West Seattle Art Walk 363 results

VIDEO: West Seattle Art Walk, September edition

6:22 PM: Evening sunshine is making this a great night to get out on the West Seattle Art Walk!

Our first stop, the West Seattle Art Tour preview at NOR Design and Construction (5953 California SW). Above is Carolyn Autenrieth, one of the artists who’ll be hosting a studio stop on the September 21 tour (#6); below, milliner Izzie Lewis, who will be participating in another stop with her hats:

Other artists we met included Linda Voelker:

And Daniel Bernunzio:

The space at NOR is full of artists and samples of their work, plus snacks, so stop by tonight and find out more about the Art Tour! We’re on our way to other spots – this post on the Art Walk website has shortcuts to the venue list and map for tonight. More to come!

6:47 PM: You still have another hour to go see one, two, or even all three of tonight’s Art of Music mini-concerts. We just stopped in at Great American Diner & Bar (4752 California SW, venue change) to listen to the Toujaise Flute Duo:

Jennie Goldberg and Jaime Cornutt comprise the duo (perhaps you’ve seen/heard them during “Flutes in the Forest” concerts at Schmitz Preserve Park). They’re playing until 7:45 pm, as are Trevor Ras at Welcome Road Winery (3804 California SW) and McPage & Powell at Pine Lake Cellars (5405 California SW). Art receptions elsewhere along The Walk are continuing until at least 8. P.S. Bonus music in The Junction – Johnny Nails in-store at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW) starting at 7!

ADDED: We’ve added two more artist photos above from our visit to the Art Tour preview. Later, while in The Junction, we also visited Jet City Labs, hosting Robin Jordan, who is this quarter’s featured Art Walk poster artist:

You can see her poster here. Set your calendar for next month’s Art Walk – October 10! (And the West Seattle Art Tour, a week from Saturday, on September 21.)

Scenes from August 2024’s West Seattle Art Walk

August 8, 2024 6:40 pm
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6:40 PM: Second Thursdays bring the West Seattle Art Walk, and it’s happening right now! We stopped first at West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), featuring two artists tonight – Mike Henderson (profiled here recently) and Charlie Harries. They collaborated on work including what you see in our top photo.

Charlie is celebrating his birthday (there’s cake!) and Mike showed us his newly published children’s book “Rocks: What Are They Doing?”.

He’ll be leading a puppet-making workshop at WSR on upcoming Thursdays (starting August 15), 4-7 pm, culminating in a puppet show at the August 24th Admiral Funktion street party! Mike and Charlie are at WSR until 8 tonight. More to come – check out tonight’s featured artists and venues here!

6:59 PM: That’s some of the work of artist Matthew D Hoover, at West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) tonight; he says his work often depicts places he’s been, from Eastern Washington to Tuscany and beyond.

He works in oil and acrylic, primarily. WSG is also one of the three Art of Music venues:

Joshua Dennis is scheduled to play until 7:45, same end time for Larry Murante at Beveridge Place Pub in Morgan Junction and Fae Wiedenhoeft at John L. Scott in The Junction.

VIDEO: Music, dancing, more in The Junction during July’s West Seattle Art Walk and Summer Fest Eve 2024

6:16 PM: In the heart of The Junction, the streets are closed and you can truly Walk All Ways, in more areas than usual … it’s Summer Fest Eve, with setup starting for the Friday-Saturday-Sunday festival.

Some signage is hinting at what’s ahead, such as reusable cups, plates, etc., for all festival vendors this year (as previewed here):

As usual, Summer Fest Eve coincides with the July West Seattle Art Walk. That’s happening all over the peninsula, but Junction venues are in an extra spotlight because of Summer Fest Eve. Among tonight’s artists, Bonnie Katz Sailors is showing her work at Fitness Together-West Seattle (4546 California SW, upstairs; WSB sponsor), the studio she used to own:

Preview other artists with shows/receptions tonight by going here. Most Art Walk events are happening at least until 8 pm; here in The Junction, one big event is the “flash mob” DancePowered practice at California/Alaska around 7 pm. The Art of Music – three venues around West Seattle with mini-concerts – has a Junction show at Verity CU (4505 California SW) with Birch Pereira and the Gin Joints until 7:45 pm.

6:46 PM: Artist Billy Kincaid is in the house at West Seattle Windermere (4526 California SW):

7:15 PM: No sign of dancers … Summer Fest Eve does evolve sometimes! The Dip has started their set in Easy Street, though.

UPDATE: 8 pm dancing, we’ve just learned!

9:07 PM: Adding video now that we’re back at HQ. First – the DancePowered megamedley:

Here’s another angle of the first 3 1/2 minutes. DancePowered’s leader Jennifer Cepeda is in the beanie:

As an encore, the dancers brought bystanders into the circle to dance – we even spotted one with a pup:

You can see the official performance at noon Saturday during the second day of West Seattle Summer Fest. The festival runs 1-8 pm Friday (music and beer garden until ~11), 10 am-8 pm Saturday (music and beer garden until ~11), 10 am-5 pm Sunday. We’ll be joining the Info Booth crew for the 15th year; say hi if you’re in the Walk All Ways vicinity!

COUNTDOWN: 1 week until West Seattle Summer Fest Eve!

July 4, 2024 9:31 pm
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One week from tonight, you’ll want to be in The Junction for West Seattle Summer Fest Eve – traditionally a chance to wander the streets the night before the huge three-day festival brings in the crowds. This year, West Seattle Junction Association events director Stacie Woods says the street closures are expected to kick in earlier, so there’ll be more setting up and less loading in during the evening. As usual, Summer Fest Eve will coincide with July’s West Seattle Art Walk, which includes venues all over the peninsula, but The Junction is the neighborhood with the most – In addition to festival setup, you’ll get to enjoy art and music. This month’s Art of Music act in The Junction, 6-7:45 pm on Summer Fest Eve, will be Birch Pereira & The Gin Joints, performing at Verity (4505 California SW). Some of the local venues who add temporary sidewalk cafés for the festival get them going early, so plan on dinner when you come. You’ll see some bonus fun too, like Jennifer Cepeda‘s Dance Powered group practicing for their Saturday “flash mob”-style performance. (See video of what they did last year in our Summer Fest Eve 2023 report.)

VIDEO: West Seattle Art Walk night for June 2024!

June 13, 2024 6:19 pm
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6:19 PM: The June West Seattle Art Walk is happening right now, all over the peninsula! Here’s the map/list of this month’s participants, with detailed previews here, and this month’s Art of Music lineup – three free mini-concerts 6 pm-7:45 pm – here. Our first stop of the night, West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) in North Admiral:

Bri High is the featured artist – she works in acrylic on canvas. Also at WSG, Lora Radford with her Wild at Heart pop-up:

She’s selling a variety of slip-cast-concrete items – functional art. A bit further south at 2237 California SW, Hawthorne Massage and Self-Care is featuring multimedia artist Cat Brooks:

To Cat’s left is a digital painting titled “Lilies from the Market” – created, Cat says, with tech tools “while I was sitting on the couch!” We’re off next to The Junction. Most Art Walk receptions – including the ones we’ve stopped at so far – are on till 8 pm, though some run later.

7:02 PM: We stopped at Great American Diner & Bar (4752 California SW) for a bit of Dublin Abbey‘s music:

They and the other two Art of Music performers are scheduled to keep playing until 7:45 pm.

P.S. The next Art Walk is the biggest one of the year – the West Seattle Summer Fest Eve Art Walk, where streets in The Junction are closed for festival setup and hosting special events including sidewalk cafés and entertainment. That’s on Thursday, July 11 – set that night aside! And speaking of Summer Fest …

… any time you’re in The Junction, walk through “Mural Alley” (the cut-through on the west side of California between Alaska and Edmunds) and revisit the ocean murals created during past festivals by community members working with artist Stacey Sterling!

PREVIEW: Six highlights for Thursday night’s West Seattle Art Walk

June 12, 2024 11:45 am
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Tomorrow night (Thursday, June 13) brings this month’s West Seattle Art Walk, with exhibits, artist receptions, food/drink specials, and music around the peninsula! Here’s this month’s venue list:

From this month’s detailed preview, six of the many reasons to go explore:

THE ART OF MUSIC X 3: Again this month, the Art Walk is for your ears as well as your eyes. Three free mini-concerts are set for 6-7:45 pm – north to south, Paul Gerard at Soprano’s Antico in Admiral (2348 California SW), Dublin Abbey at Great American Diner and Bar in The Junction (4752 California SW), and Alex Baird at Whisky West in Morgan Junction (6451 California SW). Find out more about them here.

QUILTS: Artists show in many media during each Art Walk, but it’s not often you’ll see quilts! Local quilter/artist/entrepreneur Julia Douthwaite Viglione will bring hers to John L. Scott in The Junction (4445 California SW), where oil painter Stephanie Scott will also be featured, 5-8 pm reception.

SEA LIFE: Love what lives in our waters? Painter Debbie Bianchi shows her work at CAPERS Home (4511 California SW), during a “5 pm until late” reception.

CITY LIFE: That’s the theme of the four-artist show at Alki Arts in north Morgan Junction (6030 California SW), which you can check out during their 5-8 pm reception on Art Walk night..

ABSTRACT AFAR, REALISTIC UP CLOSE: Do a double-take to get the full scope of BethAnn Lawson‘s work during her reception at Canna West Seattle, 5-8 pm (5435 California SW; WSB sponsor).

WILD AT HEART: Still seeking Father’s Day gift(s)? Lora Radford‘s pop-up offers stoneware including business-card holders and bowls. Find her – plus painter Bri High and musician Steve Thiele – at West Seattle Grounds in North Admiral (2141 California SW).

See you out on the Art Walk! (WSB is a co-sponsor.)

VIDEO: West Seattle Art Walk, May edition, with Muse Fest musical performances

May 9, 2024 6:07 pm
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6:07 PM: The May 2024 West Seattle Art Walk is happening right now at more than three dozen venues from North Admiral to Morgan Junction!

Our first stop tonight is West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW), where Clara Boline is tonight’s featured artist:

Her show, “Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari,” is described on the Art Walk website as:

This show depicts orchids with various permanent changes made to them. The series of work is meant to call out the strength and resilience of femininity and the harmful comments women receive when making permanent changes to their own bodies. The title of the show refers to a comment the artist has actually received; “Why would she get that tattoo? It’s like slapping a bumper sticker on a Ferrari!”

She’s at WSG until 8 pm. Now that it’s past 6 pm, we’re off to check out some of the 11 performances comprising Muse Fest: The Power of Women’s Voices until 7:45 pm. More coverage to come! (WSB is an Art Walk co-sponsor.)

6:30 PM: CAPERS in The Junction (4511 California SW) is featuring artists from the West Seattle Garden Tour poster contest, including winner Pam Lustig:

6:52 PM: At the Discovery Shop – a nonprofit that raises money for the American Cancer Society – volunteer Ann McClary is tonight’s artist:

She’s donating proceeds from sales of her watercolors.

7:34 PM: Thanks to Jason Grotelueschen for this clip of Sue Quigley‘s Muse Fest appearance at Beveridge Place Pub:

Sue co-coordinated the Muse Fest lineup. She had to cut her set short, so Sheryl Wiser moved over from Whisky West next door:

Co-coordinator for Muse Fest with Quigley was John Redenbaugh, who arranges Art of Music performances for many Art Walks through the year. Art Walk is second Thursday, every month, so that means the next one is June 13!

PREVIEW: 11 Muse Fest performances highlight May’s West Seattle Art Walk

May 8, 2024 11:34 am
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As you plan how to enjoy the clear, warm weather in the days and nights ahead, one more big event not to miss – Thursday night’s West Seattle Art Walk, featuring 11 musical performances comprising this year’s Muse Fest: The Power of Women’s Voices music festival! Here’s the lineup:

As noted on the poster, the performances are concurrent, 6-7:45 pm, at venues from North Admiral to Morgan Junction. Muse Fest is part of The Art of Music, coordinated by John Redenbaugh, providing live music during many Art Walk nights each year; Sue Quigley is co-producing tomorrow night’s event (and performing too!). You can find more information about the artists by going here.

Meantime, dozens of venues are part of the Art Walk itself, showing art and/or hosting artist receptions and/or offering food/beverage specials. Here’s the spring list:

The Art Walk’s “official” hours are 5 pm to 8 pm, but artist receptions may start/end at different types – each venue sets its own hours – so scroll through the May previews here to see who you’ll find, where, and when.

UPDATE: Seen on spring’s first West Seattle Art Walk

April 11, 2024 6:09 pm
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6:09 PM: We’re out visiting a few of the three-dozen-plus venues participating in tonight’s West Seattle Art Walk:

First stop, ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), where, until 7 pm, you can meet artist Audineh Asaf, whose work is on display in the gallery through May 13. Her work features “a blend of materials and techniques including collage, acrylic transfer, embossment, sewing, and digital art.”

7 PM: Robert Kinsey is exhibiting, as is Emily Criswell, at Kingtide Ink (4222 SW Walker) until 8 pm:

(It’s Kingtide’s Art Walk debut!) … B Line Dot is at West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW):

Also in Admiral, you’ll find Autumn Tranquilino at West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) until 9 pm:

And at Hawthorne Massage and Self-Care (2237 California SW) – the artist whose work is featured on this quarter’s Art Walk poster, Aude Arutunian:

Though we spent most of our time in Admiral tonight, you’ll find displays in neighborhoods from Alki to Morgan Junction – see the previews (including venues offering food and beverage specials) here!

40+ places to see art on one night: First West Seattle Art Walk of spring!

April 10, 2024 11:59 am
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Tomorrow night (Thursday, April 11), you can wander the peninsula, enjoying art and food/drink specials, during the first West Seattle Art Walk of spring 2024! Here’s the list of 40+ spring venues:

The Art Walk’s “official” hours are 5 pm to 8 pm, but artist receptions may start/end at different types, depending on what the venue decides, so browse the April previews here to see who you’ll find, where, and when. Spotlights include:

*West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) hosting artist Autumn Tranquilino 5-9 pm.

*Rush Hour (4517 California SW) hosting artist David Amaya 5-8 pm.

*ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) hosting artist Audineh Asaf 5:30-7 pm.

*Canna West Seattle (5435 California SW; WSB sponsor) with artist Sarah Hie in the house and selling prints 5-8 pm. (21+ only)

*Jet City Labs (4547 California SW) hosts multiple artists/vendors during its Jet City Cauldron pop-up shop, 5-9 pm on Art Walk night.

Those are just a few of the dozens of participating venues! The second Thursday of every month is a chance to explore local businesses as well as to meet local artists, so set aside some time to enjoy the evening.

(WSB is a community co-sponsor for the Art Walk.)

West Seattle Art Walk, all around the peninsula! Our 3 stops

March 14, 2024 5:44 pm
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5:44 PM: Until 8 tonight – and beyond, at some venues – the West Seattle Art Walk is on!

That’s Rance Holiman, showing his paintings tonight at West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), our first stop of the night.

6:40 PM: Second stop of the night – Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor), hosting painter Michael A. Knutson:

See his new work, “lone portraits of common natural creatures set to vast backdrops.” Also while at the winery – tasting fees are waived on Art Walk night!

7:20 PM: Continuing south, it’s a group show tonight at Alki Arts (6030 California SW; WSB sponsor):

Above, that’s Rob Roy Chalmers; below, Reeve Washburn:

If you don’t get out tonight, many of the venues (and definitely Alki Arts!) show art all month … find out about tonight’s displays by going here!

West Seattle Art Walk features St. Patrick’s Day-themed scavenger hunt Thursday

This week brings the monthly second Thursday West Seattle Art Walk – this time with a bonus – a St. Patrick’s Day-themed scavenger hunt! You’ll be able to participate 5-8 pm Thursday (March 14). You’ll be asked to complete tasks and upload photos for a prize pot that’s still growing, including:

Canvas tote and t-shirt from Jet City Labs 
A piece of art from Space Gallery
A pair of wine glasses from Compass
Gift card for Northwest Art and Frame
Gift card for Talarico’s 
Dessert at Camp West
Gift certificate for Hawthorne Massage and Self-Care
Gift card for The Nook
Wine from Welcome Road Winery 
Gift card from Easy Street 
Greeting cards from Lars Gesing Art
Larry Halverson Clay mug from Alki Arts
Wine from Viscon Cellars 
Gift card for West Seattle Salon 
Gift card for Beveridge Place Pub
A bottle of Tendrills Red Wine blend from Pine Lake Cellars 
Wine from Windermere RE
Gift card for Matador 
Gift card for Sopranos Antico Pizza

Here’s the link to the page with the clues, where you’ll submit your photos once you’ve solved them on Thursday night! (And go here for even more reasons to enjoy Thursday night’s Art Walk.)

Scenes from February 2024 West Seattle Art Walk!

February 8, 2024 5:44 pm
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5:44 PM: For the next few hours, it’s all about art, all over the peninsula, during the monthly West Seattle Art Walk!

Our first stop is Alki Arts (6030 California SW; WSB sponsor), hosting a “reunion show” tonight, with proprietor Diane Venti (at right in our photo) featuring “10 of the artists that we had when we first started out 14 years ago on Alki Beach at our first gallery space!” With her above, from left, are three of those artists – Brooke Borcherding, Karen Dedrickson, and Joanne Shellan. Tonight’s reception is scheduled until 8 pm.

6:40 PM: Heading north, we stopped to say hi to photographer Jamie Kinney (above), who has often shared photos on WSB – he’s at Windermere West Seattle (4526 California SW) tonight. From there, we continued north to The Admiral District, where West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting artist Splicy:

Visitors are collaborating with her on a community collage:

More to come; see the full list of venues – including times, addresses, featured artists, plus restaurants/bars with food/drink specials – by going here.

8:54 PM: Our final two stops were in The Junction – Alex Guyon is showing his work at Rush Hour (4517 California SW):

And last but not least – Brent Amaker and The Rodeo‘s show at Easy Street Records, celebrating their new album Philaphobia:

Next month’s West Seattle Art Walk will be on March 14.

THURSDAY: Seven suggestions for this month’s West Seattle Art Walk

February 7, 2024 1:51 pm
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That’s the official poster for the winter West Seattle Art Walk events – with art by Suzanne Uschold, one of the artists you can meet tomorrow night during the February Art Walk. She’ll be at Hawthorne Massage and Self-Care in North Admiral (2237 California SW). We asked Art Walk director Mia Manzulli for some Thursday night suggestions; in South Admiral, she says, you’ll find Magdalena Cooney featured at Forever Young Aesthetics (3813 California SW). In The Junction, one of the newer businesses to join the Art Walk is Rush Hour (4517 California SW), spotlighting artist Alex Guyon “in their sweet little gallery space at the back of the store,” Mia tells us. Also in The Junction, ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) is having an artist reception for their new show, Scott Coffey‘s “Friend of Achilles.” Among the other Junction venues, as previewed here earlier this week, Easy Street Records has art and music (the latter, with West Seattle’s own Brent Amaker & The Rodeo at 7 pm). In Morgan Junction, Diane Venti is hosting a “reunion” show at Alki Arts (6030 California SW; WSB sponsor), with 10 artists from her original gallery space on Alki Beach. Nearby West Seattle Cellars (6026 California SW) is hosting artist Steffanie Lorig and tasting Portuguese wines. Those are just a few places you can stop; official Art Walk hours are 5 pm-“late,” but individual venues’ hours may vary. Be sure to check the walking map/full preview list, which also notes the venues with food/drink specials you can get by mentioning you’re there for Art Walk night.

Seen on 2024’s first West Seattle Art Walk

Still time to bundle up and get out to see art tonight!

Photographer Iris Margell is one of the West Seattle High School students showing their work tonight at West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) during the January 2024 West Seattle Art Walk. Magnus Payne is another student artist showing work there until 8 pm:

WSHS musicians are providing the soundtrack:

Toward the south end of tonight’s Art Walk (see the map/list of venues here), Alki Arts (6030 California SW) also has a reception until 8 pm:

Above, Kate Flückinger Petty; below, Brooke Borcherding:

Those are just two of dozens of places you’ll find art and/or food and drink specials on the second Thursday of every month – find highlights for each month here. (WSB is a community co-sponsor of the West Seattle Art Walk.)

VIDEO: West Seattle Art Walk, 2023 holiday edition!

5:32 PM: Hectic night for Santa Claus as the holiday edition of the West Seattle Art Walk begins. You’ll find him first at West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor). It’s one of the official stops on the Art Walk list/map:

WS Realty also is showing the work of artist Brandi Quinn, who works in mixed media/acrylic. In Admiral, two other spots are offering extras tonight – here’s the map and list of Admiral participants:

West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) is also where you’ll find Sue Quigley, one of the three musicians performing mini-concerts for The Art of Music, 6-7:30 pm, as featured here. We’re headed southbound to The Junction, where starting at 6 pm, the Silver Belles will be singing, the Better As Brass Band will be blowing their horns, and that busy Santa guy will be roaming. More coverage to come.

5:54 PM: Above is Michael Doyle, one of the artists at a Holiday Bazaar inside Easy Street Records (4559 California SW) during the Art Walk. He’s selling “fun whimsical postcards and greeting cards,” plus art prints and original painting.” Jet City Beignet also is in the house. And ESR has tunes, too – “DJs Fishlure and Mike Steve – spinning all your holiday favorites.” … A bit south, Thoa Nguyen is the featured artist at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), in the gallery until 7 pm:

Her paintings are on display at ArtsWest until January 8th.

6:30 PM: We found Santa in The Junction, stopping by VAIN West Seattle (4513 California SW):

VAIN is showcasing fragrance tonight – with The Phoenix and The Fool, as well as the Seattle Perfumers Discovery Set (among the participants in that set is WSB sponsor Filigree & Shadow). Like most of tonight’s artist-reception events, this one continues until 8 pm … At CAPERS (4511 California SW), two artists are in the spotlight tonight, including glass artist Melissa Misoda:

We’ve also caught up with the Silver Belles carolers and Better As Brass band – video of both when we get back to HQ.

8:32 PM: Here’s part of an original song that was in the Silver Belles’ repertoire tonight:

And Better As Brass is in our clip with part of a TV-show classic:

BAB is scheduled to be in The Junction again next Thursday night too, for the season’s final Shop Late Thursday.

THURSDAY: Bonus sights and sounds during West Seattle Art Walk’s holiday edition!

Santa! Carolers! Mini-concerts! And … artists! That’s all in the plan for Thursday night’s holiday edition of the West Seattle Art Walk.

From Alki to Admiral to The Junction to Morgan Junction, dozens of venues will either be featuring artists or food/drink specials, as the list above shows. Beyond that, you’ll find holiday extras – plus three mini-concerts for The Art of Music.

(WSB photo: Santa in The Junction during 2022’s holiday Art Walk)

HOLIDAY EXTRAS IN THE JUNCTION: The Silver Belles caroling, Santa Claus roaming, the Better as Brass band playing at the KeyBank corner, and Shop Late Thursday at participating stores.

HOLIDAY EXTRAS IN ADMIRAL: Hot cocoa and ornament-making at West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW), Santa Claus meet-and-greet at West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), and an ugly sweater tournament at Soiree (3278 California SW).

THE ART OF MUSIC: All three of these performances are scheduled for 6 pm-7:45 pm:

Sue Quigley at West Seattle Grounds
Rik Wright‘s Fundamental Forces at Great American Diner (4752 California SW)
Matt Cecil at Zeeks Pizza (6459 California SW)

As for the art – scroll through the preview post on the Art Walk website to see who’s showing their work – for example, if you’re going to West Seattle Grounds for the music and/or holiday extras mentioned above, you’ll see orca photos by PNW Orca Pod Squad Photography …. muralist Desmond Hansen will be at John L. Scott West Seattle (4445 California SW) … glass art by Melissa Misoda is part of what’ll be featured at CAPERS (4511 California SW) … browse and buy work by multiple artists at Jet City Labs (4547 California SW) plus gift-wrapping by Clay Cauldron (5-8 pm) … Most artist receptions will be 5-8 pm, but doublecheck with individual venues. Again, this is all happening Thursday (December 14) … see you out along the Art Walk!

WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: Open for new venues in the new year!

December 7, 2023 9:40 am
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One week from tonight, businesses around the peninsula will be open to visitors for the holiday edition of the West Seattle Art Walk. The WSAW happens year-round, on second Thursdays, and is open right now to venues who want to sign up to participate next year – showing art, featuring artist receptions, and/or offering food/drink specials to Art Walk night visitors. If you’re a West Seattle business proprietor who might be interested in participating next quarter, you can sign up for just one quarter or for the entire year. Here’s the form (which contains more details on what participation entails).

VIDEO: West Seattle Art Walk, November edition

November 9, 2023 6:22 pm
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6:22 PM: Clotho Knots is the featured artist at VAIN West Seattle (4513 California SW), our first West Seattle Art Walk stop tonight, with “abstract mixed-media collage/alcohol ink paintings,” until 8 pm. If the rain’s been keeping you home, now’s the time to head out – it’s lightened considerably, and home-grown art, music, and treats await you at many participating venues. See the list and artist info here – including the two Art of Music shows – more to come!

6:35 PM: Above, that’s Andy Officer, who’s showing his art/photography at Swan Dive (4537 California SW) tonight, also until 8 pm. Below, Leslie Jenkins is at Discovery Shop-West Seattle (4535 California SW) with watercolors:

More stops ahead!

6:57 PM: If you missed Tom Costantini – who “paints with watercolors to illustrate favorite subjects including vintage cars, homes, and furniture” – at last weekend’s Fauntleroy Fine Art Show and Gift Fair, good news, he’s at Windermere West Seattle (4526 California SW) tonight:

They’re also open for Art Walk until 8 pm.

8:29 PM: While we were out, we caught two of tonight’s musical acts, too:

That’s Caitlin Patterson – who’s also a teacher at Madison Middle School – performing at West Seattle Realty (WSB sponsor), accompanied by Marshell Lombard. They were part of The Art of Music. Below, Better As Brass performed outdoors in front of KeyBank:

Kevin Freitas from Better As Brass says they’re still seeking more percussionists – BetterAsBrass@gmail.com if you’re interested! Meantime, the extra-festive holiday Art Walk will be December 14th/

Scenes from West Seattle Art Walk, October edition

October 12, 2023 6:29 pm
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6:29 PM: The sky’s clear and it’s as good as a fall night gets for seeing art …

Florence Weintraub is one of the artists we’ve met so far tonight while visiting a few West Seattle Art Walk stops. You can meet her and see her work at the Discovery Shop (4535 California SW) until 8 pm tonight. Here’s a verse she wrote, featured on the Art Walk website:


monologue, catalogue
chronicle of the times
of my mind
landscape mind
with this earth
containing all that has ever been
my mind
our minds
vastness filled
with unexplained jewels
beyond our knowing

See the Art Walk venue list – from North Admiral to Morgan Junction – and artist spotlights here, and remember that until 7:45 pm you can catch three free Art of Music performances too!

6:47 PM: As noted in our preview, some participating venues have more than one artist. Among them, this week’s Alki Arts pop-up, curated by Diane Venti, at California/Oregon – we met some of the featured artists tonight, including Joanne Shellan:

And Debbie Bianchi:

The Alki Arts pop-up is open until 8 pm tonight for Art Walk, and then continues daily through this Sunday, 11 am-6 pm.

7:06 PM: Also participating tonight – Doris Goulet, with cards, at Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW):

Doris is no stranger to The Junction – she owned the craft store Friends and Company for a dozen-plus years until closing in 2010 – that’s the spot where Click! Design That Fits used to be, now Seattle E-bike. Her cards are made from beeswax and napkins, and she scours stores looking for the perfect napkins to use! She’s at Verity tonight until 8.

ADDED 8:56 PM: Verity also hosted one of tonight’s Art of Music performances – we recorded a bit of Lana Sparks‘ mini-concert:

West Seattle Art Walk happens on the second Thursday every month, year-round, so set your calendar for the next one, November 9th.

THURSDAY: West Seattle Art Walk, pre-Halloween version

October 11, 2023 9:38 pm
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Tomorrow night, it’s a pre-Halloween thriller – the October West Seattle Art Walk, with a freebie:

Art Walk director Mia Manzulli sent the photo and tells WSB, “Art Walk visitors on Thursday night can get a head start on their Halloween celebrations by picking up a glow stick at businesses along the way.” Here’s the list/walking map for October, with venues where you’ll find art as well as food/beverage stops which offer specials on Art Walk night:

If you’re wondering who you’ll see and what kind of art they make – some of the featured artists are spotlighted on the West Seattle Art Walk website. Several stops feature multiple artists, like the Alki Arts pop-up at California/Oregon, and Jet City Labs (4547 California SW). The peak time for artist receptions is 5 pm to 8 pm, but some venues start earlier. And as previewed here, you can enjoy music tomorrow night too – three Art of Music performers and venues with mini-concerts 6 pm to 7:45 pm, one in each Junction (Admiral, Alaska, Morgan) – details are here. (WSB is a community co-sponsor of the Art Walk – see you tomorrow night!)

TRIPLE BILL: Three mini-concerts for The Art of Music during October’s West Seattle Art Walk

October 9, 2023 5:16 pm
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 |   West Seattle Art Walk | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

Thursday night brings the first West Seattle Art Walk of fall, and with it, three mini-concerts celebrating The Art of Music. Coordinator John Redenbaugh tells us who’s performing this time:

The next free admission Art of Music performances presented by the West Seattle Junction Association are coming up on Second Thursday Art Walk evening October 12 at three locations — Lana Sparks in the Alaska Junction at Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW):

Cyd Smith in Morgan Junction at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW):

And Swing 3PO in the Admiral District at Antico Soprano’s Pizza & Pasta Restaurant (2348 California SW).

Musicians will perform from 6 pm to 7:45 pm (with one 15-minute break at the midpoint). 

We have two Supporting Sponsors for this year’s Art of Music performances: the Admiral Neighborhood Association and the Morgan Community Association. Also: Funding provided by the Neighborhood Matching Fund from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

And thanks to all that, you can watch/listen to Art of Music mini-concerts for free! The Art Walk itself will be happening that night “5 pm until late” as always – watch for that preview soon. (WSB is a longtime WSAW community co-sponsor.)

Scenes from West Seattle Art Walk, September edition

Beautiful night to go out and enjoy art, food, and drinks! The West Seattle Art Walk is on – venues, artists, and food and drink specials are all listed here. Our first stop:

Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting the work of artist Jenna Brechbeil, “showcasing a new collection of modern watercolor paintings on wood panel.” Viscon Cellars also offers a wine special for Art Walk night – tasting fees waived.

ADDED 6:12 PM: We just stopped at Doll Parts Collective (4832 California SW) and met 14-year-old crocheter Violet McKernan.

Here’s some of her work:

Violet, a Chief Sealth International High School student, just started crocheting around Thanksgiving last year and discovered she was good at it and loved doing it. If you don’t get to Doll Parts tonight, Violet’s work will be on sale there all month!

ADDED 6:33 PM: We went to The Admiral District to visit West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), where artist Jan Brown is showing her work tonight:

She told us she has paintings in multiple genres – including work inspired during the pandemic, when people asked her for paintings they could use as backdrops during Zoom meetings! West Seattle Realty has snacks, too, if you stop by tonight.

7:04 PM: Tonight’s two Art of Music performances are still under way – we went to CAPERS (4525 California SW), where you’ll find Guitar Gil:

He’s there, and Trevor Ras is at Welcome Road Winery (California/Charlestown), until 7:45 pm.

7:44 PM: Our last stop, Verity Credit Union, where the passing of the Art Walk leadership torch continues:

Last night when we introduced you to new Art Walk director Mia Manzulli (above left), we noted that she and outgoing longtime Art Walk leader Reeve Washburn (above right)would be hanging out tonight to talk with any and all community members who came by. And many did!