READER REPORT: Neighbors gather to celebrate resident’s 99th birthday

As we celebrate our nation today, one thing to consider is that a nation is really a collection of neighborhoods. A few in West Seattle have sent us stories of recent celebrations in their neighborhoods – this one is from Monika:

What makes a great neighborhood?

Neighbor Marie celebrated her 99th birthday this past Saturday – here on Rutan PL SW, where she’s lived since the 1950s. Over so many decades, she helped shape an entire neighborhood – in all of the BEST of ways!

(Photo by James Sprague)

A humble brag about our neighborhood on the shortest street in Seattle. We show up. We rise to the occasion. Kudos to our neighbor Karen Arthur White, who organized a festive celebration for Marie’s big day. Karen simply asked that neighbors show up at Marie’s with big hearts – and roses – at 2:00 pm. We all filed in, each bearing best wishes and presenting our roses. Her adult children had prepared refreshments. Then, twenty-six people sang “Happy Birthday” and touched in with one another and the “birthday girl.” It was beautiful. Simply beautiful.

The birthday girl didn’t want to be in the photo, so the people you see are the neighbors and relatives who gathered to celebrate.

1 Reply to "READER REPORT: Neighbors gather to celebrate resident's 99th birthday"

  • Karen July 4, 2024 (2:16 pm)

    When I met Marie nearly twenty years ago I saw a lady full of grace, intelligence, skills, tolerance, perseverance, nature-loving, community minded and so many other admirable attributes.   It is an honor to be her neighbor.

    .Monika, you perfectly captured our lively little street.

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