WHALES: Transient orcas passing West Seattle

Thanks to Kersti Muul for tips that transient killer whales are in the area again today. A short time ago, she texted that “T65A5, the lone guy, is close to Alki Point SB,” which potentially means at least one whale in view from west-facing West Seattle. Let us know if you see any!

3 Replies to "WHALES: Transient orcas passing West Seattle"

  • Chuck September 12, 2024 (7:22 pm)

    I grew up in Lincoln Park and Colmen Pool and remember standing on the high dive watching the whales swim by. Good times!

  • Stephanie September 12, 2024 (7:27 pm)

    For Kersti – Is there a link for the available Salish Wildlife WhatsApp’s? I am in one but it is full and a friend wants to join to be on the lookout for our marine friends!

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