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FOLLOWUP: SDOT says Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project is officially complete

(SDOT photos)

After two and a half months of intermittent work by night and day, SDOT has announced this morning that the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project – on the West Seattle Bridge extension between Highway 99 and I-5 – is officially complete.

SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson summarizes, “Between July and October 2024, we repaired all of the damaged pavement on the deck’s surface, which was prone to potholes and ‘alligator skin’ cracking. Crews repaved the bridge deck with a synthetic polyester concrete to help ensure it remains in good condition over time. We also made drainage improvements and bridge deck repairs on the westbound lanes.” The project cost $7.5 million, much of that covered by grants, including federal money on which we reported in 2022. Most of the work was on the older eastbound side of the SSV.

ROAD-WORK ALERT: Westbound Spokane Street Viaduct lane closure tonight

We’ve been mentioning that SDOT says “a bit” of work remains to be done for the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project (the SSV is the extension of the West Seattle Bridge between Highway 99 and I-5). SDOT told us late today that some of that work will be done overnight tonight, so one lane closure is planned, the inside left westbound lane, 8 pm to 6 am.

TRAFFIC REMINDER: Spokane Street Viaduct ‘weekend closure’ ended mega-early, again; SDOT says project has ‘bit more work’

(Traffic-cam screenshot from late this afternoon)

5:09 PM: If you missed the update in our daily event list – just a reminder, the Spokane Street Viaduct (extension of West Seattle Bridge between 99 and I-5) is wide open. The originally announced “full weekend eastbound closure” ended mega-early, as did the planned westbound closure last weekend, after just some overnight work Friday night to Saturday morning. As one reader notes, the eastbound side is freshly striped, so this could be an indication the resurfacing project is nearing its end; we hope to get an update from SDOT on Monday.

8:01 PM: We got this reply tonight from SDOT spokesperson Ethan Bergerson:

There’s a bit more work to do [on the project overall], but if the weather allows it then the crews will try to minimize closures during the daytime if possible. The announced closure schedule was based on how long it has previously taken to complete work on this project and also took into account uncertainty in the weather forecast on both weekends. Fortunately, the crews have become quite efficient at this stage in the project and good weather allowed us to get more work done than expected on the Friday night of both weekends.

ROAD WORK: This week’s Spokane Street Viaduct plan; Admiral Bridge update

Updates on two major ongoing road-work projects:

THIS WEEK’S SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT PLAN: The resurfacing project continues. No work tonight, Tuesday night, or Wednesday night, SDOT says. Then:

Thursday Night (September 26)

EB Left Lanes Closure – 7:00 pm to 6:00 am
1st Ave S Off-Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off-Ramp Open
Eastbound bridge to Northbound SR-99 Ramp Open

Friday Night to Monday Morning (September 27-30)

Eastbound Full Lanes Closure – 7:00 pm to 5:00 am
1st Ave S Off-Ramp Closed
4th Ave S Off-Ramp Closed
Eastbound bridge to Northbound SR-99 Ramp Open

As for last weekend’s confusion over the SSV’s status, SDOT says they’d confirmed with the contractor Friday afternoon that work was planned all weekend – but “The contractor wrapped up their work on the westbound lanes earlier than expected.” (So much earlier that readers reported all lanes open by 9 am Saturday.)

ADMIRAL WAY BRIDGE: The next stage of the seismic-strengthening project will switch both lanes of traffic to the north side of the bridge, and SDOT says that is expected “on the week of October 18,” exact changeover date to be set when it’s a lot closer. Fairmount Avenue beneath the bridge remains fully closed until the project is complete, likely early next year/

TRAFFIC ALERT: Spokane Street Viaduct plan for this weekend changes

(Screenshot from traffic camera, looking westward over Spokane Street Viaduct)

ORIGINAL REPORT, 4:55 PM FRIDAY: Even though the low bridge HAS reopened to all traffic, SDOT says there WILL be a change in the previously announced plan for lane closures on the Spokane Street Viaduct (the extension of the West Seattle Bridge between 99 and I-5) this weekend, as the resurfacing project continues. Here’s the new plan:

Friday Night Through Monday – 09/20/24 to 09/23/24
WB Full Lane Closures – 10:00 pm Friday to 5:00 am Monday

Here’s what that means, for that time period:

WB S Spokane St Viaduct – Closed from I-5 Interchange to SR 99.
S Columbian Way Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open.
NB I-5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open.
SB I-5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to S Columbian Way will remain open.
1st Ave S Off-Ramp – Closed (from WB SSV).
1st Ave S On-Ramp – Closed (to WB SSV).
Port of Seattle Terminals 5-18/Harbor Island/11th Ave SW Off-Ramp – Closed.

EB S Spokane Street Viaduct – All Lanes Open

No estimate yet of how much longer the project will last, but we keep asking.

11:32 AM SATURDAY: Though readers mentioned the I-5 ramps were closed early today, others have since pointed out that right now, there are NO lane closures. We’re trying to reach SDOT to find out what the plan is for the rest of the weekend.

4:23 PM SATURDAY: SDOT has tweeted that the work zone is “clear,” so it appears that means no more closures this weekend.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: Here’s the closure plan for this week and next weekend (updated)

(Screenshot from SDOT camera looking west)

If you use the Spokane Street Viaduct – the extension of the West Seattle Bridge between State Route 99 and I-5 – you might be wondering about this week’s plan for closures related to the resurfacing project. We just obtained it from project spokesperson Dr. Matthew Howard:

Monday Night – 09/16/2024

EB Left Lanes Closure – 7:00pm to 6:00am
1st Ave S Off Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off Ramp Open

Tuesday Night – 09/17/2024

EB Right Lanes Closure – 7:00pm to 6:00am
1st Ave S Off Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off Ramp Open

Wednesday Night – 09/18/2024

EB Left Lanes Closure – 7:00pm to 6:00am
1st Ave S Off Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off Ramp Open

(updated) Thursday Night – 09/19/2024

EB Right Lanes Closure – 7:00pm to 6:00am
1st Ave S Off Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off Ramp Open

Friday Night Through Monday – 09/20/24 to 09/23/24

WB Full Lane Closures –10:00pm Friday to 4:00pm Saturday

WB S Spokane St Viaduct – Closed from I-5 Interchange to SR 99.
S Columbian Way Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open.
NB I5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open.
SB I5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to S Columbian Way will remain open.
1st Ave S Off-Ramp – Closed.
1st Ave S On-Ramp – Closed.
Port of Seattle Terminals 5-18/Harbor Island/11th Ave SW Off-Ramp – Closed.
EB S Spokane Street Viaduct – All Lanes Open

EB Left Lanes Closure – 4:30pm Saturday to 6:00pm Saturday

1st Ave Off Ramp Open
4th Ave Off Ramp Closed
EB to NB SR-99 Ramp OPEN.

EB Full Closure – 6:00pm Saturday to 5:00am Monday

1st Ave Off Ramp Closed
4th Ave Off Ramp Closed
EB to NB SR-99 Ramp OPEN

Meantime, we’re awaiting an update on the low bridge – closed to drivers since Saturday night because of crash damage – and will publish that separately when we get it.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: This week, closures switch to westbound side (afternoon update, big changes)

ORIGINAL MORNING REPORT: The schedule is out for this week’s planned closures in connection with the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project. Big change – this time the closures are on the westbound side, scheduled to be fully closed each night from tonight through Thursday night:

NEW PLAN, 4:08 PM – Project spokesperson Dr. Matthew Howard says what’s below REPLACES the “full westbound closures” announced earlier today:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday nights – 09/09/24 through 09/12/24

WB Double Left Lane Closure – 8:00 pm to 7:00am
1st Ave S Off-Ramp – Open.
1st Ave S On-Ramp – Closed.
Port of Seattle Terminals 5-18/Harbor Island/11th Ave SW Off-Ramp – Open.
EB S Spokane Street Viaduct – All Lanes Open

Friday Night Through Monday Morning– 09/13/24 – 09/16/24

No Closures

Again, the above is the NEW plan as of late Monday afternoon and REPLACES the full westbound closures announced earlier today.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Spokane Street Viaduct reopens early

Thanks for the tip! The live traffic camera verifies that the Spokane Street Viaduct eastbound-and-partial-westbound closure has ended early, and all lanes are open again, in both directions. (The closure had been announced as planned for the entire weekend.)

UPDATE: Avocado spill on Spokane Street Viaduct

1:12 PM: Thanks to the reader who texted, “A truck just dumped boxes and boxes of avocados on Spokane Street (Viaduct) where the huge construction bumps are.” SDOT confirms it, though the camera is zoomed in so close, we don’t know (yet) which direction.

1:19 PM: SDOT says it’s on the eastbound side, and says a response team is on the way to clean this up. Also awaiting info on how it happened, etc.

3:32 PM: Added that photo from our original texter. Not a huge spill.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: Here’s this week’s closure plan

Just in from SDOT, this week’s plan for Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing-project lane closures, barring a change in the forecast:


EB Left Lanes Closure
1st Ave S Off-Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off-Ramp Open


EB Full Closure
EB Off-Ramp to NB SR-99 OPEN.
1st Ave Off-Ramp Open
4th Ave Off-Ramp Closed

WB Inside Left Lane Closure
NB I-5 Off-Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct Closed
Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: No closures scheduled until after Labor Day

As promised, we checked in with Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project spokesperson Dr. Matthew Howard to see about this week’s closure schedule. Short answer: No closures. Long version:

I’ve confirmed with the project team that no work will be going on this week or weekend (August 26 – September 2, 2024). … The reason we aren’t performing work is due to small chances of rain in the forecast for today and tomorrow. We can’t chance the moisture getting into the overlay or ground-down viaduct at the moment, especially after such a wet weekend. The deck would need to dry for 24 hours with dry weather before we’d be able to confidently perform work. After that, the holiday travel restrictions for Labor Day weekend for WSDOT make it not worthwhile to get back out there, lest we not be as productive with the work. I’ll have an updated schedule for next week by end of this week, hopefully.

We’re also still awaiting an update sometime soon on overall progress and timeline update. It’s been four weeks since the project’s first lane closures; at that time, the work was expected to continue into early October, but the August rain has gotten in the way of some planned closures.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: Rainy forecast cancels weekend work again

August 22, 2024 11:55 am
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New work schedule for the rest of the week, according to SDOT‘s Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project team. The two eastbound left lanes will close overnight tonight as planned, but no weekend work, per project spokesperson Dr. Matthew Howard: “We will NOT be performing any work on the bridge after tonight due to rain in the forecast. So Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night, there will be no lane closures and people can use the Viaduct at will.” A rainy forecast – borne out with half an inch of rain – canceled last weekend’s closure plan too.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: Here’s the closure plan for this week and next weekend

The Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project – on the West Seattle Bridge extension between Highway 99 and I-5 – continues, and SDOT has provided this week’s closure schedule, starting tonight, and including another full-weekend closure:

Monday Night – 08/19/24
WB Full Lane Closures – 11:00 pm to 5:00 am

WB S Spokane St Viaduct – Closed from I-5 Interchange to SR 99.
S Columbian Way Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open.
NB I5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open.
SB I5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed. Ramp to S Columbian Way will remain open.
1st Ave S Off-Ramp – Closed.
1st Ave S On-Ramp – Closed.
Port of Seattle Terminals 5-18/Harbor Island/11th Ave SW Off-Ramp – Closed.
EB S Spokane Street Viaduct – All Lanes Open

Tuesday Night – 08/20/24
No Closures

Wednesday Night – 7 pm-6 am 08/21/24, Thursday Night – 7 pm-6 am 08/22/24, & Friday Night -7:00 pm-10:00 pm
EB Left Lanes Closure

1st Ave S Off Ramp Open
4th Ave S Off Ramp Open

Weekend – EB Full Closure – 10:00 pm Friday to 5:00 am Monday

1st Ave Off Ramp Open
4th Ave Off Ramp Closed
EB to NB SR-99 Ramp Open

Weekend – WB Single Left Lane Closure – 10:00 pm Friday to 5:00 am Monday

NB I5 Off Ramp to WB Spokane Viaduct – Closed
Ramp to Lower Spokane St will remain open

We asked project spokesperson Dr. Matthew Howard about a progress report; so far, he says, the work’s gone well, but last weekend’s weather may have set the schedule back a bit; he expects to find out more at a meeting Tuesday.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: No closure this weekend

(Traffic-camera image of work last Sunday afternoon, looking west)

Update from SDOT: Since rain is in the forecast this weekend, the contractor for the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project will not be able to work. That means no closures tonight through Monday morning – the bridge between 99 and I-5 will be fully open both ways. Meantime, we’re awaiting next week’s closure schedule, and will add that when available.

SPOKANE STREET VIADUCT: See this week’s closure schedule as resurfacing project continues

(SDOT traffic-cam view of work zone, looking west toward West Seattle Bridge, on Sunday)

As noted in our morning traffic roundup, we asked SDOT for this week’s schedule of which lanes will be closed and when, as the Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project continues. Here’s what they’ve provided – with the caveat that it’s always possible there’ll be a last-minute change:

7 PM, Aug 12 (Mon Night, tonight) to 6 AM, Aug 13
Eastbound Left Lanes closed
Eastbound ramp to SR 99 open – 1st Ave & 4th Ave ramps open

7 PM, Aug 13 (Tue Night) to 6 AM, Aug 14
Eastbound Left Lanes closed
Eastbound ramp to SR 99 open – 1st Ave & 4th Ave ramps open

7 PM, Aug 14 (Wed Night) to 6 AM, Aug 15
Eastbound Left Lanes closed
Eastbound ramp to SR 99 open – 1st Ave & 4th Ave ramps open

7 PM, Aug 15 (Thur Night) to 6 AM, Aug 16
Eastbound Left Lanes closed
Eastbound ramp to SR 99 open – 1st Ave & 4th Ave ramps open

7 PM-10 PM, Fri Aug 16
Eastbound Two Left Lanes closed
Eastbound ramp to SR 99 open – 1st Ave & 4th Ave ramps open

10 PM, Aug 16 (Fri Night) to 5 AM, Aug 19 (next Monday_
All Eastbound Lanes closed
Westbound Single Left Lane closed
1st Ave ramp open – 4th Ave ramp open
Eastbound ramp to SR 99 open
Northbound 1-5 off ramp to westbound Spokane Viaduct closed; ramp to Lower Spokane Street remains open

This week’s schedule is also now on the project website.

TRAFFIC, ROAD WORK, WEATHER, TRANSIT: Friday notes + weekend preview, including eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct closure

6:00 AM: Good morning! It’s Friday, August 9.


Until 9 tonight, we’re still under a Heat Advisory. Meantime, the forecast is for sun, mid-80s, with smoky haze. Today’s sunrise was at 5:58 am, while sunset will be at 8:30 pm.


Water Taxi todayRegular schedule for both routes. That includes later runs for the West Seattle route.

Metro buses today – Regular schedules; check for advisories here.

Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, and the unscheduled third boat may be available. Check that link before you sail.


*The Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project continues. Here’s the current closure schedule – for tonight and this weekend, it starts with two eastbound left lanes closing 7-10 pm tonight, then the entire eastbound SSV plus one westbound left lane will close from 10 pm tonight until 5 am Monday. The added westbound lane closure means that the northbound I-5 exit to the westbound West Seattle Bridge will be closed for the weekend too. (Note that the closure ended early last weekend, so we’ll be watching in case that happens again this time, and we’ll publish an update if it does.)


On Saturday, Seacrest is the start and finish for Peace Peloton‘s Summit to Sound bike ride. Riders leave in shuttles in the morning to go to the start of 80- and 50-mile routes, which end with a celebration at Seacrest.


*Here’s the latest on the East Marginal Way S. project, particularly of note for people who travel by bike between downtown and West Seattle:

WHAT: Updated detour route for people biking on East Marginal Way S

WHEN: Starting as soon as August 12 and lasting for several weeks

WHERE: People biking will be routed onto the street of E Marginal Way S in temporary protected bike lanes from S Spokane St to north of the Terminal 30 parking lot at approximately S Stacy St. At the T30 parking lot / S Stacy St, people will be routed back into the existing bike lanes and sidewalk on the west side of the street. Please note that the T30 parking lot is south of the main T30 entrance.

*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project is in progress. Fairmount Avenue is closed under the bridge for the duration of the project, at least into early 2025. Lane closures have begun on the top deck too.

*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.

*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch. Watch for no-parking zones and steel plates, plus flaggers.

SPOTLIGHT TRAFFIC CAMERAS (Some important cameras are back but some others remain out)

High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:

Low bridge: Here’s the main view:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.

If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

TRAFFIC, ROAD WORK, WEATHER, TRANSIT: Thursday info, including Spokane St. Viaduct lane closures

6:03 AM: Good morning! It’s Thursday, August 8.


Starting at noon, we’ll be under a Heat Advisory. Aside from that, the forecast is for sun, mid-80s, with haze/smoke in the afternoon/evening. Today’s sunrise was at 5:56 am, while sunset will be at 8:32 pm.

(Sunday at sunset, from Lincoln Park – photo by Tom Trulin)


Water Taxi todayRegular schedule for both routes.

Metro buses today – Regular schedules; check for advisories here.

Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, and the unscheduled third boat may be available. Check that link before you sail.


*The Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project continues. Here’s the newest closure schedule, including eastbound left lanes closing tonight 7 pm-6 am (remember that the entire eastbound direction closes again this weekend).


*Here’s the latest on the East Marginal Way S. project, particularly of note for people who travel by bike between downtown and West Seattle:

WHAT: Updated detour route for people biking on East Marginal Way S

WHEN: Starting as soon as August 12 and lasting for several weeks

WHERE: People biking will be routed onto the street of E Marginal Way S in temporary protected bike lanes from S Spokane St to north of the Terminal 30 parking lot at approximately S Stacy St. At the T30 parking lot / S Stacy St, people will be routed back into the existing bike lanes and sidewalk on the west side of the street. Please note that the T30 parking lot is south of the main T30 entrance.

*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project is in progress. Fairmount Avenue is closed under the bridge for the duration of the project, at least into early 2025. Lane closures have begun on the top deck too. But SDOT now says it will NOT have weekend closures of the entire bridge.

*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.

*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch. Watch for no-parking zones and steel plates, plus flaggers.

SPOTLIGHT TRAFFIC CAMERAS (Some important cameras are back but some others remain out)

High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:

Low bridge: Here’s the main view:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.

If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

TRAFFIC, ROAD WORK, WEATHER, TRANSIT: Wednesday info, including Spokane St. Viaduct lane closures

August 7, 2024 6:02 am
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6:02 AM: Good morning! It’s Wednesday, August 7.


Sunny, high in the upper 70s. Today’s sunrise was at 5:55 am, while sunset will be at 8:33 pm.

(Tuesday night photo by Bill Schrier)


Water Taxi today – Back to normal schedule for both routes.

Metro buses today – Regular schedules; check for advisories here.

Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, and the unscheduled third boat may be available. Check that link before you sail.


*The Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project continues. Here’s the newest closure schedule, including eastbound middle and right lanes closing tonight 7 pm-6 am (and the entire eastbound direction closes again this weekend).


*By request, an update on the East Marginal Way S. project, particularly of note for people who travel by bike between downtown and West Seattle:

WHAT: Updated detour route for people biking on East Marginal Way S

WHEN: Starting as soon as August 12 and lasting for several weeks

WHERE: People biking will be routed onto the street of E Marginal Way S in temporary protected bike lanes from S Spokane St to north of the Terminal 30 parking lot at approximately S Stacy St. At the T30 parking lot / S Stacy St, people will be routed back into the existing bike lanes and sidewalk on the west side of the street. Please note that the T30 parking lot is south of the main T30 entrance.

*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project is in progress. Fairmount Avenue is closed under the bridge for the duration of the project, at least into early 2025. Lane closures have begun on the top deck too. But SDOT now says it will NOT have weekend closures of the entire bridge.

*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.

*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch. Watch for no-parking zones and steel plates, plus flaggers.

SPOTLIGHT TRAFFIC CAMERAS (Some important cameras are back but some others remain out)

High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:

Low bridge: Here’s the main view:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.

If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

TRAFFIC, ROAD WORK, TRANSIT, WEATHER: Tuesday notes, with reduced Water Taxi service and updated Spokane St. Viaduct plan

6:01 AM: Good morning! It’s Tuesday, August 6.


Becoming sunny, high in the mid-70s. Today’s sunrise was at 5:54 am, while sunset will be at 8:35 pm.


Water Taxi today – With two boats out, Metro is planning a “hybrid” schedule today so that one boat (M/V Doc Maynard) can serve both West Seattle and Vashon Island. See that schedule here.

Metro buses – Regular schedules; check for advisories here.

Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, and the unscheduled third boat may be available. Check that link before you sail.


*The Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project continues. Here’s the newest closure schedule, including some eastbound lane closures tonight (and the entire eastbound direction closes again next weekend).


*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project is in progress. Fairmount Avenue is closed under the bridge for the duration of the project, at least into early 2025. Lane closures have begun on the top deck too. But SDOT now says it will NOT have weekend closures of the entire bridge.

*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.

*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch.


*If you’re out tonight – be mindful of side-street closures for Night Out block parties.

SPOTLIGHT TRAFFIC CAMERAS (West Seattle Bridge cameras are back but some others remain out)

High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:

Low bridge: Here’s the main view:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.

If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!

NEW SCHEDULE FOR BRIDGE WORK: Spokane Street Viaduct closures for the week ahead

(SDOT camera view, last Monday night)

SDOT has a new schedule for closures this week and next weekend because of the Spokane Street Viaduct – the West Seattle Bridge extension between 99 and I-5 – resurfacing project. They include lane closures tonight and for three nights after that but NOT a full directional closure until the weekend:

Tonight (Monday, August 5) – Eastbound middle and right lanes closed 7 pm-6 am

Tuesday night (August 6) – Eastbound middle and right lanes closed 7 pm-6 am

Wednesday night (August 7) – Eastbound middle and right lanes closed 7 pm-6 am

Thursday night (August 8) – Eastbound left lanes closed 7 pm-6 am

Friday night (August 9) – Eastbound two left lanes closed 7 pm-10 pm, then:

Friday night through Monday morning (August 9-12) – all eastbound lanes and left westbound lane closed, all weekend from 10 pm Friday to 5 am Monday

The eastbound bridge ramp to northbound 99 remains open through all these closures. Ramps east of that will be closed during these times except for 7-10 pm Friday, when the 1st and 4th Ave. exit ramps also will be open. Plus, next weekend’s closure will also include the northbound I-5 exit to the westbound West Seattle Bridge. If you lose track of this schedule at any point, we’re keeping it linked in our morning traffic roundups and weekend daily event lists, plus SDOT is updating it on the project page.

TRAFFIC ALERT UPDATE: Eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct reopens early

Though this weekend’s work was scheduled until 5 am tomorrow, a check of the live traffic cameras shows the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct (left side of the image) has reopened to traffic, so if you have to head outbound overnight, you can take the high bridge all the way to I-5. Reminder that so far, this is the schedule for the week ahead:

TUESDAY NIGHT (AUGUST 6) – one or two eastbound lanes closed, 7 pm-6 am
WEDNESDAY NIGHT (AUGUST 7) – full eastbound closure, 7 pm-6 am
THURSDAY NIGHT (AUGUST 8) – full eastbound closure, 7 pm-6 am
FRIDAY NIGHT TO MONDAY MORNING (AUGUST 9-12) – full eastbound closure, 10 pm Friday to 5 am Monday

Along with overnight weeknight closures beyond that, the weekend-closure schedule announced earlier in July (and subject to change) includes:

10 PM Friday, August 16 to 5 AM Monday, August 19: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 23 to 5 AM Monday, August 26: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 30 to 5 AM Tuesday, September 2: All westbound lanes closed.

TRAFFIC REMINDER: Eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct closed until early Monday – and next weekend, too

With the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct – the eastern extension of the West Seattle Bridge between the 99 overpass and the I-5 interchange – closed all weekend, we’ve been getting reports of big backups on the bridge itself. So we’re reminding you again, if you have to head off-peninsula, you might consider an alternate route, like the First Avenue South Bridge, which can take you to 1st or 4th (and on into SODO from there) or to Michigan and on to I-5. The closure is part of the project to resurface the eastbound SSV – here again, from our story this past Tuesday, is the closure schedule for the next week-plus:

TUESDAY NIGHT (AUGUST 6) – one or two eastbound lanes closed, 7 pm-6 am

WEDNESDAY NIGHT (AUGUST 7) – full eastbound closure, 7 pm-6 am

THURSDAY NIGHT (AUGUST 8) – full eastbound closure, 7 pm-6 am

FRIDAY NIGHT TO MONDAY MORNING (AUGUST 9-12) – full eastbound closure, 10 pm Friday to 5 am Monday

In addition to overnight weeknight closures beyond that, the weekend-closure schedule announced earlier in July (and subject to change) includes:

10 PM Friday, August 16 to 5 AM Monday, August 19: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 23 to 5 AM Monday, August 26: All eastbound lanes and one westbound lane closed.
10 PM Friday, August 30 to 5 AM Tuesday, September 2: All westbound lanes closed.

The westbound side – which is much newer than the eastbound side – is getting repairs, not full resurfacing, so that’s the reason for only one weekend closure. But keep in mind this all could change – we’re publishing updates when available as well as daily info in our weekday morning traffic roundups and weekend morning event lists.

TRAFFIC, TRANSIT, ROAD WORK, WEATHER: Friday info + weekend alerts, including eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct closure

6:01 AM: Good morning! It’s Friday, August 2.


Mostly sunny, high in the upper 80s. Today’s sunrise was at 5:49 am, while sunset will be at 8:41 pm.


*The Spokane Street Viaduct resurfacing project continues. This weekend’s closure plan: Full eastbound closure all weekend, 10 pm tonight to 5 am Monday. (EB bridge exit to NB 99 will remain open.)

*Highway 99 tunnel closure 10 pm tonight-6 am Saturday for maintenance.

*The Admiral Way Bridge seismic project is in progress. Fairmount Avenue is closed under the bridge for the duration of the project, at least into early 2025. Lane closures have begun on the top deck too. But SDOT now says it will NOT have weekend closures of the entire bridge.

*The Delridge pedestrian-bridge earthquake-safety project also continues, with narrowing at Delridge/Oregon.

*Beach Drive: Gas-pipeline work continues at spots along the southern stretch.


*Practice Seafair airshow for Blue Angels at ~3:35 pm, taking off from nearby Boeing Field.

*Mariners are at home this weekend, starting tonight at 6:40 pm vs. Philadelphia.


Metro Flex – Second week for this on-demand service in Delridge (and South Park), starting a two-year pilot. Here’s how it works.

Metro buses – Regular schedules; check for advisories here. Note that the Spokane Street Viaduct work mentioned above has required some rerouting.

Water Taxi today – Regular schedule. The real-time map will show you where the boat is. Later runs tonight since it’s Friday!

Washington State Ferries today – 2 boats on the Triangle Route, and the unscheduled third boat may be available. Check that link before you sail.

SPOTLIGHT TRAFFIC CAMERAS (West Seattle Bridge cameras are back but some others remain out)

High Bridge – Here’s the main camera:

Low bridge: Here’s the main view:

1st Avenue South Bridge:

Delridge cameras: Besides the one below (Delridge/Genesee), cameras are also at Delridge/Juneau, Delridge/Henderson, Delridge/Oregon, and video-only (so you have to go to the map), Delridge/Holden and Delridge/Thistle.

MORE TRAFFIC CAMS: All functioning traffic cams citywide are here; West Seattle and vicinity-relevant cameras are on this WSB page.

BRIDGE INFO: The @SDOTBridges feed on X (ex-Twitter) shows whether the city’s movable bridges are open for vessel traffic.

If you see a problem on the bridges/streets/paths/water, please text or call our hotline (when you can do that safely, and after you’ve reported to authorities if they’re not already on scene) – 206-293-6302. Thank you!