First it was a testing site … then testing and vaccination … then vaccination only … then it was scheduled to close after June 9th … but now the city says its “hub” at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle) is back in the testing business and will continue with that indefinitely. This afternoon the city announced it’s partnering with UW Medicine for “long-term COVID-19 testing availability” there. A new testing trailer is there, the city says, “with appointments available immediately (for) self-swab tests where the patient conducts their own COVID-19 test under observation from a health care professional.” Tests are free; UW Medicine subsequently provides results within a day or two. Hours for the testing trailer: 9 am-5:20 pm Mondays-Saturdays, appointments required – go here or call 206-477-3977. The city’s drive-up site in SODO is still operating, too.
West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday