Preparedness 201 results

In case of catastrophe, how will you get around? Researchers invite you to West Seattle focus group (update: full)

SATURDAY: We don’t get this kind of announcement often, but we’ve always been interested in preparedness, and this topic resonates. Maybe you’ll want to spend a little time talking with these researchers on Tuesday night:

Oklahoma State University and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte are conducting a study about the use of micromobility (light, low-speed transportation modes) and resilience hubs in disasters. This study is funded by the National Science Foundation and is being conducted in partnership with local disaster preparedness organizations in Seattle to enhance community resilience.

The research team is seeking focus group participants (see below for date/time options) to learn more about how community spaces and transportation networks can better support Seattle communities during times of disaster or other kinds of disruption. We hope that you will consider joining a focus group to share your ideas! Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to participate. Each participant will receive a $50 Amazon gift card in appreciation of their time. Limit one focus group per participant.

Please email to RSVP for a focus group (Choose any ONE of the date/time/location options below):

Tuesday, October 29 (6:00 – 7:00 PM), West Seattle Branch – Seattle Public Library (2306 42nd Ave SW)
Wednesday, October 30 (6:00 – 7:00 PM), Lake City Branch – Seattle Public Library (12501 28th Ave NE)
Saturday, November 2 (1:30 PM – 2:30 PM), Beacon Hill Branch – Seattle Public Library (2821 Beacon Ave S #5813)

Participation in the focus groups is voluntary. We expect that there will be minimal psychological or physical risks or discomfort as a result of your participation in this research. The personal benefits for your participation include learning more about local hazards and disaster preparedness. The societal benefits will be a better understanding of the transportation and resource needs of different communities in disaster scenarios. In turn, this will allow researchers and emergency planners to more effectively prepare for the transportation and resource distribution needs of individual communities in the event of a disaster.

We want to thank you for your cooperation and invite you to contact us by email or phone if you have any questions about the purpose of the research, what we are asking you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a study participant, or any other questions you might have. Please feel free to reach out to the study leaders below at any time.

Thank you for your consideration,

Dr. Katherine Idziorek, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, (980) 729-5722

Dr. Chen Chen, Oklahoma State University, (405) 744-5710

SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Dr. Idziorek tells us they’ve had a great response and the group is full, as is the waitlist.

WEEKEND PREVIEW: ‘Ready Freddy Prep Party’ tomorrow (and another coming up)

May 3, 2024 7:01 pm
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 |   Preparedness | West Seattle news

Ready for what we all hope will never happen? If not, join Alice Kuder of Just in Case Disaster Preparedness Services (WSB sponsor) at one of two more “Ready Freddy Prep Parties,” and a little time can make a big difference. At 3 pm tomorrow (May 4) and 1 pm Saturday, May 18, in less than an hour, you’ll see how to create a Flee Bag™ (aka “Go Kit” or “Bug-out Bag”). Bring your own bag; if you want to stuff it with the basics Alice recommends, she’ll be selling them at cost. The party is at Whisky West (6451 California SW) and attendance is limited so RSVP ASAP by emailing Alice at

Just in Case Disaster Preparedness Services, with two Prep Parties coming up in West Seattle: Welcoming a new WSB sponsor

March 27, 2024 1:20 pm
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 |   Preparedness | West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

Today we welcome Just in Case Disaster Preparedness Services as a new WSB sponsor – here’s what to know about what they can do for you:

Alice Kuder is on a mission. She wants every household in West Seattle to be prepared for the next, inevitable, natural disaster. Her goal is to see an emergency Flee Bag™ in every home.

A Flee Bag™ (aka, Go Kit or Bug-out Bag) is a portable tote such as a duffle bag, backpack or luggage containing basic emergency supplies to get you through the first 1-3 days following a disaster. And assembling a Flee Bag™ is a first, important step toward disaster preparedness.

“Everyone wants to be prepared for disasters, but many, if not most people allow fear and procrastination to prevent them from taking even the first steps,” Alice explains. “It’s just human nature. It may not be completely rational, but disaster preparedness has a lot in common with buying insurance and writing a will. Everyone knows that they are things you should do, but sometimes we get afraid that preparing for bad things will bring them on. It’s not true, of course, but that fear is still an obstacle. In reality, preparation provides peace of mind.”

Alice founded her business, Just in Case, to help people surmount those common hurdles and propel them toward preparing for disasters.

One means of achieving her goal of “a Flee Bag™ in every home” is to offer a series of free, Ready Freddy Prep Parties at various times and locations throughout West Seattle. Participants are invited to BYOB (bring your own bag) and begin creating Flee Bags™ on the spot with inexpensive supplies she will make available at cost.

The first prep party will be 7 PM Easter Sunday, March 31 at West Seattle Coworking, 9030 35th Ave SW. The second will be 7 PM, Sunday, April 7 at The Missing Piece Cafe, 9456 35th Ave SW.

Alice is also a residential real estate agent with Berkshire Hathaway Northwest Real Estate. She sees a symbiotic relationship between selling homes and making them safe for their inhabitants. Her passion for promoting preparedness is obvious. “The resources for DIY disaster preparedness are easy to find online, but they are scattered all over the internet and none of them do a good job of helping you figure out how to customize a plan for your particular situation. One-size-fits-all emergency supply kits really don’t cut it.”

The Just in Case website offers a combination of free resources and paid services. The free, downloadable resources (e.g. supply checklists) make it possible for most anyone to do their own preparations. The paid services are intended for those who lack the time, energy and interest to do it on their own.

Just in Case is a truly unique approach to helping with disaster preparedness, in that I meet with clients one-on-one in their homes, and conduct a Readiness Assessment. Together, we review what they have, what they need, what they know and what they need to learn in order to be fully prepared for the next disaster. Following that assessment, we tour their home and property to determine where they can store the supplies and where to shelter in each room if the ground starts to shake.”

But the service doesn’t stop there.

“After the in-home visit, I prepare a customized action plan, dividing the tasks up into manageable chunks over the course of eight weeks. I check in with the homeowners at the beginning of each week to see what they have accomplished, and what’s on their list for the coming week. Most people tell me that this accountability significantly contributes to their success.”

You may recognize Alice as the orchestrator of the free community events Winter Wander Scavenger Hunt and Summer Scramble Treasure Hunt, both of which entice hundreds of West Seattelites to participants each year. Why does she sponsor these events for free? “It’s my way of giving back to a community that I love. I don’t have kids of my own, so my neighbors are even more like family to me. ”

Alice admits that maintaining the “free” aspect is more challenging as she heads into her lower-income, retirement years. She is counting on Just in Case to succeed and produce the income necessary to “keep all these balls in the air.”

“The folks in the Office of Emergency Management tell us that it is likely to be at least two weeks before the public can expect to get any help following a major earthquake. A real catastrophe will require everyone working together and sharing resources, so when one person prepares for emergencies, it benefits us all. I want Just in Case to be a valued leader in our community’s efforts to be prepared, not scared.”

We thank Just in Case Disaster Preparedness Services for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here; email for info on joining the team!


In South Gatewood or Upper Fauntleroy? Huddle with your hub!

March 4, 2024 1:03 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Gatewood | Preparedness | West Seattle news

Last week on the Nisqually earthquake anniversary, we reminded you about Emergency Communication Hubs – the volunteer-powered meeting places pre-designated in case of catastrophe, places you can go for information/resources if something big takes down the usual means of communication. One of West Seattle’s 20+ hubs is hoping nearby residents will come to a gathering this Thursday (March 7), 6:30 pm – the one for South Gatewood and Upper Fauntleroy residents, at Peace Lutheran Church (39th/Thistle). Here’s the announcement from organizer Joel:

The Emergency Hub located at Peace Lutheran Church is meant to provide community-run support efforts in the area of Cloverdale up to Othello, and 35th to California in the event of infrastructure related disturbances such as a major snowstorm, extended power outages, or the big earthquake/ tsunami/ volcanic eruption/ Guadalajara type of disaster.

If you are, or you know anyone, in the area that may be interested in doing some tabletop role-playing exercises that’ll cover several information gathering and resource distribution techniques to help us be better prepared for managing our local needs in a time of crisis, please feel free to join us. All are welcome. No prior knowledge or training is needed. Enter on the west side of the church.

For detailed info on how hubs are supposed to work, go here

Another anniversary of note: Nisqually earthquake, 23 years ago. Here’s one readiness reminder

Another anniversary to note today: 23 years since the 6.8 magnitude Nisqually Earthquake on February 28, 2001. The next big one could happen in a minute or a year or a century … so preparedness is always a good idea. We usually take this occasion to remind you of one simple thing: Learn and remember the location of your nearest Emergency Communication Hub. It’s where community volunteers will help coordinate information and resources, if an earthquake – or other major disaster – knocks out normal channels of communication. Here’s the West Seattle map:

Again, this is an all-volunteer effort, so if you don’t see a hub near you, it’s probably just because someone hasn’t volunteered to coordinate one! Here’s how. (Hub volunteers hold regular drills – here’s one we covered last year.)

FYI: Nationwide cell-phone alert test Wednesday morning. TV, radio, cable too

Right about this time Wednesday morning (11:20 am our time on October 4), your cell phone will likely go off with one of those shrieking alert tones you’ve heard after Amber Alerts. It’s a nationwide warning-system test that you might already have heard about since it was announced in August – we’re mentioning it today just in case you haven’t. The test is explained in detail here. In short, at or shortly after 11:20 am Wednesday, your phone should receive the alert – just once – and the screen will show, ““THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.” Around the same time, radio, TV, and cable systems will broadcast a similar emergency message. The Federal Emergency Management Agency and Federal Communications Commission are teaming up on this and summarized in the announcement: “The purpose of the Oct. 4 test is to ensure that the systems continue to be effective means of warning the public about emergencies, particularly those on the national level.”

COUNTDOWN: Night Out 2023 just two nights away

Hundreds of West Seattle streets will be closed for block parties on Tuesday night (August 1st), this year’s Night Out. It’s a nationwide night for community-building, with a focus on safety and preparedness, and a great chance to check in with your neighbors if you don’t get to chat much over the course of the year. You can see some of the areas where parties are planned by looking at the map on SPD’s Night Out page. If you’re not participating in a Night Out party, be careful when you’re traveling between 5 and 9 pm Tuesday night, as those are the hours for most street closures. P.S. If you’re having a party and wouldn’t mind us stopping by for a photo, email us – – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Transmitting, listening, and learning at Field Day 2023

June 24, 2023 6:26 pm
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 |   Preparedness | Puget Ridge | West Seattle news

Seven hours in, the local amateur-radio operators gathered at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) for this year’s Field Day are just getting started. They’ll be there for a full 24 hours, until midday tomorrow. It’s part of a national event, so they’re talking with and listening to other “hams” around the country. They’re also talking about technology:

And they even have a swap meet set up for buying and selling equipment:

Ham radio is more than a hobby – it’s also a vital part of the plan for communications in case a catastrophe interrupts the regular methods, so this event is a test/practice too:

Many of the scheduled events for the day are over but you’re still welcome to stop by (all ages invited) to see what they’re doing and how things work – they’re in the north lot and field of the college (6000 16th SW).

SATURDAY: ‘Ham radio’s open house’ returns to West Seattle for Field Day 2023

June 22, 2023 1:06 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Preparedness | Puget Ridge | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from Field Day 2018)

For 24 hours this weekend, 11 am Saturday to 11 am Sunday, the north side of the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus will again become a ham-radio hub for the annual Field Day. And it’s all open to the public – you can stop by, observe, participate, and, as organizers explain, “learn more about emergency preparedness, community engagement and service through communication, and the wide world of ham radio!” This is an annual event known as “ham radio’s open house” – and it’s nationwide, as organizers explain:

Field Day is part show-and-tell, part preparedness exercise, and part nationwide contest, aimed at sharpening technical skills and growing the hobby of amateur radio generally. Members will join thousands of other stations set up in fields and remote locations across the country for a weekend of on-air operation. This event is meant to mimic operations in an emergency situation, like an earthquake, where power, internet and cellphone service might be interrupted.

Look for antennas, trailers, and tents in and around the SSC north parking lot and field (6000 16th SW). Field Day is organized locally by Puget Sound Repeater Group and West Seattle Amateur Radio Club. You can see the detailed schedule of events by going here.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Practicing for neighbor-to-neighbor help in case of catastrophe

June 11, 2023 3:15 pm
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 |   Preparedness | West Seattle news

(WSB photos)

In case of catastrophe, it’s likely that volunteers like these will be helping you long before the official emergency responders ever make it out to the neighborhoods. So that’s why the Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs hold regular rehearsals to rehearse how they would help get info – between authorities and neighborhoods, and between community members. Today, one of West Seattle’s “hubs” is part of a citywide drill.

The back lot at Hope Lutheran is the official West Seattle Junction hub, and during the drill – called “Power Down,” meant to simulate a widespread loss of power and regular communication channels (as previewed here) – it and selected others around the city are hubs of activity:

This is what you might see if something major ever happens and requires hubs to activate for real.

In addition to written messages on whiteboards, volunteers are also using ham radio to communicate (voice and internet) – it’s one of the few things likely to be working, with the help of emergency power sources.

This is continuing until 4 pm and you’re welcome to stop by. In any case, be sure you and your family know the location of the nearest hub – see the map here – and if you don’t see one reasonably close by, volunteer to start one!

P.S. You can also learn about the hubs and personal preparedness from volunteers who will be tabling during next Sunday’s Morgan Junction Community Festival.

ARE YOU READY? Sunday simulation to show how neighbors would help neighbors in case of citywide catastrophe

June 6, 2023 1:25 pm
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 |   Preparedness | West Seattle news

If you have some semblance of a household disaster plan – even something as simple as how to get out in case of fire – congratulations, you are ahead of the curve. Even if you don’t, it’s never too late to start thinking about preparedness – pre-disaster. This Sunday is your next opportunity to find out how the neighbors-helping-neighbors, volunteer-powered Emergency Communication Hubs would work. A select number of the city’s hubs will “activate” for a power-outage scenario – here’s the poster:

The closest participation hubs are at Hope Lutheran in The Junction (42nd/Oregon) and the South Park Neighborhood Center (8201 10th Ave S). Here’s the invitation from hub volunteers:

Sunday, June 11th, 1:30 pm to 4 pm

“Power Down” is a simulated, large-scale power outage impacting the entire City. Ten Emergency Communication Hubs will “activate” and help neighbors by sharing information, matching needs and resources, and much more! Easy to observe or participate; show up at any time between 1:30 pm and 4 pm and we’ll walk you thru the Hub. You’ll understand how it works very quickly and learn so much! Sign Up here…

More info at

All the West Seattle hubs are shown on this map. If there’s not one near you – here’s how to get involved and get one going!

ARE YOU READY? Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs team with local school for preparedness prototype

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The earthquake that has killed thousands in Turkey and Syria is a massive disaster that reminds us all on a personal level that preparedness is vital. It can be life-saving both during and after a quake. Local preparedness advocates have long been working to find new ways to get more people to get ready.

Toward that goal, a recent family-education meeting at Gatewood Elementary School doubled as a sort of prototype for volunteer preparedness educators to use for future gatherings in other school/neighborhood settings.

Volunteers from the Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs set up tables to share “Urban Survival Skills” – how to prepare your family, your school, your home, your community, as well as “tech hacks” you can use.

If you aren’t familiar with the Emergency Communication Hubs, here’s an explanation. In short, they are spots where volunteer Hub Captains will set up communication-coordination spots if a disaster takes out normal channels of communication. One easy way to start your preparedness journey is to know your nearest hub location (here’s the West Seattle map) – and if there’s not one nearby, get involved and start one! At the recent Gatewood Elementary meeting, participants milled around the tables, learning about the Hubs and about specific points of preparation.

Ann Forrest from Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs helped coordinate the meeting.

She said that in a larger venue, they could have as many as 17 educational stations. As another volunteer, Deb Barker, showed us, some of the tips are simple, like making sure you always have shoes by your bed in case you’re sleeping when disaster strikes and you have to escape through broken glass and other debris. Also – ensure there’s no furniture (like unsecured bookshelves) that might fall on you. This simple list circulated at the meeting offered suggestions:

Partnership with institutional leaders, when applicable, is important in making a plan. Gatewood principal Kyna Hogg explained to the families at the meeting that they do several kinds of drills regularly, including an evacuation drill.

The families also heard from Forrest about Hub operations – including what they’re not meant for, as well as what they are. Example: Hubs won’t be places to get food/water, but they will be places to connect you with information about finding it if you need it. And a point of pride: West Seattle has more hubs than any other part of the city, as the movement got its start here.

So what’s next? A longtime West Seattle leader in the hub organization, Cindi Barker, stresses that this was a pilot, and intended to see whether people found it useful and interesting. So far, she told us, feedback indicated that it was, so they’re working toward another school meeting, possibly for West Seattle Elementary. From there, the concept could spread, If you have questions, here’s how to contact Seattle Emergency Hubs.

Prepare to be on the air! West Seattle Amateur Radio Club can help you get licensed

(WSB file photo from local amateur-radio operators’ Field Day)

Be a neighborhood hero – be the person on your block or in your building who has amateur-radio skills just in case of catastrophe. It’s the communication mode that’s likely to keep working even if everything else goes out. First step: Take a class that’s coming up, so you can get a license. The West Seattle Amateur Radio Club has issued the invitation:

Ham radio is a great hobby and a great way to serve the community. One can communicate locally, around the world or even via satellite. It provides an excellent means of emergency communication. Your license never expires as long as you renew every 10 years (no need for another exam). This is to be a fun, low-key, learning experience; class participation and asking questions are encouraged. However, instructors will not call on individual students during class, so that you can feel free to participate at your comfort level. Conceptual materials will be presented during the first weekend so that you can study efficiently during the following week. Practical scenarios and demonstrations will be presented on the next Saturday. A review session will be offered on the final Sunday.

The classes are all day Saturday, May 7th, Sunday, May 8th, Saturday, May 14th, and then it’s exam day on Sunday, May 15th, all at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW). The classes are free; the test carries a $15 fee. You can go here to register.

DRILL: Here’s what you might see at sea Tuesday

April 11, 2022 3:53 pm
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 |   Environment | Preparedness | Seen at sea | West Seattle news

The state Department of Ecology has sent advance word of a drill you might notice if you’re looking toward Harbor Island or the downtown waterfront tomorrow (Tuesday, April 12th). Starting at 9 am, the alert says, “Kinder Morgan and NRC will be deploying equipment to exercise their oil spill contingency plans, and test the geographic response plan for that area. Activities will start at the Kinder Morgan facility on Harbor Island [map], and then move to the waterfront near the Seattle Aquarium. Crews will operate oil spill skimmers near Harbor Island and deploy boom near the Seattle waterfront.”

Earthquake readiness beyond your disaster kit, and what else District 1 Community Network heard about this month

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Another Northwest earthquake swarm – this time off the Oregon coast – is the latest reminder that we live in a seismically active area.

You hear a lot about preparedness, but it should go beyond the “have some food and water stashed away” stage, the District 1 Community Network heard at this month’s meeting, which featured two other topics – “street sinks” and the local Salvation Army Center.

First – the spotlight presentation was from Cindi Barker, an Upper Morgan Junction resident long active with the Emergency Communication Hubs, a volunteer organization that works to ensure neighborhoods have gathering places in case of catastrophe (find your nearest one here) and to raise awareness of other preparedness issues.

Read More

READY? Be a guest star in Emergency Communication Hubs’ disaster rehearsal

Know where your nearest Emergency Communication Hub is? Check the map and memorize it! West Seattle has long been a leader in this aspect of preparedness – with volunteers ready to set up spots to coordinate communication if a disaster cuts the regular channels. To stay ready, volunteers practice – and they’re doing that at two sites in the city these next two weekends, Volunteers are needed to help with the drills, too. Nearest one to us is a week from tomorrow – Saturday, September 25th – at Jefferson Park on Beacon Hill. Here’s their explanation of what they’re doing:

Feeling pummeled by the pandemic? Try tackling a different type of disaster! Seattle’s Emergency Communication Hubs and The Seattle Auxiliary Communications Service Ham radio operators are responding to simulated earthquakes on two different Saturdays in September. The “Double Trouble” exercise will run from 9 am to 1 pm on September 18th and again on the 25th. Hub Volunteers need YOU to make this exercise successful. They need practice responding to the overwhelming requests for help that are likely after the “big one” hits. Everyone benefits from these drills. Volunteers get better at supporting their communities, the public learns what the Hubs can and cannot do, and the overall system gets stronger. Win Win Win.

Saturday, Sept 25th, from 9 am to 1 pm we’ll be on the south side of town – Jefferson Park next to the tennis courts. Getting involved is easy. Once you arrive, you will become an actor for us; you will be handed a piece of paper with a situation written on it and see if the Hub volunteers can help you. The situation will be something that could realistically happen after a large earthquake: Your household needs drinking water. Your pet is lost. The gas station just caught fire but 9-1-1 is overwhelmed. Your participation will help Hub volunteers improve their skills and adapt their processes. Participating in the exercise is valuable for you as well because you will learn SO much about what to expect if Seattle were to have a large earthquake. You can arrive when convenient and stay for as long as you like. More information can be found at or by contacting or by calling (360) 550-2234 or (206) 933-6968.

Tomorrow’s north-end exercise is happening in Maple Leaf.

ARE YOU READY? Earthquake prep on HPAC’s agenda Wednesday

May 24, 2021 11:33 am
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 |   Delridge | Highland Park | Neighborhoods | Preparedness | West Seattle news

It’s been 20 years since our area’s last major earthquake. The next one could happen in 20 more years, or 20 decades, or 20 minutes. Preparedness is vital. It can also seem overwhelming – where do you start? Spend a little time at 7 pm Wednesday (May 26th) getting some inspiration with HPAC, the community council for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge. Here’s their preview:

We’ve been coping with a pandemic, and a major bridge closure, but are you ready for our next big seismic event?

If we had a major earthquake tomorrow that left us without water for several weeks would you know how to harvest water from your hot-water tank or make a makeshift toilet?

Both before and after a disaster, reliable information about services and supplies is just as important as preparedness for keeping people safe. The Highland Park Improvement Club is a member of the Seattle Emergency Hub Network, whose goal is to train Hub Captains and community volunteers to help provide important information both before and after a disaster strikes. Erika, one of the HPIC Hub Captains, will join us to give an overview of the Emergency Hub network, HPIC’s role, and give a preview of the types of events we have planned with the HUB in the coming months.

Other neighborhood concerns are welcome as always, HPAC says. Info on watching/participating via videoconferencing, or calling in by phone, is here – where you’ll also find info on the first in a series of upcoming webinars on the city’s earthquake plans.

GOT A PLAN? American Red Cross offering free fire-safety sessions

April 20, 2021 1:23 pm
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 |   Preparedness | Safety | West Seattle news

That’s the question the American Red Cross has for you. If you’re not sure – they have something else for you – a free personal online session to review fire safety. Here’s the explanation they asked us to share with you:

The goal of the Home Fire Campaign is to reduce home fire fatalities by educating clients on home fire safety and installing free smoke alarms in homes that do not have them. Due to COVID, we have pivoted to delivering free virtual home fire safety sessions to interested clients. These virtual calls take less than 20 minutes and review topics such as the most common causes of home fires, how to create and practice a home fire escape plan, how to test your smoke alarms, and additional local hazard preparedness information (e.g. earthquake). Interested folks can request a free virtual appointment on our website.

You can go here to set up that appointment. (You might even be eligible for a free smoke alarm if you don’t have one already.)

West Seattle advocacy helps get ‘Good Samaritan Law’ expanded to protect more volunteers

(2018 Emergency Hubs drill photo courtesy Tamsen Spengler)

The state’s Good Samaritan Law will expand to protect emergency-services volunteers in more circumstances, thanks to teamwork between West Seattle advocates and legislators. The bill has passed both houses of the Legislature. It’s explained in this announcement as:

House Bill 1209 expands Washington’s Good Samaritan Law by providing that a person is not liable for any act or omission while providing volunteer nonmedical care or assistance at the scene of an emergency or disaster, unless the act or omission rises to the level of gross negligence, or willful or wanton misconduct.

The main sponsor, Pierce County Rep. Dan Bronoske – who happens to also be a firefighter – explains, “Say a flood is approaching and the only way to help you escape is to break down a door or windows, response teams would be able to take that emergency step without fear of personal liability. That does not mean you would be left without financial help like insurance or disaster aid, just that the emergency volunteers responding would be protected too.”

Key advocacy came from the volunteers of the Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs; West Seattle-residing Hubs advocate Cindi Barker tells WSB they first approached West Seattle state Rep. Eileen Cody, who in turn worked with Rep. Bronoske to make the bill happen (Cody and West Seattle Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon are among the co-sponsors). Barker tells WSB, “The Seattle Emergency Communication Hubs have been aware of this issue for several years; the question of liability protection often comes up when we do outreach about emergency preparedness and talking about helping our communities after a disaster. The State Attorney General’s Office had provided us information that a general response after an earthquake would not be covered by the Good Samaritan provisions because when it was written, it addressed medical responses only. Even most recently, during the COVID response, some people have held back from volunteering, worried about the liability. So we decided to fix that gap.”

Next step will be for Gov. Inslee to sign the bill into law; no date for that is set yet.

ANNIVERSARY: 20 years since Nisqually Earthquake; one preparedness step to take right now to prepare for the next quake

Exactly 20 years ago, at 10:54 am February 28, 2001, West Seattle and the rest of the region was shaken in a big way by what went into the history books as the Nisqually Earthquake, after its South Sound epicenter. The magnitude 6.8 quake was big but not The Big One – that is considered to be still likely someday, maybe in our lifetimes, maybe not. But you need to be ready – there are abundant reasons why, such as what’s shown on this USGS map of how the area stacks up in shaking risk; note that some parts of West Seattle are considered at higher risk than others.

Meantime, preparedness remains vital. Every time there’s an anniversary, we remind you that a single, simple action you can take is to know your nearest Hub:

Shown on that map are the Emergency Communications Hubs – community-powered, pre-planned locations you would go in case of major catastrophe, if regular communication channels were disrupted. Be sure you and your family know the closest one. If there’s not one anywhere near your neighborhood, you can organize one – start here. Quakes are still happening – usually too small to feel (check this map for the most-recent ones) – but still without warning; even though an “early warning” tool is in development, it would give you seconds at best.

P.S. So where were you when the Nisqually Quake hit?

West Seattle Amateur Radio Club’s testing triumph

Amateur (ham) radio is more than a hobby – many hams play vital roles in community preparedness work, and other volunteer roles such as safety logistics for big community events (the West Seattle Grand Parade, for example). But you need a license – and that requires a test. The West Seattle Amateur Radio Club recently provided a round of testing with unique challenges posed by the pandemic and more. WSARC’s John Walling sent the photo and report:

Five people took the FCC Amateur Radio Service License Exam provided by West Seattle Amateur Radio Club. Three exam levels were provided: Technician (for new hams), General, and Extra (for existing hams). Three new hams passed the Technician exam, one ham moved up from Technician to General, and one ham moved up from General to Extra.

The exam was held with a two-week lead time and under adverse conditions caused by COVID-19 and high levels of smoke from wildfires. The test was planned for outdoors but was moved indoors to avoid the smoke hazard and was held with safe distancing and COVID-19 precautions. As each participant signed in, their temperatures were taken with a forehead infra-red thermometer to verify they had normal temperatures. Masks were worn by everyone. Hand sanitizer and wipes were plentiful. Five Volunteer Examiners (VE) and a VE Coordinator (VEC) supervised the exam according to ARRL guidelines.

Testing facility was provided by Beckwith and Kuffel (1313 S. 96th).

WSARC has more info and photos here

All-volunteer Seattle Emergency Communications Hub Network has a first-ever request

For more than a decade, we’ve been reporting on West Seattle’s Emergency Communications Hubs – community-powered operations that, if we’re lucky, we’ll never need – places you would go in case of major catastrophe, if regular communication channels were disrupted. West Seattle was a leader in hub creation, and it’s now a citywide program. Right now that program is crowdfunding for the first time to cover its fairly nominal operation costs. Longtime local preparedness leader Cindi Barker sent the announcement:

The Seattle Emergency Communications Hub Network is an ALL-VOLUNTEER force dedicated to helping Seattle communities prepare for a disaster. We work closely with City of Seattle officials, are incorporated into the response plan, but choose to remain independent of formal city control. This allows us to remain nimble and respond to our communities as the unique entities that they are. Currently, we have nearly 60 Emergency Communication Hubs throughout Seattle where trained neighbors will gather to help organize and support their communities after a large disaster.

We continue to focus on skill training and education of our existing hubs and we are determined to increase our outreach to communities of color, to non-English speakers, and to those with accessibility or economic challenges. This has been an exciting time as we navigate new paths and learn how to reach out to all communities with sensitivity. More on that in the near future but for now, we are turning to the community for support.

Hub Volunteers have shouldered our operating expenses for fourteen years. For the first time ever, we are asking our supporters to cover our expenses for the next two years as we migrate to a more sustainable business model. It isn’t a large amount – $5,500. Our network costs include website maintenance, videoconferencing capabilities, translation services to engage more Seattle residents, and multi-language printed materials such as how-to manuals, outreach materials, essential forms, and self-help posters.

If you can donate – here’s where to do it. And even if you can’t – check out the West Seattle hub map above (as well as more resources here) and be sure your family and neighbors all know about your nearest hub!

SAFETY: State Fire Marshal’s FYI about furnishings

Received today from the state Fire Marshal’s Office – a potentially life-saving reminder:

The Washington State Fire Marshal’s Office advises residents that home furnishings have changed over the last few decades from natural materials to synthetic materials. Synthetic fabrics, padding, glues, and resins in newer furnishings burn hotter, faster, and produce more toxic gases and smoke than natural materials.

Studies have shown that room fires with older, natural materials get hot enough to reach “flashover” (the point when all of the materials in the room ignite) in about 30-45 minutes. Whereas newer synthetic materials reach flashover much quicker, in about four to eight minutes.

Additionally, when natural materials burn, the smoke includes hydrogen, carbon, and carbon monoxide. When synthetic materials burn, additional toxic gases including benzene, formaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide are created.

This means that it is now more important than ever for families to respond and escape quickly in the event of a fire.

· Residents should be sure that their home has operable smoke alarms installed in every bedroom and in the hallways on each floor of the home.

· Plan and practice a home fire escape plan. Be sure everyone has two ways out of each room.

· Check doors for heat before opening them. If the door is hot, use another way out.

· In a fire emergency get outside immediately, and never go back inside the home.

· Smoke is poisonous. Stay low and get outside immediately. Never go back inside.

· Gather at a designated meeting place and call 911.

Here’s a video with a side-by-side comparison of how natural and synthetic furnishings burn.