High Point 673 results

CORONAVIRUS: Appointments open for next Sunday vaccination clinic in West Seattle

We’ve mentioned that Pliable‘s next Sunday vaccination clinic at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW) is set for Sunday, January 30th. That’s now eight days away, and registration is open online. They usually welcome walk-ins too, but if you want to ensure a spot, you can go here and follow the links to sign up. The appointments listed as available right now are between 8:30 am and 11:45 am.

NEW YEAR: West Seattle Tae Kwon Do classes start Tuesday

January 3, 2022 9:11 am
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 |   High Point | West Seattle news

The new year brings a new season for many West Seattle activities – including Tae Kwon Do. Here’s the announcement:

The West Seattle Tae Kwon Do Club is offering in-person classes at High Point Community Center in January. Adults (18 and older) can sign up to learn Tae Kwon Do, a Korean martial art known for its fast sparring techniques, dynamic forms, and strong kicks. Classes cost only $40/month and meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:00-7:30 pm and Saturdays 9:30-11:30 am.

The first class for the new year is on Tuesday, January 4 from 6:00-7:30 pm. We will be wearing face masks and will be appropriately distanced for safety. New students can join at any time and beginners are definitely welcome!

Check out our website at westseattle.choitkd.org, email westseattletkd@gmail.com for questions, or call 206-684-7422 for registration information.

HPCC is at 6920 34th SW.


December 12, 2021 7:26 pm
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 |   High Point | Holidays | West Seattle Christmas lights | West Seattle news

As we continue featuring a West Seattle light display every night, tonight’s photos are from Lina in High Point, who tells us, “Our block is back in action this year! SW Holly between Sylvan and 31st Ave SW. Happy holidays!” (Here’s a map.)

Big thanks to everyone who’s sent tips and photos so far! Every place we’ve shown is archived here and listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide. If you have a suggestion, with or without photo(s), please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!

From the ‘dumped/likely stolen’ file: Recognize this bicycle?

The report and photo are from Stephanie:

There has been a bike on the parking strip on SW Willow Street between 35th and 34th Ave SW since yesterday morning.

VACCINATIONS: Here’s when NOT to show up at Neighborhood House High Point seeking them – plus, Sunday update

1:57 PM: From Neighborhood House High Point, a reminder that COVID-19 vaccine clinics are only open there on certain days of the week:

We have had many community members come to Neighborhood House seeking COVID vaccines on days when the clinic is not happening. So, for the sake of clarity and saving people an extra trip:

Seattle Fire Department is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Neighborhood House on Fridays from 11:00 am – 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm through the end of December.

Pliable is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Neighborhood House on Sundays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm through the end of December. Appointments are encouraged for Sundays.

So for now, do NOT show up at Neighborhood House (6400 Sylvan Way SW) Mondays through Thursdays. Also note that until further notice, as previously reported here, the Friday-Saturday clinics are not serving pediatric patients, but the Sunday clinics are (by appointment). For other vaccination locations, check the Vaccine Locator website.

4:34 PM: Regarding the Sunday clinics, Pliable tells us now EVERYONE can show up on a walk-up basis – including pediatric patients – plus, the 16- and 17-year-olds now authorized for Pfizer boosters.

UPDATE: Helicopter over High Point

4:12 PM: Thanks for the texts. So far all we know is that Guardian One is helping search for a missing person.

4:23 PM: Search over. The missing person, a child, was found safe at home.

VACCINATIONS: Appointments added for West Seattle kids’ clinic tomorrow, plus adult boosters available for walk-ups

Just got two updates on a vaccination clinic planned in West Seattle tomorrow (Sunday, November 28th), originally for 5-to-11-year-olds, with a special “disability-friendly” focus.

-Appointments are available for all 5-to-11-year-olds, 8:30 am-1:30 pm – go here.

-Walk-up adult boosters will be available those same hours, Pfizer or Moderna, 18+. Just show up.

The clinic will be at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW) in High Point. The health-care provider is Pliable, which handles the regular Friday/Saturday clinics there too.

WEST SEATTLE SCENE: Why the UW flag is flying on the city’s highest flagpole

The photo is from Our Lady of Guadalupe School – near the city’s highest elevation at 35th/Myrtle – where the Huskies’ flag is flying this week. Here’s why:

Monday morning, Principal Anton Kramer raised the University of Washington flag above Our Lady of Guadalupe school. UW came out on top at last year’s Huskies v. Cougars spring-auction showdown, which means the highest point in Seattle will be flying Purple and Gold for this weekend’s Apple Cup.

At OLG’s 50th Golden Anniversary auction, in March of 2022, we will again be auctioning the honor of raising either the WSU or UW flag at OLG. Who will come out on top? Will Crimson and White be flying above OLG this time next year?

Want to attend to make sure that your school’s flag is raised? Or looking for a local sponsorship opportunity? Please reach out to olgprocurement@gmail.com we would love to chat with you.

P.S. The principal’s flag-raising assistants in the photo are Husky fans Stella and Gresham.

VIDEO: High Point celebration lights up trees and hearts

A crowd gathered tonight at High Point Commons Park for a first-ever seasonal celebration. It was billed as “Fruit Tree Lighting,” but the lights extended beyond the tiny trees planted last spring as the start of a community orchard. As shown in our video above, community builder Ella McRae led the crowd in a countdown that ended with attendees switching on battery-powered handheld tea lights, as well as the illumination of the little trees. The event also included a community resource fair with a variety of organizations participating, and music from the West Seattle High School Band. The orchard is near the West Seattle Bee Garden on the north end of the park.

VACCINATIONS: City’s West Seattle clinic gets mayoral visit; plus, another Saturday pop-up for 5-to-11-year-olds

Two notes about local COVID-19 vaccination clinics:

(WSB photo, this afternoon)

ANOTHER MAYORAL VISIT: Less than a month after visiting Neighborhood House High Point to announce a vaccination clinic would open there, Mayor Jenny Durkan returned today to tout its success. While the visit was announced before the news that the feds are authorizing boosters for all adults, Durkan took the occasion to hail that too. The High Point clinic is operated Fridays and Saturdays (here’s the appointment link), with Pliable as the provider – those are Pliable’s founders Nicole Warner and Tara Biller, both West Seattleites, above with the mayor. We asked them if they’re planning to add days of operation now that so many people are eligible for boosters; they said that’s up to the city and they hadn’t heard of anything yet. (P.S. The mayor had another unrelated West Seattle stop after that – that story later- and if you missed our coverage of her education-themed visit yesterday, that story’s here)

SATURDAY EVENING POP-UP KID CLINIC: Also at Neighborhood House High Point, but operated separately, a pop-up clinic is planned 5 pm-6:30 pm Saturday for 5-to-11-year-olds, with a second-dose follow-up clinic in three weeks. Here’s the announcement from Public Health Seattle-King County:

West Seattle COVID-19 Pop-Up Clinic
Ages 5 to <12 years old only Pediatric Pfizer available for this clinic FDA Pediatric Pfizer (5 to <12) Fact Sheet

Neighborhood House High Point
6400 Sylvan Way SW

Saturday November 20th
5 PM-630 PM

SIGN UP HERE FOR DOSE 1: prepmod.doh.wa.gov//appointment/en/reg/4012174969

Saturday, December 11th
5 PM-630 PM

AND…SIGN UP HERE for DOSE 2: https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov//appointment/en/reg/7946704129

Again, the clinic for kids tomorrow night is separate from the daytime city-run clinic, so be sure to use the unique link above if you’re interested in that one.

VACCINATIONS: Extra appointments available for 5-to-11-year-olds at city’s West Seattle clinic this Friday, Saturday, too.

We reported yesterday on extra appointment availabilities at this Saturday’s Madison Middle School clinic for local Seattle Public Schools students ages 5 to 11 whose parents want them vaccinated against COVID-19. Tonight, we just got word from the city that extra appointments are available for all children in that range this Friday and Saturday (November 19-20) at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW). Go here to make an appointment. Side note, Mayor Durkan is expected to visit the clinic tomorrow afternoon to commemorate its success – more than 4,000 doses administered to children and adults since opening October 29th, though it’s open just two days a week.

UPDATE: Rescue response at 34th/Morgan

1:01 PM: A Seattle Fire “rope rescue” response has been sent to the Stewart Manor apartment building at 34th/Morgan, for a report of a “person hanging out of a window.” Police have been at the building for the past few hours, for what we’re told was a “domestic dispute,” but we’re not sure yet if the incidents are related.

1:03 PM: The person has reportedly been brought back inside the apartment by officers. (Content warning: Photo here sent by Gay, shows officer hanging onto person.) Medics are evaluating.

1:11 PM: Dispatch has been told that one officer was injured as well. (added) We talked to medics at the scene; they say the officer’s injuries were very minor. The person who was rescued will be taken to Harborview.

ADDED WEDNESDAY: Here’s the SPD summary of what happened:

At 1246 hours, an individual involved in an earlier incident was causing a disturbance and removed to a friend’s apartment. As soon as they got into the apartment the individual attempted to jump out of a plate glass window that was on the fourth floor of the building. Officers were notified and responded. As they entered, they noticed the subject hanging out of the window with his friend barely holding on to him. Officers responded to assist and grabbed him to prevent him from falling. They held on for over 10 minutes while waiting for Seattle Fire to arrive. Officers attempted to get him to comply but were unable to. Once SFD arrived they devised a plan to pull him back into the apartment. Shortly after, they were able to pull him back into the apartment but not before he shattered a plate glass window. Medics arrived and gave the individual in crisis a narcotic to calm him down. He was then able to be strapped to a gurney and transported to the hospital. Several officers were injured due to the falling glass, however; no officers needed hospitalization.

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle-based Pliable gearing up to run city’s new vaccination hub in High Point – and looking to add vaccinators

(WSB photos/video)

Nicole Warner and Tara Biller are the West Seattle nurse practitioners who started the mobile health-care service Pliable as a pandemic ‘pivot” in their careers. And now their company is on board as the vaccination providers for the city’s new clinic at Neighborhood House High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW). We first reported on Monday that the city had chosen this location for the West Seattle clinic it’s been promising for a month, and today Mayor Jenny Durkan led a media briefing there. Here’s our video:

The mayor was joined by City Councilmember Lisa Herbold and Neighborhood House executive director Janice Deguchi, as well as by the Pliable co-founders. Here are the basics: The clinic will be open 11 am-7 pm Fridays and 8:30 am-4:30 pm Saturdays for starters, beginning this week (but skipping some dates such as the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving). They have capacity up to 800 vaccinations a day – you can make an appointment if you want a guaranteed time, but they will accept walk-ups too. They’ll have all three vaccines, with separate rooms in Neighborhood House (this is indoors) for each one – first shots, second shots, or boosters – what you get is what you request. (Yes, they’ll do mix-match boosters if that’s what you request.) If you want to make an appointment, you can do it through the city website.

They’re also prepared to scale up once vaccinations are approved for younger kids – they’ll have a separate pediatric area at the clinic. Warner noted that if you’ve been to one of their pop-ups, you know they try to make it a “fun” atmosphere. They say they’re excited to help “fill in the gaps” in the local vaccination-access system.

Pliable also tells us they’re adding to the team of vaccinators – “We are looking for medical professionals (retired medical professionals are also great) to help vaccinate.” This is paid-hourly work (if someone would rather do it on a volunteer basis, they’re open to that). Here’s the flyer; the link to sign up for shifts is here.

P.S. Here’s how to get to the new clinic location – including free rides.

Little one in the family? Neighborhood House offers free early-learning programs

October 19, 2021 9:00 am
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 |   High Point | West Seattle news

From Neighborhood House:

Neighborhood House has spaces for FREE early learning programs for families, from pregnant women through children age 5. This includes in-person programs at our High Point Center in West Seattle. We offer preschool, toddler classes, and home visiting.

Available to families living in Central Seattle, South Seattle, West Seattle, Burien, and Tukwila.

To enroll, visit bit.ly/FreeEarlyLearning or call 206-209-7563 or 206-403-7544.

That link has information on eligibility and answers other questions you might have before enrollment. Here’s a flyer, too.

VACCINATION: Booster clinic in High Point on Saturday

Thanks to Cindi for the tip. The mobile clinic Pliable will be at Neighborhood House High Point this Saturday (October 2nd) for a Pfizer booster clinic (refresher: here’s who can get boosters now). 8 am-noon, 6400 Sylvan Way SW, indoors. If you’re eligible for a booster, sign up for an appointment here.

REOPENED: Programming returns to High Point Community Center

Seattle Parks and Recreation community centers continue the process of gradually reopening for programs and services. High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW) wants you to know it’s ready to welcome your participation again, HPCC’s Paula Pablo emailed to say they’re offering a variety of options, including:

Adult Tae Kwon Do
Dance classes for ages 2-6
Senior classes
Winter Activity Camps
Drop-In Basketball

Best way to find out more is to call 206-684-7422.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Bridge Park break-in suspect charged

Last night we reported on the arrest of a man suspected of breaking into apartments at the Bridge Park senior-living complex in High Point early Saturday while the residents were home. Today, the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged 35-year-old Abdulrizak I. Yusuf — a convicted sex offender – with two counts of residential burglary. The charging documents say Yusuf has an extensive criminal history listed as including:

… convictions for Theft 3rd Degree (2013, 2015, 2019), Theft (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018), Crim Trespass 2nd Degree (2014, 2015), Residential Burglary (2014), Att Residential Burglary/Indecent Exposure with Sexual Motivation (2017), Theft 1st Degree (2017), Theft 1st Degree/Att Robbery 2nd Degree (2017), Crim Trespass 1st Degree (2019), Vehicle Prowling 2nd Degree (2019), Assault 4th Degree/False Statement/Theft 3rd Degree (2019), and Voyeurism 1st Degree (2019).

The voyeurism conviction, actually in 2020, put him in the sex-offender database, from which we obtained the photo at right; he is listed as having failed to register. In the new burglary case, the charging documents say Yusuf broke glass to get into one apartment where a husband and wife were sleeping. She screamed at him to leave; her husband escorted him out the front door into the hallway. There, police say, Yusuf tried doors and found one unlocked, entering that apartment. When police arrived and knocked on that door, the resident – a woman who uses a wheelchair – yelled through it, “There’s a strange man in my apartment! Get him out, please!” They forced their way into the door, which the suspect had locked behind himself, and took him into custody. No injuries were reported. Yusuf remains in jail, bail set at $25,000. The jail register indicates he had been held for investigation of burglary just last week, arrested September 13th and released two days later; the jail roster format changed recently so it’s not clear why he was released, but we’ll be following up.

VACCINATION: West Seattle pop-ups tonight, Friday

August 31, 2021 4:08 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | High Point | Highland Park

If you or someone in your family is looking for outdoor public vaccination clinics – here are two in West Seattle this week. As previously mentioned, a vaccination pop-up is planned during tonight’s Created Commons event at Westcrest Park (9000 8th SW, north of the P-Patch), 6-8 pm. And Neighborhood House High Point Center (6400 Sylvan Way SW) is hosting a clinic 4-6 pm Friday (September 3rd) in the parking lot behind the building. Both are offering Pfizer, which means people 12+ can get vaccinated. No appointment needed for either clinic.

FALL FITNESS: Outdoor classes for Lifelong Recreation at Seattle Parks community centers

August 30, 2021 9:24 am
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 |   Delridge | High Point | West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

Seattle Parks is offering outdoor fitness classes at local community centers this fall, includng its Lifelong Recreation program for peopl 50+. Here are three they’re spotlighting; each class title is linked to a page with online registration and more information:

Gentle Yoga at High Point: 9/13-10/18, 10 am Mondays

Stretch and move with awareness, correct alignment and a focus on breath to increase strength and stamina, improve flexibility, and develop better balance, posture, poise, and peace of mind.

Fitness at Delridge: 9/8-10/20, 10:30 am Wednesdays

Build total body muscle strength using fitness bands, free weights and floor work. Improve balance, flexibility and agility. The instructor is a professional dance and fitness instructor and performer. Please bring weights to class

Thriller Dance at Delridge: 9/9-10/21, 11:30 am Thursdays

Learn the “Thrill the World” version of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” dance. During this session you will learn all the steps and practice the entire dance (no dance experience necessary). If there is interest, the instructor will provide quick tips on Zombie makeup, character and costumes. All participants will receive a dance script so that you can practice at home. After this class you’ll be prepared to join in on the next Thriller flash mob or be the hit at your next party! The instructor is a professional dance and fitness instructor, performer, and has taught and performed Thriller since 2008.

You can also register by phone at 206-684-5177. Classes will be moved indoors if the weather’s bad.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Highline Premier FC’s ‘Fill the Goal’ food drive

August 14, 2021 5:13 pm
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 |   High Point | How to help | West Seattle news

Still time to get over to Walt Hundley Playfield and add food donations to help Highline Premier FC “Fill the Goal”! It’s the soccer organization’s annual food drive and field day, with drills and games for kids:

The playfield is in High Point at 34th/Myrtle, and the event is on until 6.

Library lockers launching soon at High Point branch

Thanks to Thomas for the photo! The High Point branch of the Seattle Public Library is one of two SPL locations about to offer 24/7 lockers (Rainier Beach is the other). SPL says the lockers are still in “testing” mode, so they haven’t been announced yet. Once they officially open (awaiting word of the date), you’ll be able to choose them as a pickup option for your “hold” item(s), and you’ll be notified when the item(s) are available for pickup. Once that happens, you’ll have 72 hours to make your pickup.

DEVELOPMENT: 34 residential units planned for High Point church site

From today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin, a longstanding proposal for the High Point site of True Living Church has reached the official application stage, three years after the first preliminary “site plan” was filed. The project with an official address of 2900 SW Myrtle [map] is described as “17, 3-story, single-family dwelling units with attached accessory dwelling units. Parking for 34 vehicles proposed.” Much of the site is open space now; project documents include these notes from a meeting with city planners:

…The site is 115793 SF+/- and includes (Environmental Critical Area) Steep Slope Areas and Salmon Watershed. The arborist has also identified numerous exceptional trees and groves present on the property.

It is proposed to proceed with a Clustered Housing Planned Development Administrative Conditional Use Process by eliminating any development within the steep slope area and buffer. It is also proposed to retain exceptional trees and groves.

The notice explains how to comment; deadline is August 4th.

SUMMER: Loop the ‘Lupe returns, with your best registration deal through Friday

July 7, 2021 3:10 pm
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 |   Fun stuff to do | High Point | West Seattle news

Call this a summer of transition – some annual events returning this year, some not. Among those that are – Loop the ‘Lupe! Sign up through this Friday night and you’ll get the lowest registration prices. Here’s the announcement:

Loop the ‘Lupe, the only obstacle course race you’ll find in Seattle city limits, is back with in-person racing on August 29, 2021! With Washington state fully open, “The Loop” is an event for the entire family. “Outdoor events like this are just what the doctor ordered this summer when it comes to fun, safe, and healthy recreation,” says race organizer Brian Callanan. “Our race will be a breath of fresh air for anyone looking for a challenging course that’s family-friendly, too!”

Loop the ‘Lupe features seven exciting obstacles on a distance- certified 1K “loop” at Walt Hundley Playfield in West Seattle, which includes an agility course, a wall climb, a mud pit, and more. Participants finish five loops for the full 5K Obstacle Course race. A one-loop Youth Dash with obstacles is available for kids 8 and under (with adult supervision), and a no-obstacle 5K Run/Walk course has been provided for runners and walkers, too. For older participants (age 65+), Loop the ‘Lupe also features the “Senior Saunter,” a 100% flat, timed walk that is one of the most popular senior-focused races in Seattle. Loop the ‘Lupe will also have live music provided by the students of West Seattle School of Rock. Plus, participants can enjoy food, drinks, and a beer garden (age 21+) for additional purchase.

Proceeds raised from the event go toward the costs of social outreach work at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, which operates a safe parking lot for homeless neighbors, coordinates voter registration and racial justice education, holds an annual Day of Service benefitting various organizations in the region, and much more. Through their partnership with the St. Vincent de Paul Conference, OLG supports food distribution and assistance for rent and utilities for low-income families. “We’re reaching out to help everyone in our community, regardless of their faith background,” says Parish Administrator Michelle Scheving. “Payments for rent assistance funding alone have jumped 71% in the past year, so we’re grateful for all our participants coming to the Loop, having a good time, and supporting a good cause.”

Sign up through Friday night at loopthelupe.com to get the best prices – they go up Saturday!