West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
(Chas Redmond photo from McGinn HQ on Election Night last Tuesday)
Just out from King County – in the still-unsettled Seattle Mayor’s race:
Mike McGinn 96514 50.88%
Joe Mallahan 91575 48.28%
See for yourself here. Citywide media sources say Mallahan plans to talk with reporters at 5. 4:42 PM UPDATE: City Council President Richard Conlin has already congratulated Mayor-Elect McGinn:
On behalf of the Council, I want to congratulate our new Mayor-elect, Michael McGinn. Michael has a great track record of working for the people of Seattle. I’m very optimistic about the partnership we have the opportunity to create between the Council and the incoming Mayor. We are committed to ensuring a smooth transition as he takes on his new role.
I also want to commend Joe Mallahan and his supporters for their commitment and passion for public service. It was a hard fought race that raised many important issues that our city will face in the coming years.
We have many challenges ahead, including the economic recovery of our region, managing our budget in a difficult time, strengthening regional connections, and building a new green economy.
I remember when I began my career as a Councilmember in 1998 and what it was like to have partners willing to work with me, sharing the same vision and goals. I, and my colleagues on the Council, offer the same support and partnership to our incoming mayor.
We look forward to working together to make Seattle the best city it can be.
5:05 PM UPDATE: Mallahan has conceded. ADDED 7:33 PM: Video of McGinn speaking tonight, uploaded to YouTube by The Stranger:
The daily results count is out – and Mike McGinn‘s lead over Joe Mallahan in the mayor’s race has widened to more than 1200 votes, more than double what it was a day earlier. 8:10 PM UPDATE: King County released a second round of results this evening – now McGinn’s lead is more than 2,200 votes.
King County Elections has just published its latest results, and the Seattle mayoral race hasn’t changed: Mike McGinn, 65172, 49.78%; Joe Mallahan, 64657, 49.38%. (Statewide, “yes” on 71 is further ahead of “no” than this time yesterday.) 5:18 PM: The Associated Press has officially declared Referendum 71 as having passed.
(Photo by Mike Siegel/THE SEATTLE TIMES [WSB partner])
West Seattle-residing King County Executive-elect Dow Constantine has just announced his transition team – including another West Seattleite, Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis. Read on for the official announcement (p.s. regarding the main not-settled-yet race, Seattle Mayor, the next vote count should be out within an hour or so):Read More
ORIGINAL 3:46 PM REPORT: The county has said that today’s results will be out at/around 4:30 pm – but sometimes they’re early – so here’s the link in case you want to keep checking. The Seattle Mayor’s race is of course the one that’s too close to call – so here’s the direct link to where you’ll see those results. On a statewide level, Referendum 71 is also close – the latest result update is from less than an hour ago – “yes” is still ahead – see the numbers here. 4:35 PM UPDATE: Results are out. McGinn still leads but it’s narrower – fewer than 500 votes. Referendum 71 has picked up a wider “yes” margin – now it’s more like 52 percent yes, 48 percent no. 5:38 PM UPDATE: In the King County Executive’s race, which is now Dow Constantine 58%, Susan Hutchison 42%, she finally conceded this afternoon, issuing a statement that reads in part:
Although we are encouraged to see tens of thousands of additional votes in our favor this afternoon, we are certain the final outcome in this race will remain the same. This afternoon I called my opponent, Dow Constantine, to congratulate him on his election to King County Executive. Because the new Executive has only a few weeks until taking office, I want him to be able to move forward quickly to accomplish an orderly transition.
Because he’s filling the remaining few months of Ron Sims‘ unfinished term, Constantine will be sworn in once the election’s certified. (Then our area will need a new King County Councilmember.) 6:35 PM: A couple more updates – Constantine’s starting to name his transition team, and it will include West Seattle-residing Deputy Mayor Tim Ceis, according to this Times report; McGinn’s only comment this afternoon has been a short statement that they’re just waiting and watching the returns – he’s taking two days off to spend with his family and won’t be doing interviews again till Friday, according to the statement.
(original photo replaced 9:46 pm with our clip of Constantine arriving at the podium – speech video to come)
Dow Constantine vs. Susan Hutchison – results here. Constantine starts off with a big lead. We’re at his campaign party – huge cheer as the results were announced; he is not expected to speak until after 8:30. Rep. Sharon Nelson is speaking now (8:21) – saying it’s been “a long campaign against a Republican stealth candidate.” She says Dow came in and fought “for what is right … for King County.” 9:01 PM: Constantine gave an energetic, resolute speech – declaring this a “new beginning” for King County – but also exhorting Hutchison supporters to “join us.” We have it all on video from about 1 foot away (thanks to Teri from Furry Faces Foundation for assisting in crowd maneuvering!) and will upload the whole thing when we are back at HQ.
He stood next to his partner Shirley at the podium during his speech, after sharing the podium briefly with two of the state legislators who were among his primary opponents – Sen. Fred Jarrett and Rep. Ross Hunter. Now he’s giving TV interviews a few feet away from where we’re sitting in the media zone. 9:56 PM UPDATE: The crowd has gathered again here in the media zone – as the presumptive King County Executive-elect is back to give another round of interviews to TV people (and others), with the late news nearing; other camera-wielding types are starting to gather. We’ve added a video clip atop this story before finally attempting to leave the venue – his arrival at the podium, introduced by Rep. Nelson. 10:11 PM: Just talked to Constantine for a brief moment as he continues making the rounds – we noted that his presumed election means that West Seattle will remain home to one of the area’s top elected officials – he smiled, “It’s my turn to represent.” 12:20 AM UPDATE: Susan Hutchison has not conceded. Here’s the remainder of Constantine’s speech – 10 minutes, starting with some humor:
ADDED 1:33 AM: Our partners at the Times have a clip from Hutchison’s election-night remarks:
(TwitPic from McGinn campaign – new one substituted 9:13 pm)
Joe Mallahan vs. Mike McGinn – results here. McGinn has a narrow edge in the early going. King County Elections is not planning to release a second vote count tonight, so the next update won’t be until tomorrow afternoon. Meantime, here’s a photo of Mallahan from independent journalist Johnathan Fitzpatrick (the Mallahan party is also at the Edgewater, where we are still at Constantine HQ – they’re two floors down) aka @jjtweets:
Johnathan says Mallahan says he “is hoping to be a successful candidate” — way too early to know how this will turn out. 10:06 PM: Adding a video clip published on YouTube by The Stranger’s crew, with McGinn speaking to supporters:
(Early Wednesday, substituted Christopher Boffoli‘s video – which starts with two West Seattleites! – for the original early-going photo that held this spot)
“Approve” means that the domestic-partnership rights law will take effect; “reject” means it won’t. Results here. Referendum 71 supporters planned a live stream from their Capitol Hill party here. Yes on 71 is ahead in the early going. WSB contributing journalist Christopher Boffoli is at the pro-71 party and says it’s jampacked. 11:44 PM: Adding more photos from Christopher. Here’s West Seattleite Anne Levinson, who chaired the Approve Referendum 71 campaign:
State Sen. Ed Murray and partner Michael Shiosaki:
Sen. Murray said, “This is the side of the mountain, not the top of the mountain. We have a lot of work to do. This is an important step but it is still not fully equality. So tonight my friends, we celebrate, but tomorrow we go back to work.”
City Attorney – West Seattle incumbent Tom Carr vs. Pete Holmes
Council Position 2 – Incumbent Richard Conlin vs. West Seattle resident David Ginsberg
Council Position 4 – Sally Bagshaw vs. David Bloom
Council Position 6 – Jessie Israel vs. incumbent Nick Licata
Council Position 8 – Mike O’Brien vs. Robert Rosencrantz
8:19 PM – Leaders after the first round of results are Holmes, Conlin, Bagshaw, Licata, O’Brien.
9:25 PM: Conlin is at the Edgewater right now at the Dow Constantine party and just said hello – long enough for us to get a photo.
11:52 PM: In the city attorney’s race, Carr – a West Seattleite – has conceded to Holmes. He told the Seattle Times (WSB partner) he thinks this was just an “anti-incumbent year.” (Here’s their story; here’s a brief Publicola report on Carr’s Alki gathering.)
Seattle Port Commission results are here. Early results: Creighton, Holland, Albro leading.
Seattle School Board results are here. Early results: DeBell, Smith-Blum, Patu ahead.
State Initiative 1033 results are here. Early results: No on 1033 has the lead.
All King County races (which includes Seattle city races) are linked from here.
All state races are linked from here.
For national results, we recommend MSNBC.com – go here.
That dropbox outside the Delridge Neighborhood Service Center at 5405 Delridge (map) is the one place in West Seattle you can take your ballot all the way up till 8 tonight. If you get there before 7, go inside for the Voters’ Open House and meet folks like Delridge District Coordinator Ron Angeles (left in the photo below) – cookies, coffee, and tote bags while they last.
Just before sunset, we went out to look for afternoon sign-waving (here’s who we found this morning) – nobody in Admiral when we went through; on the Fauntleroy walkover, we found county assessor candidate Bob Rosenberger with supporters:
And at 35th/Fauntleroy, kitty-corner from where West Seattle-residing King County Council Chair/County Executive candidate Dow Constantine campaigned this morning, a supporter of his opponent Susan Hutchison stood with signs this afternoon:
Here’s the schedule for results tonight: King County plans just ONE release of results, around 8:15 pm. We will have all the major results here on the WSB main page, along with coverage from some of the biggest Election Night events, including the Constantine party at the Edgewater downtown, and the Approve Referendum 71 party on Capitol Hill. (They’ve also announced they’ll have a live video stream online – here’s a link.)