Neighborhoods 943 results

COUNTDOWN: One month until Seattle Night Out block parties

We’re now exactly month away from this year’s Night Out block parties around Seattle (and the rest of the country). August 6 is the date this year, and you can sign up to close your (non-arterial) street to vehicle traffic that night – SPD has a registration link here. Hundreds are already signed up around the city; you can choose whether or not to have yours on the map. Deadline to register for street-closure permission is July 28.

READER REPORT: Seattle Pride Night Out, year 2

Another reader report about neighborhood solidarity – this one is a postscript to Pride Month. Last year we reported on Michael Mattinger and his family launching Seattle Pride Night Out block parties. Michael sent a report and photos after a second successful year:

My husband Bradley and I (Michael and Bradley Mattinger) recently hosted our 2nd annual Pride Night Out block party, and I wanted to share the wonderful success we achieved last week. You wrote about it last year which inspired even more West Seattle blocks to participate. Despite some initial concerns over the weather last Thursday and other events happening simultaneously (i.e. the debate), our neighborhood came together to create a truly magical evening.

We were delighted to see a fantastic turnout, with neighbors old and new joining us in the festivities. The event featured a variety of activities, including a talented face painter, toddler bounce house, the local YMCA came out and engaged with arts & crafts, and an abundance of delicious desserts and wine.

The highlight of the night was undoubtedly the performance by local drag queen Dolly Madison, who dazzled everyone with her charisma and talent. Dolly typically performs every Saturday at Lumberyard in White Center.

The overwhelming support and participation from our community made Pride Night Out a resounding success, and we are already brimming with ideas for next year’s celebration. It was a beautiful demonstration of the unity, diversity, and vibrancy that makes our neighborhood so special.

If your block wants to start making plans for next year, Michael tells us, “The tradition is to celebrate the Thursday before Seattle Pride Weekend and we’ll continue that tradition next year – which will be June 26, 2025.”

READER REPORT: Neighbors gather to celebrate resident’s 99th birthday

As we celebrate our nation today, one thing to consider is that a nation is really a collection of neighborhoods. A few in West Seattle have sent us stories of recent celebrations in their neighborhoods – this one is from Monika:

What makes a great neighborhood?

Neighbor Marie celebrated her 99th birthday this past Saturday – here on Rutan PL SW, where she’s lived since the 1950s. Over so many decades, she helped shape an entire neighborhood – in all of the BEST of ways!

(Photo by James Sprague)

A humble brag about our neighborhood on the shortest street in Seattle. We show up. We rise to the occasion. Kudos to our neighbor Karen Arthur White, who organized a festive celebration for Marie’s big day. Karen simply asked that neighbors show up at Marie’s with big hearts – and roses – at 2:00 pm. We all filed in, each bearing best wishes and presenting our roses. Her adult children had prepared refreshments. Then, twenty-six people sang “Happy Birthday” and touched in with one another and the “birthday girl.” It was beautiful. Simply beautiful.

The birthday girl didn’t want to be in the photo, so the people you see are the neighbors and relatives who gathered to celebrate.

VIDEO: Promises made, concerns voiced at Alki/Harbor community-safety meeting, four days after deadly shooting

(WSB video and photos)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The Alki-area community advocates who co-hosted tonight’s public-safety meeting with District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka have long been pushing for as much action against street disorder as the city can muster. Last weekend’s shootings at Duwamish Head were just the latest flashpoint.

Perhaps that’s why the first actions promised tonight by city reps – but, they insisted, not the last – had to do with street design: Lane-narrowing and more speed cushions are on the way, per SDOT managers. The action most requested by attendees, installing speed cameras, isn’t so easy, panelists explained. Same with the matter of “holding people accountable.”

Above is our video from the nearly-two-hour meeting inside the sanctuary at Alki UCC; below, our recap:

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FOLLOWUP: Community meeting Wednesday in aftermath of deadly shooting at Duwamish Head

(Neighbor photo, early Saturday. Victim was on street side of striped loading zone)

As reported here Monday, District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka promised to convene a “community conversation” in the aftermath of Saturday’s Duwamish Head shootings that killed a 22-year-old man and injured a 27-year-old man. The meeting is now set for tomorrow (Wednesday, June 26) night – here’s the entirety of the announcement just received:

Seattle City Councilmember Rob Saka (District 1, Vice Chair of the Public Safety Committee) is hosting a community conversation on public safety tomorrow, June 26, 6 pm-7:30 pm, at Alki United Church of Christ. It will include a diverse selection of city leaders, including Interim Police Chief Sue Rahr and citywide Councilmember Tanya Woo (Position 8).

This comes after a 22-year-old was killed in a shooting near Alki Beach over the weekend. According to reports, another 27-year-old was also shot and transported to the hospital. Homes nearby were also struck by gunfire. This community conversation will be focused specifically on working toward public safety solutions for the Alki and Harbor Avenue neighborhoods.

“The gun violence playing out on our streets in unacceptable. It’s time for us to come together as a city and put a stop to it. Every enduring solution starts with an honest conversation. That’s why I’m bringing our community and a diverse group of city leaders together. We need short and long-term strategies to ensure Alki is a safe and welcoming for everyone,” said Councilmember Saka.

What city leaders will be in attendance?

The following City leaders are scheduled to speak:

Councilmember Saka
Sue Rahr, Interim Police Chief
Natalie Walton-Anderson, Director of Public Safety, Mayor’s Office
AP Diaz, Superintendent of Seattle Parks and Recreation
Francisca Stefan, Senior Deputy Director, Seattle Department of Transportation
Venu Nemani, Chief Safety Officer, Seattle Department of Transportation
Other members of the Seattle Police Department will also be attending.

DATE: Wednesday, June 26
TIME: 6 PM – 7:30 PM
LOCATION: Alki United Church of Christ, 6115 SW Hinds Street

How people can submit questions:

Community members interested in submitting questions or comments for the panelists to respond to can do so by completing this form. Questions or comments will also be accepted in person at the event.

Updates from June’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting

No major topics at June’s Fauntleroy Community Association board meeting, held at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse and online on Tuesday night, but we do have a few toplines from monitoring via Zoom:

FAUNTLEROY FERRY DOCK PROJECT: FCA’s ferry-issues point person Frank Immel said the next Community Advisory Group meeting for the dock-replacement project isn’t expected any sooner than July – the traffic studies they’ve been waiting for aren’t ready yet. (WSF is having systemwide general-info meetings next week, though – info on those is here.) He met recently with Ferries’ new boss Steve Nevey; FCA president Mike Dey says he has a conversation scheduled next week with our area’s State Sen. Joe Nguyễn.

FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL FUNDRAISER: Last month’s dine-out benefit at Endolyne Joe’s was deemed a success. The annual festival is entirely supported by donations and volunteers, so another dine-out benefit is under consideration, perhaps with Wildwood Market as well as Joe’s.

PLANTERS: FCA maintains the flower planters you might have noticed around the Endolyne mini-business district. They were recently replenished – with 19 volunteers, that took about an hour and a half.

WHAT’S NEXT: The FCA board meets most months on the second Tuesday at 6 pm. Watch for updates.

District 1 Community Network’s final meeting, report #2

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Community-group meeting seldom have surprise endings. Wednesday night’s District 1 Community Network meeting did, as a scheduled discussion about logistics quickly pivoted into a disbandment decision.

More on that later. First, here’s what else happened:

HIGHLAND PARK WAY HILL PROJECT: James Le from SDOT, who led the project presentation and discussion at HPAC last month (WSB coverage here), did the same at the D1CN meeting. He was joined by project teammate Willow Russell. We’ve written about this project several times since it emerged four weeks ago – four years after SDOT decided to shelve a possible uphill bike lane for the stretch. Le recapped the three options – all of which would replace the current outside downhill vehicle lane: A protected bike lane, a multi-use path, or eventually both. This was the last scheduled public presentation during the feedback period, which is scheduled to close in a week.

After a relatively short presentation, the SDOT reps fielded questions.

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New summer celebration, beach concerns, CARE’s chief @ Alki Community Council

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Even with one marquee guest (City Attorney Ann Davison) canceling, last night’s Alki Community Council meeting was information-laden.

One headline: The ACC is organizing its first community celebration, with the help of a city grant. Set your calendar for 5-8 pm Thursday, June 20, when music, food, and fun will fill Alki Playfield. ACC vice president Lindsay Pearsall is organizing the event: “The idea is to bring the whole community together … to find opportunities to connect and celebrate.” It’ll also synergize with the quest for public feedback on plans for the playground between the past-and-future Alki Elementary site and the playfield. This will replace the ACC’s usual third-Thursday meeting.

Another headline: Parks still hasn’t formally announced the closing times for Alki beach-fire rings and the rest of the beach park, though ACC president Charlotte Starck received an email from Parks official Markeith Blackshire a week ago saying the superintendent had decided to keep the closure at 10:30 pm, same as the past few years, and same as what Parks said during last November’s meeting covering a variety of West Seattle topics. But this was all before the early-Wednesday gunfire on both ends of the greater Alki area – Beach Drive and Harbor Avenue – so things could change.

With summer-like weather bringing crowds last weekend, the beach park was a major topic. Pearsall said she had seen two newly graduated Park Rangers at the beach over the weekend; Starck said she had noticed more police presence.

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Bridge project in the spotlight at next Admiral Neighborhood Association gathering

(Admiral Way Bridges from Fairmount Avenue, via Google Maps Street View)

Yet another transportation project of note is in the wings for West Seattle – the Admiral Way Bridge (really two bridges) earthquake-strengthening project. When the Admiral Neighborhood Association has its next gathering this Tuesday (7 pm May 14), an SDOT rep will be there to talk – and answer questions – about it. ANA’s preview of the gathering also notes, “You will also hear updates from the team leaders of our upcoming events and ways in which you can volunteer … AND you’ll also witness the unveiling of the next chapter of a Summer favorite.” This is an in-person event at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill), all welcome.

WEEK AHEAD: Questions about One Seattle (Comprehensive) Plan? West Seattle-focused meeting Monday

The city is still accepting feedback on the Draft One Seattle Plan – the every-10-years update to the Comprehensive Plan that outlines the vision for shaping the city’s growth over the next 20 years. If the open house four weeks ago (WSB coverage here) didn’t answer all your questions, you might want to be at a meeting Monday night (April 29) featuring a presentation tailored to three West Seattle neighborhoods – Admiral, Alki, and Fauntleroy. It’s starting at 6 pm at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill) and will feature a presentation by the city’s point person on the draft plan. We’re told the meeting was put together by City Councilmember Rob Saka‘s office; his chief of staff Elaine Ikoma Ko said members of the three neighborhoods told them they didn’t know much about the plan, even as the May 6 deadline for comment approaches, so they arranged for the briefing. It’ll focus on how the plan might affect zoning. Though Admiral, Fauntleroy, and Alki are the focus, people from other neighborhoods are welcome too. (The city’s open houses, meantime, wrap up with an online version on Thursday, May 2.)

Decision delayed for Delridge/Highland Park ‘Healthy Streets’ future, HPAC hears at April meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Alki Point Healthy Street: Permanent.

High Point Healthy Street: Permanent.

Delridge/Highland Park Healthy Streets: Undecided.

And it might remain that way until late this year, the community coalition HPAC heard last night at its monthly meeting, facilitated by co-chair Kay Kirkpatrick.

SDOT’s Michael Taylor-Judd was there for the discussion during HPAC’s meeting at Southwest Library. He stressed that while he’s an outreach person for the Healthy Streets program, he’s not a decisionmaker, but promised he would convey what he heard. Here’s the stretch under discussion:

Taylor-Judd said it will get upgraded signage by summer, he said. He was asked to describe what a “Healthy Street” is; he went back to their pandemic roots, acknowledging the city said it was originally temporary, but “what we heard from the public was that people really liked the increased space” to walk, roll, and ride. “That led to an evaluation of all of them … to see if this is something that neighborhoods want to keep or not.” In most cases (Alki Point being an exception) these were rolled out on streets already designated as greenways, Taylor-Judd said. They are intended to be “safer routes” for people to use. They were evaluated on factors such as whether more people are walking, rolling and biking, is there neighborhood support, are fewer people driving? The stats he showed dated back to 2020 and 2021, but he said new data is to be collected soon. Two attendees said they haven’t seen pedestrian or bicyclist traffic on these stretches of streets. He said the decision is not likely to be made until year’s end, later than originally thought. The three questions would be:

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FOLLOWUP: Mayor announces dates, locations for public-safety forums around the city

April 24, 2024 4:30 pm
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 |   Neighborhoods | Safety | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

That’s Seattle Channel video of the public-safety forum led by Mayor Harrell and chiefs/department heads last month, at which time it was promised that regional forums around the city would follow, one for each police-precinct area. Today, the dates and locations of those forums have just been announced; the one for our area will be Tuesday, May 14, in South Park. Here’s the city announcement:

Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell announced five additional community safety forums that will give the public opportunity to help shape the soon-to-be-released One Seattle Safety Framework.

Building on lessons learned from the citywide public safety forum held in March, the five community forums will be held in neighborhoods across the city, starting at Garfield High School on April 30, 2024. Each forum will give the public opportunity to share their ideas for how to make Seattle safer and interact with officials from the city’s public safety departments.

“Public safety is our highest priority – the One Seattle Safety Framework defines the outcomes we aim to achieve and the vision to help get us there, based on what we know works and have put into effect, new approaches, and our shared values,” said Mayor Harrell. “Ensuring the framework is informed by meaningful community input is critical for its success – and these public forums will help add and enhance specific actions most impactful to neighbors and communities. I am grateful for the hard work our emergency responders do every day, and I look forward to working with them, the City Council, the City Attorney’s Office, and our neighbors to continue building a safer Seattle.”

Mayor Harrell’s vision for the One Seattle Safety Framework is to create a city where everyone, in every neighborhood, is safe and feels secure. The framework includes six key strategies, which the public is invited to comment on at the upcoming community safety forums.

-Reduce gun violence and other violent crime with evidence-based solutions and enforcement strategies.
-Respond to 9-1-1 calls efficiently and effectively by hiring more officers and diversifying response options.
-Address the root causes and impacts of violence by investing in community-based solutions and upstream interventions.
-Prioritize a public health and trauma-informed approach to reduce overdoses, reduce violence, and better support victims and survivors.
-Coordinate community safety efforts to avoid duplication and inefficiencies by breaking down silos between departments.
-Build and maintain community trust through strong accountability systems and community engagement on law enforcement priorities.

Based on feedback received at the upcoming forums, the City will continue to refine a comprehensive One Seattle Safety Framework with detailed approaches for the above strategies. The City is also releasing a new promotional video showcasing the coordinated approach of the CARE, Fire, and Police departments under this framework, watch here.

The community forums “will feature staff from the Seattle Mayor’s Office, Police Department, Fire Department, CARE Department, Department of Transportation, and youth liaisons,” and will “include specific local information,” the city says. For our area, it’s 6-7:30 pm Tuesday, May 14, at Concord International Elementary School in South Park (723 S. Concord); RSVP here.

From the ‘other’ Healthy Street to hope for ‘The Hum,’ updates from HPAC’s April meeting invitation

We’ve published recent updates on the Alki Point and High Point “Healthy Streets” – so what’s up with the other one SDOT set up in West Seattle, the Delridge/Highland Park “Healthy Street”? That’ll be a central topic at this Wednesday’s HPAC meeting. HPAC’s announcement also includes an update from the resident who was sleuthing the return of “The Hum” as discussed at a previous meeting:

As folks are starting to get out and about, gearing up for spring and summer walking and rolling, SDOT will be our guest this month to talk about the future for the Delridge/Highland Park Healthy Street network. All users of the routes in question are welcome, regardless of where you live.

These routes were put in place during the pandemic to broaden access to safe outdoor spaces. Most often they were installed along existing or planned Neighborhood Greenways. Streets being considered for changes include portions of 21st Ave SW, 15th Ave SW, 17th Ave SW, 11th Ave SW, SW Webster and SW Trenton, noted in dashed purple lines on this map.

We understand that Planners want to hear:

-What part of the network should be kept and improved?
-What kind of barriers, amenities and signage are preferred?
-What part(s) should return to general usage?

We will also expect to have Seattle Police Department representatives on hand to answer community questions and hear any concerns.

Look forward to seeing folks in person!

General announcements:

Just in!! We have an Update on “The HUMM.” From concerned resident Matthew H, who has been leading outreach on this quality of life issue:

“I’ve been in touch with CalPortland and they conceded their industrial vacuums are creating noise. The mufflers they installed wore out faster than they thought they would. They assured me that the new mufflers would be installed by the end of the month.”

For those not aware, or new to the area. These huge vacuums are used by the concrete supply companies along the Duwamish Waterway to unload powdered materials shipped here to use in their products. Hopefully they are able to get these repaired shortly as promised!

That turned out to be the source of the sound back when we covered community advocates’ quest to figure out the same problem more than a decade ago, and as we’ve told people more recently, the sporadic reports of its return have usually coincided with a dry-cargo ship being in port on the river. Meantime, HPAC’s meeting starts at 6:30 pm Wednesday (April 24) at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW).

What’s the beach plan for this summer? Alki Community Council convenes city reps to discuss what they’ll do

(WSB photo: SPD mobile precinct at Alki Beach Friday afternoon)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

At Thursday night’s Alki Community Council meeting, focused on city agencies’ plans for safety and cleanliness at the beach this summer, one attendee observed that past “pilots” for early closing times followed shootings.

“Maybe we can do this in advance of a shooting this year,” she said, with hope.

Maybe – but the closing-time decision has not yet been finalized, according to Katie Howard, one of the parks officials in attendance. Howard said the department is “still working out the details” and hopes they’ll have something to announce “within the next couple weeks … nothing is off the table right now.”

The meeting explored what’s planned for Alki Beach Park this spring/summer from several agencies’ perspective. One repeatedly mentioned theme: The city’s projected budget gap, and how that might affect staffing and services this summer; Howard said that will factor into the closing-time decision.

One new element: Seattle Park Rangers, with two representatives at the meeting.

Last year, the city had two rangers, and they were restricted to working at downtown parks. This year, they’ll have about 30 – though half of them are still at the academy until next month, at which time they’ll “go right into field training.”

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Park plan, festival updates, much more @ Morgan Community Association’s quarterly meeting

April 19, 2024 12:10 pm
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Toplines from this past Wednesday night’s quarterly meeting of the Morgan Community Association, held in person at West Side Unitarian Universalist Congregation‘s community room and online via Zoom:

MORGAN JUNCTION PARK ADDITION SITE CLEANUP: Seattle Parks’ Kelly Goold brought the newest information. He said the cleanup of the ex-dry-cleaning site north of the current park is now expected to start in July and last about six weeks. He said the schedule is set for the period with the least likelihood of rain, and the lowest level of the water table, which means the least likelihood of any resulting underground contamination. The work will include concrete removal and soil removal down to about 18 feet. Once the removal is complete, the site will be graded and hydroseeded to prevent erosion. Beyond that, before site development can commence – likely in the first quarter of next year – they’re working with SDOT on transferring the street-end property between the expansion site and the current park. Once park construction starts, it’s expected to last eight months.

ALL-WHEELS AREA; As reported again here earlier this week, community advocacy for an all-wheels area in the project has led to a plan to create it on 1,500 square feet of the south end of the current park. Matt Johnston from the Morgan Junction All-Wheels Association recapped what’s ahead in the immediate future – a community meeting 10 am-noon Saturday, April 27, at the site. Grindline Skateparks is on board to design the all-wheels area but drawings are not expected at this first meeting – they’re hoping to have something to show about a month later, at which time there’ll be a second meeting. They also hope to be able to show Morgan Junction Community Festival attendees what exactly 1,500 sf looks like.

SPEAKING OF THE FESTIVAL: As we first reported in January, this year’s Morgan Junction Community Festival is planned for Saturday, June 15, 10 am-2 pm. MoCA is working on getting the festival back to its pre-pandemic scope, so in addition to more entertainment, this year will see the return of community booths in the parking lot behind Zeeks Pizza. Southwest Precinct Operations Lt. Nate Shopay noted they’re expecting the Mounted Patrol to be able to visit, too.

SPEAKING OF POLICE: Lt. Shopay was at the meeting with an update on crime trends. Morgan Junction-area crime is generally down from last year, he said, but car prowls have been on the rise. He also noted that SPD has broken up a few “theft rings” recently, and that most of the people arrested were juveniles.

COUNCILMEMBER ROB SAKA’S OFFICE: Policy adviser Heather Marx was at the meeting. She said they’re laser focused on two big current initiatives – the Transportation Plan and draft Transportation Levy. The former was passed by the Transportation Committee, which Saka chairs, this past week and is expected to go to the full council on Tuesday (April 23). There’s one more week for feedback on the draft levy; Marx says they’ve been getting a strong response to Saka’s D-1 survey about it, which you can answer here. Asked how this levy differs fro the one that’s expiring, Marx noted it has more of an emphasis on proactive maintenance and paving, for example. Asked about specific projects for Morgan Junction, Marx said it’s too early to say. MoCA president Deb Barker said they’d be interested in pedestrian safety and traffic calming. Does it have money for more transit service? That’s a different voter-approved city funding source (the Seattle Transit Measure), Marx replied.

SPEAKING OF PLANS: The One Seattle (Comprehensive) Plan updates (here’s our most-recent coverage) were discussed too. This could bring new boundaries for the Morgan Junction area (what’s now an “urban village”). Barker said a West Seattle meeting about the comprehensive plan is coming up at 5 pm April 29 at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill).

PREPAREDNESS: Gatewood Elementary is working on collaboration with neighbors to be ready in case of catastrophe; contact the school if you live nearby and would like to join in the planning.

NEW BUSINESS: Tattoo Pizzazz was there for an introduction. Co-proprietor Shannon said they’re having a May 3 open house, 4-7 pm, with a drawing for a free tattoo.

DIAPER DRIVE: Reminder that the WestSide Baby diaper drive continues at Morgan Junction Starbucks (California/Fauntleroy) through the end of the month.

WHAT’S NEXT: Set your calendar for the June 15 festival and for the next quarterly MoCA meeting, 7 pm July 17.

Park Rangers are coming to Alki Beach. Meet them and hear about other summer plans @ Alki Community Council on Thursday

Summer is approaching and it’s time to find out what the plans are for keeping people safe at Alki Beach as the weather warms and crowds grow. The new leadership of the Alki Community Council is laser-focused on getting answers, and this Thursday is the night to join them – in person or online – to see what they’re finding out, and ask your own questions. For one – now that city Park Rangers are able to work outside downtown, they’ll be coming to Alki, and some will be at the ACC meeting to talk with community members. Another key guest, according to ACC president Charlotte Starck, will be Seattle Parks’ director of security Markeith Blackshire, with updates including beach hours this summer – will the earlier closings resume? Other beach-related issues the ACC is tackling include how city budget woes will (or won’t) affect park maintenance. Beyond the beach, plans for Whale Tail Park and the Alki Elementary play area are on the agenda too. And Southwest Precinct police will be there. All this in less than an hour and a half, if you can invest just a bit of time in your community. 7 pm is the start time at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds) or online (here’s the link).

Ferry-dock project update @ Fauntleroy Community Association’s April meeting

A discussion of the Fauntleroy ferry-dock replacement project was among the toplines at this month’s Fauntleroy Community Association meeting, this past Tuesday night. FCA’s ferry-issues point person Frank Immel said Washington State Ferries has set the next Community Advisory Group meeting for May 15 (you can register for the link via the WSF website), and they’re expecting to hear long-awaited information about how using Good To Go! might affect traffic at the new dock. FCA members voiced concerns including how the proposed traffic light at the dock intersection might affect traffic controls further uphill. They also want WSF to provide newer, more specific data on where inbound ferry users are going after they leave the boats at Fauntleroy. It also was noted that WSF has a new leader – Steve Nevey succeeded Patty Rubstello last month.

The group also discussed the recent egg hunt FCA presented at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse – about 80 kids and 60 families participated. The hunt coordinated by Candace Blue said it was a big success and feedback included positive comments on the eggs being stuffed with non-vandy items.

The board meets most months on the second Tuesday, now at 6 pm, so next meeting will be May 14th; watch for updates in the meantime.

READER REPORT: That was ‘special’ firewood, not a freebie

Received this afternoon from Jenny:

I live on the corner of 39th & Morgan. I’m writing to file a grievance and to announce a request.

After two days of carefully pruning two city-planted crabapples in front of my house, yesterday I clipped and bundled the twigs and then hand cut the remains for my Summer fire bowl, bundling them separately with hemp twine, intending to drive all bundles to my alley when the rain stopped. I went out today to find the bundle of firewood gone; the bundles of twigs remained. This was very special wood to me, not only because I have nurtured those trees since 2005 despite the fact that they grow out of control, but also because I spent a lot of time preparing them for my fire bowl. I imagine the person who took my wood is unaware that this wood was special with intended purpose, not disposable. I request the return of this bundle with much appreciation and no questions asked. The taker can put it on my front stoop at any time.

Dangerous driving dominates discussion as City Councilmember Rob Saka talks with Alki Community Council

(WSB photos unless otherwise credited)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The main event at last night’s Alki Community Council meeting was a conversation with District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka, in his fourth West Seattle community Q&A in a little over two weeks

ACC president Charlotte Starck said she wanted to “set the stage for the conversation” with the context that Alki isn’t just another neighborhood, it’s a “gem for the city of Seattle … but the city does not seem to manage to the crowds when they flex,” and that means a lot of chronic problems go unchecked.

Before she got into specifics – starting with questions received before the meeting – Saka introduced himself, saying “you don’t just win and turn it off .. I’m here right now putting in the work …” and giving a shoutout to his support staff, two of whom were present, district-relations director Leyla Gheisar and policy adviser Heather Marx.

Starck had opened with the topic of dangerous driving along Alki, including two crashes in the past year involving allegedly drunk drivers and cars ending up in the water.

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VIDEO: Fauntleroy Community Association’s annual meeting and Food Fest

March 19, 2024 6:14 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

6:14 PM: If you live/work in Fauntleroy, this event is for you: The Fauntleroy Community Association‘s annual membership meeting, best known as the Food Fest, is happening until ~8 pm at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW). Local food/beverage businesses are here with food samples and local nonprofits/organizations are here with information. Updates to come!

6:22 PM: We’ve taken a quick spin around the room. Food and drink samples are courtesy of local businesses including Wildwood Market, the newly opened bel gatto, The Unsweetened Tooth, Village Green West Seattle, and Nola’s Events. Nonprofits and other organizations you’ll see include not only the FCA itself, which is selling brand-new Fauntleroy sweatshirts ($50):

… but also West Seattle Bike Connections, The Whale Trail, Morgan Community Association, Seattle Public Utilities with information about the Fauntleroy Creek culverts project, and Seattle Police (the mobile precinct is parked out on California SW for an “open house”).

6:40 PM: Also here – the West Seattle/Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor), Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, Seal Sitters, and sharing a table on the south side of the room with MoCA, the West Seattle wing of the Emergency Communication Hubs Network, with a practical quick thing you can learn regarding preparedness:

Those props are there so you can learn how to deal with utilities in case of disaster – for your gas meter, how to turn it off, and for your water heater, how to access that water if service is otherwise interrupted. …Meantime, back on the Food Fest side of the event, The Birdhouse is here too, and of course so is Tuxedos and Tennis Shoes Catering, which operates The Hall at Fauntleroy. Coming up at 7 pm-ish, the festivities stop down briefly for the annual FCA officer election. (P.S. Stop by the FCA table to find out more about the 1 pm Sunday, March 24, egg hunt that the organization is presenting!)

8:16 PM: The board was reelected by unanimous voice vote of those gathered; FCA vice president Catherine Bailey led the short business meeting from the stage, in president Mike Dey‘s absence.

(With a few other board members out of town right now, we’ll get the annual group photo at the next board meeting.) She noted a few more big dates on this year’s Fauntleroy calendar – May 21 is the annual Endolyne Joe’s fundraiser for the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. The donations-and-volunteers-powered festival, which also had a presence at tonight’s event, is happening on Sunday, October 20, this year.

Alki Community Council hosts city councilmember this week, after safety-seminar success last week

March 18, 2024 8:26 pm
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Another community coalition with a lot going on …

That’s a photo by Alki Community Council president Charlotte Starck from last week’s personal-safety seminar, hosted by the ACC and presented by Seattle Police at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. She reports, “SPD Officer German Barreto presented, with Seattle Police instructor Sarah Lawson, who brought experience as a 911 operator and a victim of crime herself. She shared her own experience getting out of an attempted robbery and stabbing when a knife-wielding attacker came at her and she used her metal water bottle to defend herself and her loud commanding voice.” Speaking of loud voices, Starck recounts a memorable moment from the seminar: “There was one point when the basement meeting room at the library was anything but quiet as attendees found their voice in calling for help from police at the top of their lungs.” She also says participants learned about texting 911 and Smart 911, plus the overall importance of contacting 911 when something’s happening. “The message was clear, call 911. They are the experts in determining a response for emergency or non-emergency. Instructors said don’t ever assume that someone else called in any obvious emergency. It is better to have more calls on emergencies than to have few or even none because people thought someone already called.”

COUNCILMEMBER SAKA AT NEXT ACC MEETING: The ACC’s next meeting is this Thursday (March 21), 7 pm at Alki UCC (6115 SW Hinds), and City Councilmember Rob Saka is the main guest, as he continues making the rounds of community groups. (Here’s our coverage of his three recent West Seattle appearances: District 1 Community Network, Admiral Neighborhood Association, and a small-business mini-roundtable.) Though ACC meetings are usually hybrid, this one is in-person only.

With Food Fest annual meeting Tuesday and egg hunt Sunday, big week ahead for Fauntleroy Community Association

March 17, 2024 10:47 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Neighborhoods | West Seattle news

The Fauntleroy Community Association‘s board meeting this past week wasn’t the organization’s biggest event this month. Tuesday (March 19) is the annual membership meeting known as Food Fest, and next Sunday (March 24) brings the FCA’s spring egg hunt. Those are among the toplines from this past Tuesday’s board meeting:

FOOD FEST: Local eateries and nonprofits will be at The Hall at Fauntleroy (9131 California SW) for FCA members and other residents who attend this big event, 6-8 pm Tuesday, with a brief business meeting at 7 pm to elect officers for the coming year.

EGG HUNT: The plan for this year’s hunt at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW) is different: Participants will sign in before it starts at 1 pm, and organizers will divide the number of eggs by the number of participants to set a limit for eggs per child. The littlest ones will go first. So don’t be late! Reminder, this is a non-candy egg hunt – we’re told the eggs will contain trinkets, stickers, and tchotchkes. (As noted in our preview, hunt planner Candace Blue could use more volunteers!)

45TH SW CULVERT PROJECT: Following up on last weekend’s informational event, Jonathan Brown from Seattle Public Utilities came to the meeting to answer questions about the Fauntleroy Creek culvert project. Most centered on the timeline length and the traffic issues that will result from having to dig up 45th SW. Brown said it’s too soon for specifics. He also said he doesn’t have info about the second phase of the plan, the culvert work under both private and public property at California SW – the 45th SW segment is the focus first. (Reminder: The project’s online community survey remains open here.)

SPEAKING OF SURVEYS: The board reviewed a draft of results from its latest community survey, to which more than 570 people responded, more than the previous one. The concerns are similar to those from the last survey two years ago – public safety, traffic, the ferry-dock expansion.

AND ABOUT THE DOCK: The FCA board’s point person on Washington State Ferries issues, Frank Immel, reported that he’s working with Vashon Island counterparts to develop a “more unified voice” when dealing with WSF, and to find more common ground. (The Fauntleroy dock project’s Community Advisory Group meets again, online, at 6 pm this Wednesday.)

WHAT’S NEXT: To recap – Food Fest on Tuesday, egg hunt on Sunday, next board meeting April 9.

From police to PFLAG, plus City Councilmember Rob Saka and more, @ Admiral Neighborhood Association’s March meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

A wide-ranging Admiral Neighborhood Association agenda drew about 30 people to Admiral Church last night; the meeting was facilitated by ANA president Joanie Jacobs.

Here’s how it unfolded, in the order in which this all happened:

SEATTLE POLICE: The Southwest-area Community Liaison Officer German Barreto spoke first. Trends from the past month in the Admiral area: Burglaries are up, thefts are up “but not that much,” motor-vehicle thefts have gone down. Eight so far this year. The seven other types of thefts included mail and packages. Assaults included “a dispute between coworkers at McDonald’s.” Eight burglaries included businesses and homes. No catalytic-converter thefts lately, he said in response to a question – “those have been going down.” In Q&A, one attendee asked about number of officers on patrol at any given time. Second watch (11 am-9 pm) is the busiest, he said, with 10 to 12 officers, but overall it fluctuates, and they have to “augment” with other officers on OT to at least hit minimums. He said they “go from call to call to call” because of the staffing levels, rather than having time to proactively patrol. Another Q: What’s the current state of traffic enforcement? Barreto notes that since there’s really no Traffic Unit due to staffing levels, that doesn’t happen much. Q: Are any detectives located in West Seattle? Reply: No, they’re centralized on the other side of the bay, as are the remaining specialty units such as Homicide and Robbery. In response to a question from president Jacobs, Officer Barreto reiterated, don’t EVER bother calling the non-emergency line – whenever you have someting to report, just call 911.

CITY COUNCILMEMBER ROB SAKA: Two months into his term, District 1 Councilmember Rob Saka is making the rounds of community meetings, and this was his first appearance at ANA.

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