month : 06/2020 331 results

SCHOOLS: Genesee Hill ES parade now; Highland Park ES parade, WSHS graduation tonight

Three more school-related reminders:

As previewed here, the Genesee Hill Elementary parade is under way – headed toward the Madison MS area as of a few minutes ago.

Tonight, Highland Park Elementary is celebrating its 5th graders with a drive-up/walk-up event in front of the school 5-6:30 pm.

Also tonight, West Seattle High School‘s graduation ceremony is on YouTube and cable at 7 pm.

Here’s what to expect as construction starts for Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook seawall replacement

(Photo from meeting presentation)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Work will start as soon as next week at the site of the Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook seawall replacement project on Beach Drive.

The project’s been years in the making. One year after an in-person community meeting (WSB coverage here), Seattle Parks and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are ready to get it going, and they told attendees that construction of the 465-foot-long seawall will last about half a year.

Major concerns voiced during the meeting included the team’s mention of a construction fence covered with a “green tarp” and how that might affect views. (Here’s the meeting slide deck.)

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Future kindergartener in the family?

June 18, 2020 9:58 am
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If your child will be 5 by August 31st, be sure to register for the fall ASAP! Even as Seattle Public Schools continues planning for fall, they need to know how many students to expect, and as Elise reminded us to remind you, that includes the little ones who haven’t been in the system before. More info is here; enrollment links are here.

ROAD WORK/TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday notes, 13th week of West Seattle Bridge closure

6:07 AM: Good morning – the 87th morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge.


*The Delridge Way repaving-and-more project continues – here’s what’s happening this week.’

*The Highway 99 Tunnel will close for maintenance 9 pm tonight through 4 am Friday.


Heading off-peninsula? First, the cameras for the 5-way intersection, and the restricted-access low bridge just east of it:

The main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) – which has up to 14 overnight closures planned next month. Meanwhile, here’s that camera:

The other major bridge across the river is the South Park Bridge (map) – this camera shows the SP-side approach:

Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about any of those bridges opening for marine traffic.

You can see all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.


Metro – Check the Twitter feed for any breaking service changes. Otherwise – still on the reduced schedule and reduced capacity; check here for next departure. Note that Metro service will increase next Monday, June 22nd.

Water TaxiReduced schedule continues until next Monday.; new schedule is online now.

Trouble on the roads/paths? Let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

UPDATE: Water-rescue response off Duwamish Head

June 18, 2020 1:22 am
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1:22 AM: A Seattle Fire water-rescue response is headed, via land and sea, to the 1500 block of Alki Avenue SW [map], where someone is trying to keep a boat from going aground. The boat trouble’s been going on for a while, according to radio communication we’ve been monitoring.

1:27 AM: The Coast Guard is reported to be on scene already. Authorities who dealt with the situation earlier say the person holding onto the boat was uncooperative with would-be rescuers.

1;35 AM: Responders were having trouble (re)locating the boat and are now saying they’ve found a boat that is NOT in trouble.

1:39 AM: The boat and person have been found in the 1300 block of Alki and responders are trying to best figure out what kind of help is needed.

1:49 AM: They’ll be towing the boat to Don Armeni.

CONGRATULATIONS! Curbside graduation for Seattle Lutheran HS Class of 2020

(WSB photos/video)

Tonight Seattle Lutheran High School gave its Class of 2020 a sendoff that was a turnabout on the usual car parade.

The grads stood – distanced – at or near the curb outside the school just north of The Junction, while well-wishers drove by to cheer them.

The school told us the graduating class numbered 26.

There were at least four times that many cars.

Lots of honking, of course:

Congratulations, Saints!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen red TrailBlazer

James emailed tonight to report, “My red 2002 Chevy TrailBlazer (SUV) was stolen on Morgan and 40th Ave SW overnight.” Plate BTP1685. If you see it, call 911.

CORONAVIRUS: Wednesday 6/17 roundup

No decision yet on moving to Phase 2. Here are the other virus-crisis headlines from today:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Public Health daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:

*8,893 people have tested positive, 38 more than yesterday’s total

*575 people have died, 1 fewer than yesterday’s total++

*1,531 people have been hospitalized, 1 fewer than yesterday’s total++

*130,354 people have been tested, 2,738 more than yesterday’s total

++The county cites “data corrections” for the death/hospitalization numbers dropping

One week ago, the four totals were 8,559/570/1,505/111,291.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them, nation by nation, here.

‘ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, WE HAVE TO INCREASE MASK USAGE’: So said the governor during his briefing today, reiterating that it’s crucial to keeping the virus under control. “We have to step up our game … we’re not even at halftime yet.” Video of his briefing, covering a wide range of virus and non-virus topics, is here.

TEST-TOTALS ERROR: The state Health Department announced today that it’s been over-reporting negative test results.

DEATH-TOTALS CHANGE: Also from the DOH’s daily bulletin:

DOH announces changes in how it reports COVID-19 death data: Until now, when a death is reported as a COVID-19 death, it is because the person who passed away also tested positive for COVID-19. However, this method doesn’t reflect the number of deaths caused by COVID-19; it can include someone who may have died of other causes. DOH is changing its reporting to provide better data about deaths associated with COVID-19. Beginning today, June 17, DOH will remove deaths where COVID-19 did not contribute to death. For Phase 1, this will result in seven deaths being removed from the state’s death count, including two suicides, three homicides, and two overdose deaths. Over the next several weeks, DOH will expand their reporting to identify whether they can confirm or rule-out COVID-19 as a contributing cause of death, or if COVID-19 probably or may have contributed to death. A short Q&A about these changes is available on the DOH website.

Sound Transit is planning a July 1 resumption of fares on ST Express bus routes that have returned to front-door boarding with the installation of health barriers and other protections for operator safety. A new system-wide flat fare will align with other regional agencies, irrespective of trip distances.

That flat fare will be $3.25. ST’s announcement notes, “The Sound Transit Board approved the move to the adult flat fare in April 2018, with an implementation date of July 2020.”

THEY HELPED – CAN YOU HELP THEM? The food-truck and catering businesses based at Delridge’s KBM Seattle Commissary are grateful for community support of their free-meal program. Now they need your help – don’t let the Delridge road work keep you away from their takeout window!

GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!

GRATITUDE: Update from Delridge’s KBM Commissary

(WSB file photo)

KBM Seattle Commissary and its resident chefs have wrapped up their free-meals program, but they’re still selling their specialties via the window at 5604 Delridge Way SW, and KBM’s Keith Mathewson says they have a request for you:

Last week was our last week of our food donation program. In the several weeks that it was ongoing, the members of the kitchen collectively donated over 4,500 meals. We could not have done it without the generous momentary support of the West Seattle community. I wish to thank everyone who donated to the effort, without you it would not have been possible.

We are now facing a new challenge. Delridge Way is in full construction and getting to the walk-up window is more difficult than before; however, all the members are still selling via the window. If you enjoyed their menus in the past, I invite you to continue to come. The cooks are still working and the window, in most cases, is their only means for them to sell their food.

The vendors there were listed in this WSB report earlier this spring.

WEST SEATTLE PROTESTS: Juneteenth vigil in North Delridge

Sent by Nancy:

Neighbors will be gathering this Friday evening at 5:30 for a #SayTheirNames vigil at the pedestrian overpass across Delridge at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center.

People are invited to come with a sign with one name of an African American who has been a victim of either direct or indirect police violence. I will also have names printed out that people can use.

I would like this to be a quiet and respectful demonstration of support for our African American neighbors, friends, and family.

Also coming up this week:
*Hate-Free Delridge demonstration, 4-6 pm Thursday at Delridge/Orchard
*ILWU Local 19 march, 9 am Friday from Spokane/E. Marginal to downtown


The report and photo are from Derek:

Someone decided to steal my outboard 7.5 hp Honda motor (Monday) night, 5400 block of West Marginal Way SW. I am offering $100 reward. Derek 206 478 3652

SPD # is 2020-189211.

West Seattle Bridge seems fixable so far, Community Task Force told, and other headlines from meeting #2

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

“We know we CAN fix the bridge – the question is, SHOULD we.”

That revelation from SDOT‘s top bridge engineer was a big piece of news that emerged at the second meeting of the West Seattle Bridge Community Task Force this afternoon.

Also, in response to a CTF member’s question, SDOT said the city and state are working on a disaster declaration in relation to the bridge closure.

Before we get to our summary of the meeting, held online/by phone – the task-force roster is here; co-chairs are Paulina López, executive director of the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition, and Greg Nickels, former Seattle mayor and longtime Admiral resident. We recorded video which we’ll add when it’s ready (added 9:14 pm – here it is:)

Here’s the slide deck:

First presenter was Matt Donahue, SDOT’s interim director of roadway structures (bridges and more), with a ‘state of the bridge” update.

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FOLLOWUP: New details on Metro service restoration Monday

Metro is out today with more details of next Monday’s service restoration, and promises more to come. Today’s announcement – see it here – notes that the 21X and 125 will return, as well as the Water Taxi shuttles, (773 and 775). That same link also includes the restored Water Taxi schedule (5 days a week, commuter dayparts), but specific bus-route schedules aren’t expected to be posted until Saturday. As of Monday, Metro says, it will be running ” 85% of its pre-COVID service level” on weekdays, 99 percent on weekends.

‘ALL WAYS WEST SEATTLE’: Local podcast spotlights students who organized huge Junction protest, and much more

Have you listened yet to “All Ways West Seattle”? It’s a semi-new podcast by longtime West Seattle resident Keith Bacon, and he’s just published a new episode that he tells WSB is:

… focused on the March for Black Lives and BLM protest in the Junction. Highlights are interviews with two of the youth speakers at the Junction event: 12-year-old Ericka, who read her poem “Monsters, Criminals, and Liars,” and 15-year-old Coco, who was also one of the event organizers. Plus an extended talk with regular contributor Kisha Vaughan, reflecting on the event (which she also spoke at) and the days surrounding it.

This is the seventh episode of “All Ways West Seattle” – the others have included a wide range of topics, from the West Seattle Bridge to how COVID-19 has changed lives and businesses in West Seattle. Keith (photo left) launched the podcast back in March, just before the pandemic changed everyone’s world. He describes himself as “a writer and producer who lives in (and loves) the Alaska Junction” and is producing new episodes every two weeks or so. The podcast was something he had been thinking about for a while before launching it, and with the challenges posed to our peninsula from both the pandemic and the bridge closure, he says, “I feel like the opportunity to do something good for my neighborhood has become more important and valuable.” So give it a listen and let Keith know what you think – you can offer feedback via social media.

ANOTHER CRACKED BRIDGE: This time, in Florida

(Photo by Stephen B Calvert, via Wikimedia)

11:29 AM: Thanks to the WSB readers who have pointed this out: On the other side of the continent, a concrete bridge spanning a river has been closed because of cracking, and there are warnings that it’s in risk of collapse. This bridge is even newer than the closed-since-March West Seattle Bridge. It’s the southbound span of the Roosevelt Bridge, a mile-long, state-owned bridge that carries U.S. Highway 1 across the St. Lucie River in Stuart, Florida [map], and this webpage suggests it has a lot in common with our bridge – it’s a concrete “box girder” bridge, for example. Local media there report some concrete has fallen but the nature and risk of the crack is still under investigation; they also report the bridge was last inspected two years ago, with no problems found. It was built in the mid-’90s. The cracked span is closed to traffic, so the separate northbound span is currently handling both directions. P.S. This bridge also, like ours, replaced a drawbridge, and had a somewhat tumultuous backstory.

5:49 PM: Now both sides/spans of the Florida bridge are closed TFN.

8:23 PM: A couple other datapoints we found – the Florida bridge has about half the over-water clearance of ours, 65 feet, and more volume – 120,000 vehicles a day.

HAPPENING TODAY/TONIGHT: Bridge Task Force, seawall Q&A, tube-tunnel talk, graduations, free food

(Photo by David Wilson)

As we’ve been previewing these past few days, there’s a LOT going on today. Quick reminders:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE: Online meeting, 1 pm-2:30 pm. Our preview has the link you can use to watch. ADDED: Here’s today’s agenda, thanks to a CTF member.

FREE FOOD: 2-5 pm at Food Lifeline in South Park – drive up or walk up. Here’s our preview.

SEAWALL MEETING: 4 pm online, Seattle Parks and the Army Corps of Engineers will present an update on the about-to-start Emma Schmitz Memorial Overlook seawall replacemnt.

SEATTLE LUTHERAN HS DRIVE-UP GRADUATION: 5 pm outside the school (4100 SW Genesee).

‘IMMERSED TUBE’ TUNNEL: Retired civil engineer Bob Ortblad invites all to his online presentation about the “immersed tube” tunnel he suggests could replace the West Seattle Bridge. 7:30 pm – our preview has details on watching/participating.

CHIEF SEALTH IHS GRADUATION: 8:30 pm on YouTube/cable – here’s how to watch.

ROAD WORK/TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Wednesday notes, 13th week of West Seattle Bridge closure

6:12 AM: Good morning – the 86th morning without the high-rise West Seattle Bridge.


*The Delridge Way repaving-and-more project continues – here’s what’s happening this week.’

*Tonight, overnight work is planned at Delridge/Genesee to finish permanent striping there.


Heading off-peninsula? First, the cameras for the 5-way intersection, and the restricted-access low bridge just east of it:

The main detour route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) – which has up to 14 overnight closures planned next month. Meanwhile, here’s that camera:

The other major bridge across the river is the South Park Bridge (map) – this camera shows the SP-side approach:

Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed for info about any of those bridges opening for marine traffic.

You can see all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.


Metro – Check the Twitter feed for any breaking service changes. Otherwise – still on the reduced schedule and reduced capacity; check here for next departure. Note that Metro service will increase next Monday, June 22nd.

Water TaxiReduced schedule continues until next Monday.

Trouble on the roads/paths? Let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Tuesday 6/16 roundup

June 16, 2020 10:28 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle news

Waiting for the Phase 2 decision is where we start tonight’s roundup:

NO DECISION YET: It’s only been a day since King County applied for state permission to move to Phase 2 of reopening, but the “modified Phase 1” decision only took a day and a half, so you can be forgiven some impatience.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: Here’s the daily summary from Public Health, with cumulative totals:

*8,855 people have tested positive, up 58 from yesterday

*576 people have died, up 2 from yesterday

*1,532 people have been hospitalized, up 11 from yesterday

*127,616 people have been tested, up 2,293 from yesterday

One week ago, those totals were 8,536/570/1,499/109,813.

ANOTHER LOCAL DEATH: One of those newly reported deaths is in the 98146 zip code – part of which is in West Seattle; 98146 has lost 7 people.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

STATE COVID-19 RESPONSE BRIEFING: Nothing from the governor today, as he was in Yakima, but the weekly media telebriefing featured Lacy Fehrenbach, who holds the newly position of state Deputy Secretary of Health for COVID-19 Response. You can listen to it here.

CANCELED: Two more major West Seattle summer events won’t happen this year because of the pandemic – the Morgan Junction Community Festival (which usually happens on a Saturday in June) and the Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series (usually 6 free performances on Thursday nights in July and August).

HAPPENING: Though COVID-19 is keeping them from having traditional ceremonies, local high schools celebrate graduations this week – Chief Sealth International HS and Seattle Lutheran HS on Wednesday, West Seattle HS on Thursday.

NEED FOOD? Big boxes of it – 20+ pounds per box – will be available free at Food Lifeline again tomorrow in nearby South Park; just drive up or walk up.

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

MORE GRADUATIONS: Seattle Lutheran HS Wednesday, West Seattle HS Thursday

June 16, 2020 8:59 pm
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We’ve already mentioned that Chief Sealth International High School‘s virtual graduation will be online/on cable tomorrow night. Two more coming up this week:

SEATTLE LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL: Drive-by event, starting at 5 pm Wednesday in front of the school at 4100 SW Genesee.

WEST SEATTLE HIGH SCHOOL: Like other Seattle Public Schools graduations, this one will be shown on SPS-TV via YouTube and cable. It starts at 7 pm Thursday.

PROTESTS: ILWU march during work stoppage Friday for Juneteenth

The next major rally/march near our area will be on Friday, for Juneteenth, commemorating the abolition of slavery in the U.S. – Seattle’s ILWU Local 19 has announced a march during a West Coast-wide work stoppage:

This Friday, June 19th, members of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) will cease operations for the day shift along the entire US west coast, including Seattle, comprising 29 ports from Bellingham to San Diego, in observance of Juneteenth.

At the vacant Terminal 46 downtown, ILWU longshore workers will host a Rally and March to Stop Police Brutality and end Systematic Racism. The event will begin 9:00 a.m. at the ILWU Local 19 Union Hall – 3440 E Marginal Way S (corner of Spokane and East Marginal). Longshore workers will march as part of the coast-wide work stoppage and with other local labor, community, and faith leaders, including leaders from MLK Labor.

Participants will march (or car-caravan) to Terminal 46 for a rally and show of solidarity before continuing on to the WA Department of Corrections (DOC) Day Reporting Center, 1550 4th Ave S. This rally will call attention to victims of the criminal justice system while incarcerated. Recent concerns have been raised about incidents of retaliation by the DOC against incarcerated laborers, who requested PPE and appropriate safety measures to protect against COVID-19 infection.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Business burglar on video

The video and framegrab are from South West Plumbing (Delridge/Alaska), which wanted to alert the community about a burglar. The man used a cutting tool to get into the yard:

Then, SWP says, “He walked around for a bit, took items, and returned a number of times to load more stuff. He then tried our doors to the building without success. He then went to our truck to try and open it. That was when the car alarm went off and he scurried off.”

He got away in that truck, which SWP says he had parked in the back alley. Here’s a clear view as he entered:

We’ll add the police-report # when we get it.

ROAD WORK ALERT: Avalon/Genesee, Wednesday night

June 16, 2020 4:53 pm
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

Now that the weather has improved, SDOT plans overnight work tomorrow night as the Avalon/35th/Alaska project wraps up. Here’s the announcement:

As we complete striping along the corridor, we plan to work from 9 PM Wednesday, June 17 through the early morning hours of Thursday, June 18 to add striping near SW Avalon Way and SW Genesee St.

• We plan to complete striping at SW Avalon Way and SW Genesee St by installing new pavement markings on the raised protected bike lane at the northbound bus stop and at the intersection, just north of the bus stop. We will complete this work overnight with a noise variance from approximately 9 PM Wednesday, June 17 through the early morning hours of Thursday, June 18. During this work, you can expect to hear noise as crews use compressors to remove and add striping.

Once that’s done, SDOT says you might see crews for “final minor wrap-up activities along the corridor” before the month’s over.

CANCELED: Morgan Junction Community Festival; Summer Concerts at Hiawatha

Two summer traditions that are presented by West Seattle neighborhood councils will not be happening this year because of the pandemic. The announcements:

(WSB photo, Bubbleman @ 2019 Morgan Junction Community Festival)

MORGAN JUNCTION COMMUNITY FESTIVAL: Sent by Morgan Community Association president Deb Barker:

It is with a very heavy heart that we announce that cancellation of the 2020 Morgan Junction Community Festival.

The Morgan Community Association (MoCA) has been sponsoring this unique one day festival in Morgan Junction for over 15 years. The 2009 opening of Morgan Junction Park gave us a permanent home to experience the live festival music and watch the Bubbleman make BIG bubbles, while businesses Beveridge Place Pub, Zeeks Pizza, and Whisky West have welcomed vendor booths and food trucks to their parking lots. It’s always been a lot of fun.

But the Coronavirus pandemic has shut down the safe gathering ability of the Festival-loving public. MoCA wants to keep our community safe. So we’re canceling the 2020 festival and scheduling the 2021 Festival date for Saturday June 19, 2021. We’d like to share this reply we got from the City of Seattle Special Event staff when they learned of the cancellation:

“Thank you so much for letting us know. Each time we hear that another event is cancelled, it makes me emotional too. Special events like the Morgan Junction Festival celebrate the health and vibrancy of our community. Cancelling them in some ways feels like a defeat at the hands of COVID. Please know that you are doing the right thing, the prudent thing, the safe thing by cancelling the event. We are all going to come back stronger.”

Thank you, everyone. Stay Safe!! We Will Come Back Stronger!

-Morgan Junction Community Festival Planning Committee

(Caspar Babypants at Summer Concerts @ Hiawatha, August 2019)

SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: From Stephanie Jordan, who coordinates the series for the Admiral Neighborhood Association:

After many weeks of hoping for better circumstances, we’ve made the sad decision to cancel the 2020 Summer Concerts at Hiawatha. During these uncertain times, it’s become clear that gatherings of this size will be difficult to manage in a way that ensures the safety and enjoyment of our community and guests. These events are very important to us, but your health and safety will always be our top priority.

I will truly miss the community that these concerts create – neighbors meeting neighbors, old friends catching up, kids at their first live performances. They represent a true collaboration between the ANA, our sponsors, city partners (Seattle Parks and ARC) and the wonderful team at Hiawatha Community Center. It’s been my pleasure to connect you with some of the best musicians in the region.

To the extent to which you are able, I hope you will continue to support our local music community in other ways. Many artists are being impacted by cancellations like this. I encourage you to see who is performing on social media, releasing new work, or rescheduling shows. Even kinds words can make a difference. Please also consider contributing to any of the several artist relief funds that have been set up in response to COVID-19. A quick Google search for “Seattle artist fund” will bring these up.

When large gatherings are back, we will be too – and we’ll be very happy to see you again. Until then, stay safe West Seattle, and keep well!