West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
(Added: Reader photos, sent by Todd)
11:57 PM: SFD is sending a rescue response to the 3600 block of 44th SW [vicinity map] for a reported flipped-car crash with someone trapped inside. Updates to come.
12:00 AM: Police tell dispatch ‘everyone’s out of the vehicle.’
12:03 AM: On arrival, firefighters tell dispatch the vehicle is on its side.
12:12 AM: Reader photo just added above verifies that. At least one parked car is damaged. No indication of serious injuries; SFD canceled all responders but one engine.
12:54 AM: Turns out two parked cars were damaged, a Mercedes (above) and Range Rover. Reader Todd also reports the tow truck is on scene.
After two texters told us late today about that mural taking shape north of the Luna Park mini-business district, on the long wall under the overpasses, we went over to find out about it. (updated) The project is led by Artolution, which describes itself as an “international community-based public art and education organization,” whose co-founder Dr. Max Frieder was on site:
Youth painters are assisting, and Urban ArtWorks is partnering. We’re told the plan for this came together at the last minute because of a grant that was close to expiring. The mural’s intent is to celebrate Seattle as a welcoming place; the project is under the One Seattle Graffiti Plan‘s Many Hands Art Initiative, with other partners including the city Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs and the UN Refugee Agency.
The mural is expected to be complete by early next week; we’ll check back!
THURSDAY UPDATE: Dr. Frieder clarifies, “This mural is not being funded by the city of Seattle, it is being funded by UNHCR, the UN refugee agency. They were able to get external funding to be able to support the project; the city only provided the permits.”
In our Halloween spotlight tonight – that’s the preview video for this year’s “Nightfall“ haunt, open for seven nights this year – and the first one is (updated) Friday night. Here’s how its creator explains it:
Nightfall is a dark fantasy walk-through attraction with a deep and expansive story – a high-end, Disney-esque nightmare that is a fun, scary, fun-scary home haunt in West Seattle that raises donations for West Seattle Food Bank and Washington’s National Park Fund. More like a dark ride, Nightfall is filled with more shadowy wonder than intense terror, though there are certainly a few screams to be had along the way. It is family-friendly but may be too intense for some younger guests, so parental discretion is advised. Over nearly a decade, Nightfall has become a Halloween tradition for many in the West Seattle community.
Check the website for donation requirements, essential guest information, and to discover the Nightlore. Please read and follow ALL PARKING and GUEST GUIDELINES. Nightfall is held at a private residence in West Seattle. Please remember you are a guest and be respectful of the community.
Dates and times: October 18, 19, 25, 26, 31 & November 1, 2, 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm. See the website for the location.
Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
STOLEN SUV: The photo and report are from Adrianna, who says her Tahoe was taken in the Westwood area:
2001 Chevrolet Tahoe
Gold in color
Stock rims
Plate: BZS4166
Police report 24-291574
Call 911 if you find it.
BIN OF KIDS’ STUFF, GUN SAFE STOLEN: Sarah emailed to report a visitor discovered his “truck was broken into last night, parked near Fairmount Park on 40th Ave SW. His gun (which was in a locked safe) and a black Costco rubber bin with a bright yellow lid was stolen. He’s particularly heartbroken about the bin as it had all of his kids’ clothing, stuffies, Legos in it (they are in the midst of moving). I’m hoping someone dumped it as it was quite heavy.”
SPEAKING OF SAFES: Another reader reports finding this one:
Any business missing its safe? Probably dumped sometime late Sun./Mon. Was found in alley between 17th and 18th Aves SW- close to Trenton St.
If it might be yours, refer to SPD incident 24-294196.
Another city bridge-resurfacing project that started in late July is now complete: The deck replacement for the Salmon Bone Bridge across Longfellow Creek in North Delridge. Shortly after Manuel sent these photos (thank you!) with word the bridge was open again, we also got an announcement from Seattle Public Utilities, which led the project. As explained in July, they replaced the decking material with something both enhancing pedestrian safety and more closely resembling artist Lorna Jordan‘s original design:
The new surface is a “weathering steel” product called Cordeck Dots. Meantime, another reason to visit the bridge besides checking out the new surface – we heard unofficial word that salmon spawners have been spotted!
3:24 PM: Thanks to everyone who’s texted/emailed about that car fire toward the southwest end of the West Seattle Bridge.
Firefighters have since arrived. At least one passerby noted the driver was on scene. We’re checking on injuries.
(Video sent by Matt)
3:46 PM: A texter says traffic is moving again through that area.
5:45 PM: SFD confirms, no one was hurt.
(Google Maps Street View image, west side of 35th/Barton)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Above, you see the heart of what would be the Upper Fauntleroy “neighborhood center” as part of the proposed zoning changes just unveiled by the city.
The maps are part – but not the entirety – of the “comprehensive plan” (aka One Seattle Plan) updates that the city’s been working on for the past two years, part of a state-mandated process to update the plan once a decade. We got a preview at a City Hall media briefing this morning; the city says its proposed sheaf of changes would give Seattle the capacity for a total of 330,000 new housing units, far more than they envisioned when circulating the draft earlier this year. (Here’s the slide deck from today’s briefing.)
The proposed maps build on the draft maps circulated last spring, as reported here in March, when we first noted that the city intended to plan for increased business activity and housing density by designating “neighborhood centers” as well as making some changes in its existing “urban centers” (formerly known as “urban villages”). Back in March, the city’s early version of these changes showed six “neighborhood centers” for West Seattle. Now, the newly unveiled maps show (update: 7 out of the 30 total proposed citywide – OPCD tells us 3 were were “studied” but are not currently being proposed):
*Brandon Junction (centered on Delridge/Brandon)
*Fairmount (centered on California/Findlay)
*Holden (centered on 35th/Holden)
(UPDATE: Studied but not proposed) *Sylvan Junction (centered on Delridge/Orchard)
*Upper Fauntleroy (centered on 35th/Barton)
*High Point (centered on 35th/Morgan)
(UPDATE: Studied but not proposed) *Highland Park (centered on 9th/Trenton)
*Endolyne (centered on 45th/Wildwood)
*Delridge (centered on Delridge/Dakota)
(UPDATE: Studied but not proposed) *Alki (centered on 61st/Stevens)
(For now, check the online maps for exact boundaries and the attendant rezoning where applicable – we’ve requested a larger version of the map/list and will add it here when available. UPDATE: Here it is.)
The “neighborhood center” additions are only part of what you’ll find on the zoning maps. West Seattle’s four “urban centers” – Admiral, Alaska Junction, Morgan Junction, and Westwood/Highland Park – would, in most cases, expand (here again is the interactive site with the maps).
If you’re not in an urban center or neighborhood center, check your zoning anyway. Upzoning is proposed along major transit routes (Fauntleroy Way SW along the RapidRide C Line route past Lincoln Park, for example). And if you’re in a “neighborhood residential” zone (the new name given to “single-family” a few years back), and otherwise unchanged, you’ll be in an “urban neighborhood” area. Most formerly “single-family” parcels already have had the capacity for three units – a main house and two Accessory Dwelling Units – because of previous city changes, but now the State Legislature-passed HB 1110 requires capacity for four units on these parcels. If affordable housing is included, some might be eligible for six units, and/or four stories. And lots of parcels will become mixed-use in one specific way – any corner lot in an “urban neighborhood” zone would be eligible for a corner store.
Other changes include parking rules:
As a result of this, we learned, the Alki Parking Overlay – which requires a space and a half for every dwelling unit in that area – would be abolished (as would the only other “parking overlay” in the city, in the U District). General parking for residential units – aside from the frequent-transit zones where none would be required – would be one space for two units.
Lots more in the maps, and there’s more in what the city announced today. But for starters, you can browse for yourself, and make comments now – that’s why the maps are being made public, with other plan-updates to come. You can also attend an upcoming informational session. The West Seattle session is 5:30-7:30 pm Wednesday, November 6, at Madison MS (3429 45th SW) and the full list of citywide events (plus the online session) is on this flyer. All this ultimately goes to the City Council for consideration. (added) The official comment period, meantime, runs until December 20, so you have time for a close look. Also of note, as discussed in comments, the city plans to propose more upzoning in Urban Centers in a future “phase” of planning (see page 10 of the slide deck).
THURSDAY UPDATE: OPCD says three of the 10 “neighborhood centers” listed for West Seattle were studied but not proposed. We have labeled them as such above.
ADDED THURSDAY PM: Here also, provided by OPCD, is a District 1-specific map (see it in PDF here):
The report and photo were sent by Paul Beck:
The 100-year-old Kenney Tower Light has, once again, been turned on thanks to a dedicated employee at The Kenney, Ron Blasser.
Residents and neighbors tell us that it reminds them of their school days when, at the end of an afternoon of school and play, it was the signal for the neighborhood kids to go home for supper. Today, with new management, it is a signal that all is well at the Kenney and new residents are moving back into the community.
Restoration of the Kenney Tower Light was recently accomplished by Ron Blasser, Director of Facilities at the Kenney, and a West Seattle neighbor. Ron joined the Kenney staff in October of 2022, following a hiatus in his business, caused by the COVID epidemic, which left him with time on his hands. Hoping to be able to contribute to his West Seattle community, Ron was told by a friend that there was a Facilities Management job opening at the Kenney and suggested he apply. He did apply, was hired, and promised the community two years of employment. Immediately, residents began to experience a turn-around in the overall maintenance of the facility and the addressing of long neglected repairs.
Ron’s two-year commitment was completed on October 10 of this year and he plans to return his attention to caring for his business and family.Ron consistently provided outstanding service to Kenney residents. He used his knowledge and community connections to problem solve many issues that plagued the Kenney for years. His skills in electronics, plumbing and heating restored function in numerous parts of the physical plant. He took piles of worn-out appliances and other discarded building materials that were littering storage areas to be recycled. He used his management skills to train maintenance and custodial staff to learn new skills while enhancing their teamwork and loyalty to the Kenney. At the same time, Ron encouraged and supported residents to take on tasks such as beautification of public spaces, gardening, and night-time security. As a result, Kenney staff and residents have become a team working together to bring The Kenney back to its glory.
On October 1, 2024, the Kenney Resident Council honored Ron for his extraordinary two years of contributions to residents, staff, and the facility. He had inspired us all with his boundless energy, extraordinary skills, confidence, and genuine concern for others. He will be sorely missed, and we wish him happiness and success as he leaves us and approaches the next challenges in his life. The service that Ron provided to The Kenney will ensure everyone in the West Seattle community will see the Kenney Tower Light and know when it is time for dinner.
Paul Beck, MD
Chair, Kenney Independent-Living Resident Council
We’ve been reporting – most recently this summer – on other changes at The Kenney because of new management and receivership.
After two and a half months of intermittent work by night and day, SDOT has announced this morning that the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project – on the West Seattle Bridge extension between Highway 99 and I-5 – is officially complete.
SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson summarizes, “Between July and October 2024, we repaired all of the damaged pavement on the deck’s surface, which was prone to potholes and ‘alligator skin’ cracking. Crews repaved the bridge deck with a synthetic polyester concrete to help ensure it remains in good condition over time. We also made drainage improvements and bridge deck repairs on the westbound lanes.” The project cost $7.5 million, much of that covered by grants, including federal money on which we reported in 2022. Most of the work was on the older eastbound side of the SSV.
(Crab spider, photographed at T-107 Park by Steve Bender)
Here’s what’s happening, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you can always look ahead, and where you’ll find even more events than we spotlight in the list):
WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Meet at 47th/Fauntleroy at 10 am. Details in our calendar listing.
TODDLER READING TIME AT PAPER BOAT: 10:30 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
SOUTHWEST ARTIST SHOWCASE: The Southwest Library (9010 35th SW) is open noon to 8 pm, and you can visit any time to see what community artists are showing this year, until late October.
3 IMMUNE-BOOSTING TIPS – AND A RECIPE! Half an hour for your health – “3 Best Tips for Immune Support and Fire Cider Recipe” with Dr. Emily Lesnak from Neighborhood Naturopathic and Primary Care (WSB sponsor), 12:30 pm, online, free. Go here to get the link!
ALKI PLAYGROUND DESIGN COMMENT: 4-6 pm at Alki Beach Bathhouse (2701 Alki SW), stop in to see where design is at for the new playground between the new school and the playfield, and to offer your feedback.
HOMEWORK HELP: 4-5:45 pm at High Point Library (3411 SW Raymond), volunteers can help K-12 students with their homework.
CITY COUNCIL BUDGET HEARING: 5 pm, as explained/previewed here. You can go to City Hall to testify or do it remotely.
HOW TO GET RAINWISE: Online meetup with contractors and others who can help you figure out how to get a subsidized raingarden or cistern if you’re eligible for the RainWise program, 5:30 pm – info in our calendar listing.
FIX-IT WORKSHOP: Fix it, don’t toss it! Weekly event, free (donations appreciated), 5:30-7:30 pm at West Seattle Tool Library (4408 Delridge Way SW, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center).
TRIVIA x 4: Four trivia options tonight: At 6 pm, Locust Cider (2820 Alki SW) offers trivia … Larry’s Tavern (3405 California SW) hosts Wednesday-night trivia starting at 7:30 pm … Quiz Night begins at 8 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) … and at 8:30 pm, trivia with Phil T at Talarico’s (4718 California SW).
FREE NEW BALANCE DEMO GROUP RUN: All runners, all levels, are welcome to join the 6:15 pm weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) group run, which has two extras tonight: New Balance shoe demos, and birthday celebrations, as explained in our calendar listing.
CENTENNIAL CHILI COOKOFF: 6:30 pm chili dinner raising money for Undue Medical Debt, in celebration of the 100-year partnership between Fauntleroy Church and YMCA (9140 California SW) – registration required to attend – go here.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE LOCOL: 6:30 pm. 21+. Rotating performer slate. (7902 35th SW)
MORGAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, online or in-person at Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s lower-level community room – agenda, and attendance info, in our calendar listing.
MUSIC BINGO X 2: One night, two games! Play at The Good Society (California/Lander), 7 pm … At Three 9 Lounge (39th/Oregon), you can play MINGO music bingo, hosted by Mingo Maniac, at 7:30 pm Wednesdays.
KUNDALINI YOGA AND GONG BATH: 7 pm with Inner Alchemy at Move2Center (3618 SW Alaska), $35; ticket link is in our calendar listing.
SKYLARK OPEN MIC: The spotlight is yours! 7:30 pm signups for West Seattle’s longest-running open mic. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Planning an open house, reading, tour, fundraiser, sale, discussion, show, meeting, presentation, etc., that’s open to the community? Please send us info so we can add it to West Seattle’s only comprehensive event calendar! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
That’s the trailer for “Stories of Us,” a documentary about people at West Seattle’s only tiny-home village, Camp Second Chance, and it’s the first film up for the relaunch of the quarterly West Seattle Meaningful Movies gatherings. The screening is set for this Saturday – here’s what the group wants you to know:
Meaningful Movies West Seattle has our new home and things are back in action.
The first movie since COVID will be an informational movie and discussion about the life for our unhoused community. The name of the movie is: STORIES OF US: CAMP SECOND CHANCE. Date and time: Saturday, October 19 at 6:30 pm. Location: Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, 7141 California Ave. SW. There is no cost; however, donations are appreciated to help support the program.
Join us in person for this important film about our local unhoused community. In this powerful award-winning film, director Melinda Raebyne embeds herself one winter at West Seattle’s only tiny-house village, Camp Second Chance, challenging public ignorance and humanizing a population that locals would rather neglect, sharing with you some of their personal stories and her actual experience of what it’s like to be homeless.
The filmmaker will be at the Meaningful Movies screening for Q&A afterward.
6:03 AM: Good morning! Welcome to Wednesday, October 16th.
Periods of rain, maybe an evening thunderstorm, high in the upper 50s. Today’s sunrise will be at 7:30 am, while sunset will be at 6:18 pm.
(Photo by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project continues; the north half of the bridge remains closed, with one lane each way on the south side, until the project switches sides, which SDOT now expects will happen around October 28th. Fairmount Avenue remains closed under the bridge.
*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.
*The south Beach Drive gas-pipeline project continues; we noted work Tuesday in the 6000-6300 blocks, with flaggers helping alternate directions through a one-lane stretch.
Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, plus the “unscheduled third boat” is back after a brief detour Tuesday. Check for alerts here.
Metro buses today – Regular schedule.
Water Taxi today – Regular schedule.
High Bridge – Here’s the main camera, followed by the Fauntleroy-end camera:
Spokane Street Viaduct – This view usually looks westward, with eastbound lanes at left and westbound lanes at right:
Low Bridge – Looking west:
1st Avenue South Bridge:
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!