SDOT confirms that overnight lane closures for resurfacing work on the Spokane Street Viaduct started tonight. When dates for the work were announced last week, SDOT said the lane closures could start “as soon as” tonight, so we checked to see if it was still a go, given the wet weather. When they confirmed to us that it’s a go for tonight, a spokesperson also said they’ve changed the hours – in the original announcement, the overnight lane closures were described as “between 10 pm and 5 am,” but now they’re planned for “typically between 7 pm and 6 am.” (Per the traffic-cam screengrab above, the lane-closure work zone tonight starts just after the eastbound bridge exit to NB 99.) They may also have some “full directional closure(s) overnight” in addition to the five weekend full-directional closures, scheduled to start this weekend – closed eastbound (plus the inside westbound lane) 10 pm Friday, August 2, to 5 am Monday, August 5. The work is expected to continue until early October.
West Seattle, Washington
18 Saturday