Neighborhoods 955 results

Street safety, park cleanup, more at Morgan Community Association’s fall meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Lots of info as usual at the quarterly Morgan Community Association meeting, facilitated last night in Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s downstairs meeting room by MoCA president Deb Barker.

POLICE: “Making a lot of progress in hiring,” said precinct operations Lt. Nate Shopay. As the chief herself said in a recent interview, she’s probably staying on a while longer. He said the new commander Capt. Krista Bair is “an exciting person to work for” and they’ve been switching up their strategy. We asked if there’s anything at all they can say about the most recent homicide, at Shree’s Truck Stop on SW Detroit last Sunday; in short, no (Lt. Shopay then told us today on followup that detectives are pursuing several leads). Barker asked if any traffic control is planned for ballot boxes around the deadline on Election Night; Lt. Shopay said he hadn’t heard of anything but could certainly consider a request. Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Satterwhite noted the annual Seattle Public Safety Survey is open for the next six weeks, and reminded everyone that it informs community-policing plans for the neighborhoods. She also showed the crime-data dashboard you can access any time on the SPD website; for Morgan, for example, August had far fewer crimes reported than a year earlier, and September stats should be available soon.

PARK-ADDITION SITE CLEANUP: The toxic soil left over from the gas station and dry cleaner on the Morgan Junction Park Addition site has been dug up and hauled away by a licensed hazardous-waste transporter. Barker said the contractor told her the soils were more contaminated than expected, so they had to excavate a bigger area, 850 square feet more. She was told the expansion was determined by results of testing as they worked. Soil testing was done on site. Now Parks has Department of Ecology clearance. The hole is still awaiting being filled because a permit is needed for filling SDOT right-of-way in the extra excavation area, Barker said. Once they’re ready to start filling, it won’t take long – maybe two weeks or so.

ALL-WHEELS AREA DESIGN: Josh Radick from Morgan Junction All-Wheels Area said it’s been a very fruitful summer with grant-funded design work as well as volunteer work. MJAWA’s Matthew Johnston said they made it through first level of Parks’ internal ProView review; next level is Pro View Tech, scheduled for October 29 – “if we clear that gate, Grindline will start drafting construction documents, that should take 4 to 6 weeks, we hand those over and MJAWA moves on to an advisory role.” You can see the approved website on their website – that’s the one going to ProView Tech. Johnston said Parks asked them to engage in more fundraising – MJAWA’s contention is that all the grant-funded and volunteer-powered contribution they’ve made are plenty. “We’re not adding a lot to the project – we paid for the design.” They got feedback in support of “a plaza design with a little bit of everything” – 6′ x 3′ wide, 12″ ledge, quarter pipe with a hip, seated ledge for spectating or skating – front piece on California with Morgan Junction lettering – existing elements are all going to be reused – Johnston says part of it is inspired by Duwamish River running under the West Seattle Bridge. Radick says the Morgan all-wheels area is going to be a learning space, as compared to the skateparks at Delridge and Roxhill, “much smaller, much less intimidating, something anybody can learn on.” Parks is still projecting construction for next year.

NEW BIZ: Annalise Johnson from Charcuterie by Annalise was introduced. As reported here, the lifelong West Seattleite recently opened a storefront after operating her business – creating “beautiful and delicious charcuterie spreads for any occasion” – as a mobile business. She’s hoping to launch her lunch sandwiches by December.

(WSB photos, 2015 crash at 49th/Graham)

49th/GRAHAM: Zelma Zieman has long been working on safety at this uncontrolled intersection – after getting hit and going sideways in 2015, with SFD having to extricate her and her son. She tried working with SDOT on safety improvements, “didn’t work out.” Then this May, a neighbor also got hit and injured. “The neighborhood is very concerned about this intersection.” Her She said her neighbor’s crash got no police response so is not on the record, but: “This is the only uncontrolled four-way for a number of blocks around it.” They managed to get an SDOT visit but they haven’t heard much since. “We don’t know what the answer is, but we know we need to do something to make it safer.” She’s been trying to research how many of Seattle’s intersections are uncontrolled – and has found thousands. “We know we’re the tip of an iceberg.” She challenged everyone to drive through that intersection and see for themselves = ‘take your time.’ She also challenged everybody to talk to friends and relatives about ‘uncontrolled intersections.’ Longer term, she thinks there needs to be more education about uncontrolled intersections, which folks from other areas might not fully understand.

SDOT: Talking about other intersections, SDOT’s Ching Chan was a guest via video connection. First, an update on Fauntleroy/Rose – the crossing improvements are “moving forward” and they’re working with consultants on the “design concept … evaluating the different treatment options” – they’re hoping to have a concept soon, with construction sometime nect year. Might be a rapid flashing beacon, might be a signal. Is lighting being considered? Chan said she’d find out and get back to the group. Meantime, she reiterated that, as noted earlier this year, Fauntleroy/California is not a good candidate for a walk-all-ways treatment – it might lead to unacceptable wait times for all users, among other problems. Attendees continued offering reasons why safety improvements are needed, including bus-related backups from the RapidRide stops on California NB north of the intersection and westbound Fauntleroy west of the intersection.

HIGHLAND PARK WAY: MoCA joined in the multi-group

letter offering alternatives to the proposed elimination of a downhill lane on Highland Park Way SW, expressing concern that it is important to keep at full width in case it’s needed again as a relief valve for getting traffic off the peninsula. They’re meeting at 4 pm Oct, 29 to walk from the top to the bottom. “This is such a key corridor for West Seattle, so MoCA decided that articulating some concerns” was called for. West Seattle Bike Connections and the Highland Park Action Committee are involved too.

ZONING MAPS: As reported here earlier in the day, the city has come out with new proposals for zoning.

CITY COUNCIL RACE: Neither candidate for the citywide Position 8 seat was available – appointed incumbent Tanya Woo had to be at the council budget hearing (which ran past 10 pm); challenger Alexis Mercedes Rinck was ailing. So their campaign managers spoke in their stead.

NEXT MEETING: Watch MoCA’s website for word of the next meeting, third Wednesday in January.

From park to politics, here’s what Morgan Community Association will hear/talk about Wednesday

This week brings several community meetings of note – including the Morgan Community Association‘s quarterly gathering, 7 pm Wednesday (October 16), in person at the Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s lower-level community room (7141 California SW) or online.
This meeting is always wall-to-wall with important community info, so if you’re interested in Morgan Junction (and often lower Gatewood) matters, be there. The agenda says discussion topics will include what’s next for the Morgan Junction Park expansion, where contaminated dirt was recently dug up, and plans to add an “all-wheel area” to the park (here’s our most-recent update). Traffic safety, police updates, and a new business will get some time too, as will the race for City Council citywide Position 8 beteen Tanya Woo and Alexis Mercedes Rinck. All are welcome, no RSVP or membership required – just show up or click in!

SPD, CARE and leadership updates @ Alki Community Council

By Jason Grotelueschen
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The Alki Community Council met online last week for their September meeting, with an abbreviated agenda as the group winds up its summer activities and prepares for the fall.  

The meeting was facilitated by president Charlotte Starck, and began with an introduction of the group’s two newest leaders: Kevin Kramer (Board Chair of Operations) and Robyn Fritz (Board Chair of Parks).  Kramer has a background in technology and operations, and will help the council ramp up their efforts in those areas. Fritz will help foster the council’s partnerships with Seattle Parks, and she joked that she is best known for walking her dog in the area, and meeting people (including Parks representatives) in that way. 

Next on the agenda was a police update from SPD’s Southwest Precinct, with Officer German Barreto and Captain Krista Bair (who became the precinct’s leader in June) both in attendance.  They discussed recent events such as the RV sweeps near Westwood Village, the Alki shootout on September 6 and an incident on the 2100 block of Harbor SW. Barreto gave an overall update similar to what he presented at last week’s meeting at the Admiral Neighborhood Association, and emphasized that citizens should call 911 (not the SPD non-emergency number) if they see anything suspicious. Bair talked about the challenges related to “encampment sweeps” on the peninsula, and commended Barreto for his ongoing work on that. For Alki specifically, Bair also noted that she recently talked to a long-time Alki resident who said that while increased traffic and “cruising” has always caused added issues on Alki in the summertime, in recent years the activities have often been more “destructive” and invasive in the summer months, and Bair agreed that it takes a strong partnership between the community and the police in order to make things better. 

The next portion of the regular meeting was an update from Sean Blackwell from the city’s CARE Department (Community Assisted Response and Engagement), which includes a team of community crisis responders as well as a 911 call center, as we’ve reported previously. The department’s leader, Chief Amy (Smith) Barden, had attended and participated in the Alki council’s May meeting, and Blackwell provided some additional context in last week’s meeting regarding the department’s mission. He said that the team has their own mobile units and can respond promptly to calls, and because team members have expertise in social work and community engagement, they can be a resource to free up time for SPD officers to handle more urgent calls. Blackwell said that in the time since the team launched in October 2023, it has handled 767 call events (with an average of 40 minutes per visit), with 37% of those resulting in the team transporting someone to get needed services.  The team started with 6 officers, and based on current plans will be expanding to 18 officers and 9 response vehicles, eventually serving West Seattle (their current focus is downtown). 

To close out the regular meeting, attendee and neighbor Barb Richter gave a quick update on the Alki Point Healthy Street revision that was installed last June, saying that it’s been successful in reducing speeding and other issues, giving residents and visitors “a safe place to walk, ride and roll.” She acknowledged that there have been some concerns about parking (some of which we reported on in August, as it relates to the northern portion of the street) but she said that in her observation, legal parking was readily available during the summer months. 

Following some closing remarks, the ACC group then transitioned into a virtual “executive board working session” to discuss organizational growth, strategy and other updates.

The Alki Community Council can be contacted at The group meets on the third Thursday of each month, with upcoming meetings as follows:

  • Oct 17 at 7 pm – hybrid format, Zoom and onsite at Alki UCC
  • Nov 21 at 7pm – hybrid format, Zoom and onsite at Alki UCC
  • December – No member meeting

Summer success, fall/winter plans, city updates, more @ Admiral Neighborhood Association’s gathering

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

For the first time since May, the Admiral Neighborhood Association had a general gathering, with president Joanie Jacobs facilitating. Here’s what was discussed during last Tuesday’s meeting at Admiral Church:

AUTO THEFT DOWN & OTHER POLICE UPDATES: Officer German Barreto, the precinct’s community liaison, brought updates. Two crime categories have gone up in Admiral year to year – burglaries, aggravated assaults – and auto thefts are down. For shots-fired incidents, he mentioned the September 6 Alki shootout and an incident in the 2100 block of Harbor SW. One attendee asked for more context about the increase in aggravated assaults; Officer Barreto didn’t have specific incident info as to whether they were random or not. Another question was about the collision that injured a pedestrian at 42nd/Admiral; he had no updates on that. What’s behind the drop in auto theft? The increase was in no small part due to the Kia/Hyundai social-media-how-to trend, so the decrease seems to be because those models’ owners are figuring out how to thwart that, he said. What’s up with officer hiring? Barreto said, “I’m hearing we are getting people” but no specific stats. The nature of the work keeps evolving, he observed, and “about 90 percent is knowing how to talk to people.” How about the CARE responders? asked Jacobs. They’re supposed to go citywide at some point, Barreto noted. He also reminded people, regarding the other part of CARE, the 911 center – don’t EVER call the SPD non-emergency number. The 911 center operates differently now that it’s civilianized, he said, leading to “a problem” with police not getting dispatched to things they should be – “if there’s something that you see, and they try to send you to the non-emergency number, hang up and call back (on 911)” he said. And do call, it was stressed, to get everything on record. “And if you call 911 and don’t get the service you want to, email” to point that out. Also “be sure you get an event number or case number” when you call 911. Also, if you want to be contacted by an officer, you can ask for them to call you instead of coming to your door – though sometimes that might mean your phone rings a few hours later.

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Pumpkin Hunt volunteers sought, YMCA update, and other Fauntleroy Community Association toplines

A few quick toplines from last night’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting:

FAUNTLEROY YMCA UPDATE: As noted here recently, the Fauntleroy YMCA branch – once in danger of closing – recently expanded its hours. New administrator Ethan Clark told the FCA board that the number of people using the Y has steadily increased since the start of the year, but there’s still quite some way to go before the location is sustainable. There has been an increase in use over the summer, which he said was encouraging, as usage traditionally falls off inJune, July, and August. Also of note: Some youth sports have been added, including indoor pickleball and basketball.

POLICE UPDATES: Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Nate Shopay said Fauntleroy’s crime stats have stayed steady. Asked if three recent commercial burglaries, including Wildwood Market and The Birdhouse, were believed to be related, he said not so far – there are no “pattern” crimes being investigated in the Fauntleroy area right now.

FALL FESTIVAL: This year’s Fauntleroy Fall Festival, 2-5 pm Sunday, October 20, is taking shape. So far The School Of Rock is one of the musical groups scheduled, plus the bunny petting zoo is returning, and they’ve booked a magician who also does balloon animals. The Fall Festival is entirely powered by donations and volunteers, and got a big boost from a fundraiser at The Birdhouse earlier in the day that raised $900.

THE GREAT PUMPKIN HUNT: FCA is presenting it 1-3 pm on Sunday, October 27, and needs volunteers to help hide pumpkins. If you can help, contact Candace Blue at

FERRIES: President Mike Dey recapped the most-recent Community Advisory Group meeting for the ferry-dock replacement (WSB coverage here); also note, Washington State Ferries has two systemwide online community meetings next week.

NEXT MEETING: FCA’s board meets second Tuesdays, 6 pm, most months, but rescheduled this one so people could watch the presidential debate. Next month’s meeting will be October 8.

WEEK AHEAD: Three neighborhood-group meetings – Admiral (with a coat drive), Alki, Fauntleroy

Neighborhood-group meetings in West Seattleare usually scattered throughout the month but due to two reschedulings, this week has three:

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Monthly meeting, postponed one week because of the presidential debate last Tuesday. 6 pm Tuesday (September 17), conference room at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW). The agenda is in our calendar listing.

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: Every-other-month meeting, postponed one week to give participants more time to “settle in” with the back-to-school routine. 7 pm Tuesday, Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill). Agenda highlights:

We will have reps from the SW Precinct, Department of Neighborhoods and the Seattle Emergency Communications Hub. We will also be recapping an amazing Summer as well as previewing upcoming Fall and Holiday events.

And ANA will be collecting gently used winter coats for the West Seattle Food Bank Clothesline – bring one (or more) to the meeting if you can!

ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Usual meeting night, third Thursday (September 19), 7 pm. This time it’ll be online, with a short general meeting followed by a work session for executive-board members. The general meeting will include updates from SPD and CARE. Full details and the attendance link are in our calendar listing.

PHOTOS, VIDEO: Night Out 2024 around West Seattle

August 6, 2024 6:16 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Safety | West Seattle news

6:16 PM: Some neighborhoods have Night Out block parties year after year after year. Our first stop tonight is one of them – an Arbor Heights block near Westside School (WSB sponsor).

Thanks to JoDean for again this year being the first to invite us to stop by for a photo! We’ll be making a few other stops, heading south to north as the evening goes. We welcome your Night Out party photos too – or text 206-293-6302 – thank you! And if you’re not spending the evening at your own block/building party, please be extra-careful in traveling around, with many neighborhood streets closed to traffic for the evening.

6:28 PM: Above is a photo from our second stop, the senior-living complex Village Green West Seattle (WSB sponsor) in Westwood, where it’s a parking-lot party, with live music by Rob Sturza and friends:

Plus hot dogs.

6:55 PM: Stop #3 was Eileen‘s neighborhood on one of east Highland Park’s hidden-away hillside streets. Photo above!

7:20 PM: Now we’re in Admiral, where Rosalie invited us to stop by her neighborhood’s block party east of West Seattle High School. One of the neighbors here is a beekeeper and has an educational exhibit at the party:

7:45 PM: Now we’re on Genesee Hill. We discovered two adjacent blocks were having parties – Laurie invited us to hers, but first we accidentally wandered in the other direction, so we photographed that group too.

Above, Laurie and neighbors at their very scenic dead-end overlook; below, the block north of theirs:

8:01 PM: Night Out usually collides with Election Night, and we have to head back to check out returns shortly, so our last stop is on Gatewood Hill, where Jennifer sent word of her block party, enjoying live music again this year – the band is Head Cheese, featuring the ever-popular Tom Hutyler.

Thanks to everybody who sent invitations!

ADDED 9:25 PM: Above are our neighbors in Upper Fauntleroy; their party was still going strong when we returned home, so we gathered them for a photo. We’ve also received a few from readers – first, here’s “a small but mighty group in Arbor Heights”:

Lilly the dog was among attendees at Gabe‘s party west of The Junction:

P.S. If you want to keep the community-safety vibe going, note that the Southwest Precinct is hosting its next Crime Prevention Council (a “group” basically consisting of whoever shows up) meeting on September 11, 6:30 pm at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster), all welcome.

Having a Night Out party Tuesday in West Seattle/South Park? Get your swag (update) Monday

(Photo sent by Cindi Barker)

Four days until this year’s Night Out, celebrating community collaboration and safety coast-to-coast. If you’ve registered your Night Out party, Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Satterwhite has swag for you, available for pickup (updated) 9:30-11:30 am and 2:30 to 4:30 pm Monday (August 5) at the precinct (2300 SW Webster). She’s at right in the photo, with Seattle U interns Rafail Markodimitrakis and Kierra Lee, as they got ready this morning.

(Added: Photo sent by Jennifer Satterwhite)

They’re offering crime-prevention info handouts and goodie bags for kids. If you didn’t get signed up by last Sunday’s deadline, but you’re still having a Night Out party, they might have some extra materials available Monday too.

VIDEO: Last 2024 Admiral Music in the Parks concert – ABBAgraphs at Hamilton Viewpoint Park

6:51 PM: For three consecutive Thursday night, the Admiral Neighborhood Association has brought music to local parks that aren’t often used for sizable events. Tonight’s the final Admiral Music in the Parks show, featuring The ABBAgraphs playing the hits of Swedish supergroup ABBA, at Hamilton Viewpoint Park (1120 California SW).

Most of the band members are West Seattleites, they’ve told the crowd.

The city skyline’s in the background, there’s room to dance in the foreground, and all the fun will continue until at least 8 pm, so there’s still time to bring your chair or blanket and join the crowd!

8:04 PM: Show’s over – lively enough that most of the crowd (counted by ANA as 500+) were on their feet dancing to the last song, “Dancing Queen.”

11:56 PM: Video and more photos added above.

COUNTDOWN: One more day to register your block party for Night Out 2024

July 27, 2024 3:46 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

Having a Night Out neighborhood-safety/solidarity block party on August 6 but not registered for street-closing permission yet? Southwest Precinct crime-prevention coordinator Jennifer Satterwhite wants to be sure you know that tomorrow (Sunday, July 28) is the deadline to register: You can have a Night Out party in many places – schools, apartment buildings’ community rooms, courtyards – but you need to register for permission to close your (non-arterial) street to vehicle traffic that night. SPD has a registration link here. They’ll also offer the option for your Night Out party to be shown on the citywide map (not mandatory). One more note – we’ll be out taking party photos on Night Out as usual – if you’d be OK with us stopping by your party for a photo, let us know where and when, – thank you, and thanks to those who’ve already emailed!

COUNTDOWN: Two weeks until neighborhood Night Out block parties

July 23, 2024 6:30 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Safety | West Seattle news

Some of the problems mentioned in our previous story are beyond individual residents’ ability to fix – but there’s one simple-yet-mighty action anyone can take: Neighborhood solidarity and collaboration. That’s what the annual Night Out block parties are about, and we’re reminding you tonight that this year’s Night Out is now two weeks away: Tuesday, August 6. You can have a “block party” in many places – schools, apartment buildings’ community rooms, condo courtyards – but if you want to sign up to close your (non-arterial) street to vehicle traffic that night, SPD has a registration link here. Registration will offer you the opportunity to have yours on the citywide Night Out map. Deadline to register for street-closure permission is this Sunday, July 28.

P.S. We’ll be out taking photos on Night Out as usual – if we’d be welcome to stop by your block party for a photo, let us know where and when, – thank you!

Date set for park-addition site cleanup, and other updates @ Morgan Community Association’s quarterly meeting

(WSB photo, this morning)

The Morgan Junction Park addition site, north of the park [map], has been an agenda item for the Morgan Community Association at dozens of meetings since the city acquired the site a decade ago. But last night’s meeting brought some big news, plus updates on several other matters. Here are our toplines:

MORGAN JUNCTION PARK ADDITION SITE CLEANUP: Seattle ParksKelly Goold told MoCA that the date is finally set for the start of long-planned soil cleanup work (a dry cleaner was one of the two businesses formerly on the site, and auto work was done nearby). Thursday, August 8, is the date it’s scheduled to start, with work expected to last about seven weeks, 7:30 am-3:30 pm weekdays. Five days will involve heavy-equipment use, Goold said. The work will involve two dirt containers on the site, and multiple trucks hauling back and forth. Once the soil has been removed – the contamination is about 15 feet down – it’ll be replaced with clean fill, and hydroseeded, so that the site can potentially serve as open space before park construction next year. If you live/work nearby, look for signage and notices the week before cleanup work starts.

FUTURE ALL-WHEEL AREA: When the addition goes into construction, an all-wheel area – aka “skate dot” – is planned for the south side of the current park, and the community group MJAWA continues working on that. MJAWA’s Matt Johnston said the group’s Summer Fest outreach went well, and their next milestones involve meetings with Seattle Parks – a design review on August 15, and a technical review later in August. (Here’s our recent report on their design progress.)

POLICE: Officer German Barreto had no major Morgan-specific news but said Southwest Precinct (West Seattle and South Park) crime is similar to a year earlier, with upticks in two categories – robberies and gunfire. He also noted that some juvenile carjacking suspects were arrested earlier in the day in South Park (we’re following up with SPD’s media office in hopes of finding out more).

DEVELOPMENT: MoCA has been working to stay updated on the future StoryBuilt development site at 41st/Graham [map], planned as more than 30 “stacked townhomes” (here’s our 2022 report). Its developer was not at the meeting but has been in email contact with MoCA president Deb Barker, who said there’s no indication of construction any time soon but the developer continues monitoring the property and is asking neighbors to be watchful too.

PREPAREDNESS: Cindi Barker from the Emergency Hubs says their work with Gatewood Elementary (which we featured last year) continues, so that the school has a preparedness plan in case of catastrophe. They’ve been working with nearby neighbors who are committed to helping with communication while school staff focus on keeping the kids safe until they can be reunited with their families.

NEW BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: David Hancock told MoCA about West Seattle Wildscaping, his ecologically friendly landscaping and horticulture business. He offers landscaping and landscaping consulting along with small tree (25′ or less) work, rainwater systems, and some small pathway work. In August he’ll be putting in a bulk order for native plants. If interested, you can contact him.

WHAT’S NEXT: MoCA meets on third Wednesdays in July, October, January, and April. Watch for updates at

COUNTDOWN: One month until Seattle Night Out block parties

July 6, 2024 2:59 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news | West Seattle police

We’re now exactly month away from this year’s Night Out block parties around Seattle (and the rest of the country). August 6 is the date this year, and you can sign up to close your (non-arterial) street to vehicle traffic that night – SPD has a registration link here. Hundreds are already signed up around the city; you can choose whether or not to have yours on the map. Deadline to register for street-closure permission is July 28.

READER REPORT: Seattle Pride Night Out, year 2

July 4, 2024 1:18 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | West Seattle news | West Seattle people

Another reader report about neighborhood solidarity – this one is a postscript to Pride Month. Last year we reported on Michael Mattinger and his family launching Seattle Pride Night Out block parties. Michael sent a report and photos after a second successful year:

My husband Bradley and I (Michael and Bradley Mattinger) recently hosted our 2nd annual Pride Night Out block party, and I wanted to share the wonderful success we achieved last week. You wrote about it last year which inspired even more West Seattle blocks to participate. Despite some initial concerns over the weather last Thursday and other events happening simultaneously (i.e. the debate), our neighborhood came together to create a truly magical evening.

We were delighted to see a fantastic turnout, with neighbors old and new joining us in the festivities. The event featured a variety of activities, including a talented face painter, toddler bounce house, the local YMCA came out and engaged with arts & crafts, and an abundance of delicious desserts and wine.

The highlight of the night was undoubtedly the performance by local drag queen Dolly Madison, who dazzled everyone with her charisma and talent. Dolly typically performs every Saturday at Lumberyard in White Center.

The overwhelming support and participation from our community made Pride Night Out a resounding success, and we are already brimming with ideas for next year’s celebration. It was a beautiful demonstration of the unity, diversity, and vibrancy that makes our neighborhood so special.

If your block wants to start making plans for next year, Michael tells us, “The tradition is to celebrate the Thursday before Seattle Pride Weekend and we’ll continue that tradition next year – which will be June 26, 2025.”

READER REPORT: Neighbors gather to celebrate resident’s 99th birthday

As we celebrate our nation today, one thing to consider is that a nation is really a collection of neighborhoods. A few in West Seattle have sent us stories of recent celebrations in their neighborhoods – this one is from Monika:

What makes a great neighborhood?

Neighbor Marie celebrated her 99th birthday this past Saturday – here on Rutan PL SW, where she’s lived since the 1950s. Over so many decades, she helped shape an entire neighborhood – in all of the BEST of ways!

(Photo by James Sprague)

A humble brag about our neighborhood on the shortest street in Seattle. We show up. We rise to the occasion. Kudos to our neighbor Karen Arthur White, who organized a festive celebration for Marie’s big day. Karen simply asked that neighbors show up at Marie’s with big hearts – and roses – at 2:00 pm. We all filed in, each bearing best wishes and presenting our roses. Her adult children had prepared refreshments. Then, twenty-six people sang “Happy Birthday” and touched in with one another and the “birthday girl.” It was beautiful. Simply beautiful.

The birthday girl didn’t want to be in the photo, so the people you see are the neighbors and relatives who gathered to celebrate.

VIDEO: Promises made, concerns voiced at Alki/Harbor community-safety meeting, four days after deadly shooting

(WSB video and photos)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The Alki-area community advocates who co-hosted tonight’s public-safety meeting with District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka have long been pushing for as much action against street disorder as the city can muster. Last weekend’s shootings at Duwamish Head were just the latest flashpoint.

Perhaps that’s why the first actions promised tonight by city reps – but, they insisted, not the last – had to do with street design: Lane-narrowing and more speed cushions are on the way, per SDOT managers. The action most requested by attendees, installing speed cameras, isn’t so easy, panelists explained. Same with the matter of “holding people accountable.”

Above is our video from the nearly-two-hour meeting inside the sanctuary at Alki UCC; below, our recap:

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FOLLOWUP: Community meeting Wednesday in aftermath of deadly shooting at Duwamish Head

(Neighbor photo, early Saturday. Victim was on street side of striped loading zone)

As reported here Monday, District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka promised to convene a “community conversation” in the aftermath of Saturday’s Duwamish Head shootings that killed a 22-year-old man and injured a 27-year-old man. The meeting is now set for tomorrow (Wednesday, June 26) night – here’s the entirety of the announcement just received:

Seattle City Councilmember Rob Saka (District 1, Vice Chair of the Public Safety Committee) is hosting a community conversation on public safety tomorrow, June 26, 6 pm-7:30 pm, at Alki United Church of Christ. It will include a diverse selection of city leaders, including Interim Police Chief Sue Rahr and citywide Councilmember Tanya Woo (Position 8).

This comes after a 22-year-old was killed in a shooting near Alki Beach over the weekend. According to reports, another 27-year-old was also shot and transported to the hospital. Homes nearby were also struck by gunfire. This community conversation will be focused specifically on working toward public safety solutions for the Alki and Harbor Avenue neighborhoods.

“The gun violence playing out on our streets in unacceptable. It’s time for us to come together as a city and put a stop to it. Every enduring solution starts with an honest conversation. That’s why I’m bringing our community and a diverse group of city leaders together. We need short and long-term strategies to ensure Alki is a safe and welcoming for everyone,” said Councilmember Saka.

What city leaders will be in attendance?

The following City leaders are scheduled to speak:

Councilmember Saka
Sue Rahr, Interim Police Chief
Natalie Walton-Anderson, Director of Public Safety, Mayor’s Office
AP Diaz, Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation
Francisca Stefan, Senior Deputy Director, Seattle Department of Transportation
Venu Nemani, Chief Safety Officer, Seattle Department of Transportation
Other members of the Seattle Police Department will also be attending.

DATE: Wednesday, June 26
TIME: 6 PM – 7:30 PM
LOCATION: Alki United Church of Christ, 6115 SW Hinds Street

How people can submit questions:

Community members interested in submitting questions or comments for the panelists to respond to can do so by completing this form. Questions or comments will also be accepted in person at the event.

Updates from June’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting

No major topics at June’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, held at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse and online on Tuesday night, but we do have a few toplines from monitoring via Zoom:

FAUNTLEROY FERRY DOCK PROJECT: FCA’s ferry-issues point person Frank Immel said the next Community Advisory Group meeting for the dock-replacement project isn’t expected any sooner than July – the traffic studies they’ve been waiting for aren’t ready yet. (WSF is having systemwide general-info meetings next week, though – info on those is here.) He met recently with Ferries’ new boss Steve Nevey; FCA president Mike Dey says he has a conversation scheduled next week with our area’s State Sen. Joe Nguyễn.

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER: Last month’s dine-out benefit at Endolyne Joe’s was deemed a success. The annual festival is entirely supported by donations and volunteers, so another dine-out benefit is under consideration, perhaps with Wildwood Market as well as Joe’s.

PLANTERS: FCA maintains the flower planters you might have noticed around the Endolyne mini-business district. They were recently replenished – with 19 volunteers, that took about an hour and a half.

WHAT’S NEXT: The FCA board meets most months on the second Tuesday at 6 pm. Watch for updates.

District 1 Community Network’s final meeting, report #2

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Community-group meeting seldom have surprise endings. Wednesday night’s District 1 Community Network meeting did, as a scheduled discussion about logistics quickly pivoted into a disbandment decision.

More on that later. First, here’s what else happened:

HIGHLAND PARK WAY HILL PROJECT: James Le from SDOT, who led the project presentation and discussion at HPAC last month (WSB coverage here), did the same at the D1CN meeting. He was joined by project teammate Willow Russell. We’ve written about this project several times since it emerged four weeks ago – four years after SDOT decided to shelve a possible uphill bike lane for the stretch. Le recapped the three options – all of which would replace the current outside downhill vehicle lane: A protected bike lane, a multi-use path, or eventually both. This was the last scheduled public presentation during the feedback period, which is scheduled to close in a week.

After a relatively short presentation, the SDOT reps fielded questions.

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New summer celebration, beach concerns, CARE’s chief @ Alki Community Council

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Even with one marquee guest (City Attorney Ann Davison) canceling, last night’s Alki Community Council meeting was information-laden.

One headline: The ACC is organizing its first community celebration, with the help of a city grant. Set your calendar for 5-8 pm Thursday, June 20, when music, food, and fun will fill Alki Playfield. ACC vice president Lindsay Pearsall is organizing the event: “The idea is to bring the whole community together … to find opportunities to connect and celebrate.” It’ll also synergize with the quest for public feedback on plans for the playground between the past-and-future Alki Elementary site and the playfield. This will replace the ACC’s usual third-Thursday meeting.

Another headline: Parks still hasn’t formally announced the closing times for Alki beach-fire rings and the rest of the beach park, though ACC president Charlotte Starck received an email from Parks official Markeith Blackshire a week ago saying the superintendent had decided to keep the closure at 10:30 pm, same as the past few years, and same as what Parks said during last November’s meeting covering a variety of West Seattle topics. But this was all before the early-Wednesday gunfire on both ends of the greater Alki area – Beach Drive and Harbor Avenue – so things could change.

With summer-like weather bringing crowds last weekend, the beach park was a major topic. Pearsall said she had seen two newly graduated Park Rangers at the beach over the weekend; Starck said she had noticed more police presence.

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Bridge project in the spotlight at next Admiral Neighborhood Association gathering

(Admiral Way Bridges from Fairmount Avenue, via Google Maps Street View)

Yet another transportation project of note is in the wings for West Seattle – the Admiral Way Bridge (really two bridges) earthquake-strengthening project. When the Admiral Neighborhood Association has its next gathering this Tuesday (7 pm May 14), an SDOT rep will be there to talk – and answer questions – about it. ANA’s preview of the gathering also notes, “You will also hear updates from the team leaders of our upcoming events and ways in which you can volunteer … AND you’ll also witness the unveiling of the next chapter of a Summer favorite.” This is an in-person event at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill), all welcome.

WEEK AHEAD: Questions about One Seattle (Comprehensive) Plan? West Seattle-focused meeting Monday

The city is still accepting feedback on the Draft One Seattle Plan – the every-10-years update to the Comprehensive Plan that outlines the vision for shaping the city’s growth over the next 20 years. If the open house four weeks ago (WSB coverage here) didn’t answer all your questions, you might want to be at a meeting Monday night (April 29) featuring a presentation tailored to three West Seattle neighborhoods – Admiral, Alki, and Fauntleroy. It’s starting at 6 pm at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill) and will feature a presentation by the city’s point person on the draft plan. We’re told the meeting was put together by City Councilmember Rob Saka‘s office; his chief of staff Elaine Ikoma Ko said members of the three neighborhoods told them they didn’t know much about the plan, even as the May 6 deadline for comment approaches, so they arranged for the briefing. It’ll focus on how the plan might affect zoning. Though Admiral, Fauntleroy, and Alki are the focus, people from other neighborhoods are welcome too. (The city’s open houses, meantime, wrap up with an online version on Thursday, May 2.)

Decision delayed for Delridge/Highland Park ‘Healthy Streets’ future, HPAC hears at April meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Alki Point Healthy Street: Permanent.

High Point Healthy Street: Permanent.

Delridge/Highland Park Healthy Streets: Undecided.

And it might remain that way until late this year, the community coalition HPAC heard last night at its monthly meeting, facilitated by co-chair Kay Kirkpatrick.

SDOT’s Michael Taylor-Judd was there for the discussion during HPAC’s meeting at Southwest Library. He stressed that while he’s an outreach person for the Healthy Streets program, he’s not a decisionmaker, but promised he would convey what he heard. Here’s the stretch under discussion:

Taylor-Judd said it will get upgraded signage by summer, he said. He was asked to describe what a “Healthy Street” is; he went back to their pandemic roots, acknowledging the city said it was originally temporary, but “what we heard from the public was that people really liked the increased space” to walk, roll, and ride. “That led to an evaluation of all of them … to see if this is something that neighborhoods want to keep or not.” In most cases (Alki Point being an exception) these were rolled out on streets already designated as greenways, Taylor-Judd said. They are intended to be “safer routes” for people to use. They were evaluated on factors such as whether more people are walking, rolling and biking, is there neighborhood support, are fewer people driving? The stats he showed dated back to 2020 and 2021, but he said new data is to be collected soon. Two attendees said they haven’t seen pedestrian or bicyclist traffic on these stretches of streets. He said the decision is not likely to be made until year’s end, later than originally thought. The three questions would be:

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