month : 05/2021 323 results

LIBRARIES: Hours expanding at branches open for in-building services

(Southwest Branch, WSB file photo)

The Seattle Public Library isn’t adding more West Seattle branches to the in-building “open” list yet – but the one that is allowing people inside will expand its hours and capacity next week. As of Tuesday (June 1st), Southwest Library (9010 35th SW) will be open 10 am-6 pm, Tuesdays-Saturdays, at 50 percent capacity. That will be divided into two public-use sessions – 10 am to 1:30 pm and 2:30 pm to 6 pm, with a cleaning break between them. You’ll still be able to pick up on-hold items during the break, though. SPL will also start phasing in browsing, too.

VACCINATION: Two local brewpub pop-ups Friday, with incentives

The city promised more pop-ups when it announced it’s winding down operations at fixed COVID-19 vaccination sites, and it’s delivering on that promise tomorrow (Friday, May 28th), with two at local brewpubs. 3-5 pm Friday, the Seattle Fire mobile vaccination team will be at The Good Society (2701 California SW); 5:45 pm-8 pm Friday, the MVT will be at Future Primitive in White Center (9832 14th SW). At either pop-up, getting vaccinated will get you a free beer or non-alcoholic beverage. SFD says both will offer all three vaccines, first or second shots, no appointment necessary.

BIZNOTE: The Clay Cauldron opens in North Delridge

Frances Gifford has just opened The Clay Cauldron, a pottery studio, in North Delridge, and plans a Memorial Day open house to introduce her new business to the neighborhood. Stop by 5214 Delridge Way SW between noon and 8 pm on Monday (May 31st). You’ll be able to sign up for classes or studio use. She’s also planning a drawing for 25 percent off a class of your choice. And if you’re there between 4 and 6 pm, you can enjoy live music by Sundae + Mr. Goessl. (You might already know Frances from local involvement including the Alki Art Fair and Fauntleroy Fine Art and Gift Show. If you have questions, email

‘Fund an American Flag’: West Seattle Junction Association’s star-spangled fundraiser for much-needed replacements

(WSB file photo)

ORIGINAL THURSDAY REPORT: In the spirit of the flower basket and rainbow flag “adoptions” the West Seattle Junction Association has offered for the past few years, WJJA has just launched a campaign to “Fund an American Flag.” Here’s the announcement:

Show your patriotic pride by funding an American Flag. The Junction flag partners, the American Legion, have been the wind beneath the flags for years. On the major patriotic holidays like Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day, the Legion can be found honoring all people who live in America by placing the flags on California Ave. Over time though, the American flags have been damaged or lost. Down to 40 flags, you can do your part to support the Legion by funding one of the 20 flags that have been lost over time. The cost to fund one of the beautiful 3 ft x 5 ft flags is $95 (+PayPal fee of $2.85). Your donation to the program supports this ongoing volunteer-run project. Your flag will have a permanently affixed plaque attached to the pole showing your commitment to this patriotic program. As the older flags need replacement, the Junction will reopen the Fund a Flag program. In 2021 there are 20 flags available.

We encourage you to join us to put up and/or take the flags down too on each holiday! All volunteers receive their own 4″ x 6″ handheld flag. As a Flag Funder, the Junction will remind you of the date the flags are scheduled to be placed on California Ave.

Here’s the link to Fund an American Flag. 2021 will be our greatest need; in subsequent years we’ll replace 5-7 flags per year.

P.S. Whether or not you choose to fund a flag, you’re welcome to join the Memorial Day flag-placing volunteers on Monday – they’re meeting at 9 am and 4 pm on the northeast corner of California/Alaska.

FRIDAY UPDATE: All funded!

West Seattle Transportation Coalition, suffrage history, quake readiness, low-low tide, more for your Thursday

(Northern Flicker – a woodpecker – photographed by Shaun McGaughey)

Quick look at what’s happening in the hours ahead:

LOW-LOW TIDE: As we’ve been mentioning, this week brings some of the summer’s lowest low tides. Today, it’s out to -3.9 feet at 12:11 pm. You’ll find Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists at Constellation and Lincoln Parks now through 2 pm.

LIGHT RAIL: The Sound Transit board’s monthly meeting starts at 1:30 pm online, with topics including an update on the move toward “realignment,” which could delay West Seattle light rail further. The agenda includes information on watching/listening/commenting.

DEMONSTRATION: Organizer Scott‘s twice-weekly Black Lives Matter sign-waving in support of racial justice continues 4:30-6:30 pm at 16th/Holden; signs available if you don’t have one to bring.

SUFFRAGE HISTORY: 6 pm online, the Southwest Seattle Historical Society presents ‘Pressing the System: How Newsprint Won Women the Right to Vote.” Panelists include your editor here. All welcome; go here to register to get the link.

EARTHQUAKE READINESS: 6 pm online, the first in a series of webinars with the city Office of Emergency Management, focused on not only how you can prepare but on what the city’s response role would be. Our calendar listing includes information on how to participate.

STATE LEGISLATORS: Our area’s Sen. Joe Nguyen, Rep. Eileen Cody, and Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon talk with the West Seattle Democratic Women online at 6 pm. Registration was requested by last night but if you missed the announcement, try to request the link.

WEST SEATTLE TRANSPORTATION COALITION: 6:30 online, this month’s meeting features Hopelink – which provides transportation options such as DART shuttles – and SDOT with bridge-and-more updates. Our preview includes information on how to view/participate.

BINGO: 7 pm at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW), it’s your every-other-week chance to play bingo!

MYSTERY: Whose items are these, found dumped near the West Seattle Golf Course?

Maybe you can help reunite these items with the family they belong to. The photos and note are from Karen:

I live in Ravenna, but last Saturday was coaching at a track meet in West Seattle. I found a big bin of sentimental items hidden in the wooded area just west of the golf course. I’m hoping to find the owner of the items.

The bin included things like old family photos, a 1928 yearbook, sympathy cards, old newspaper articles, legal documents (e.g. sale of house, medical records). I haven’t been through every piece yet, but everything so far is dated 2004 or much earlier, so no useful contact info yet. It seems the items originally belonged to Harry Pierce, who was 90 in 2004.

She contacted police, but they couldn’t help, so she took the bin home for safekeeping. If you have a lead, please comment, or email us and we’ll connect you.


6:03 AM: Good morning. Showery, breezy forecast, but the holiday weekend forecast still promises warm weather – possibly 80s on Monday! And it’s getting lighter later – James Bratsanos caught this at 9:20 last night:


Lots of unannounced work this time of year, maybe not so much today with the rain. Please let us know if you happen onto something we hadn’t mentioned – Wednesday, for example, while out on errands, we happened onto work on Fauntleroy south of Alaska (related to the ongoing construction), Harbor Avenue (crews were mowing and weedwhacking the medians), and (after a commenter’s tip) utility-pole work on the Admiral Way hill north of the bridge.

Delridge projectThis week’s plan includes work closing the west side of the intersection closure at Delridge/Barton/Henderson.

SW Yancy – Still closed west of 28th SW because of drainage/utility work related to construction.


Regular schedules today. (Watch @kcmetrobus for word of any bus cancellations, @wsferries for any major WSF changes.) The West Seattle Water Taxi will run on a reduced schedule Memorial Day – see it here.


431st morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are the views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 20th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available for some categories of drivers.)

Here’s a low-bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are bridges opening for boats or barges? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Wednesday 5/26/2021 roundup

Tonight’s local/state pandemic updates:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Seattle-King County Public Health daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:

*108,945 people have tested positive, 256 more than yesterday’s total

*1,578 people have died, 3 more than yesterday’s total

*6,120 people have been hospitalized, 9 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, those totals were 107,659/1,565/6,069. (We’ve excised the “people tested” count, as that number is incomplete again.)

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find all the numbers, county by county, on the state Department of Health dashboard.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them, nation by nation, here.

STATE BRIEFING: Vaccination was the main topic – not much discussion of case trends. The state also released its latest vaccination-situation report. You can watch the briefing video here.

CITY CLOSING MORE HUBS: The city’s closing the Lumen Field Event Center, Rainier Beach, and North Seattle vaccination hubs next month as well as the West Seattle hub.

SCHOOL CLINICS TOMORROW: Tomorrow’s local school clinics are at Denny International Middle School and at Summit Atlas.

LOOKING FOR VACCINE? If your health-care provider isn’t offering it, use this lookup.

GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!

Sanislo caps salmon-release season as smolts leave Fauntleroy Creek

(Photos by Pete Draughon. Above, students and siblings from Westside Wonderspace preschool got to release coho fry last week with Dennis Hinton in the lower creek)

By Judy Pickens
Special to West Seattle Blog

Kindergarten students, parents, and staff from Sanislo Elementary had the honor of releasing the last of this spring’s Salmon in the Schools fry into upper Fauntleroy Creek.

Despite the pandemic’s many extra demands on teachers, seven West Seattle schools (half the usual number) managed to rear coho this year. In addition, two preschools released fry reared by volunteer Jack Lawless for the Fauntleroy Watershed Council to supplement what schools were able to produce.

Most teachers scheduled their releases in Fauntleroy Park by family groups. All told, 130 students, plus 190 adults and siblings, put 1,044 fish in the water.

(This Sanislo student added a bit of glamour to the last salmon release of the season on Fauntleroy Creek)

An additional 30 park users who happened by the release site on Saturday let the last of the supplemental fish go for their year in freshwater.

About the same time that fry were going into the creek, 49 smolts were heading out for their two years in saltwater. Between mid-March and late May, volunteers Dennis Hinton and Pete Draughon documented 15 smolts leaving from the upper creek and 34 from middle and lower reaches of the mile-long system. This number is about average for the past five years of this 19-year study.

Next up will be spawning season, starting in mid-October.

FOLLOWUP: Latest round of Terminal 5 pile-driving over, says port

A quick end-of-day note from Port of Seattle spokesperson Peter McGraw: “Uplands pile driving is complete on Terminal 5. We were supposed to go through the summer, but we finished early.” The next full progress report for the modernization project on West Seattle’s eastern waterfront is expected at the Northwest Seaport Alliance managing members’ meeting in early July. Before then, four giant new cranes for T-5 are expected to arrive in June; their cross-Pacific journey began last weekend.

CAN YOU HELP? Photos, memories, well-wishes sought for recently retired teacher

If you or someone in your family attended Genesee Hill or Schmitz Park Elementary, you may know Marilyn Mears, who retired recently. And you may be able to help with this effort to celebrate her years of work – here’s the announcement:

One of our beloved West Seattle elementary school teachers, Marilyn Mears, has recently retired and we would love to complete a book of pictures, memories and well wishes to celebrate this milestone. We are looking for submissions from current and previous students and families of Genesee Hill and Schmitz Park Elementary. She has served such an important part of many students’ lives in the West Seattle community and we want to acknowledge her dedication and accomplishments in education by providing a memento book for her to cherish. If you would like to contribute to the book and have any pictures or thoughts you would like to share, please email submissions to:

***We are hoping to have submissions by June 4th***

Letters and pictures for the book can also be dropped off at the front of Genesee Hill Elementary in the vestibule area between the first and second set of doors during school hours. These items can be digitized for submission into the memory book.

If you have any questions, please use the email.

Thank you! We look forward to your contributions!

CRIME WATCH: Park car break-ins; catalytic-converter theft on video; prevention advice

Two reader reports to start:

WESTCREST PARK CAR BREAK-INS: The photo is from a reader who happened onto at least four cars with broken windows at Westcrest Park this afternoon. No word what if anything was taken.

CATALYTIC CONVERTER THEFT ON VIDEO: Ed in South Park sent the link to video he uploaded after a theft on S. Henderson a week ago:

This happened May 18th on South Henderson Street. Police report number: 2021-908911.

PREVENTION ADVICE – GARAGE BREAK-INS: We have been reporting on an increasing number of garage break-ins. Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner sends this bulletin with prevention advice:

If you cannot read it above, see it here.

WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Low-low tide at Alki

Thanks to Marc Milrod for the photos from Alki Beach. As we’ve been mentioning in previews, this week’s full moon has brought some of summer’s lowest low tides. Just before 11:30 this morning, it was out to -3.3 feet, and the next three days, the morning low tide will be even lower.

On Thursday and Friday – at 12:11 pm and 12:58 pm – the tide will be out to -3.9 feet, and on Saturday at 1:46 pm, it’ll be out to -3.4 feet.

Tread lightly because sea/shore creatures that aren’t usually exposed might be in your path.

THURSDAY: Your next chance for Q&A with our area’s state legislators

Got a question for your state legislators after the just-completed session that resulted in monumental legislation, from the capital-gains tax to climate action? Your next chance to hear from/talk with them is Thursday night, when the West Seattle Democratic Women host Sen. Joe Nguyen, Rep. Eileen Cody, and Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon at their monthly meeting. It starts at 6 pm online, and if you’re interested in attending, RSVP by tonight to WSDW chair Mary Fisher at to get the attendance info.

VACCINATION: City closing other sites too

Last week, we reported on the city’s plan to close its COVID-19 vaccination hub at West Seattle’s Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex after June 9th, though a testing trailer will be there indefinitely. Today, the city announced it’s also closing its vaccination hubs at Lumen Field Event Center, Rainier Beach, and North Seattle next month, to focus on mobile-team efforts and pop-ups. Stats including demographic breakouts are in this slide deck from this morning’s announcement:

(You can also see the slide deck here.) The city says more than 76 percent of Seattle residents 12+ have begun the vaccination process, and that 60 eprcent are fully vaccinated. It’s keeping one fixed site, though – as announced yesterday, the drive-thru testing site in SODO is also now offering vaccinations. If you’re looking for other places to get vaccinated, this site can help.

WEST SEATTLE WEDNESDAY: Dine-out fundraiser; HPAC shakes things up; low-low tide; more…

May 26, 2021 10:35 am
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(Black-Headed Grosbeak, photographed by Mark Wangerin)

Here’s what’s happening in the hours ahead:

DINE-OUT FUNDRAISER: At Srivilai Thai (3247 California SW, 206-257-5171):

Today is the day is the day of the Admiral Co-op Preschool fundraiser at Srivilai Thai Cuisine restaurant in West Seattle! The fundraiser goes from 11:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. so you could even have lunch AND dinner! The fundraiser is available for dine in or take out. For maximum convenience, you can order online. Please write “Admiral Co-op” on your receipt and Srivilai will donate 11% to our school.

LOW-LOW TIDE: 11:27 am today, the tide is out to -3.3. If you have questions about what you’re seeing, Seattle Aquarium volunteer beach naturalists are at Constellation Park (3400 Beach Drive SW) and Lincoln Park (by Colman Pool) now through 1:30 pm.

WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES: Missed the systemwide online community meeting Tuesday (WSB coverage here)? 6 pm tonight, it’s an encore with the same presentation but a new chance for Q&A with WSF officials. Register here to get the link.

EARTHQUAKE PREPAREDNESS AT HPAC: As previewed here, tonight’s spotlight topic at the monthly meeting for Highland Park, Riverview, and South Delridge’s community council is about being ready for an earthquake. The meeting’s at 7 pm online, and all are welcome – participation info is here.

MORE … in the WSB West Seattle (and online) Event Calendar!

WHALES; 2 morning sightings

9:43 AM: You can watch for whales off either west-facing or northeast-facing West Seattle this morning. Kersti Muul from Salish Wildlife Watch says transient killer whales are northbound, emerging from Colvos Passage on the west side of Vashon Island, toward the west end of the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry route. Also, she reports there’s a humpback whale in Elliott Bay, off the mid-downtown waterfront. Let us know if you see any of these!

2:46 PM: See comments for updates, including Kersti’s note that the Elliott Bay sighting turned out to be a gray whale.


6:07 AM: Good morning. Sunshine expected today, and the holiday weekend forecast still looks summerish!


Admiral Way/39th – Utility project is bringing some lane restrictions.

Delridge projectHere’s this week’s plan, with work closing the west side of the intersection closure at Delridge/Barton/Henderson, and paving having started last night on the north end of Delridge.

SW Yancy – This drainage/utility work east of Avalon has about two more weeks to go.


Regular schedules today. (Watch @kcmetrobus for word of any bus cancellations, @wsferries for any major WSF changes.) The West Seattle Water Taxi will run on a reduced schedule Memorial Day – see it here.


430th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are the views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 20th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available for some categories of drivers.)

Here’s a low-bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are bridges opening for boats or barges? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Tuesday 5/25/2021 roundup

Tonight’s pandemic toplines:

FIRST NUMBERS SINCE SATURDAY: The daily summary from Seattle-King County Public Health wasn’t updated Sunday or Monday, so these are the cumulative totals reflecting three days:

*108,689 people have tested positive, 381 new since Saturday

*1,575 people have died, unchanged since Saturday

*6,111 people have been hospitalized, 12 new since Saturday

One week ago, the totals were 107,498/1,562/6,064. (The “number of people tested” number is not complete tonight, so we’ve omitted that.)


NATIONAL/WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 167.8 million cases worldwide, 33.1 million of them in the U.S. – see other nation-by-nation stats by going here.

HEALTH OFFICIALS’ BRIEFING: At 8:15 am tomorrow online, state health officials will present their weekly briefing and media Q&A. Watch the livestream here.

NEED FOOD? Grab-and-go boxes will be available outside Highland Park Elementary 2-5 pm Friday.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

VIDEO: ‘We are late.’ West Seattle church raises Black Lives Matter banner on anniversary of George Floyd’s murder

Though Fauntleroy United Church of Christ has been worshiping online, the raising of that banner tonight brought congregation members to the church’s parking lot. There, on the one-year anniversary of George Floyd‘s murder in Minnesota, Rev. Leah Atkinson Bilinski acknowledged that the church was late in making an anti-racism statement. She began by calling the banner “an embrace of the Black, Brown, Asian, and Indigenous people of our community who do not feel the embrace of love and justice.”

In the short ceremony, the pastor and her congregation declared, “This is the issue that we – as a country, as individuals, as institutions – are being called to resolve at this time in history.”

TRAFFIC ALERT: Paving work at north end of Delridge Way

Thanks to Mark for the photo and tip: Paving work is under way tonight at the north end of Delridge Way, and that has traffic down to one lane each way. This work was supposed to start last night, but SDOT announced it was postponed until “the next dry night.” Apparently tonight qualifies. This work, scheduled for 7 pm-6 am on work nights, is part of the repaving/utilities/more work to prepare for the conversion of Metro Route 120 into the RapidRide H Line next year. Here’s the project’s full work plan for this week.

NEED FOOD? Distribution at Highland Park Elementary on Friday

May 25, 2021 8:50 pm
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As noted in our roundup last night, the weekly food-box distribution at Food Lifeline is NOT happening this Friday – but here’s something that is. Highland Park Elementary family-support worker Dominique Pie is teaming up again with Together Washington for a drive-up/ride-up grab-and-go food distribution 2-5 pm Friday. It’ll happen in the school-bus-loading zone at HPES (1012 SW Trenton); masks required, first-come first-served.

FOLLOWUP: Here’s how West Seattle low-bridge access applications are going

Four weeks after SDOT opened applications for more categories of drivers to use the low bridge during restricted hours (5 am-9 pm weekdays, 8 am-9 pm weekends), we wondered how many they’ve received and how many have been approved. Here’s what we heard back: 800 businesses and individuals have applied for authorization. SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson tells WSB, “We have approved 469 of these applications (including 100% of the people with lifesaving medical needs).” Applications received by May 15th were reviewed for authorization to start June 1st – here’s the breakdown so far:

105 people with lifesaving medical needs
201 on-call medical providers
116 West Seattle area businesses
47 maritime / industrial businesses

The next round of applications are due by June 15th to be reviewed for possible authorization July 1st (except patients with lifesaving medical treatment, who will be reviewed/approved as quickly as possible, the city says). Application links are here.