CRIME WATCH: Another West Seattle 7-11 robbery, likely connected to other holdups, and possible attempt (Wednesday update)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 11:59 PM TUESDAY: Thanks for the tip. This time the Admiral Way 7-11 has been hit by robbers. The clerk was held up less than an hour ago. Initial information from police was only that there were two robbers, both masked, and a gun was held to the clerk’s head. This is less than 24 hours after the Avalon Way 7-11 was held up, which in turn was less than 24 hours after a would-be robber tried to shoot his way through a locked door at the Highland Park 7-11. If you have any information about the Admiral robbery, the SPD incident # is 24-279573.

ADDED 12:44 PM WEDNESDAY: Here’s the SPD preliminary summary:

At 0131 hours, the suspects walked in the 7-11 located at the 4300 BLK of SW Admiral Wy. The suspects were driving a possibly dark sedan. The suspects entered the store, and one jumped over the counter. The second suspect walked around the counter. The suspects punched the clerk in the back twice and jabbed the back of his neck. The clerk felt pain. The suspects took approximately $200 in cash and left in their vehicle. The manager responded to the scene and video footage was reviewed. Possibly the same car was seen at a 7-11 located at the 9000 BLK of Delridge Wy SW. The two suspects attempted to walk inside the 7-11 wearing masks, but the clerk locked the door (Case# 24-279550). The SPD Robbery Unit was notified about both incidents.

There have been multiple recent robberies in South Seattle and West Seattle that appear to be connected to the same robbery crew (see many recent [incident reports]). Detectives with the Robbery Unit are working tirelessly on these investigations. No arrests have been made at this time. We will be releasing more information soon.

40 Replies to "CRIME WATCH: Another West Seattle 7-11 robbery, likely connected to other holdups, and possible attempt (Wednesday update)"

  • Bdubb7 October 2, 2024 (6:53 am)

    Why are these franchise owners too cheap to have armed security at night? They know how prevalent this is at 7/11s. Also, we NEED more police patrolling around town. I think we get what happens when we’re 200+ short of officers. We need to make changes, now. 

    • Ok October 2, 2024 (9:59 am)

      Because customers don’t want higher prices.

      • Bdubbs7 October 2, 2024 (5:44 pm)

        I didn’t ask what customers want. I asked why the owners are so cheap. It’s a business expense, deal with it. The end cost to the business is even more when customers stop patronizing altogether. Hence it would be a smart move to eat the cost. As for the customers, would they rather be dead? lol

  • G October 2, 2024 (8:31 am)

    Thank goodness no one was insured. I appreciate 7-11 hours but this must be terrible for the staff. What can 7-11 do to discourage this? Close early? Only take orders through a take out window? Credit cards only? 

  • 22blades October 2, 2024 (9:06 am)

    If this isn’t a reason to go cashless… For the sake of the staff, any customers or just passerbys, it’s time to make this retail model safe. In Japan, the 7-11 staff don’t even handle cash in the transaction. It’s handled by machine. The staff just monitors.

  • Deeperlevel October 2, 2024 (9:13 am)

    On a more pragmatic note:  Maybe what we need to do is recruit potential police officers by giving them free police Academy education and get a training group going on that it’s huge so we can start getting some effective response to these disgusting robberies! We have to do something deeper to get more police! And we also need to stop letting these jerks back out onto society! That’s for sure. 

    • Police training is already paid October 2, 2024 (10:33 am)

      Jesus Christ. Be informed when you post ignorant comments to give spd carte Blanche that they already operate with. 

    • Anne October 2, 2024 (12:45 pm)

      Once you apply & are accepted Police Academy training IS free-but it takes some time to properly train people for Pete’s sake. There’s also a probation period after graduating from the Academy-so it takes some time before these officers are actually fully trained & out on the streets.-unless of course you’d rather our future LEO’s have little to minimal training. This is all assuming there are folks who actually WANT to be LEO’s here. They’ve actually expanded the number of Academy’s-& there’s talk of having at least one  more in Eastern Washington -there  only used to be one for the whole state.  

    • Derek October 2, 2024 (12:59 pm)

      Has anyone considered that many people don’t want to be a cop? Maybe someone doesn’t want be an armed guard for the state and the rich? That’s why there are less, in addition to many having hurt feelings over legit criticism.

      • Byron James October 2, 2024 (3:53 pm)

        @Derek. In case you didn’t know it, 7-11 clerks are unlikely to be rich.

        • Melba Tost October 2, 2024 (5:02 pm)

          He was referring to the police, not 7-11 clerks.

      • Byron James October 2, 2024 (3:54 pm)

        @Derek. 7-11 clerks are unlikely to be rich.

      • CarDriver October 2, 2024 (4:23 pm)

        Derek. Your hatred for all law enforcement is well documented by your posts. What’s also notable is a complete lack of real world plans to end crime with your desire to have nobody to go after and apprehend the criminals preying on the innocent people.What exactly is your agenda?

        • Bbron October 3, 2024 (12:07 am)

          I can’t speak for Derek, but I align with them on wanting to reduce SPD’s presence. police don’t prevent crime (look up how police department sizes never correlate to any crime statistics). the only way to solve crime is to prevent people needing to resort to it. crime is a symptom of lack of social services, education, and resources in general. modifying those have actually had observable effects on crime statistics. that’s how you solve crime; however, usually people are more interested in the vindictive part of “justice” and prefer to punish people that act out of line rather than actually solving the material conditions that cause crime.

  • David October 2, 2024 (9:16 am)

    It is time for 7-11 to go cashless 

    • Rob October 2, 2024 (10:12 am)

      How would that effect people who can’t get cards or the homeless who live dollar by dollar

      • Brian October 2, 2024 (1:28 pm)

        They wouldn’t shop there? Next question. 

    • Mark B October 2, 2024 (12:07 pm)

      Agree with you. But then cue the eye-rolling outcry that happened when the Taco Time across the street did the same. 

  • IJS October 2, 2024 (10:00 am)

    Go Cashless…  OK.  Better still, I think “CLOSED at 10pm and OPEN at 6am” is the best solution because this takes away the dead of night opportunity and addresses the worker safety problem.  Night-owls,  night shift, and insomniacs will have to plan ahead, buy in advance, their late night snacks, drinks, and cigarettes.  It’s OK, folks!  Even Safeway and QFC no longer stay open during the night.

  • Erik October 2, 2024 (10:33 am)

    I echo others sentiments. I think all convenience stores in the area should go cashless. They’re just too tempting and easy for these thugs. 

    • Neighbor October 2, 2024 (3:31 pm)

      Buying things at a *convenience* store at convenient times is not a moral failing.

      Armed robbery is.

    • Neighbor October 2, 2024 (3:34 pm)

      Good point Eric.  We should take this one step further and make it illegal to own things that might get stolen.  That will solve crime overnight!

  • sf October 2, 2024 (10:50 am)

    Time to close at 11 and not reopen until 7.

    • Rhonda October 2, 2024 (12:44 pm)

      They’ll just rob it in broad daylight. Who’s going to stop them? Or catch them? 

    • neighbor October 2, 2024 (1:06 pm)

      I see what you did there! :-)

  • K October 2, 2024 (11:09 am)

    Maybe the problem is violent men and access to guns, not using cash.

  • Metal1 October 2, 2024 (12:21 pm)

    Anyone hear the zombie like screams/shrieks around 3am by Myrtle and California? 

    • Kate October 2, 2024 (1:48 pm)

      Yes – there have been a couple posts asking about it on Nextdoor. I called 911 to report it and am assuming someone was having a mental health crisis. From what I can tell based on the two Nextdoor posts, the person walked along California at a minimum from Graham down to Myrtle. Not sure exactly what was going on and if the police checked it out or not.

    • Westie101 October 2, 2024 (1:50 pm)

      I heard that too! What a pleasant way to be woken up!!!  

    • PKS October 2, 2024 (2:10 pm)

      Yes! It woke us up around 3 – near California & Holly. Looked out but never saw where it was coming from. 

  • WSB October 2, 2024 (12:47 pm)

    Just updated with preliminary police summary, including belief that this is indeed related to other incidents, including another thwarted-by-locked-doors potential attempt overnight – TR

    • Eric1 October 2, 2024 (3:06 pm)

      Thanks for the update that the convenience store robberies are related.  It is depressing that there are people that think that robbing multiple convenience stores is a career plan.  How lame do you have to be to think that $65 is worth your time for a night’s work?  When three people (assuming a driver) collectively think that splitting the loot from a convenience store is a “score”, we have other problems that start with not taking math and economics seriously in school.  I work near a 7-11 that has been robbed multiple times.  I have learned to have smaller bills because even with $20 at 12:00 noon, I would have to wait for change from the timed safe if I buy a Big Gulp and a lotto ticket (my usual purchase, don’t tell the wife).  The odd thing is that very wealthy neighborhoods are literally just up the hill.  The spare change in the bowl next to the car keys at the front door probably contains more money than a 7-11 (even without the wallet). Heck, the car keys to an exotic weekend car are in the bowl too (a friend lives there). But hey, lets hit the 7-11 at the bottom of the hill for $20…. while driving a stolen KIA…  Small scores for small minds….

  • T Rex October 2, 2024 (2:20 pm)

    It is only a matter of time before someone defending their store and/or product, home or vehicle takes matters in their own hands. Or the cops will show up, shoot one of them because they raise or show a weapon.  Then everyone will blame the police. Cue the “police are horrible ” folks.I suspected these robberies were being done by the same group of lovely idiots. They have no fear, even if they get arrested in Seattle, they get released by a judge who should not be a judge in the first place. THEY ALL KNOW THIS! I am sure I will get beat up for this post, but I am sick of tired of excuses and the “oh it’s so sad crew” claiming that these poor “boys” are lost, with every possible excuse for why. I don’t care, This is a once-a-week story. I know there are more in West Seattle that feel the same. Some are just afraid to say it. . There is a very clear line of what is right and wrong. That is GD common sense, and it does not take a rocket scientist to know the difference and THEY KNOW. They simply don’t want to work; they stopped going to school, they commit crimes to become “tough guys” and get respect from the same low Lifes that they hang out with. THEY KNOW, THEY CHOOSE. PERIOD.  Rant concluded. 

    • Anne October 2, 2024 (3:15 pm)

      Remember -WE elect many of our Judges-while not easy -time to keep track of those that you think are too lenient -either with sentences or bail -if they are elected -vote accordingly.

      • bill October 2, 2024 (7:32 pm)

        The legislators you elect write the laws the judges follow. The legislators also decide the taxes and funding allocated to jails. You want people in jail? You have to build and staff jails and levy the taxes to pay for them. Look in the mirror for the problem.

  • flimflam October 2, 2024 (3:44 pm)

    All of that for $200? Get a job, punks.

  • DRW October 2, 2024 (3:55 pm)

    Let’s face the facts, there are really only 5-6 routes out of West Seattle. The high bridge, the low bridge, Highland Park Way SW, Meyers Way S, or 16th Ave SW to Ambaum. The thieves hit these stores I believe more so due to their locations. Easy out of West Seattle. When SPD staff numbers increase I think they should put more emphasis on these areas.

  • LisaS October 2, 2024 (7:38 pm)

    How about closing at 11 like the sign says?

  • Gsslit October 3, 2024 (5:03 am)

    Gotta love that commenters here want to change a business’s hours, how they handle cash and how they pay for extra security all while likely not running their own businesses or having any experience on why those things are or aren’t done. As far as the voices who shout down law enforcement at every turn, they are likely privileged people who have never needed to rely on law enforcement for personal security or safety. 

    • Bbron October 3, 2024 (2:38 pm)

      just ask likely that the people “shout[ing] down law enforcement” have had negative experiences with them like me who has been harassed by SPD multiple times. tho it helps your argument, you have no basis for the likelihood that someone who is against SPD in its current state doesn’t have lived experiences they are basing their arguments off of.

Sorry, comment time is over.