Crime 6768 results

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation

Multiple calls to 911 – plus a texter – reported suspected gunfire in North Delridge, and police have confirmed it – “multiple casings” found at 29th/Brandon, officers just told dispatch. No word of injuries or damage so far. They’re blocking Brandon while they investigate.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen black Specialized e-bike

The report was sent by Robert:

My Specialized Turbo Vado 4.0 Black E-Bike was stolen last night from out in front of 4100 SW Alaska St. The bike rack is located on 41st Ave near the corner of Alaska – right by Swedish Family Medicine. The person who stole it cut my ABUS lock.

The initial police report # is T00014213.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen – gold Tahoe, bin of kids’ stuff, gun safe. Found – another safe

Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:

STOLEN SUV: The photo and report are from Adrianna, who says her Tahoe was taken in the Westwood area:

2001 Chevrolet Tahoe
Gold in color
Stock rims
Plate: BZS4166
Police report 24-291574

Call 911 if you find it.

BIN OF KIDS’ STUFF, GUN SAFE STOLEN: Sarah emailed to report a visitor discovered his “truck was broken into last night, parked near Fairmount Park on 40th Ave SW. His gun (which was in a locked safe) and a black Costco rubber bin with a bright yellow lid was stolen. He’s particularly heartbroken about the bin as it had all of his kids’ clothing, stuffies, Legos in it (they are in the midst of moving). I’m hoping someone dumped it as it was quite heavy.”

SPEAKING OF SAFES: Another reader reports finding this one:

Any business missing its safe? Probably dumped sometime late Sun./Mon. Was found in alley between 17th and 18th Aves SW- close to Trenton St.

If it might be yours, refer to SPD incident 24-294196.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Charges filed against two teen robbery suspects

Late today, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announced initial charges filed against two of the teenage suspects arrested last week in connection with what investigators said was a prolific robbery rampage. The one adult suspect, 18-year-old John Bailey-Johnson of Renton, is charged with robbery, motor-vehicle theft, and unlawful gun possession. The first two charges are in relation to the Bellevue carjacking that preceded the arrests; the third charge is because he’s a convicted felon and can’t legally have a gun. (The one police say they found had been stolen from Kent, and they say Bailey-Johnson was trying to bury it while hiding from police during a search/foot pursuit in Auburn.) Here’s what’s described as his “arrest photo,” from the charging documents:

He is now jailed in lieu of $350,000 bail – higher than the $100,000 initially set last week – and is due in court for arraignment on October 28. The other suspect charged is a 16-year-old, against whom the KCPAO filed two counts of first-degree robbery and one count of unlawful gun possession (because he’s underage). The charges against him stem primarily from a Circle K holdup east of downtown Seattle on October 4. He remains in secure juvenile detention pending his arraignment hearing, set for tomorrow. Prosecutors stress that these charges resulted from what were just the first cases referred to them by police. Here’s more info and context from KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney:

As noted last Friday, in large investigations it is not uncommon for police to refer some cases initially, and then they may refer additional cases later. Prosecutors can make charging decisions on the individual cases if/when prosecutors receive them. It takes significant time for police investigators to work cases and to meet the statewide legal requirements for admissible evidence. Police can refer cases and King County prosecutors can make charging decisions anytime within the statute of limitations. If additional cases are referred to our office, King County prosecutors will address the cases with urgency and review each case individually.

What about the others arrested? McNerthney recaps Friday’s details about a 15-year-old suspect:

There was a 15-year-old arrested last week on a warrant for a previous case that he is on supervision for. In August 2024, that teen was sentenced through traditional prosecution for Taking a Motor Vehicle Without Permission in the Second Degree and Robbery in the Second Degree and was granted a suspended disposition alternative by the Court, as authorized by law. When the 15-year-old did not follow his court-ordered terms, King County prosecutors made a motion for a bench warrant on August 22, 2024. The 15-year-old was arrested Thursday on that warrant. At an Oct. 11 hearing, King County prosecutors asked for the Court to hold him in custody, and the Court held him in custody after hearing from both sides. (There is not a bail amount set in juvenile court – it’s either in or out of custody) The next hearing in that case is 10/23 at the Clark Child and Family Justice Center.

Investigators said they had identified another juvenile suspect, but McNerthney says no case for that suspect has been referred, yet. We also don’t yet have any additional information about the locations of all the robberies to which investigators think these suspects might be linked – just the map from Friday’s story showing three incident locations in West Seattle, one of which we know was the September 30th Highland Park 7-11 robbery attempt with gunfire.


Emily emailed us about her car, stolen in North Admiral:

Gray/silver Kia Sportage, 2017
License plate # CHT 1360
Police report: 24-292722

Please call 911 if you find it.

UPDATE: Man shot and killed at gas station in southeast West Seattle (added: victim identified)

(WSB photos)

8:11 PM: SPD and SFD have converged on the 7800 block of Detroit SW – at or near Shree’s Truck Stop – to investigate a reported shooting. The ~50-year-old man who is reported to have been shot is or was in a car – police don’t know yet whether he was shot there, or driven there after being shot elsewhere.

8:14 PM: Police just told dispatch the shooting happened at the scene where the victim was found.

8:16 PM: Officers have just told dispatch the victim has died.

8:49 PM: We are at the scene. Police say no one is in custody and they have no information on suspects. Adding scene photos.

10:32 PM: Police have just posted about this on SPD Blotter but the only new detail is that the victim was 53. If you have any information, they ask that you call 206-233-5000.

NOTE: This is the sixth non-vehicular homicide in West Seattle so far this year, after 15-year-old Mobarak Adam‘s shooting death at Southwest Pool/Teen Center in January, 22-year-old Luis Solis Lara‘s shooting death on Duwamish Head in June, 53-year-old William Tappe‘s beating death in the east Junction area in June, 32-year-old Laupule Talaga‘s shooting death in The Triangle last month, and 57-year-old Tammy Towers Parry‘s shooting death south of The Junction on October 1.

ADDED: We just went through the archives; six was the West Seattle homicide total for all of 2023. And one of those was a deadly shooting at the Delridge Shree’s gas station – the victim was shot there, drove away, and died exiting the West Seattle Bridge.

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: Police are not releasing any additional information. Today, however, the Medical Examiner’s Office identified the victim as 53-year-old Oton Garcia Ruiz, cause of death “gunshot wound to torso.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Escalade (update: found)


My vehicle was stolen this morning between midnight and 4:00 AM from in front of my house in Arbor Heights.
-2004 Cadillac Escalade
-WA state plate number: AGF 1071
-VIN (ends in) 8138
-There is a Colorado Sheriff sticker on front windshield, driver’s side. Headlights are faded, passenger side much more than driver’s side.

A police report has been filed. The fuel level indicator showed “low level” so hopefully the thief(ves) will run out of gas. I have a sentimental attachment to the vehicle as it was my father’s (who is now deceased).

Call 911 if you find it.

MONDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Erich emailed to report, “My 2004 Escalade was located by the Seattle Police department on the 3400 block of Henderson in West Seattle. Oddly enough I found the door to a safe in the back.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: ‘Abandoned vehicle that’s clearly stolen’

Just in from a reader:

There’s an abandoned vehicle that’s clearly stolen, ditched at the corner of Andover and 50th Ave SW. It’s an older-model (updated) Chevrolet Tahoe SUV, gold/tan with a car seat in the back row. Someone ripped apart the ignition and it has no plates.

The finder was working on reporting to police too.

UPDATE: Hit-run suspect in flipped-vehicle crash

1:27 AM: Happening right now – police and fire are responding to what’s reported to be a flipped-vehicle crash toward the north end of California SW, involving a driver suspected in a hit-run by Seacrest. Officers report they have one person in custody at the California crash scene. The flipped vehicle (we don’t actually know so far if it’s on its roof or side, as authorities tend to use “rollover” to describe both circumstances) is reported to be a Chevrolet Colorado truck.

1:44 AM: The truck has since been described as off the road, flipped, minus one or two wheels. Meantime, one person at the hit-run scene is reported to be injured.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUPS: Police arrest teenagers they say are linked to almost 80 robberies and other crimes, at least 3 in West Seattle

At least three West Seattle cases are among almost 80 robberies and other violent crimes that police are linking to four teenagers they arrested Thursday in Federal Way. From this afternoon’s announcement, made by Seattle Police, who say other agencies were involved:

On September 5th, many King County police agencies began investigating a rash of violent robberies, carjackings, burglaries, and shootings. This crime spree has totaled 78 known cases throughout King County alone. This group is responsible for at least 22 Seattle cases, most of which are armed robberies.

The targets of the majority of these robberies were gas stations as well as late-night fast-food restaurants. The group would often consist of 2-3 males wearing face masks and hooded clothing. The suspects would show up in a stolen vehicle which was either taken in a vehicle theft or a carjacking. They would enter the store, prop the door open, and point guns directly at the employees demanding they open the cash register. In many cases they would destroy computers they believed were tied to surveillance footage.

With probable cause generated by the Seattle Police Robbery Unit, we conducted surveillance with assistance from the Gun Violence Reduction Unit (GVRU) on a location where these suspects were known to frequent in Federal Way. While on this surveillance operation, detectives armed with knowledge of a recent Bellevue carjacking that had just occurred roughly 30-40 minutes prior, observed the suspects pulling into the parking lot of this apartment complex. Seattle Police SWAT operators were mobilized as were King County’s Guardian One helicopter and K9 units. The suspects then exited the apartment unit and got back into the stolen Mercedes and drove away.

With helicopter surveillance, a tire-deflation device, SWAT officers, and a foot pursuit, they finally arrested the suspects; the SPD Blotter post gets into those details. SPD’s post also includes this map showing some of the locations, including three in West Seattle:

We don’t have a list cross-referencing the locations/numbers to incidents, and no charges are yet filed referring to specific incidents (that’s expected next week). But during a briefing at HQ this afternoon (we weren’t able to go downtown but watched via regional-media stream – update: SPD has now made the video available here), a detective specifically mentioned the September 30th incident at the 16th/Holden 7-11, in which a would-be robber tried to shoot his way into the (locked) store, so that’s one of the cases.

WHAT’S HAPPENED SINCE THE ARRESTS: The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office says the lone adult, an 18-year-old, had an appearance this afternoon. He was initially arrested for investigation of unlawful gun possession. Prosecutors asked for $200,000 bail; a judge set it at $100,000. Police say the gun was stolen, and that he is ineligible to possess any gun because he’s a convicted felon. (Juvenile court records show he pleaded guilty in two robbery cases.)

Of the juveniles, here’s what KCPAO spokesperson Casey McNerthney said has happened so far:

A 16-year-old arrested was in court Friday afternoon for a 1:30 p.m. hearing the Clark Child and Family Justice Center. He was arrested for investigation of robbery and investigation of unlawful possession of a firearm for two different offense dates. Prosecutors asked for him to be held in custody. (In juvenile court in King County, a bail amount is not argued – it’s either in our out of custody, which is decided by the Court). The Court found probable cause for Robbery in the First Degree and Unlawful Possession of a Firearm. He remains in custody. King County prosecutors anticipate receiving a case from police investigators for a charging decision by Tuesday, Oct. 15. In juvenile cases statewide, first appearance document are not available in juvenile cases the same way they are in adult cases, in line with state law. Police narratives are available after charges are filed and charging decisions have been made by prosecutors – and that comes after law enforcement investigators make a full case referral (which is anticipated for these specific allegations on Oct. 15).

A 15-year-old was arrested on a warrant for a previous case that he is on supervision for. In August 2024, the teen was sentenced through traditional prosecution for Taking a Motor Vehicle Without Permission in the Second Degree and Robbery in the Second Degree and was granted a suspended disposition alternative by the Court, as authorized by law. When the 15-year-old did not follow his court-ordered terms, King County prosecutors made a motion for a bench warrant on August 22, 2024. The 15-year-old was arrested Thursday on that warrant. King County prosecutors asked for the Court to hold him in custody, and the Court held him in custody after hearing from both sides. (Again, there is not a bail amount set in juvenile court – it’s either in or out of custody.) A new case or new first appearance document for the 15-year-old has not been referred to King County prosecutors at this point.

Another 16-year-old was identified by police in this investigation, but it does not appear he was formally booked. Information for a first appearance hearing for that 16-year-old has not been sent to King County prosecutors. (Arrest and booking decisions are separate from prosecutors.) If prosecutors receive a case referral, it will be reviewed for a charging decision and police can send cases anytime within the statute of limitations.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Crash-and-grab attempt on video; garage intruder; decoration theft

Three incidents in West Seattle Crime Watch:

CRASH-AND-GRAB ATTEMPT: That security video shows would-be burglars trying to crash their way into Seamart at 16th/Holden early this morning. The owner called police around 7:15 am after arriving and discovering the door glass shattered. We went over to follow up; he provided us with the security video and said that, as it shows, the would-be burglars backed into the front of the store twice, but then drove away without getting into the store. If you have any information, the incident # is 24-288674.

Two reader reports:

GARAGE PROWLER: This happened in a garage at 35th and Graham:

At 1:42 AM on Wednesday the 8th, a femme-looking stranger trespassed into our building’s garage from Graham Street, wearing a dark baseball cap with a circular logo on the front, pulled low to cover their face, and also wore glasses on their face. They entered our garbage room and closed the door behind them, peeked out a few times, and when they left the room after about 15 minutes their cap and glasses were gone.

They had changed out of their pants into either shorts or a skirt, and was wearing a different t-shirt. They then tested a locked door nearby before exiting the garage and walking north along the alley between 35th and 36th.

This incident # is 24-287961.

DECORATIONS STOLEN: “Frustrated in Fauntleroy” emailed to report, “We had our ‘Nightmare Before Halloween’ decorations stolen from in front of our house (Tuesday) night.” Online temporary report # T00013437.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Stolen paintings mysteriously reappear

Back in July, after this year’s Alki Art Fair, we reported that paintings had been stolen from at least two participating artists. This week, after almost three months, half a dozen stolen paintings mysteriously reappeared and are being returned to the artists. We just received that news from Elizabeth Rudrud of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society‘s Log House Museum (which is on Alki, about a block and a half inland from where the fair was held). She tells WSB via email:

This week, I found, and am in the process of returning to the artists, six canvas paintings that were stolen during Alki Art Fair.

Tuesday, I arrived at the Log House Museum and found six canvas paintings placed behind a bench on our protected porch. I initially thought someone had left these as an anonymous donation for the museum, which, as this is a good opportunity to remind your readers, is always, always discouraged and doing so creates significant work for museum staff.

It was immediately apparent, however, that these paintings were not intended as a museum donation. Taped to the back of one of the canvases was a note that said “Return Paintings to Artist” with two artist names. The paintings appear in great condition. I found their websites, confirmed that these were in fact stolen artworks, and contacted the artists.

It is likely the person who initially stole these original paintings, or someone close to them, who made the right decision to return them and correctly believed that our historical society would assist. I am glad that I found these before a passerby decided to take them or weather damage occurred.

Richard Jahn picked up his paintings yesterday and described how devastated he was when they were taken. He said it felt as though he lost a family member. I have been in contact with the second artist and these will be returned to her soon.

We don’t know if that leaves any other stolen paintings unaccounted for, but will try to find out.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: And another 7-11 robbery

Thanks for the tip. The latest West Seattle 7-11 robbery happened just before 8:30 pm tonight at the Avalon store. According to police-radio audio, the robber was described as male, wearing a black ski mask, armed with a gun. He got away with cash, a phone, and ID. In the recent wave of local 7-11 robberies, this is the second one reported at the Avalon store in a little over a week.

About the Guardian One helicopter sighting

This came up in comments on the report about this afternoon’s Army helicopter sightings. Unrelated but just to close the loop – we were finally able to confirm that the 3:30-4 pm-ish helicopter sighting was Guardian One helping with the search after a robbery reported at Taboo Video in downtown White Center (9913 16th SW). We have a short story on partner site White Center Now and will add anything else we find out from the King County Sheriff’s Office.

FOLLOWUP: More than a year after car-into-water Alki crash, allegedly speeding, drunk driver is charged

(Reader photo, July 16, 2023, 1300 block Alki Avenue)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

One year and three months after an Alki crash that left a woman fighting for her life after bystanders pulled her from her submerged car, we’ve learned that the driver accused of hitting her is charged.

We discovered during a routine periodic check of online court files that the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has filed three charges against Angel I. Godoy Cruz, now 24 – vehicular assault (a Class B felony), reckless driving (a gross misdemeanor), and “no valid operator’s license” (a misdemeanor).

Here’s how the charging document summarizes the allegations:

On Sunday, July 13, 2023, at approximately 5:46 p.m., the defendant, 23-year-old Angel Godoy Cruz, an unlicensed driver with suspended driver’s license privileges, was speeding on northbound Alki Ave SW in a 2011 Infiniti G37 sedan, traveling at approximately 83 miles per hour in a 25 mph zone along Alki Beach. Alki Ave SW is a two-way arterial street consisting of one northbound lane and one southbound lane, with the lanes separated by a single dashed yellow line. The defendant then weaved around a vehicle by traveling into the southbound lane and back into the northbound lane.

At the same time, 24-year-old Madison Kelly was driving southbound in a 2005 Toyota Corolla and began to make a left turn from Alki Ave SW into a parking lot. Less than two seconds into her turn, the defendant crashed into Kelly’s vehicle at approximately 83 mph, causing the Toyota to roll northbound and fall into Elliott Bay. It is only because of the heroic efforts of witnesses who jumped into the bay to rescue Kelly from her submerged vehicle by cracking a car window open with a rock that she survived the collision. Witnesses then performed CPR on Kelly until medics arrived, who transported her to Harborview unconscious and in critical condition, suffering from extensive traumatic brain injuries and internal injuries.

As people gathered to perform life-saving efforts on Kelly, the defendant exited his vehicle. One witness confronted the defendant and stated that the defendant would be going to jail. According to the witness, the defendant replied, “Why would I be going to jail?” to which the witness responded that he may have killed the driver. The defendant then stated, “I don’t give a s–t,” and went back into his car. Law enforcement then contacted the defendant and observed a strong odor of intoxicants from the defendant’s person and observed an open can of IPA beer in plain view on the rear floorboard of the vehicle. After being read his Miranda rights, the defendant claimed the beer was from several days prior and that he had not drank alcohol that day but admitted to consuming marijuana that morning. He admitted to driving around the first vehicle because “it was going slow” and admitted that the speed limit for the area was 25 MPH. A search warrant was issued authorizing a blood draw for the defendant’s blood to determine his BAC. The toxicology report determined the defendant’s BAC was .011 three hours and 14 minutes after the collision, well above the per-se legal limit. …

Notably, the defendant has never possessed a valid driver’s license, but has a history of repeated disregard for traffic safety laws: Speeding, No Valid Operating License (08/31/2022), Expired License (06/20/2022), Vehicle Plates Expired (02/28/2019), Speed Too Fast for Road Conditions, Expired License, Vehicle Plates Expired (11/20/2015)

According to the documents, police submitted the case to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office this past August; the charges were filed four weeks later, on September 20, with a request for $150,000 bail. However, when Godoy Cruz appeared for arraignment on October 3, Judge David Keenan set bail at $25,000, with electronic home monitoring as a condition, and gave him a week on personal recognizance to post bond. Godoy Cruz is required to do that, and to start electronic home monitoring, by the end of the day tomorrow (Thursday, October 10). If he fails to do so, prosecutors can seek an arrest warrant. (He had a North Seattle address at the time of the crash but has told the court he is now living in West Seattle. After the crash, he was taken to the hospital, rather than jail, because of injuries.)

We asked the KCPAO why the case took so long to file. Spokesperson Casey McNerthney confirmed that they received it four weeks before filing it, which was 13 months after the crash (we will be following up separately with SPD); those four weeks were spent reviewing the evidence, which, the office says, included a lot of video. (The court documents indicate that’s part of how they determined the 83 mph speed.)

As for the victim, we have sent inquiries to family/friends multiple times since the crash to ask how Ms. Kelly is doing, but have not received a reply. Regional TV reports said she was out of the hospital and inpatient rehab and back home two months after the crash.

THURSDAY UPDATE: Godoy Cruz did report for the home-monitoring placement, according to Department of Adult Detention records.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Delivery van, mail theft, abandoned-possibly-stolen car, dumped cards

Three reader reports:

DELIVERY VAN STOLEN + MAIL THEFT: From a resident in the 6500 block of 42nd SW:

Busy day in Morgan Junction. An Amazon van was stolen on Holly and 42nd – thief sped down the alley toward Thriftway while the Amazon driver chased on foot. I live (in) a townhouse building with seven units; all seven of our mailboxes were broken into. We’re guessing it’s the same person. The event number from 911 is 24-286148.

We heard a bit about the theft via police radio, but not which type of van; will add if we get that info. This happened between 4:30 pm and 5 pm.

ABANDONED VOLVO: A reader says this plateless maroon Volvo XC90, with signs of having been in a crash (including front-end damage and deployed airbags), has been in their neighborhood at least four days. They’ve reported it but also wanted to post here in case someone’s looking for it:

Yours? Let us know and we’ll get you more info.

DUMPED CARDS, KEYS: Same goes for these found items – west of Westwood Village, a reader spotted a small pile of dumped items, car keys plus cards with different names – a PayPal debit card in the name of someone with first initial T, a local sports team “event staff” badge with first initial C, gift cards for wine and auto parts. They left the items where they found them, but if any sound like yours, let us know.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Itto’s Tapas burglarized, again

Another burglary at Itto’s Tapas on the north edge of The Junction:

Itto’s sent that photo of the damaged door, reporting that the break-in happened sometime after midnight, and that the burglar(s) got away with the register. Previous burglaries at Itto’s (4160 California SW) that we’ve reported included one last January as well as one in August 2022. No security video or police report # available yet.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Black Dodge Charger stolen

The video and report were sent by Kelly:

My car was stolen this morning. Black Dodge Charger. They had the keys, spare set. Not sure how. Plate APT 4041. Arbor Heights.

Call 911 if you find it.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Vintage clothing stolen; packages found

Two reader reports today:

VINTAGE CLOTHING STOLEN: MM reports that this happened in Seaview: “My car was burglarized in the front of my house between the hours of Friday October 4th night 6 pm – Saturday 10 am. A gray plastic bin with an attached lid was full of vintage clothing. Some of the items taken were WW2 gray military pants, two gold purses, 1940s women’s shoes, Levis, vintage fabric, alligator purse, dresses.” SPD incident # is 24-941744.

PACKAGES FOUND: If you live on 12th SW and are missing packages, that might be what WSM spotted:

Was out walking today in the Highland Park neighborhood and saw discarded (possibly stolen) packages along the parking strip … blocks away from the address shown.

If possibly yours, let us know and we’ll connect you.

FOLLOWUP: Crowdfunding for family of Triangle murder victim

A little over a week has passed since 32-year-old Laupule Talaga was shot and killed at his workplace in the West Seattle Triangle. Police have yet to release any additional information about the case. Mr. Talaga’s employers at Seattle Soul Kitchen described him as a father of three, and his family now says his partner is expecting twins. For those who have asked if there’s any way the community can help Mr. Talaga’s family, they just let us know that they have set up a crowdfunding page – you’ll find it here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police chase after another 7-11 robbery

Another West Seattle 7-11 robbery early today, but this one played out differently. An officer was on “directed patrol” focused on the Harbor Avenue 7-11 around 1:30 am when, according to the early summary, “The officer saw two suspects enter the 7-11 and grab the till. The officer interrupted the robbery, and the suspects entered a white Kia SUV. The officer recognized the robbery suspects being the same from the night prior at the 7-11 on SW Admiral. The officer initiated a pursuit, and other officers joined.” The archived audio indicates the robbers were chased across the bridge and onto northbound I-5, above 100 mph, at which point “it was terminated due to speeds” around Exit 168, north of downtown. Eventually, SPD tells us, the vehicle was dumped “in the East Precinct’s area and it was recovered.” Turned out to be stolen. The robbers, however, remain at large. They did not get away with the till, which police say was left at the scene when the robbery was interrupted. The Harbor Avenue 7-11 was the fourth one in West Seattle targeted in the past week, as detailed here.

CRIME WATCH: 2019 West Seattle raid leads to 30-year sentence for woman found guilty of child sex abuse

A child-sex-abuse case that began with a West Seattle raid five years ago led to a 30-year prison sentence today. Sentenced was 40-year-old Shabnam D. Pilisuk, found guilty by a federal jury a year and a half ago. Federal prosecutors say that a Seattle Police detective “uncovered information about a website that included discussion of incest and child abuse” and learned that Pilisuk was its operator; investigators then found out she “had traveled with an 11-year-old and sexually molested the child.” In March 2019, the news release about the sentencing says:

Seattle Police and Homeland Security Investigations served a judicially authorized search warrant on Pilisuk’s West Seattle home. They seized her electronic devices. The devices were forensically examined and determined to have images of child sexual abuse.

Then in November 2021, prosecutors say, the aforementioned victim disclosed that they had been abused; Pilisuk has been in custody since then and was found guilty on five felony counts last year. For today’s sentencing, federal prosecutors asked for a 45-year sentence; U.S. District Judge Tana Lin ordered Pilisuk to serve two-thirds of that.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen Scion, belonging to business

That’s Steve‘s work vehicle, stolen Monday night in the Alki area: 2008 Scion XB, license plates CGU6932, marked with Revive Pro Services logo/info. No police report number yet, but if you find it, call 911.