West Seattle Meaningful Movies returns

That’s the trailer for “Stories of Us,” a documentary about people at West Seattle’s only tiny-home village, Camp Second Chance, and it’s the first film up for the relaunch of the quarterly West Seattle Meaningful Movies gatherings. The screening is set for this Saturday – here’s what the group wants you to know:

Meaningful Movies West Seattle has our new home and things are back in action.

The first movie since COVID will be an informational movie and discussion about the life for our unhoused community. The name of the movie is: STORIES OF US: CAMP SECOND CHANCE. Date and time: Saturday, October 19 at 6:30 pm. Location: Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 7141 California Ave. SW. There is no cost; however, donations are appreciated to help support the program.

Join us in person for this important film about our local unhoused community. In this powerful award-winning film, director Melinda Raebyne embeds herself one winter at West Seattle’s only tiny-house village, Camp Second Chance, challenging public ignorance and humanizing a population that locals would rather neglect, sharing with you some of their personal stories and her actual experience of what it’s like to be homeless.

The filmmaker will be at the Meaningful Movies screening for Q&A afterward.

3 Replies to "West Seattle Meaningful Movies returns"

  • Bbron October 16, 2024 (1:42 pm)

    know of quite a few regular commenters that should probably see this and attend. no surprise that a post humanizing homeless folks gets little engagement here.

  • Meowmix October 18, 2024 (8:05 am)

    Very excited to see this film on Saturday.  Thank you Meaningful Movies WS! 

  • Teri October 18, 2024 (8:36 am)

    Hope I’m back in West Seattle to see this!!!  Been to camp second chance many times. 

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