VACCINATIONS: Here’s when NOT to show up at Neighborhood House High Point seeking them – plus, Sunday update

1:57 PM: From Neighborhood House High Point, a reminder that COVID-19 vaccine clinics are only open there on certain days of the week:

We have had many community members come to Neighborhood House seeking COVID vaccines on days when the clinic is not happening. So, for the sake of clarity and saving people an extra trip:

Seattle Fire Department is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Neighborhood House on Fridays from 11:00 am – 7:00 pm and Saturdays from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm through the end of December.

Pliable is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics at Neighborhood House on Sundays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm through the end of December. Appointments are encouraged for Sundays.

So for now, do NOT show up at Neighborhood House (6400 Sylvan Way SW) Mondays through Thursdays. Also note that until further notice, as previously reported here, the Friday-Saturday clinics are not serving pediatric patients, but the Sunday clinics are (by appointment). For other vaccination locations, check the Vaccine Locator website.

4:34 PM: Regarding the Sunday clinics, Pliable tells us now EVERYONE can show up on a walk-up basis – including pediatric patients – plus, the 16- and 17-year-olds now authorized for Pfizer boosters.

15 Replies to "VACCINATIONS: Here's when NOT to show up at Neighborhood House High Point seeking them - plus, Sunday update"

  • DC December 9, 2021 (2:38 pm)

    It looks like there are no available appointments for the Friday/Saturday clinics. Do they allocate any for walk-ups? Are there no appointments for the whole of December, or do they only book  one week at a time? 

  • waikikigirl December 9, 2021 (3:59 pm)

    REALLY no appts available and I just got my mind set to go get my booster after getting terribly sick from my 2nd does!?

    • WSB December 9, 2021 (4:09 pm)

      They’ve said adults can walk-up for boosters, but the pediatric shots (Sundays only so far) require appointments.

      • waikikigirl December 9, 2021 (8:03 pm)

        @WSB thank you…now I guess I’m going to have to go thru with the booster since I mentioned it to everyone in WS! LOL! even though I got so sick from the 2nd dose…fingers crossed this time will be better.

        • Auntie December 9, 2021 (9:04 pm)

          The second dose made me unwell, also. But the booster had no effect whatsover. Go for it!

          • waikikigirl December 10, 2021 (7:44 am)

            I will, thanks Auntie for the encouragement!

          • Booster December 10, 2021 (9:40 am)

            I had the complete opposite experience – no symptoms at all from my second shot, but 102 temp and body aches and chills like the worst flu ever from the booster last Sunday.  It was also a delayed reaction, I felt fine until ~18 hours after the shot and then it hit me all of the sudden and lasted ~15 hours.

    • David December 9, 2021 (6:43 pm)

      Looks like there is still space for the Sunday clinic . I made a reservation for last Sunday and was done in less than 15 minutes. Since I was getting a booster of the same vaccine that I got for my first two shots, they didn’t even make me stay for the after shot observation.

  • Razzy December 9, 2021 (4:39 pm)

    I still haven’t received a single email or text or call from the City telling me not to show up tomorrow for my child’s already scheduled 2nd dose. Especially when they made us sign up for both doses at the same time.  The lack of communication is frustrating. Luckily thanks to WSB I scheduled her to get it on Sunday with Pliable, but it isn’t like the City doesn’t have all of my contact information to inform us not to show up. 

  • Melissa December 9, 2021 (5:17 pm)

    There are still lots of spots left through Pliable (at least there were three hours ago), although none left through the city.

    • WSB December 9, 2021 (6:01 pm)

      And if you didn’t see the update, Pliable has since told us all walk-ups are welcome. That includes the newly authorized 16- and 17-year-olds for boosters. Again, these are the SUNDAY clinics only.

  • Raoul December 10, 2021 (2:49 pm)

    Walkins welcome for SFD shots- bring your card so they can add a sticker to it, otherwise you will have two cards like me :) no wait, 20 min in and out.

  • Need a booster December 19, 2021 (11:12 am)

    Any way to find out (yes, have tried) if the term “through the end of December” includes 12/24-26? Thanks!  

    • WSB December 19, 2021 (12:15 pm)

      These are what they announced, But I’ll be checking on Pliable’s future plans.

  • bolo December 20, 2021 (2:46 pm)

    City vaccination website shows

    “West Seattle Vaccination Clinic – Closed until January 7, 2022

    Location: Neighborhood House, 6400 Sylvan Way SW Seattle, WA 98126
    Hours of Operation: resumes operations January 7, 2022”

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