West Seattle, Washington
08 Saturday
Last month, thanks to a reader tip, we reported on Seattle Parks‘ plan to add pickleball stripes to three of Solstice Park‘s six tennis courts as part of resurfacing work. That didn’t go over well with tennis players. Now, Parks has changed its mind, sending this update late today (thanks to the readers who forwarded it to us):
We greatly appreciate the robust feedback received about dual striping at the Solstice Park tennis courts.
The department is pleased to announce the creation of a dedicated pickleball court at Lincoln Park, keeping the Solstice Park tennis courts intact as a dedicated tennis site with no dual striping.
In the department’s 2021-2022 Outdoor Pickleball plan, Lincoln Park had been considered for a dedicated pickleball site, but lacked sufficient funding, opening the dual-stripe proposal at Solstice. However, thanks to recent funding allocations, SPR can now create a dedicated pickleball court at Lincoln without alterations to the Solstice courts, which will allow opportunities for tennis and pickleball to occur at their respective sites.
We will make every effort to post updated information about the Lincoln Park pickleball project on this project page so that you may follow the project’s progress.
There’s nothing there yet, though, and no details of a specific location – we’ll ask Parks about that tomorrow.
If you run a business, your fellow entrepreneurs at West Seattle Coworking (9030 35th SW; WSB sponsor) have two chances ahead this month for you to get helpful info during free presentations/workshops.
SEPTEMBER 22: At noon Friday, September 22nd, West Seattle Coworking is hosting “a presentation from master librarian Jay Lyman on the vast collection of business tools available for free to Seattle Public Library patrons. Typically, many sophisticated business softwares require the purchase of expensive licenses if you access them privately. The library pays these licenses so you don’t have to. To learn which tools are available, and discuss some applications for your business’ needs, reserve one of the remaining seats here.
SEPTEMBRER 26: At noon Tuesday, September 26th, at WS Coworking, “a more interactive workshop on common-sense marketing. Choosing what marketing works for your business needs and where your time and resources are better spent can be a daunting task by itself. Join Barney Cohen (a fellow coworker and successful entrepreneur) in this interactive workshop. Bring your questions as well.” You can register here. https://westseattlecoworking.zohobackstage.com/CommonSenseApproachtoSmallBusinessMarketing
Beautiful night to go out and enjoy art, food, and drinks! The West Seattle Art Walk is on – venues, artists, and food and drink specials are all listed here. Our first stop:
Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor) is hosting the work of artist Jenna Brechbeil, “showcasing a new collection of modern watercolor paintings on wood panel.” Viscon Cellars also offers a wine special for Art Walk night – tasting fees waived.
ADDED 6:12 PM: We just stopped at Doll Parts Collective (4832 California SW) and met 14-year-old crocheter Violet McKernan.
Here’s some of her work:
Violet, a Chief Sealth International High School student, just started crocheting around Thanksgiving last year and discovered she was good at it and loved doing it. If you don’t get to Doll Parts tonight, Violet’s work will be on sale there all month!
ADDED 6:33 PM: We went to The Admiral District to visit West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor), where artist Jan Brown is showing her work tonight:
She told us she has paintings in multiple genres – including work inspired during the pandemic, when people asked her for paintings they could use as backdrops during Zoom meetings! West Seattle Realty has snacks, too, if you stop by tonight.
7:04 PM: Tonight’s two Art of Music performances are still under way – we went to CAPERS (4525 California SW), where you’ll find Guitar Gil:
He’s there, and Trevor Ras is at Welcome Road Winery (California/Charlestown), until 7:45 pm.
7:44 PM: Our last stop, Verity Credit Union, where the passing of the Art Walk leadership torch continues:
Last night when we introduced you to new Art Walk director Mia Manzulli (above left), we noted that she and outgoing longtime Art Walk leader Reeve Washburn (above right)would be hanging out tonight to talk with any and all community members who came by. And many did!
“Every mom is an athlete.” That’s the premise driving West Seattleites Jess Fleming and Karlie Causey as they release a line of “high-impact nursing & pumping sports bras” via Kickstarter, for their company Jen & Keri (which already sells other items). They explain:
Unlike traditional nursing sports bras with fasteners like clips, zippers, or velcro, Jen & Keri’s approach stands out in the world of postpartum attire with a unique focus on activewear designed specifically for the needs of moms, not just their babies.
Their design not only improves the ease of nursing & pumping pre or post activity, but also significantly improves upon the daily quality of life for active moms. … This new style of bra looks and functions like a traditional sports bra, but with the full functionality of a nursing bra. By taking an athlete-first approach in their design, this new nursing bra empowers new moms to tap into their sense of self and move with confidence during this transitional phase of life. … Jen & Keri’s bras are purpose-built to support athletic movements with novel bounce-reducing designs that provide compression without constriction, while still offering amazing breathability.
Their wide straps and waistband target maximum support for all of life’s movements, and their buttery-smooth fabric is perfect for sensitive skin. Above all else, Jen & Keri’s bras are built without any cumbersome clips, zippers, or velco, ensuring moms never have to sacrifice form over function, and enabling them to be worn long after infancy.
The founders are both former college athletes; Causey is a chiropractor and Fleming is a strength coach. They say they’re also concerned about sustainability, so their bras are made with “recycled, OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 fabric.” If you scroll down their Kickstarter page, you’ll see details of how the new bras work, what colors and sizes they’re available in, and more. (That’s also where you can support their crowdfunding campaign – the only way to get this specific line of bras right now.)
More opportunities to see and hear Seattle City Council District 1 candidates Maren Costa and Rob Saka before ballots arrive in mid-October:
FRIDAY AND BEYOND: We mentioned earlier this week that we have recorded new half-hour individual interviews with the candidates. We plan to publish them, with video and with written summaries, tomorrow (Friday) night, realizing that many may not have time until the weekend to watch half-hour interviews. Public safety was the major topic.
MONDAY: Morgan Community Association is part of a coalition sponsoring Seattle Fair Growth‘s forum for candidates from all districts, online Monday night (September 18th). The announcement says, “The questions will concern density, affordable housing, our tree canopy and how they fit in our Comprehensive Plan.” District 1, 2, 3, and 7 candidates will be questioned starting at 7 pm. The viewing link and other details can be found here.
SEPTEMBER 25: We’ll be presenting a West Seattle-focused in-person forum at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon) the night of Monday, September 25th. (Start time TBA – we’ll have logistics finalized shortly.) We’ll solicit questions from readers in the preceding week.
OCTOBER 3: Seattle CityClub and GSBA will present a District 1 debate in the Brockey Center at South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor), 7 pm on Tuesday, October 5, in-person and livestreamed. More info here, as well as a registration link which the sponsors say offers a chance to suggest a question.
OCTOBER 5: The Harbor-Alki Neighbors’ Group has announced an in-person “town hall Q&A” with the candidates at 7 pm Thursday, October 5th. The venue will be Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill).
If your organization is presenting an event with both candidates, open to the community and/or viewable via livestream, please let us know so we can add it to the list – thank you!
Two reports in West Seattle Crime Watch so far today:
TROLL VANDALIZED: Thanks for the tips, and to Tom Trulin for the photo. 20 days after the completion of Bruun Idun the troll sculpture in Lincoln Park, someone has vandalized her with spray paint. Per our policy, we are not showing it in its entirety; basically it’s black spray paint in an outline of shorts. The sculpture was privately funded, built with the help of local volunteers as well as artist Thomas Dambo and his crew, but it’s on Seattle Parks land, so we asked about their vandalism-response plan for the troll, and just got this response: “We’ll be cleaning off graffiti today. And we plan to address any [other] vandalism as it comes.” 3:47 PM: Tom just sent a new photo – the troll’s been cleaned:
My daughter’s car and two others were vandalized at the West Seattle High School parking lot last night. Sometime between 4:00 and 9:00 p.m. The girls’ volleyball team was at an away game and when they came back there were three cars that had windows broken out and windshields vandalized. All three cars were different makes and models and were not parked next to each other. Ours was a Hyundai but had The Club – thanks to the Seattle Police – so at least it didn’t get stolen! We’ve all filed police reports and are checking to see if there is video footage (from the school).
11:54 AM: Earlier this week, we wrote about the longrunning leak that’s left the street chronically wet at California/Edmunds, and Seattle Public Utilities‘ response suggesting our inquiry was the first they’d heard of it. Multiple readers, however, said they’d reported it to the city weeks and months ago. While we awaited a response to our followup inquiry, another commenter pointed out that no-parking signs were placed nearby for work tonight – and today, SPU’s Sabrina Register confirms that:
Thank you for bringing this leak to our attention, and to the customers who reported it to our Operations Response Center (ORC: 206-386-1800), the best route to report flooding and ponding issues and sewer backups. Our crews respond to roughly 800-1,000 potential water leaks alone in any given year, so we appreciate customers helping us find leaks across the City.
The ORC did receive reports of this leak, and we apologize to those customers who felt like their reports were ignored. With the exception of significant, emergency repairs, we perform the work in a more planned and coordinated manner, which can take some time to get the required permits and approvals.
The leak is scheduled to be repaired this evening (September 14), pending coordination with affected businesses in the vicinity. On these types of planned repairs, we work with local businesses in advance because their water service is often shut off for a temporary, multi-hour period, and we can sometimes get the work done in the off-hours or middle of the night to limit those impacts.
So if you see SPU crews at work there tonight, that’s what’s going on. (So far, the SPU water map – which has a list of emergency and scheduled outages – does not include this work.)
ADDED THURSDAY EVENING: While we were in The Junction for the West Seattle Art Walk, we noted the work had begun:
The northbound lanes were blocked but two-way traffic was continuing via a temporary repurposing of a southbound lane.
The monthly West Seattle Art Walk, featuring two Art of Music mini-concerts, tops the Thursday list. Here’s the venue map/list for this month:
To see which artists are featured, and who’s having receptions, go here. Hours vary by venue but generally start as early as 5 pm and continue as late as 9 pm. … As noted in our story last night, new Art Walk director Mia Manzulli and outgoing coordinator Reeve Washburn will be at Verity Credit Union (4505 California SW) 5-8 pm for a meet-and-greet … The Art of Music features Trevor Ras at Welcome Road Winery (California/Charlestown) and Guitar Gil at CAPERS, both performing 6-7:45 pm – details here.
Here’s what else is happening today/tonight, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
HISPANIC PRIDE MONTH: Observe it with a special presentation, “The Art of Rebellion: Social Justice and Chicana/Chicano Visual Arts,” featuring West Seattle artist and gallery owner Jake Prendez at the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon), 11 am. Free admission.
DROP-IN ASSISTANCE: Neighborhood House has resources to help with a variety of things – noon-1:30 pm today, drop in to talk about utilities. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
WEST SEATTLE UKULELE PLAYERS: All levels welcome to this weekly 1 pm gathering. Email westseattleukuleleplayerswsup@gmail.com to find out where they’re playing today.
SOCCER: One high-school girls’ soccer home game today, at 4 pm – West Seattle HS hosts Lincoln at Walt Hundley Playfield (34th/Myrtle).
THURSDAY FOOD-TRUCK POP-UP: 4-8 pm at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW), Impeckable Chicken will be visiting.
HIGHLAND PARK RUN CLUB: Also at HP Corner Store, meet up at 6:30 pm for a 3-mile run!
EXTRA WATER TAXI RUNS: If you’re going to see Beyoncé at Lumen Field – travel by water!
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet at The Good Society (California/Lander) at 6 pm for a 3-mile run – more in our calendar listing.
WORDS, WRITERS, SOUTHWEST STORIES: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society presents Richard Middleton-Kaplan talking online about human-rights activism, 6 pm. Our calendar listing has the registration link.
BLUES NIGHT: 7 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), every Thursday you can listen to the blues.
THURSDAY NIGHT CORNHOLE: Go play at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW), 7 pm.
OPEN MIC: 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), all genres welcome.
‘MATT & BEN’: Week 2 begins at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7:30 pm. Check for tickets here.
Look ahead any time with our calendar!
Starting Friday, there’s a new place for little ones and caregivers to play indoors – Arbor Heights Community Church is reopening its “Stay ‘n’ Play” indoor gym for ages 5 and under. It’ll be open for drop-ins (but not dropoffs) 10 am to 11:30 am on Fridays. The area is set up with toys and indoor play equipment, and there’s no charge. The church is at 4113 SW 102nd.
6:01 AM: Good morning! It’s Thursday, September 14th.
Mostly sunny, high in the low 70s. Sunrise today is at 6:45 am; sunset, 7:23 pm.
Metro – Regular schedule; check advisories here.
Water Taxi – Extra West Seattle/downtown runs tonight because of Beyoncé‘s concert – as announced here – otherwise, regular schedule.
Washington State Ferries – 2-boat service on the Triangle Route. Check alerts for changes, and use Vessel Watch to see where your ferry is.
Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Henderson), cameras are also at Delridge/Genesee, Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Orchard, and Delridge/Oregon.
High Bridge – the main camera:
High Bridge – the view from its southwest end (when SDOT points the 35th/Avalon/Fauntleroy camera that way):
Low-bridge cam:
1st Ave. S. Bridge – alternate route across the river:
Highway 99: – northbound side at Lander.
MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: See all working traffic cams citywide here, most with video options; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.
BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges Twitter/X feed shows whether the city’s movable bridges are opening for vessel traffic.
If you see trouble on the bridges/streets/paths/bay, please text or call us (when you can do it safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities). Thank you!