FOLLOWUP: New details on Metro service restoration Monday

Metro is out today with more details of next Monday’s service restoration, and promises more to come. Today’s announcement – see it here – notes that the 21X and 125 will return, as well as the Water Taxi shuttles, (773 and 775). That same link also includes the restored Water Taxi schedule (5 days a week, commuter dayparts), but specific bus-route schedules aren’t expected to be posted until Saturday. As of Monday, Metro says, it will be running ” 85% of its pre-COVID service level” on weekdays, 99 percent on weekends.

8 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: New details on Metro service restoration Monday"

  • sw June 17, 2020 (3:52 pm)

    Please work to preserve the 22.  It is needed as a circulator, especially if the C Line is going to experience crowding as restrictions lift.  

    • Mike June 17, 2020 (4:40 pm)

      And it is the only bus service during non-commute hours in the  Arbor Heights-Shorewood  Area.  We seniors who don’t want to or can’t drive have to walk more than 15 blocks to the nearest bus, yet we are still being taxed by that bill to restore Seattle service.  The statement by Metro was it was a low ridership, but if it ran more often so it would be easier to make connections coming home, ridership would go up.

  • NW June 17, 2020 (7:21 pm)

    We transit enthusiasts need to send out the now eliminated route 37 with the respect it deserves that route has been around very very long time. 

  • anonyme June 18, 2020 (7:26 am)

    I don’t actually care if the 22 was not crowded all the time, it was a vital connection to a neighborhood that is already underserved in terms of transportation.   Metro has been trying to cut off Arbor Heights for years, first with the elimination of the 21 daytime local, then the cuts to the 22 – both serving a self-fulfilling prophecy of lower ridership that would then justify further cuts.  Most Arbor Heights riders gave up on the 21 local as it was so unreliable.  I personally witnessed and reported dozens of instances where drivers would cut off the AH loop entirely, or foreshorten it by turning around at 100th or 102nd.  If Metro won’t come to its senses and restore the 22 or some other kind of daytime shuttle to Arbor Heights, then I will be filing an ADA complaint, and encourage other senior or disabled residents to do the same.  Metro has concentrated  on accommodating those who work banker’s hours, which leaves out a LOT of people who are still paying taxes.  Reducing service in some areas makes sense, but eliminating the ONLY transit option for a large chunk of West Seattle both days AND weekends is untenable. 

  • Mj June 18, 2020 (9:47 am)

    It’s very frustrating SDoT and Metro still have not identified the plan for bus service enhancements to mitigate SDoT’s failure to maintain the WSB?   I expect full day service of the 56 and 57 routes and I anticipate others have other routes that need to be enhanced.  Anything less is not acceptable!

  • Sunflower June 18, 2020 (10:39 am)

    WSB, any idea how WS might suggest and petition Metro to bring back some of the cancelled routes? Perhaps with more frequency, and as a test run for 6 months?

    • WSB June 18, 2020 (11:23 am)

      Start with County Councilmember Joe McDermott.

      • Sunflower June 18, 2020 (6:12 pm)

        👍 Thanks WSB

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