month : 06/2020 331 results

ROAD-WORK ALERT: Major work launching for Delridge Way RapidRide H Line repaving-and-more project

If you live, work, and/or have traveled along the north half-plus of Delridge Way in the past few days, you’ve seen crews staging in a big way for the repaving-and-more project that’s preceding the RapidRide H Line conversion. Here’s what happens in the coming week, SDOT says:

What to expect the week of June 22

We will work in all three zones at the same time, from north to south on Delridge Way SW. No-Parking signs will be posted on both sides of the street in each phase of work to shift traffic around the work zones.

Work by zone

Zone A (West Seattle Bridge to SW Findlay St)

Curb ramp removal at SW Charlestown St
As early as Monday, June 22 we will be removing the northern curb ramp at SW Charlestown St. This work is expected last for one day. Please follow any posted pedestrian detour routes.
Access to the parking lot at SW Charlestown St may be restricted

Demolition work from SW Charlestown St to SW Dakota St
For the next few weeks, we will be completing demolition work in the roadway and sidewalk between SW Charlestown St and SW Dakota St. Lanes will be shifted around the work zone.

SW Genesee and SW Oregon streets
We will continue conducting utility and storm work. Please expect traffic to be shifted to one side of Delridge Way SW.

SW Alaska St
Pipework will begin this week and last through the week of June 22

Zone B (SW Findlay St to north of SW Orchard St)

SW Findlay St to SW Juneau St
We will continue installing utility pipes. Please expect traffic to be shifted to one side of Delridge Way SW.

Zone C (North of SW Orchard St to White Center)
We will finish connecting catch basins throughout this zone

Work throughout the corridor

Continued potholing for utility work

In each of the three work zones, travel lanes will be reduced to one lane in each direction with restricted turns. Please follow posted traffic signs.

Upcoming work

New temporary left-turn pocket lanes at SW Orchard St will be installed later this summer to allow people driving to make left turns onto Delridge Way SW. These turn pockets will also be included when we install the final project street configuration.

See the full advisory here.

SCHOOLS: Pathfinder K-8’s end-of-year parade

Before the school year ended Friday, one more farewell “paade” – this time, at Pathfinder K-8 on Pigeon Point.

Thanks to administration secretary Barb Mote for sharing the photos!

One Pathfinder year-end tradition is yet to come – retired PE teacher Lou Cutler‘s annual Make-A-Wish fundraiser. While he and the students weren’t able to run around the school track as usual – one lap for every year of his age (69 this year!) – Lou plans a fundraising walk in West Seattle next week – more on that later this weekend.

REMINDER: Summer starts today; Alice’s solstice-sunset watch is online tonight

June 20, 2020 1:00 pm
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 |   Skies Over West Seattle | West Seattle news

Even if the clouds don’t lift, you’re invited to celebrate the change of seasons with West Seattle educator/sky-watcher Alice Enevoldsen (who’s also a volunteer NASA Solar System Ambassador). Six hours after the summer-solstice moment at 2:43 pm today, join Alice via Zoom, 8:45 pm-9:15 pm, for her quarterly sunset watch – all ages welcome. You need to register in advance – go here to do that now.

FOLLOWUP: Half a year after West Seattle Licenses suddenly shut down, how close is a replacement?

(WSB photo from January, former West Seattle Licenses office post-closure)

It’s been six months since the sudden closure of the vehicle-licensing subagent West Seattle Licenses. Though in-person services like this largely remain closed anyway, we wondered recently if West Seattle was close to getting a new one, since the previous estimate was “as soon as June.” So we checked with King County, which leads the process for finding and managing subagents like these. Here’s what spokesperson Cameron Satterfield told us this week:

The RFP is closed, and our Records and Licensing Division is in the process of evaluating the responsive applicants. Six applicants were chosen for interviews, which should (have been) complete by the end of this week. Next step is to rank those applicants in order and send the list to state DOL for their review and final selection. That process takes a minimum of four weeks, but it could be longer considering the pandemic situation. Once we get the final selection back from state DOL, we’ll work with that applicant to get a contract signed and complete the work needed before opening. Since we don’t yet know who the final choice will be, I don’t have a timeline for opening. Some of the factors that go into that include the applicant securing a lease or purchase for their physical location, getting DOL equipment installed and tested, and making sure the applicant and their employees have the necessary training.

As of a few days ago, the location used by the former sub-agent still had a “For Lease” sign in the window (that wouldn’t necessarily be where the new subagent sets up, though). Meantime, no update on the results of a state “administrative review (of) irregularities” involving the previous subagent.

HIKE AT HOME! 2 virtual hikes with West Duwamish Greenbelt Trails

(File photo: Lost Pond in the West Duwamish Greenbelt)

Here’s a fun way to start the weekend – virtual hikes with West Duwamish Greenbelt Trails. The group is offering two to start with, in place of the guided hikes they offered on Saturdays pre-pandemic:

Join Ken Workman, great-great-great-great grandson of Chief Seattle, as he walks native land, leaving from the trailhead at SW Dawson and 19th Avenue SW. And follow Steve Richmond, an expert on native plants and forest restoration, as he identifies native and invasive plants from the 14th Avenue SW and SW Holly trailhead.

More virtual hikes will follow soon!

As WDGT notes, the “greenbelt” is actually Seattle’s “largest remaining contiguous forest.”

CORONAVIRUS: Friday 6/19 roundup

While the Phase 2 announcement first thing this morning was cause for celebration, a top health official offered cause for caution hours later, and that’s part of our nightly roundup.

PHASE 2: The week began with the county applying for permission to move to Phase 2, and four days later, the state announced its approval this morning. That means – as listed by the county – more businesses can open, and many that are already open can do so more widely.

…BUT FOR HOW LONG? In a midafternoon media briefing, county health officer Dr. Jeff Duchin warned that new data – just in last night – shows an uptick in cases, warning that the trend could even force the reopening into reverse. The past week saw 47 percent more cases than the week before, he said. The reason that didn’t put the brakes on the reopening, for now, he explained, is that the number isn’t huge – 100+ – but he stressed that it’s crucial people take simple steps, wearing face coverings and continuing distancing, or else things could get out of hand quickly. The new cases aren’t attributable to any particular area or any particular means of transmission, he added – there’s “no single smoking gun.” Overall, his message was that stepping ahead in reopening is the wrong time to step back in personal protective measures.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: The aforementioned spike was for the week of June 12-18. Here’s the first daily summary since then:

*9,096 people have tested positive, 109 more than yesterday

*584 people have died, 2 more than yesterday

*1,540 people have been hospitalized, 3 more than yesterday

*137,312 people have been tested, 2,309 more than yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 8,644/571/1,517/115,016.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS’ FALL PLAN: It’s out and it’s complicated.

CONFUSED ABOUT WEDDINGS/FUNERALS? The governor issued “additional guidance” today.

GOT INFO OR PHOTOS? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

JUNETEENTH: Today’s West Seattle vigils

Two vigils for racial justice and equity in West Seattle today:

North Delridge neighbors lined the pedestrian overpass at Delridge/Oregon, and the sidewalk beneath it, for a #SayTheirNames vigil this evening.

Organizer Nancy planned it to be “a quiet and respectful demonstration of support for our African American neighbors, friends, and family.”

Earlier, a nine-minute vigil outside Providence Mount St. Vincent:

This was part of a national elder-care initiative calling for “a time of reflection and awareness building of racism as a public health crisis.”

Just this week, the King County Board of Health passed a resolution making that declaration.

Seattle Public Schools’ reopening plan for 2020-2021 depends on what phase we’re in

As promised, Seattle Public Schools‘ hybrid year has wrapped up with an announcement of the plan for next year, so far. As published on the district website:

As we wrap up this school year, we have been planning for 2020-21. We hope that at the start of the new school year, King County is in Phase 4 of the Governor Inslee’s reopening plan\. If we are, in alignment with public-health agency recommendations and the governor’s plan, school will resume as normal and students, who choose to, will return to face-to-face classroom instruction. Unfortunately, we don’t know what will happen over these next few months, so a contingency plan is needed, including how we will address a potential resurgence of COVID-19 in our community.

Four engagement teams of just over 100 participants that included students, parents, educators, school leaders, community partners, and central office administrators have been meeting to develop priorities for school in the fall — responsive to safety measures required for each phase of re-opening and the experiences of our students and families furthest from educational justice.

The engagement teams worked together to understand the operational and budget constraints, public health and safety guidelines, and feedback gathered in a recent staff, family, and leadership survey. Common values and priorities emerged from the four groups and leadership team, you can view them on our Planning for Re-Entry announcement webpage.

These values and priorities resulted in a model framework. If King County is in Phase 2 or 3 this fall, some type of in-person, part-time instruction will be provided for all K-12 students with the option of 100% online, remote learning for families who aren’t ready to send their students back to school buildings. Regular in-person instruction will resume when we are in Phase 4.

100% online learning will be provided as an opt-in option for any family that does not want to return in person. This option will also be available in the event buildings remain closed through fall or close abruptly due to a resurgence of COVID-19. Online learning will be high-quality and consistently provided with clearer expectations and accountability for instruction and assignments. Online learning will be provided on a reliable schedule that includes live instruction, video lessons, and small group supports, etc. Over the summer months, educators, school leaders, and a digital learning task force will prepare for delivery of these enhanced supports.

A blended model with some in-person learning for all K-12 students and some remote, online instruction. This scenario is highly dependent on public health guidelines and if we are in Phase 2 or 3 in the fall. It was determined by the Reopening Leadership Team with input from the engagement teams that while the hope is to provide in-person class time for everyone, social distancing guidelines may require a phased in approach or starting with smaller student numbers. In doing that, priority would be given to students of color furthest from educational justice, students who require in-person therapy, students who receive Special Education services or IEP supports that can’t be delivered online, students who receive services as English Learners, and students supported by McKinney Vento – students experiencing homelessness or unstable housing. Teams also expressed interest in providing additional in-person instruction for K-3 students and students in transition years – sixth grade and ninth grade. The schedule for a blended model, part-time in person and part-time remote learning, is yet to be determined. The in-person schedule is dependent on the physical capacity of our buildings. We are exploring partnerships with community organizations to increase space capacity.

A full return to in-person classes. A full return to regular instruction will require we are in Phase 4 and that we follow guidelines of Public Health. While we are hopeful, this scenario is unlikely in Fall 2020.

Next week, families will need to complete an Intent to Enroll questionnaire to hold a place in their program selection. Families will be asked to indicate if they plan to enroll in the 100% online learning option for the fall or want the in-person option program. Depending on responses, in-person K-12 instruction frequency will be determined. Please look for an email early next week from Public Affairs with more details. This information will be critical in helping us finalize plans for next year.

We know the uncertainty for next school year is stressful and there are still a lot of unknowns. Staff and the Seattle School Board will be working diligently to provide additional answers and details in collaboration with educators and school leaders over these next few weeks.

Next steps: On June 30, a detailed Fall Reopening Plan will be presented to the School Board during a public work session. The plan will reflect the values and priorities surfaced during the recent engagement, the model framework outlined above, an analysis of our buildings’ physical capacity, and adherence to Public Health guidelines.

Feedback? Here’s how to send it.

UPDATE: Police response at Duwamish Head – ‘human remains’ confirmed

(WSB photos unless otherwise credited)

5:31 PM: Thanks for the tips about the big police response in the 1100 block of Alki Avenue. Radio communication indicated a report of “possible human remains” in the water; so far, we are told at the scene, nothing definitive – they are still searching.

5:48 PM: What they HAVE found, so far, is a black plastic bag that smelled really bad. That’s why they are searching further, to look for potential contents.

6:35 PM: Police boats are still there, searching.

(Photo sent by Stewart L.)

8:08 PM: Police spokesperson Det. Mark Jamieson confirms to WSB that they did find “human remains.” Several bags, according to a subsequent SPD Blotter post.

9:46 PM: Identification and cause of death will be up to the Medical Examiner’s Office to determine.

12:28 PM: Thanks to Stewart L. for the photo above – he says police were back out checking around the Luna Park area this morning (low tide was just after 11). We headed out in hopes of catching them but they were gone by the time we got there. Also gone, the yellow tape; the Luna/Anchor Park viewpoint is open again.

SUNDAY NOTE: As discussed in comments, TikTok users who say they made the original discovery – showing a suitcase on the rocks by Luna/Anchor Park – have posted videos about it. They say police didn’t respond to their original report until repeated calls hours later. We will be following up on that too (and, as noted in comments, would be interested in talking with anybody who has firsthand knowledge – – thanks!).

JUNETEENTH: Our list of local Black-owned West Seattle businesses, updated

Two weeks ago, with readers’ help, we built a list of local Black-owned businesses. Here on Juneteenth, we’ve had a request to republish the list – so here it is again:

A Kids Place Too Dentistry for Children (WSB sponsor)
(2617 California SW)

Down to Reiki
(3400 Harbor SW)

Full Spectrum Training Studio
(9240 2nd Ave SW)

Hot Chocolat
(4611 36th SW)

Ipseity Incandescent Healing Studio
(3272 California Ave SW)

Jones Barbeque
(4417 Fauntleroy Way SW)

Junction Fitness
(4714 42nd SW)

Lika Love Boutique
(4547 California SW)

Move2Center Studio
(3618 SW Alaska St., lower level)

M&P Carpet Cleaning
(4742 42nd SW, #473)

New Luck Toy
(5905 California SW)

Percy The Barber
(2641 42nd Ave SW, #120)

Platinum Cuts & Salon
(9434 Delridge Way SW)

Professional Home Inspectors, LLC
(4511 35th Avenue SW, Suite 303

Project 968
(4617 37th SW)

The Avenue (formerly Pacific Room)
(2808 Alki SW, currently closed for remodeling)

West Seattle Animal Hospital
(4700 42nd SW)

West Seattle Fish House
(9005 35th SW)

(Westwood Village)

Additions? – thank you!

SUMMER! Solstice sunset watch Saturday, online with Alice

June 19, 2020 3:05 pm
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 |   Skies Over West Seattle | West Seattle news

(WSB photo from June 2019 summer-solstice gathering. Maybe in-person again next year!)

For the second time this pandemic year, West Seattle educator/sky-watcher Alice Enevoldsen will be holding her change-of-seasons sunset-watch event online. The summer-solstice moment is 2:43 pm Saturday, so Alice invites you to join her via Zoom tomorrow night, 8:45 pm-9:15 pm, to celebrate and to learn – all ages welcome. You need to register in advance – go here to do that now.

UPDATE: Longtime Seattle Police Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis reassigned

12:58 PM: Longtime Southwest Precinct commander Capt. Pierre Davis is leaving, reassigned to headquarters. We just received his announcement:

To our West Seattle community,

Our nation has been obviously challenged this year. The Covid-19 virus and its accompanying prevention protocols took us all by storm and has changed our daily interactions with one another. Also, we are struggling with a multitude of civil unrest incidents sparked by the killing/death of George Floyd.

In dealing with both monumental issues, I’ve seen the very best in a great many people. With Covid-19, I’ve witnessed neighbors helping neighbors accompanied with a great partnership effort with police and Seattle Fire, and with the recent protests and marches, I’ve seen a great many communities accompanied by law enforcement, peacefully marching, partnering for a common peaceful goal.

That said, I must give credit where credit is due. Our West Seattle communities, including South Park, have stepped up greatly and displayed front and center what it looks and feels like when a community and their officers take serious ownership of one another, and for that I am truly grateful.

The outpouring of support and outreach by our community to your officers during these times is heartfelt and a testament to the trust and partnership that you have with your officers.

I’ve had the pleasure to work with and for you for several years and I couldn’t be more proud and honored for that privilege. That said, regretfully I must inform you that I will be reassigned to Police Headquarters at the end of June, completing a 5-year tour of duty as your precinct commander. I want to thank our West Seattle community for hanging in there with us as we try to provide the very best in responsive police services. Again, Thank You for your unwavering support, friendship and partnership!


Captain Pierre Davis
Commander, Southwest Precinct

We have a message out to find out who will succeed him, whether interim or permanent.

BACKGROUND: Capt. Davis came to the precinct in 2010 as second in command – Operations Lt. – after serving in the Traffic Division. He led the precinct as interim commander in 2014, the year he was promoted to captain. He left West Seattle for a while and was at the East Precinct before returning here in 2015 as commander after then-Capt. Steve Wilske was promoted ta assistant chief.

3:42 PM: No word yet about who’ll run the precinct next – responding to our inquiry, Public Affairs’ Sgt. Lauren Truscott said they didn’t have that information yet.

ADDED MONDAY: Captain Kevin Grossman will be the new precinct commander. We talked with him this afternoon and will have that story later in the day.

JUNETEENTH: ILWU Local 19’s march, and what’s ahead in West Seattle

(WSB photos/video)

Juneteenth arrives this year after weeks of demonstrations against racism and for justice and equity, and the day began in the shadow of the West Seattle Bridge, with a march – hundreds strong – from the ILWU Local 19 hall, headed to Terminal 46 and then to the Corrections Department Day Center, planning rallies at both stops. Here’s our video of the march’s start:

Motorcycles led the way as the march headed north on East Marginal, first on the frontage road and then to the open road:

The longshore workers’ union also stopped work up and down the West Coast during the day shift today in observance of Juneteenth, as noted in our preview.

WHAT’S AHEAD IN WEST SEATTLE: Both of these are open to all:

Providence Mount St. Vincent (4831 35th SW), noon – Along 35th, kneeling for 9 minutes as “Providence Elder Place West, a PACE program (Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly), located on-site at The Mount, is joining the national PACE organization for a time of reflection and awareness building of racism as a public health crisis.” (Just this week, the King County Board of Health officially declared it to be one.)

Delridge/Oregon overpass, 5:30 pm – A #SayTheirNames vigil, as previewed here.

PHASE 2: King County gets state approval for more reopening

9:01 AM: Just in: The state says King County can move to Phase 2. More info to come…

9:29 AM: Still awaiting King County’s followup announcement. Basics of Phase 2 include 50 percent capacity for indoor dining – see more here.

11:46 AM: For more on what Phase 2 enables, here’s a more-detailed list on the King County Public Health website.

12:33 PM: King County’s own announcement has just arrived. Before that same list, it begins:

Following approval by state Secretary of Health John Wiesman, King County has officially entered Phase 2 of the state’s Safe Start recovery plan to allow limited business re-opening. Phase 2 allows for twice the capacity in retail, restaurants, and other businesses previously allowed in King County’s modified Phase 1 and goes into effect immediately.

“Moving to Phase 2 is another step toward economic recovery for our region, but it must go hand-in-hand with even more careful adherence to precautions from our public health experts,” said Executive Constantine. “Wearing face coverings, washing hands, and avoiding crowds and unnecessary contact can help make ours a one-way trip back to prosperity, and prevent the need to go back to stay-at-home orders.”

While there are no additional categories of businesses included in moving from modified Phase 1 to Phase 2, the operating capacity has doubled for those able to reopen. For example, restaurants can now operate with 50% of indoor capacity, and retail with 30% capacity. Businesses with questions on how to safely reopen under the state’s guidance are encouraged to call Public Health’s Business Compliance Line at 206-296-1608.

“We evaluated a number of factors to apply to move to phase two of reopening. Our healthcare system, perhaps the single most important factor, is currently well-prepared to care for COVID-19 cases as well as the other health needs of our community,” said Dr. Jeff Duchin, Health Officer for Public Health – Seattle & King County.

Public Health officials recommend that people keep 6 feet apart from one another whenever possible. Outdoors exposures are less risky than indoors, and improving indoor ventilation is recommended. In addition, people need to wear face coverings in public, wash hands frequently, and get tested at the first sign of symptoms.

“Our cases have declined significantly since the peak of the outbreak in late March, and are now hovering around our target goal,” said Duchin. “Over the past seven days, however, we have seen an uptick in the number of cases compared to the previous week. With re-opening, we anticipated more cases in the community. That is why it is now more important than ever keep 6 feet apart from one another whenever possible and minimize unnecessary activity, especially people at increased risk for COVID-19.”

“As we move into phase 2 and for the foreseeable future, our risk will be increasing, not decreasing,” said Duchin. “COVID-19 has not gone away and we must take the ongoing risk very seriously. If we are going to be successful continuing to reopen, it’s essential that we do everything we can to prevent COVID-19 spread as we have more contact in social, recreational and work-related settings.”

Still have questions? We’re planning to cover the 3 pm media briefing with Dr. Duchin.

SITE NOTE: Early-morning technical upgrade work

June 19, 2020 3:01 am
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Within the next few hours we’ll be doing some technical upgrading, and we have one request for you: Please don’t post a comment or forum item until we update this announcement to say the work’s all done. We’re changing servers and it might take a little while for everyone to “see” the upgraded one, so you could be unknowingly posting to the old server if you don’t wait for the all-clear. We hope that’ll be around 7 am but won’t know until we get there. Thanks for your patience.

8:14 AM: We’re still fine-tuning, but if you see this update, you’re seeing our new server

PHOTOS: Highland Park Elementary’s curbside celebration for 5th graders

June 18, 2020 10:58 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | Highland Park | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

(WSB photos)

Highland Park Elementary said goodbye to its 5th-graders tonight with a sendoff like no other. Not only did it have bananas, it also had a snake …

That’s Milo the snake, in attendance because the students wanted to see him. The ceremony was both drive-up and walk-up:

The future middle-schoolers each got a bag containing crafts, some reading, and their diploma.

And if all that wasn’t exciting enough on this sunny evening outside the school …

… they even had live music!

That’s Sundae + Mr. Goessl, with a “Curbside Concert.” Congratulations to the Mustangs!

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 6/18 roundup

Still no news about King County’s Phase 2 application. Here’s the rest of the virus-crisis news for today:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:

*8,987 people have tested positive, up 94 from yesterday

*582 people have died, up 7 from yesterday

*1,537 people have been hospitalized, up 6 from yesterday

*135,003 people have been tested, up 4,649 from yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 8,584/571/1,512/112,753.

ANOTHER LOCAL DEATH: One of the newly reported deaths is in the 98146 zip code – part of which is in West Seattle; 98146 now has 8 deaths.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them, nation by nation, here.

CITY CHANGES EXTENDED: In a long news release about a mayoral order extending some pandemic-related changes, this information was included:

The Mayor’s Executive Order extends the City’s COVID-19 relief programs, including:

*Temporary parking and/or loading zones for restaurants, health care and human services workers, and retail stores are extended until further notice;

*Flexible payment plans and shutoff policies with Seattle City Light and Seattle Public Utilities are extended until further notice;

*The City’s small business, arts and nonprofit, food access, and housing and homelessness COVID-19 relief programs are extended until further notice; and

*The Utility Discount Program Self-Certification Pilot Program is extended until July 31, 2020.

Per the Mayor’s Executive Order, the following COVID-19 policy suspensions are extended:

*The ban on permitted events, with the exception of farmers markets, is extended until June 30, 2020;

*Enforcement of paid parking requirements on City streets; select hourly parking time limits outside of no-parking or special zones; and the 72-hour rule is suspended until further notice; and

*Booting vehicles with unpaid parking tickets is suspended until further notice.

The following City facility closures are extended by the Mayor’s Executive Order:

*All Seattle Public Library (SPL) locations are closed through June 30, 2020, however, restroom access and several SPL locations will remain open and the City is evaluating curbside library services;

*Seattle Public Utilities’ (SPU) Cedar River Watershed Education Center and Rattlesnake Ledge Trail will remain closed through June 30, 2020;

*In-person access to all City departments’ public-facing customer service counters will remain closed through June 30, 2020, with digital and telephonic access still available. The Seattle Animal Shelter in March launched a new appointment-based adoption system that enables animals to still find forever homes even while the shelter’s counters are closed; and

*Seattle Parks and Recreation facilities, such as community centers, pools, environmental learning centers, and select parking lots serving the City’s largest parks are closed until further notice.

NEED TO GET TESTED? Tomorrow’s the weekly drive-up testing day in the north lot at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor), 10 am-3 pm.

NEED FOOD? Food Lifeline HQ is distributing free 20+-pound boxes of food again tomorrow, 2-5 pm, available to all, 815 S.96th in South Park.

ALSO TOMORROW: Seattle Public Schools, on the last day of this hybrid school year, will announce the “final recommended contingency scenario” for next school year.

PHOTOS? TIPS? or 206-293-6302 – thank you!

CAN YOU HELP? Tech volunteers sought again for high-school program

June 18, 2020 7:51 pm
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 |   How to help | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Before the school year wraps up – a call for volunteers for next year:

Chief Sealth International High School is extremely excited to announce that we are entering our 5th year of partnership with the Technology Education And Literacy in Schools (TEALS) Program, which provides support to students who want to explore computer science in the classroom. We are now planning for the 2020 – 2021 school year and as in years past, we are reaching out the West Seattle Community in search of software programmers or engineers willing to share their programming skills with our students.

TEALS volunteers have enjoyed a successful partnership with Sealth by exposing students to challenging coursework which has been extremely successful in getting students hooked into computer programming and interested in pursuing higher education in the field of computer science. Volunteer training is provided during the summer and involvement in the classroom varies. Volunteers can team-teach or simply help out in the Computer Science classroom. They commit to two days per week during the 1st period of the day which allows them to maintain their regular work schedule. Past volunteers have provided classroom support to students and have enjoyed helping teach CS in the classroom. The experience in the CS classroom is very fulfilling, as a 2-year volunteer said, “When I see a student ‘get it’, and see them take what they learned and do something I never thought of, I get as much satisfaction as they do.”

Interested CS professionals are encouraged to explore more at the volunteer section of the TEALS website, or contact Chief Sealth teacher Luke Azinger ( or 206-252-8550), for more information.

The district is expected to announce tomorrow what scenario it plans for next school year regarding online/in-person instruction.

FOLLOWUP: City finds ‘defect’ in sewer line near Alki slide site

(WSB photo, June 1st)

Two and a half weeks after a slide and water leak on the slope in the 1200 block of Alki SW – at which time Seattle Public Utilities told us the leak appeared to be on private property – an update from SPU spokesperson Sabrina Register:

On May 31, Seattle Public Utilities and Seattle Parks and Recreation responded to reports of a landslide from City property that affected private property at 1200 and 1210 Alki Ave SW. Staff have been working to assess whether the slide was the result of natural causes or caused by water. As moving water was found at the site, the City has been trying to determine the source of that water since the slide occurred.

Shortly after the slide occurred, SPU began checking upslope pipelines and systems for leaks and other damage and SPR evaluated the site for hazard trees. SPR will return to remove hazard trees when the site is made available. During its testing, SPU discovered a broken water service at one home above the slide zone, which was shut down. No other water leaks were discovered.

When the water outflow did not diminish, SPU continued to look for leak sources, including examining development patterns and their potential impact on drainage, and possible subsurface groundwater movement. SPU also conducted tests on water samples which showed elevated fecal coliform levels, indicating a possible sewer leak or another source such as animal waste.

Based on the fecal coliform levels, SPU had all upslope sewer mains inspected by CCTV. The inspection turned up a defect in a nearby 8- inch combined sewer line. While It is not currently known whether that defect is related to the landslide, SPU is planning for prompt repair of that sewer defect.

The Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections has dispatched Building inspectors to the site to evaluate the slope stability and the impacts to existing buildings and adjoining properties. No visible damage was observed.

We’ll be checking on the timeline for the promised repairs, as well as the building impacts.

Hate-Free Delridge’s streetcorner demonstration, and what’s ahead

(WSB photos)

After almost three weeks, demonstrations against racism and for justice and equity continue in West Seattle. Until about 6 pm, Hate-Free Delridge is out on the corners at Delridge and Orchard.

As previewed earlier this week, the specific reason for this gathering is “to support Justice for Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd, and all Black Lives.”

Tomorrow is Juneteenth, and we’ve received word of at least three events – two already previewed, and this one outside Providence Mount St. Vincent (4831 35th SW):

Providence Elder Place West, a PACE program (Program for All Inclusive Care for the Elderly), located on-site at The Mount, is joining the national PACE organization for a time of reflection and awareness building of racism as a public health crisis. The gathering will be Friday, June 19th at 12:00 along 35th in front of The Mount.

All from the community are invited to join and kneel for 9 minutes, then continue to take a stand against racial injustice.

ARTISTS! Want to see others wear something you designed? 2 local T-shirt contests

June 18, 2020 4:18 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Two local nonprofits have announced T-shirt design contests – both related to major current issues. First one is just in from the West Seattle Junction Association/West Seattle Art Walk:

March 23, 2020, will go down in Seattle history as the day life in West Seattle was changed forever. The announcement of indefinite closure of the West Seattle Bridge due to rapidly growing cracks, first discovered in 2013, sent shock waves across the Puget Sound. This news, amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and worldwide economic impacts, was a shift felt throughout West Seattle.

West Seattle is a giving community. Since early during the Stay Home order, The West Seattle Junction Association (WSJA) has made significant strides to generate economic relief for merchants throughout the entire peninsula, from the Morgan to the Admiral Junctions. Organized by WSJA, the West Seattle Small Business Relief Fund was established on April 6, 2020. As of June 15, the fund has already provided over $105,000 to our local merchants and service providers to help cover essential monthly expenses like utility bills and payroll taxes.

Today, we announce an additional program to support the businesses of West Seattle and the essential work The West Seattle Junction accomplishes for our community. While businesses are permitted to reopen, there is still considerable work to be done to bring cohesion and spirit to our community, especially around awareness, education, involvement and concern about our future. References to the “West Seattle island effect” have already been seen and talked about since days after the Bridge closure.

The West Seattle Art Walk, a monthly Arts programming arm of the WSJA, has launched an artist-designed and community-driven T-shirt design and sales project where 100% of profits will go to benefit WSJA’s work and to merchants who sell the T-shirts. Artists in the community have been asked to submit T-shirt designs that artistically capture the essence of our situation, deliver a clear message, and inspire connection and involvement. The community will select three winning designs, and the creators of those designs will each win $500 in cash, in the effort to provide financial support to artists who may also be suffering from lack of work during the pandemic.

Once the three designs are chosen and finalized, T-shirts will be available for pre-order and at select West Seattle retailers. Pre-order is $29 (tax and shipping included) and merchant sales are $25.

Artists may submit work through this link from now until July 3. Additional details and announcement can also be seen on the West Seattle Junction Association website and the West Seattle Art Walk website.

And from West Seattle-based Stephanie’s Lifeline:

LOCAL ARTISTS – ADULTS AND CHILDREN: We are having a t-shirt design contest for our United In Change campaign. Create an image that depicts what the Black Lives Matter movement means to you and enter it into our contest!

Entries are being accepted starting June 15 and ending June 30. Finalist will be chosen July 4. Voting and T-shirt fundraiser will begin on July 5 and end July 31. Winner will be announced August 1.

Send your entry to The winner’s design will be used as Stephanie’s Lifeline’s image for our United in Change campaign,; T-shirts with his or her design will be sold on our website; and the winner will receive a t-shirt with their design, free of charge.

Speaking of rainbows – last call to adopt a West Seattle Junction flag!

June 18, 2020 3:33 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle people

(WSB photo, June 2019)

A few rainbow flags remain available for “adoption” for the nonprofit West Seattle Junction Association‘s June 27-28 display, we learned today from WSJA executive director Lora Radford – five left as of midday. If you’re interested in one or more, go here – that’s also where you’ll find more details and a list of adopters so far (businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, couples, individuals, and we here at WSB adopted one again this year too).

P.S. Also that weekend, Desmond Hansen will paint a Progress Flag (shown/explained here) on the signal box at the northeast corner of California/Oregon.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Did you see the iridescent cloud?

Thanks for the photos of what you could call a rainless rainbow – actually, an iridescent cloud, as explained here. The photo above is from Jessica in Seaview, looking south; the one below was tweeted by Shannon in White Center:

Still lots of sunshine in the forecast for today and tomorrow, the final two days of spring.