfortunately often loses her collar. She often hangs out on the stairs between 61st and 60th – Spokane St.
Please call if seen or found, Sue 206-409-1193
Thank You

FOUND CAT: Injured

We found this cat with an injured front leg at Massachusetts and Sunset. Can you help find the owner? No tags. We are allergic to cats so, can’t bring it in, but gave it food and water and a blanket on our porch.

(Editor’s note: We’ll add the phone # when we get it – listing came in without one)

LOST CAT: Looking for Tamsin – STILL MISSING

Tamsin, female lost on August 7th near 30th Ave SW & Elmgrove in West Seattle.


FOUND CAT: Highland Park

Found in Highland Park on 12th Ave SW south of Holden. Extremely sweet.


FOUND DOG: Junction, taken to shelter

Found at Junction QFC. Taking to shelter. 206-265-2804


(reunited; info removed)


(info removed)

SIGHTING: Bengal cat on Alki

SEEN (not found) on Alki – Bengal-looking cat running loose. No collar. Near ex-Starbucks.

FOUND DOG: Fauntleroy/Cloverdale – REUNITED

(info removed)

FOUND CAT: North Delridge – REUNITED

(info removed)

LOST DOGS: Two brindle mix

Lost near Sanislo Elementary, two female brindle mix dogs, about 8 months old. Any info, call 206-415-3457.

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