READER REPORT: The light is back on at The Kenney – and the story of the person who made it happen

The report and photo were sent by Paul Beck:

The 100-year-old Kenney Tower Light has, once again, been turned on thanks to a dedicated employee at The Kenney, Ron Blasser.

Residents and neighbors tell us that it reminds them of their school days when, at the end of an afternoon of school and play, it was the signal for the neighborhood kids to go home for supper. Today, with new management, it is a signal that all is well at the Kenney and new residents are moving back into the community.

Restoration of the Kenney Tower Light was recently accomplished by Ron Blasser, Director of Facilities at the Kenney, and a West Seattle neighbor. Ron joined the Kenney staff in October of 2022, following a hiatus in his business, caused by the COVID epidemic, which left him with time on his hands. Hoping to be able to contribute to his West Seattle community, Ron was told by a friend that there was a Facilities Management job opening at the Kenney and suggested he apply. He did apply, was hired, and promised the community two years of employment. Immediately, residents began to experience a turn-around in the overall maintenance of the facility and the addressing of long neglected repairs.
Ron’s two-year commitment was completed on October 10 of this year and he plans to return his attention to caring for his business and family.

Ron consistently provided outstanding service to Kenney residents. He used his knowledge and community connections to problem solve many issues that plagued the Kenney for years. His skills in electronics, plumbing and heating restored function in numerous parts of the physical plant. He took piles of worn-out appliances and other discarded building materials that were littering storage areas to be recycled. He used his management skills to train maintenance and custodial staff to learn new skills while enhancing their teamwork and loyalty to the Kenney. At the same time, Ron encouraged and supported residents to take on tasks such as beautification of public spaces, gardening, and night-time security. As a result, Kenney staff and residents have become a team working together to bring The Kenney back to its glory.

On October 1, 2024, the Kenney Resident Council honored Ron for his extraordinary two years of contributions to residents, staff, and the facility. He had inspired us all with his boundless energy, extraordinary skills, confidence, and genuine concern for others. He will be sorely missed, and we wish him happiness and success as he leaves us and approaches the next challenges in his life. The service that Ron provided to The Kenney will ensure everyone in the West Seattle community will see the Kenney Tower Light and know when it is time for dinner.

Paul Beck, MD
Chair, Kenney Independent-Living Resident Council

We’ve been reporting – most recently this summer – on other changes at The Kenney because of new management and receivership.

3 Replies to "READER REPORT: The light is back on at The Kenney - and the story of the person who made it happen"

  • KMO39 October 16, 2024 (1:01 pm)

    We at the Kenney already miss Ron.

  • Karen White October 16, 2024 (1:50 pm)

    Thank you, Mr. Blasser.    The light was very important to my mother in the many years she lived at The Kenney.  It was a beacon for her that all was well in her world and even as her mind began to wander she looked for it each evening.

  • Steph October 16, 2024 (1:54 pm)

    Thank you Ron. How I wish there were more people like you in the facilities for the elderly.

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