WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arson investigation; truck and car break-ins

Three notes in West Seattle Crime Watch this afternoon:

ARSON INVESTIGATION: In our coverage of a small fire at a vacant house in Westwood on Saturday night, we noted that SFD’s investigator had requested police assistance. Today SFD confirms the fire was determined to have been “intentionally set.” No other information so far but if you have tips for investigators, the SPD incident # is 24-276472.

TRUCK BREAK-INS: Sent by a reader:

On 1600 block of 42nd Ave SW and on Palm Ave SW, we had vehicle prowls last night with windows broken out and one vehicle we know of had the ignition punched out. From what we heard from other neighbors urther north on Palm Ave, it appears that these criminals are only targeting trucks. Other vehicles were not touched. The vehicles on 42nd and Palm hit were all trucks. We know for sure of 6.

CAR BREAK-IN: Sent by Katie:

We live on SW Grayson near 51st and someone went through our unlocked Honda Accord last night, parked on the street in front of our house – nothing to take except there might have been some loose small amount of cash.
Saw at least 3 cars with smashed out windows along 49th on our way to/from school at Schmitz Park/Alki Elementary.

16 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Arson investigation; truck and car break-ins"

  • FedUp September 30, 2024 (4:03 pm)

    Any details on the shots fired today at 9200 block of 29th Ave SW?

    • WSB September 30, 2024 (5:30 pm)

      That was just a case of someone thinking they heard shots at Roxhill Park, nothing found, according to archived audio. A couple minutes later the 7-11 in Highland Park reported gunfire outside the store and police did report finding casings; will write that up.

      • Budge September 30, 2024 (6:57 pm)

         We had at least 7 trucks broken into on 45th last night between Seattle St. and Admiral Way.  Driver’s side window broken out. The thief did not open the door so they would not trigger the alarm. They reached in through the broken window and rifled through the console. Not sure what they are after…

  • Al King September 30, 2024 (5:21 pm)

    Seems to me the blog’s mentioned quite a few car prowl/theft issues in the Palm Ave area.

  • AmyT September 30, 2024 (5:23 pm)

    In response to the car prowl that’s exactly why I don’t lock my car I’d rather they go through it than break a window or cut my soft top nothing in it to steal and my jeep it’s self has been stolen and recovered pain in the butt to put back together and now have anti theft devices installed 

    • Al King September 30, 2024 (6:11 pm)

      AmyT. Buddy of mine rented a house on 49th just off Admiral many years ago. After 3 car break ins he stopped locking his car. Came out one morning to a smashed in window. Crook never bothered checking the door just smashed the window first. In all the cases there was nothing visible and nothing to steal.

    • Westwood September 30, 2024 (7:17 pm)

      Same here. 

      • Charell October 1, 2024 (8:46 am)

        My husband’s truck was also a target Sunday night or early Monday morning. We are on 54th. Smashed window but nothing of value in there so no theft. What is wrong with people! =(

  • Streamdreamer September 30, 2024 (6:31 pm)

    My truck was one of 8 over on 45th with a smashed driver’s side window and all storage areas within reach gone through. I saw within reach because they never opened the doors or went through the glove box. This appears to be criminals looking for easy $$ or guns (as this was a question by the SPD) So infuriating!

  • Concerned citizen September 30, 2024 (7:46 pm)

    Cameras would be a deterrent

    • Al King October 1, 2024 (5:31 am)

      CC.  Camera’s may stop 1% of the crooks. The other 99% won’t care. Camera’s may help apprehending them after they’ve committed a crime but that’s small comfort to the victim trying to clean up their mess.

    • momosmom October 1, 2024 (6:17 am)

      Cameras don’t deter these people they may even get more of a rush from knowing there’s a camera and seeing themselves on the internet later. They just cover up so you can’t see their faces most times and smash and grab. No respect for others or themselves.

  • AMD September 30, 2024 (7:51 pm)

    Are all of these vehicle prowls happening to cars parked on the street or are thieves going into people’s driveways and yards as well?

    • Streamdreamer September 30, 2024 (8:28 pm)

      Every one on 45th was parked at the curb. 

  • Gatewood Neighbor September 30, 2024 (8:33 pm)

    Our truck drivers window was also broken out in the upper Gatewood neighborhood over night. At least two others in nearby block.  Also trucks, also had drivers window shattered. Rummaged the console. Nothing taken. 

  • neverawake October 1, 2024 (5:57 pm)

    8 trucks?? Eight?! It’s guaranteed SOMEBODY heard something & NOBODY did anything. Nearly every home has a cell phone & nearly every cell phone has a camera. I don’t live in that area yet am befuddled as to how not one moment of such a brazen prowl could evade detection. Head scratcher.

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