West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
Here’s our weekly update on local pandemic numbers and notes:
KING COUNTY CUMULATIVE NUMBERS (through Friday, since they’re not updated on weekends):
*176.448 cases – 1,900 more than one week ago (6,250 total in West Seattle, up 80)
*8,883 hospitalizations – 55 more than one week ago (259 total from West Seattle, down 1 [data adjustment])
*2,125 people have died – 25 more than one week ago (76 total in West Seattle, up 1)
(As of three weeks ago, King County started making stats available for ages 5+, so we switched to that stat:)
79.9% of King County residents 5+ have completed their vaccine series – up 1.7% from one week ago
By West Seattle zip code – note that these numbers are still NOT available as 5+, so they reflect 12+:
98106 – 87.4%
98116 – 90.4%
98126 – 82.5%
98136 – 91.9%
98146 – 82.5%
(Find more COVID-related King County stats here)
Boosters – As of Thursday, our state recommends them for everyone 16 and up.
No kid shots at city’s WS clinic – The city dropped the West Seattle provider that could handle all ages, and is looking for someone who can handle pediatric shots – until then, no kids at the Friday/Saturday clinic.
The UW Medicine testing service in the Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex parking lot (2801 SW Thistle) continues to operate; you can make an appointment here. Meantime, the Curative testing kiosk at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1222 Harbor SW) is also still operating, as is a Curative location at Summit Atlas (35th/Roxbury). In addition, both West Seattle Walgreens stores are offering drive-up testing (35th/Morgan and 16th/Roxbury) – more info here.
Four months after we first reported that Addy’s Pet Shop was on the way to 11th/Henderson, it’s about to open. We stopped by as proprietor David Leischner worked to get everything set up this weekend.
When we spoke with him in August, he had hoped to open the shop in October, but as often happens with new businesses, things took longer than planned, including dealing with the city (if only there was a checklist for new businesses, he laments). But now everything is just about ready to go, and the shop will open Tuesday (December 14th), not too late to get in some holiday shopping (that’s an Advent calendar for dogs he’s holding in our photo above). And Addy’s is stocked with a wide variety of food – chilled/frozen, too.
Mostly for dogs and cats, although Leischner added some chicken feed at a friend’s request. Lots of non-edible merchandise, too, from dog jackets to cat towers:
Getting the store set up has involved a lot more than stocking it – heating, lighting, flooring – and then there are the routines to get used to – like answering the phone with the business name rather than “hello”!
Addy’s (named for the family pup) is just blocks from Westcrest Park, home to West Seattle’s only off-leash park, so he’s had lots of visitors peering in – “nonstop dogs,” in particular – and has been heartened to see “the neighborhood cheering me on.” Addy’s Pet Shop will be open Tuesdays through Sundays, 10 am-7 pm, starting this week. (Online shopping will be available soon too – the shop’s website isn’t live yet.)
As we continue featuring a West Seattle light display every night, tonight’s photos are from Lina in High Point, who tells us, “Our block is back in action this year! SW Holly between Sylvan and 31st Ave SW. Happy holidays!” (Here’s a map.)
Big thanks to everyone who’s sent tips and photos so far! Every place we’ve shown is archived here and listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide. If you have a suggestion, with or without photo(s), please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
The return of the West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) Christmas Light Run brought out dozens of runners defying the rain tonight. Not a competition – just a few-miles-long fun run to admire decorated homes. First, a group photo:
WSR’s Lori McConnell and Tim McConnell skipped it last year because of the pandemic but like many West Seattle holiday traditions, this one – which dates back to 2009! – returned for 2021.
If you missed it – here’s the route, courtesy of WSR.
P.S. If you’re already pondering the new year’s fitness goals, WSR is again presenting its free Get Fit West Seattle couch-to-half-marathon program starting in January. And you can find out more at an info night this Wednesday (December 15th), 7 pm at the shop (2743 California SW).
Just hearing about this via SPD dispatch – a large pothole is reported on Sylvan Way just past Home Depot. The dispatcher told officers it’s caused “multiple flat tires” and apparently one vehicle is now stuck/stalled. According to the dispatcher, “SDOT has been notified.” Police are looking into blocking it off in the meantime, but you might consider another east-west route for now.
You’re invited to hear on Tuesday (December 14th) from two of the people who will soon take office after winning November elections. The West Seattle Chamber of Commerce is hosting an online “meet and greet” with City Councilmember-elect Sara Nelson (left) and Port Commissioner-elect Hamdi Mohamed (right), noon-1 pm Tuesday, and it’s open to all, free. Nelson was elected to citywide Position 9, succeeding Lorena González, who opted to run for mayor instead; Mohamed was elected to Position 3, unseating incumbent Stephanie Bowman. They are both just a few weeks from taking office. If you’re interested in watching/participating in Tuesday’s event, the registration link is on the Chamber’s website.
2:37 PM: When we reported three weeks ago on opening day for Trees By The Sea (2530 Alki SW), they expected to be open through next weekend – but things have gone so well, they sent word they’re ending the season early:
Today is our last day. We had a fantastic season and are close to selling out. We will be there all today and then we are done. We are so thankful to the West Seattle community for coming down and supporting us all of these years and thank everyone for our best season yet! See you all next year!
-Daniel, Tiffany, and Torsten
Trees By The Sea
Shipwreck Apiaries
Scheduled closing time is 8 pm, while the trees last! Other local tree sellers are listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide.
4:24 PM: Tiffany tells us they’ll only be there “until 5:30 or 6,” so if you’re thinking of going, hurry!
From Amie:
Someone stashed a pair of shoes, some yard tools and fishing supplies: cooler, snips, and filet knife at our garbage enclosure. Our location is the Gatewood area.
If you are missing any items like that – maybe from a vehicle prowl or garage/yard theft? – contact us and we’ll connect you.
Tracie emailed this report about what happened last night to her husband Steve – who is recovering from what she described as a “random violent attack at 26th/Yancy” [map]:
I am sick over what happened near Youngstown. (The victim was) my husband, who some know and some may not … most who are out walking their pets, or out having a smoke/vape, have seen him around with his fedora. He was attacked (Saturday) night around 7:40 pm by a person with a hatchet of some sort. The person hit him on the head. 14 staples. I used to feel safe and now I am going to worry every time he walks out the door. If you saw anything, please let us know. It is an open case with SPD.
We asked Tracie if her husband had mentioned any descriptive information about the attacker: “It happened so fast, my husband did no get much of a description. Tall, 6 ft, and black was all he was able to get.” If you have a tip for police, the case number is 21-327273.
(Photo by Jim Borrow)
Here’s our list of what’s up on the peninsula today, from our West Seattle Holiday Guide and year-round Event Calendar:
(updated) DONATIONS FOR FARMING COMMUNITIES: New dropoff donation drive at C&P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 10 am-2 pm today or the rest of the month. Our calendar listing shows the food and household items that are needed, (5612 California SW)
SCAVENGER HUNT: Last day to get in on the Winter Wander holiday scavenger hunt (prize/gift-card drawings!) – here’s how.
VACCINATIONS: 8:30 am-4:30 pm clinic at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW), hosted by Pliable. Update from our original story on this – everyone is welcome to walk-up, both adults and kids.
CHURCHES: Most are both streaming and holding in-person services. We’ve compiled this week’s links for 20+ West Seattle churches’ services.
HOLIDAY PHOTOS: Gail Ann Photography is at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9141 California SW) 8:30 am-2 pm for holiday photo sessions – book a time here.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Along with food – Christmas trees! Shop 10 am-2 pm on California between Oregon and Alaska. Scroll down the page at this link to find the vendor list and map for this week. (The market is a WSB sponsor.)
HOLIDAY ART MARKET ON ALKI: 11 am-4 pm at Alki Bathhouse (60th SW/Alki SW), shop the Makers’ Holiday Art Market. Our calendar listing has the list of vendors.
SANTA PHOTOS: Today, find Santa at Tram’s Salon (4110 California SW), 11 am-2 pm.
BUY BOOKS, SUPPORT STUDENTS: Last day for Alki Co-op Preschool‘s benefit book fair at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW) – mention the school when you make your purchase.
HIGHLAND PARK PTA COMMUNITY HOLIDAY PARTY: Free cocoa bar for kids, drink specials for adults, more – noon-4 pm at Drunky Two Shoes (9655 16th SW, White Center).
‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Third weekend concludes for the ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) musical, matinee at 3 pm. Tickets are available online. (4711 California SW)
‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE’ RADIO PLAY: Twelfth Night Productions‘ holiday show at Kenyon Hall (7904 35th SW) continues with a 7:30 pm performance tonight. Our calendar listing has more info, including ticketing.
CHRISTMAS LIGHT RUN: The annual tradition starts at 4:30 pm from West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) – info here. “Leisurely 2-to-3-mile run,” all welcome; bring a food donation for West Seattle Food Bank if you can.
CLOSING DAY: Today is the announced last day of operation for Taqueria Guaymas (4719 California SW).
Got something for our Holiday Guide and/or year-round Event Calendar? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!