DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: City Councilmember Rob Saka talks about public safety; Alki Point ‘Healthy Street’ opponents explain access concerns

By Sean Golonka
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

West Seattle community members questioned District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka over his and the city’s efforts to address public safety and transportation at tonight’s meeting of the District 1 Community Network, an umbrella group of representatives from various local organizations around the area.

The group also discussed the ongoing city effort to finalize the transformation of a portion of road along Alki Point as a “Healthy Street,” one of a network of local roads – closed to through traffic – where residents are encouraged to walk, roll, bike, and play in the roadway with the help of “Street Closed” signs.

Here is a breakdown of the D1CN meeting, with about two dozen people in attendance at High Point Neighborhood House and facilitated by Deb Barker of the Morgan Community Association.

QUESTIONS FOR COUNCILMEMBER SAKA: In an opening speech, District 1’s recently elected councilmember reiterated a common mantra of his to be the “king of potholes,” adding that his number one focus is public safety. His priorities in that area include staffing — he was one of several city council candidates last year who supported Mayor Bruce Harrell’s hopes of hiring 500 new officers over five years.

In response to one attendee who asked about the city’s progress with boosting its police force, Saka noted that the city council’s Public Safety Committee would receive more information about that subject, including the latest data on officer staffing levels, during its next meeting on Tuesday (March 12).

“But we need to do better,” he said about staffing, adding that he believes shortages stem from an “officer morale issue.”

Saka described his approach to public safety as based on the “PIE framework” (prevention, intervention, enforcement), and said he felt previous city councils have focused “too much” on the prevention aspect.

On transportation, Saka highlighted the city’s upcoming transportation levy that will be on the November 2024 ballot, and said the council will have significant influence this year over the city’s transportation plan (potentially funded by the levy). The Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee, which includes Saka, met earlier this week and approved a letter that recommends a renewal levy, but noted the city’s transportation needs go beyond the capacity of property tax levies being considered, The Urbanist reported.

Asked about the city’s efforts to address gun deaths and traffic deaths, Saka emphasized he is focused on both. He spoke about the city’s first homicide of the year, the killing of 15-year-old Mobarak Adam in West Seattle, and Saka said he “show[s] up.” He said he met with the boy’s family at their home, along with the mayor and chief of police, to explain to the family the status of the investigation.

Saka then highlighted the city’s Vision Zero plan, an effort to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on city streets by 2030, and Saka said District 1 now has the highest percentage of the city’s traffic deaths since district lines were redrawn to include SODO.

Still, several attendees were not entirely pleased with Saka’s answers. Despite his comments describing himself as the “most available” new councilmember, some local community members said they struggled to receive answers on requests to his office or were unable to set up a meeting with Saka.

And when asked about the city council’s efforts to roll back protections for renters, Saka shared an anecdote of a man telling him that his son is a landlord whose tenants “took advantage of these laws or policies,” though he did not specify what laws or policies.

He also described housing as an “issue me and my fellow councilmembers will be further exploring.”

Saka has another community-meeting appearance scheduled in West Seattle – at the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s gathering at 7 pm Tuesday (March 12) at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill).

ALKI POINT ‘HEALTHY STREET’: Representatives from two local wildlife-advocacy organizations presented at the meeting to voice their opposition to what the city plans to do to make the Alki Point “Healthy Street” permanent.

Donna Sandstrom, founder of The Whale Trail, focused in particular on the planned removal of 67 parking spaces under the current design plans for the street, encompassing both Beach Drive and Alki Avenue from 63rd to Alki Point.

She highlighted a few reasons why locals love Alki Point — a public shoreline, a city park, a marine reserve, an expansive view and, notably, that it is easy to reach by car. She also acknowledged the area is poorly served by public transportation.

But Sandstrom, along with Victoria Nelson of Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network, argued the city’s planned changes would disrupt access to Alki Point, as well as their programs. Nelson’s group, for example, relies on parking spaces close to the beach to be able to address and help marine life that show up on the beach, such as setting up a perimeter to protect them from the public and people from seals.

Other attendees voiced similar concerns, such as Charlotte Starck, president of the Alki Community Council. Starck noted the changes also bring a significant traffic impact, with cars moved into more of the residential areas around Alki Point.

After unsuccessful efforts to appeal to SDOT, the advocacy groups have taken their opposition to the mayor’s office and are circulating a petition to gather community support for their “Alki Point for All” campaign.

“I think the street was working just fine the way it was, and so was the sidewalk,” Sandstrom said.

COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS: Cindi Barker reminded attendees that the city has released the One Seattle Plan, which is intended to be a comprehensive roadmap for the city’s growth over the next 20 years. … Stu Hennessey said West Seattle Bike Connections is planning to hold a meeting Thursday, March 7, at High Point Neighborhood House. … Starck said the Alki Community Council will be holding a personal safety training with the police department at West Seattle (Admiral) Library on March 13. Facilitator Barker told the group about the West Seattle Timebank’s planned gathering at Alki Arts on March 21, as well as the Morgan Junction Community Festival planned for June 15.

D1CN’S NEXT MEETING: 7-9 pm on Wednesday, April 3, virtual.

69 Replies to "DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: City Councilmember Rob Saka talks about public safety; Alki Point 'Healthy Street' opponents explain access concerns"

  • CarDriver March 7, 2024 (6:56 am)

    All politicians are great at listening. It’s up to us to hold them accountable for acting. Actions speak louder than words-something lost on WAY TOO MANY politicians.

  • Jay March 7, 2024 (7:31 am)

    It bothers me that he’s trying to take credit for an excellent program already in place with the self-appointed “king of potholes” title. It’s an odd move to take right out of the gate when people want something new – though I’m guessing the average West Seattle resident may not know how hard those pothole crews have been working and may give him credit when they try out the pothole reporting on Find It Fix It and see how fast they get fixed. But that’s how it’s been for a few years now.

    • WSB March 7, 2024 (11:30 am)

      In my observation, he’s been using “King of Potholes” as a sort of symbolic stand-in for “focused on the smaller functions of city government.”

    • Pothole Rangers March 8, 2024 (1:33 am)

      Another West Seattlite politician, Mayor Nickels, ruled the potholes ~ so Y2K of an issue.  

  • Anne March 7, 2024 (8:06 am)

    Many folks may not realize just how long it takes from accepting an application to be an LEO until that person is actually out on the street. It can take months if not a year. From testing to academy (which can only take so many at a time) to passing the  probationary period.( A lateral transfer might get through quicker ) . 

  • Seattlite March 7, 2024 (8:18 am)

    Public Safety equates to law and order.  Law and order equates to fully staffed police officers patrol on all levels.  Fully staffed police officers on all levels equates to Safety and Law and order.  How long has the mayor been working on the police officer shortage?  It takes hard work, long hours, policies to be written and passed to result in recruiting good men and women into SPD’s police officer staff.  These recruitments must be trained and then do hours and hours of work for experience on the streets.    SPD police officers are still leaving…retirement, moving on to other cities, etc.  Remember:   Seattle’s mayor and city council WORK for you, the citizens and their first and foremost job is to keep citizens safe.  I, at this point, give them an F for FAILING to do their jobs.

    • Jay March 7, 2024 (12:21 pm)

      Before we hire more cops we need to make sure that SPD is contributing to public safety and not hurting or killing us with impunity then laughing about it. As long as Mike Solan leads SPOG, officers will not focus on public safety or law and order. We need good, non-corrupt cops. Doubling our bad cops won’t help.

      • CarDriver March 8, 2024 (6:50 am)

        Jay. Give us a full definition of a “good” cop. Give us a full definition of a “corrupt” cop. Tell us exactly what they can and can’t do. Give us your definition of a criminal’s rights and a victim’s rights.

  • Villagegreen March 7, 2024 (8:30 am)

    He also described housing as an “issue me and my fellow councilmembers will be further exploring.” Wow.

    • ARPigeonPoint March 7, 2024 (7:59 pm)

      Yeah, I cringed when I read that. 

      • Really, Cringe? March 8, 2024 (1:36 am)

        Curious what’s so cringe about exploring complex issues with new colleagues 

    • ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM March 7, 2024 (9:37 pm)

      The bit about the “PIE framework (prevention, intervention, enforcement)” either is or isn’t about housing. The P (prevention) would, I think, stop people from becoming desperate criminals for the sake of survival. Housing is critical to that. This is obvious to anyone who isn’t disingenuously carrying the water for his campaign patrons.

  • Jeff March 7, 2024 (9:26 am)

    So what is Mr. King of Potholes going to do about actually holding police accountable who are also speeding and killing pedestrians? I mean… But sure let’s give a bunch of NIMBYs free air time over rich people on Alki’s parking spaces. My gosh we are a backwards city.  Hey ROB! Answer your emails! Gosh I miss Lisa Herbold so much. Saka is a joke. It is increasingly wild to me we thought a Facebook Lawyer was what West Seattle needed for a city rep. He has answered zero emails on my bike lane concerns around Yancy and WSHC. And it’s right down the block from his house!

    • neighbor March 7, 2024 (1:02 pm)

      Maybe because there’s no point investing city dollars in bike lanes there when the whole area is being redesigned by Sound Transit for the light rail station?

    • JP March 7, 2024 (7:05 pm)

      Pretty sure the Rob Saka talk and Alki Point “Healthy” usurped street were two totally separate meetings, hence the semicolon in the subject. Police killing pedestrians? If you’re talking about the woman killed in South Lake Union in September, horrific story, but expect Mr Saka focused most of his time on issues that actually happened in District 1. Agree we are a backwards city, and for reasons I expect are entirely different than yours.

  • PDiddy March 7, 2024 (10:51 am)

    Time to ban the stupid safe streets blockades. I see these signs in neighborhoods with good sidewalks on both sides. I just dont understand the logic. The road in these streets is meant to serve traffic and the sidewalks people. in these neighborhoods. I hate SDOT they need to fire the guy in charge who I hear doesn’t even own a car.

    • Brandon March 7, 2024 (11:02 am)

      Understanding the logic would require logic to be there in the first place. What’s funny was the pitch was the signs were there for covid when they simultaneously told everybody to stay inside, then the rationale was because the bridge redirected traffic so they closed some paths for the residents’ benefit which added to the congestion. Now both are done and the signs are still there. People really get conditioned here to accept bad ideas. At least the signs are easy to drive around though.

    • nonni March 7, 2024 (12:24 pm)

      Vans, service and delivery trucks, school buses, firetrucks, and other non-resident vehicles roll down our “closed” street on a daily basis, as one would expect them to do in the course of business. Someone keeps throwing over the striped, 4′ wide barricades, because they are plainly a hazard to navigation. SDOT’s solution is to send a guy out every few weeks to set them up again, like bowling pins. There is an occasional cyclist, but pedestrians would be ambling down the roadway exclusively at their own risk, and so wisely use the sidewalks. 

      • 1994 March 7, 2024 (10:36 pm)

        The barricades are definitely a hazard for traffic needing to access the street. If you are trying to turn onto a so called safe/healthy street but your path is blocked by the barricade and a car next to the barricade waiting to enter the cross street, you can’t turn down the street until the car next to the barricade has moved along. Total absurd/illogical/unsafe driving hazards created by the SDOT.  

        • Mickymse March 8, 2024 (2:22 pm)

          I know it’s really difficult for drivers to understand … but that’s not “illogical.” The entire point of the barricades is to get you to slow down and think differently before entering the street where you can expect to see more non-vehicular activities happening. I mean, I don’t want to waste our tax dollars on ripping out the asphalt and spending millions of dollars to put cobblestones down or pouring concrete to make it look like a driveway entrance or something. What is the problem with stopping and waiting a few moments for the other car to exit?

    • Tony March 7, 2024 (12:31 pm)

      PDiddy care to join me for a bike ride or run to demonstrate how these are beneficial to the neighborhood? 

    • Wseattleite March 9, 2024 (12:15 am)

      I don’t think there is much “logic” to find. It is completely illogical to encourage kids to play in the street instead of the sidewalk when cars are driving down the street. 

  • DC March 7, 2024 (11:34 am)

    RE Alki Healthy Street, I feel people are forgetting they are keeping 46 parking spaces in the small project area and *adding* 3 ADA parking spaces. Not to mention all of the surrounding parking. Removing parking on one side of the street adds *less* than 5 yards you have to travel to get to the beach. There are so many disingenuous arguments here by people who will just fight anything that takes space for cars and gives to people. 

    • Donna, The Whale Trail March 7, 2024 (12:40 pm)

      There  ADA parking spaces will be on the east side of the street, away from the benches, the beach and the view. That is significant loss for people whose mobility is impaired. And for what? So joggers, bikers and skaters can have another ten feet of space that no one has asked for.The decision to remove the parking was made worse because it came as  a surprise. In 2022, SDOT announced a design that called for the removal of 5 parking spaces along Alki Ave. SW. In 2023, they revealed a final design that called for the removal of an additional 62 parking spaces along Beach Drive –  a significant change, and one that the public had no chance to weigh in on.How and why was the decision made. What is SDOT’s plan to mitigate its impacts? For example, traffic is going to be pushed into nearby neighborhoods, where parking is already scarce.  Do local residents understand the change that is coming their way? As another, hundreds of schoolchildren come to Alki Point each year to explore and learn about the beach.  Where will school buses  park?  These are just a few of the questions we have for SDOT.

      • Curious March 7, 2024 (1:37 pm)

        After looking closely at the plan, parking will still be available on both sides of Beach Drive between 64th and 63rd. This is the section near the benches and grass where most people already park. So, beachside access will still be there for cars, buses, etc. The proposed road changes are primarily in front of the waste water treatment plant. 

        • Paul Hage March 7, 2024 (3:56 pm)

          Pictures in Healthy Street documents show largely open space – few cars, walkers or cyclists.  Pretty much what I have seen in about 1000 trips over the past decade for the purpose of an hours enjoyment communing with nature a couple of times per week.  If and when cars become a problem – time and area restrictions (i.e. summer weekends) are enough.  There is no good reason for denying me the shore side curb.  The surveys say 30% of users come to enjoy the shore from their car – 32% of users are age 60 or more.  The SDOT statement that shore closure is “strongly desired” is simply fabricated.  It is not true.  Back to the drawing board.

      • Lori March 7, 2024 (1:54 pm)

        Glad they included the link to the petition in the text of the article!  

    • Plf March 7, 2024 (3:16 pm)

      Wonder where you live, biggest winners are the elite privileged residents on that stretch additionally I have asked if these homes will have their property re evaluated for property taxes, only seems fair since the value will increased at the cost of othersas of date Rob has not responded Hope now he’s in office that doesn’t become his style 

    • JP March 8, 2024 (2:39 pm)

      I think you are forgetting that this is a solution in search of a problem. I say with a high degree of confidence that the majority of our community would be just fine if this project is scrapped and the time and resources diverted to more productive projects. 

    • Waeattleite March 9, 2024 (12:20 am)

      DC, so the only parking will require crossing a road with cars driving on it it to access the beach?  I see. Makes perfect sense.  

  • HS March 7, 2024 (11:39 am)

    One Seattle Plan referenced above. Click on “Engagement Hub” button. https://www.seattle.gov/opcd/one-seattle-plan

    • WSB March 7, 2024 (11:47 am)

      We’ll be writing a separate West Seattle-focused story about the plan in the next few days – it’s a lot to read/digest. Sorry to omit the link here. (That was my error in the editing process – it was included in our reporter’s draft. I’ve restored it above, too.) – TR

      • HS March 7, 2024 (1:10 pm)

        I am really looking forward to your story on that. Thanks for all you do!

  • Melissa March 7, 2024 (11:56 am)

    If he wants to be the pothole king all he needs to do is fully fund potholes. It’s not a big lift especially since it’s has been fully funded in the past.  I wish he would focus on more pressing transportation issues:  Crumbling infrastructure, safe distance between crossing on major streets like 35th SW or Delridge.  Working with King County to ensure we have enough mass transit and that the community doesn’t get short-changed with Sound Transit. 

    • Amy March 7, 2024 (1:19 pm)

      Yes to everything you said! 

  • jw March 7, 2024 (1:14 pm)

    I know this is not about WS, this is about the City #1 he represents which includes SODO.  Holgate St from 1st Ave to Airport Way S is a disaster for potholes.  You have to Zig and Zag to miss them.  I have done Find and Fix it, Emailed SDOT.  The only way to fix that whole section of road, grind and replace and don’t let the Train company derail you.

    • Kathy March 8, 2024 (12:47 pm)

      There is a plan to create a bridge over tracks on Holgate between 1st and 4th Avenues. I imagine at least some of the Holgate surface will be replaced during that project. It may depend on voters approving a transportation levy, though.

  • Lori D. March 7, 2024 (1:50 pm)

    Thank you for including the link to the petition for “Alki Point for All” campaign.  Click on the link and add your name to this.  https://www.change.org/p/restore-public-access-for-all-to-alki-point?recruiter=1211635217

    • MMM March 7, 2024 (2:29 pm)

      This petition is bringing car pollution directly into a marine preserve through storm drains. Think about it.  

    • MMM March 7, 2024 (2:33 pm)

      Alki Point is more open to all as a Stay Healthy Street and it is much more SAFE for people to walk, bike and roll than it was previously.  And it’s better for the wildlife.   

      • Jenna S March 7, 2024 (3:45 pm)

        This is exactly right. The Alki Point  “Healthy Street” is not only healthy for people. It is also healthy for wildlife and their habitat that is just the width of a sidewalk (6″) away from the congestion, noise and pollution from cars.

    • Curious March 7, 2024 (2:49 pm)

      As I mentioned above, the finalized plan, does not include the removal of parking on both sides of Beach Drive between 64th and 63rd where most people tend to park. This is the  area by the benches, grass, and wonderful rose bushes. Cars, buses, etc. will still be able to park beachside in that section.

  • wetone March 7, 2024 (3:08 pm)

    Seattle’s Vision Zero program has had zero effectiveness in safety, proven by city’s own data. Now the Healthy Street program, where is the data showing any healthly positive result’s with surrounding neighborhoods ?  not just street involved ?………seems like a very unfair system. Both these programs should be shelved and monies along with all labor involved could be much wisely spent in a broke city ;)…

    • Tony March 7, 2024 (3:49 pm)

      Vision Zero hasn’t been effective because the measures are not aggressive enough. That much is obvious when you see how terrible drivers are around here with their total disregard for the safety and wellbeing of pedestrians, cyclists and other drivers.

      • Seattlite March 7, 2024 (4:27 pm)

        Tony…Perhaps there are not enough consequences for reckless, negligent drivers due to the police officer shortage.   SPD’s police officer shortage prevents motorcycle patrols from  ticketing  the dangerous drivers.  Speeding, tailgating, negligent drivers not using fundamental-basics like a vehicle’s left and right turning signals puts drivers, bicyclists, pedestrians in danger.  

        • K March 7, 2024 (8:16 pm)

          Seattleites were terrible drivers when SPD was fully staffed, too.

          • Seattlite March 8, 2024 (7:16 am)

            Could you give me the statistics on your comment?  I can say that my experience as a driver in Seattle for the last fifty years or so differs from yours.  SPD had a good handle on controlling negligent drivers by ticketing  those drivers all over the city when they were fully staffed.  When there are no consequences for negligent drivers, these drivers will continue to escalate their reckless driving putting all other drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists in danger.  There were always motorcycle police officers on Aurora, Admiral Way and other streets where negligent speeders ignored speed limits.

          • K March 9, 2024 (9:10 am)

            Living and driving many other places and then moving here 25 years ago, immediately saying “what in god’s name is happening?  Do they just not have a test to get a license or something here?” and then watching the fully-staffed police go after protesters, jaywalkers, and sidewalk-sitters, while ignoring all of the lane-weavers, speeders, tailgaters, and the turn-signal-confused.  I think a lot of it has to do with car culture and how no one wants to restrict people’s driving, to the point of enabling bad and dangerous behavior rather than making it harder or more punitive to drive.  But regardless, staffing is not why police ignore bad drivers.  They have done that as long as I’ve been here.  It’s an accepted part of the culture here, but I can see how someone who has been here there whole life would miss that aspect of the issue, from having not experienced how other cities do things.

  • Don Brubeck March 7, 2024 (4:21 pm)

    Seal Sitters and Whale Trail are great organizations, but they are unnecessarily alarmed about the Alki Point Stay Healthy Street design. There will still be car parking and cars and trucks will still be able to travel the full length of the street. If parking is full, Seal Sitters will be able to drop off equipment just like all the delivery trucks that will continue to use the street. Seal Sitters and Orca Network respond now at Jack Block Park and Lincoln Park from parking that is up to 3/4 mile away to sites with no adjacent street for dropping equipment. Constellation Park is only 1/4 mile end-to-end and has car access the full length.

    • Donna, The Whale Trail March 8, 2024 (9:59 am)

      Hi Don, thanks for the shout-out. FYI, the stranding networks are organized by geographic area. Seal Sitters / SR3 are the authorized first responders for West Seattle.

      Orca Network’s area is central Puget Sound, which includes Whidbey and Camano Islands, Skagit County and North Snohomish County. Here’s a link to a map showing the networks around the state: https://bit.ly/3TpJ8ES

      About the cause for alarm – our work has already been impacted by the street closure. We reach many fewer people and the crowds are more homogeneous and less diverse. The Street Closed signs have been very effective at keeping visitors away. I fear the City has no idea who is being cut off, and what has already been lost.

  • Timbo Slice March 7, 2024 (5:20 pm)

    @ WSB, if a new Change.org petition were to be created IN FAVOR of the proposed permanent Healthy Street design, would you publish that link as well?

    • WSB March 7, 2024 (6:01 pm)

      Generally we report on petitions in the context of news stories – the organizers are campaigning for or against something and have already taken their campaign to officials, that sort of thing, with the petition being a supplementary part of the campaign. Like the original story on this, for example.

    • LL March 8, 2024 (7:58 am)

      @WSB so a petition that was a supplementary part of a campaign for a group that took it to officials IN FAVOR of the now permanent Alki Point Healthy Street nearly four years ago is NOT something you would allow in these comments? Isn’t that relevant to this story and this issue?  Isn’t historical context important? 

  • Information March 7, 2024 (5:53 pm)

    Curious – The SDOT final plan does remove about 67 beach side parking spaces.  Here is the link so you can access this information.   This site includes drawings of the final design.Alki Point Healthy Street – Transportation | seattle.gov

    • Curious March 7, 2024 (6:36 pm)

      Information  – The way I read the plan, it does not remove beachside parking on Beach Drive between 64th and 63rd where most people tend to park. The juncture betwen Alki Ave SW and 64th on Beach Drive is where the parking spots are being removed along the beachside.

  • M March 7, 2024 (6:09 pm)

    I cannot understand how those working in wildlife and climate issues have such a blind spot when it comes to cars.

    • Donna, The Whale Trail March 7, 2024 (8:09 pm)

      Alki Point is poorly served by public transportation.. The only way that most people can get there is by car.  We believe the greater good is served by ensuring that as many people as possible have access to this public shoreline and city park, with its soul-nurturing views and opportunities to watch marine wildlife, from eagles to seals to endangered southern resident orcas. This place belongs to all of us, not just the people who are lucky enough to live nearby, or can walk or bike there.

      • 3M March 8, 2024 (8:41 am)

        Hi Donna – Perhaps you don’t know about the free shuttle operated by King County to both the Seacrest Ferry to downtown Seattle and the West Seattle Junction.  There is FREE public transport to 63rd and Admiral.   It runs daily.

      • Daniel March 8, 2024 (10:43 am)

        That’s a good point.  Maybe we should have more than the very sporadic bus service around alki->harbor->??.   Dunno how much usage it’d get in the winter, but in the summer probably quite a bit.

  • Rob March 7, 2024 (7:27 pm)

    I don’t care what they do for safe streets.  I go where I want. There is never anyone  there to enforce the rules. The police have way more important things to do then stake out a safe streets  for someone driving  through 

  • Information March 7, 2024 (7:30 pm)

    Because an 200+ lb. injured or ill marine mammal cannot be transported to a rehab facility miles away by Metro. Vehicles do have a critical role in this type of work. 

    • AlkiSafe March 8, 2024 (6:56 am)

      I’m confused. SDOT and the city have said from the beginning that emergency vehicles or anyone visiting the street/park and cars or trucks for that matter have access to the the Alki Point Healthy  Street. I see firetrucks on this street everyday making their rounds.  Is anyone or has anyone,  suggested a truck to transport a marine mammal in distress isn’t or won’t be possible? Surely you’re not suggesting that taking away parking from one side of Beach DR SW would prevent an emergency vehicle from entering the street or even more extreme that taking away the Healthy Street status is required to rescue an animal, correct? 

    • 3M March 8, 2024 (8:53 am)

       There are only two ramps down to the beach and the plan still has parking available  for vehicles by those ramps to take out an injured animal.   Assume that you would not try to lift a a 200 lb animal up the 17 ft.   seawall and would use the ramps? 

      • Can This Be True? March 8, 2024 (11:46 am)

        Wow! Accessible beach ramps for Seal Sitters, beachside parking on Beach Drive between 64th and 63rd near the benches and grass, and widened walking/biking for the rest of Beach Drive. It sounds like there’s something here for almost everyone to like, can this be true? 

  • Scarlett March 8, 2024 (8:29 am)

    I’ll be looking for all those strollers, bikers, and pedestrians in the middle of December with unobstructed wind and rain blowing across the Sound and hitting Alki Point like a sledgehammer.   Good thing we will have removed those additional parking spaces!  The complete deficit of common sense in Seattle is really something to behold.  

    • Tony March 8, 2024 (1:09 pm)

      Scarlett, I will make the same offer to you as I did to Pdiddy up above. Please come join me on a run or bike ride down there so you can see firsthand why this is an added benefit to all users.

  • Kathy March 8, 2024 (1:01 pm)

    The traffic noise reduction alone has made this street closure worthwhile. I am sure the wildlife (and those who enjoy it) appreciate the much calmer park and street protected from drive throughs and racing. Vehicles parked right next to the narrow sidewalk often force people walking to go out into the street. People are safer doing that now with less speeding vehicle traffic. The Alki Safe Street was #1 in the city on the survey for popularity and usage. Unless you are a hater of all Safe Streets in Seattle, you should support this and not fight it. It is not a car vs. pedestrians vs. bikes issue. Everyone, whether they get there by car, bus, bike, wheelchair or on foot, is a person walking, standing or sitting when they stop to enjoy the park.  So this street closure is good for everyone, no matter how they arrive there.

    • Scarlett March 9, 2024 (10:54 am)

      Hardly, Kathy.

      There are many of us who don’t feel unsafe, who prefer a lively beach vibe, who are willing to share this stretch of beach with a variety of West Seattleites, on foot, bicycle, skateboard,  unicyle or yes, in cars.  Public does really mean “public,” not one group dictating, restricting or defining the terms of access to another in the absence of a very, very good reason.  Don’t include everyone in your royal “We.” 

      But what about safety? The same arguments you use to restrict cars on the basis of safety could be used to restrict pedestrians who step off sidewalks into the street instead of waiting patiently to manuver around each other.   You could technically restrict speeding bicylists who present a hazard to pedestrians (I’ve had more than one close encounter on a path with a Lance Armstrong who thought it was his private velodrome).  But of course all this would be absurd.  

      By the way, as I understand it,  Schmitz Park was open to cars which was advantageous to the elderly and mobility challenged who could drive in, park and enjoy the forest from their cars.  It was closed to motorists decades ago and though most enjoy the car-free park there was a price for this, a cost, to some.         

      You can argue your interpretation of the public good, absolutely, but in the end it boils down to your interpretation of the public good and your dictating the use of a public shoreline to others.  

Sorry, comment time is over.