West Seattle, Washington
18 Tuesday
As the weekend and month end, here’s our regular Sunday night check of local numbers from the Public Health – Seattle/King County COVID dashboard:
*14 percent fewer cases countywide in the past week than the week before
*Currently averaging 758 new daily cases countywide (down from 878 when we checked a week ago)
*21 percent fewer hospitalizations countywide in the past week thab the week before
*Currently averaging 16 new hospitalizations daily (down from 17 a week ago)
*16 percent fewer deaths countywide in the past two weeks than the two previous weeks (the dashboard doesn’t offer a one-week increment)
*Currently averaging 3 deaths daily (same as last week’s two-week average)
For West Seattle, we have two-week comparisons (these are the combined totals from two “health reporting areas,” labeled West Seattle and Delridge, together comprising the entire peninsula):
*662 cases between 7/11 and 7/25, down from 694 between 6/26 and 7/10
*14 hospitalizations between 7/11 and 7/25, up from 12 between 6/26 and 7/10
*No deaths between 7/11 and 7/25, down from 4 between 6/26 and 7/10
VACCINATION: Checking vaccination rates:
*81.8 percent of all King County residents have completed the initial series (up .1% from a week ago)
*86.5 percent of all King County residents ages 5 and up have completed the initial series (unchanged from a week ago)
*51.8 percent of all King County residents have had the initial series plus a booster (up .2% from a week ago)
*In West Seattle, here are the vaccination rates by ZIP code for ages 5 and up (reminder, 98106 and 98146 are not wholly within WS):
98106 – 88.8% completed initial series (unchanged from a week earlier), 55.8% have had a booster (up .1%)
98116 – 93.7% completed initial series (up .1% from a week earlier), 68% have had a booster (up .1%)
98126 – 84.5% completed initial series (up .2% from a week earlier), 58% have had a booster (up .2%)
98136 – 94.4% completed initial series (unchanged from a week earlier), 71.1% have had a booster (up .2%)
98146 – 83.7% completed initial series (unchanged from a week earlier), 50.2% have had a booster (up .2%)
VACCINE CLINICS: Seattle Public Schools has one this Saturday in West Seattle for students, families, and staff (details here) … Look for other opportunities here.
TESTING: If you want to get tested and don’t have or want to get a home kit, public testing sites include the city-supported site at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle, 9 am-5:30 pm Monday-Saturday this week) and the Curative kiosk at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1220 Harbor SW, 9 am-3 pm Monday-Friday this week). … If you need to report self-test results, that’s explained on this page.
Just in case you had any doubt – that map from the National Weather Service website is proof, the heat alert really did expire at 9 pm and closer-to-normal temperatures are on the way. This after a two-record day – the sixth consecutive day with a 90+-degree high, and the hottest recorded high for this date (95, 16 degrees over the normal high for this date). The NWS says, “A weak trough and stronger onshore flow will bring cooler weather on Monday although still slightly above normal – high in the 80s.”
South Delridge is the busiest West Seattle redevelopment area right now, and another early-stage plan is circulating a community survey. Cone Architecture sent a postal-mail notice about a 12-townhouse project in early-stage planning for 9216 20th SW (near 20th/Barton; map). Their description of the project is “two parcels (with) six 3-story rowhouses, six 3-story townhomes, surface parking, and green spaces.” Online documents indicate that one parking space per unit is proposed. This is on track to go through Streamlined Design Review rather than full Design Review, so no public Design Review Board meeting is expected, but you can get early comments in via this online survey, open through Friday (August 5th). The site has been used for single-family housing but was rezoned to Lowrise 1 during the HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability process.
(US Navy file photo of USS Lake Champlain)
One of the last big returning events of the summer is the climactic week of Seafair, from Fleet Week to the Blue Angels performances to hydroplane racing. It starts tomorrow with the Parade of Ships in Elliott Bay, passing West Seattle shores. Today the U.S. Navy announced which ships you’ll see before they dock at Pier 90 in Magnolia for tours: Guided-missile cruiser USS Lake Champlain (CG 57) from San Diego and guided-missile destroyer USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53) from Everett. The official Parade of Ships time on the downtown waterfront is 12:30 pm Monday, so they should be visible sometime in the preceding hour. As is the case most years – before the pandemic hiatus – U.S. Coast Guard and Royal Canadian Navy ships are expected to participate too. After the Parade of Ships, a USCG search-and-rescue demonstration is planned off the downtown waterfront. Meantime, Navy ship tours at Pier 90 are scheduled:
Tuesday, August 2 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday, August 3 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 4 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Friday, August 5 from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 6 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. on USS Lake Champlain; and 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on USS John Paul Jones.
For more info on tour protocols, go here.
With two days left to vote, only 17.3 percent of ballots sent out to West Seattle/South Park have been received by King County Elections. Don’t let the turnout stay anemic; take a few minutes to vote. The primary ballot is short in our area: two federal races, one statewide race, three state-legislative races. Here’s who’s on your ballot, in order of how they appear on the ballot, and with the party preference that’s listed on the ballot (incumbents are marked with asterisks):
Leah Griffin (Prefers Democratic Party)
Emily Alvarado (Prefers Democratic Party)
Jolie Lansdowne (Prefers Republican Party)
Joe Fitzgibbon* (Prefers Democratic Party)
Andrew Pilloud (Prefers Republican Party)
Tony Mitchum (States No Party Preference)
Joe Nguyen* (Prefers Democratic Party)
John Potter (Prefers Republican Party)
Amber Bennett (Prefers Independent Party)
Goodspaceguy (Prefers Republican Party)
Bob Hagglund (Prefers Republican Party)
Kurtis Engle (Prefers Union Party)
Marquez Tiggs (Prefers Democratic Party)
Tamborine Borrelli (Prefers America First (R) Party)
Steve Hobbs (Prefers Democratic Party)
Keith L. Wagoner (Prefers Republican Party)
Mark Miloscia (Prefers Republican Party)
Julie Anderson (Prefers Nonpartisan Party)
Cliff Moon (Prefers Republican Party)
Pramila Jayapal* (Prefers Democratic Party)
Jesse A James (Prefers Independent Party)
Paul Glumaz (Prefers Republican Party)
Henry Clay Dennison (Prefers Socialist Workers Party)
Mohammad Hassan Said (Prefers Democratic Party)
John Guenther (Prefers Republican Party)
Tiffany Smiley (Prefers Republican Party)
Dan Phan Doan (States No Party Preference)
Dr Pano Churchill (Prefers Democratic Party)
Dave Saulibio (Prefers JFK Republican Party)
Sam Cusmir (Prefers Democratic Party)
Bill Hirt (Prefers Republican Party)
Jon Butler (Prefers Independent Party)
Bryan Solstin (Prefers Democratic Party)
Martin D. Hash (States No Party Preference)
Patty Murray* (Prefers Democratic Party)
Thor Amundson (Prefers Independent Party)
Charlie (Chuck) Jackson (Prefers Independent Party)
Naz Paul (Prefers Independent Party)
Ravin Pierre (Prefers Democratic Party)
Leon Lawson (Prefers Trump Republican Party)
This page has links to more information about the candidates; the voters’ guide is here.
WHERE TO VOTE: You can send your ballot in via U.S. Mail, no stamp needed, as long as it’s postmarked by Tuesday, or you can put it in a King County Elections dropbox as long as it’s there by 8 pm Tuesday. Here are the West Seattle dropboxes
-South side of SW Alaska between California and 44th (top photo, with the 5-minute parking spots)
-SW Raymond by High Point Library, between 34th and 35th
–South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), 6000 16th SW (along the driveway in front of the administration building)
You might also find the White Center and South Park dropboxes convenient. All dropboxes countywide are mapped/listed here. Once you’ve voted, you can check here (wait at least a day) to see if your ballot’s been received/counted. For other voting options, go here.
P.S. Just moved here, or just turned old enough to vote (as long as you’ll be 18 by the general election on November 8th, you can vote in the primary)? You can register right up through the close of voting Tuesday night – here’s how.
We’ve had the Puget Sound Zen Center‘s weekly Fauntleroy “sits” in the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for some weeks now, but the organization wanted to explain a bit more about what they’re offering, whether you’re “Zen-curious” or have a longtime practice:
The Puget Sound Zen Center (PSZC) is offering in-person meditation on Monday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 in the Chapel, Room 402 of Fauntleroy Church [9140 California SW]. PSZC is based on Vashon but has several members who live in or near West Seattle. The introduction of Monday evening ‘sits’ makes it simple for anyone in the West Seattle area to learn about and practice Zen with a community of practitioners. Several people at a recent Monday evening sit expressed appreciation for finally having a Buddhist presence in West Seattle, saying there has been virtually none previously.
PSZC’s Abbot, Koshin Christopher Cain, trained at Mt. Baldy Zen Center for 12 years under Joshu Sasaki Roshi. He is a member of the American Zen Teachers Association. Koshin Cain and other Vashon members join in on Monday evenings as their schedules permit. The evening begins with chanting followed by two 20-25-minute periods of silent meditation interspersed with a short walking meditation. Then the group reads a short topical article taken from Buddhism-oriented publications. They read in a round-robin – no need to read ahead of time. Most Monday nights, between 7-14 people attend.
Cushions and chairs are available, but people are free to bring their own. Comfortable casual attire is recommended. As of this writing, masks are optional and there is enough room to keep socially distanced.
Some who attend have been practicing Zen or other forms of meditation for decades, but many are new to Zen.
If you are ‘Zen curious’ go along to the Fauntleroy Church on Monday nights. If you arrive 10 minutes early, PSZC members will be happy to give you some brief instructions. Or just walk on in and follow along.
PSZC offers free “Intro to Zen” classes periodically, both online and in-person. There is an upcoming Intro to Zen class at UCC/Fauntleroy Church on August 13 from 10 AM to noon. Here are a couple of talks by Abbot Koshin Cain on breathing and posture: talk 1 and talk 2. There is more information on their website. Contact Jean Spohn at westseattle@pszc.org if you have questions.
Thanks to Daystar Retirement Village (WSB sponsor) for the photo and report:
We had another centenarian-plus-one birthday this week! A longtime West Seattle resident, Ruby Jean Gessin, turned the big 1-0-1! She was sung to and greeted by Daystar staff and her niece Brenda and nephew Bruce! Was a fun mini-celebration for one of our valued Daystar family members!
(Saturday sunrise, photographed by Marc Milrod)
Mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, here’s what’s happening today:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: Here’s what SDOT has going today:
*Eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct closed until early Monday “to install signage, striping, and new bridge expansion joints, which allow the bridge to expand and contract during winter and summer months.”
*16th/Cambridge curb-bulb/curb-ramp work.
*6th Ave. S. wheel-stop installation in Georgetown, from Michigan to Lucile.
LIBRARY CLOSURES: The Southwest and West Seattle (Admiral) branches will both remain closed today because of the high temperatures.
CHURCHES WITH ONLINE SERVICES: We’re continuing to list these – see today’s list here.
FOOD DRIVE: Donate non-perishable food at Admiral Church (4320 SW Hill) today, 10 am-12:30 pm.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market is open with peak summer produce as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, prepared food, and more, California SW between Oregon and Alaska.
LINCOLN PARK WADING POOL: With sunny and hot weather continuing, the wading pool will be open in central upper Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW), noon-7 pm.
COLMAN POOL: The outdoor pool on the Lincoln Park shore (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) is back open to the public, noon-7 pm.
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum< is open on Alki, and you can visit noon-4 pm, (61st/Stevens)
ALKI POINT LIGHTHOUSE: Weekly tours are back, as reported here. First tour at 1 pm, last at 3:45; here’s how it works.
DUBSEA FISH STICKS’ FINALE: 1:05 pm game at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1320 SW 102nd):
On Sunday, July 31st the team will host its final game of the 2022 inaugural season beginning at 1:05 pm. Fan appreciation day will feature special give-aways, fun between inning promotions and the last chance for a fan to roll giant dice for a chance to win $50,000 ….
The opposing team: the Seattle Blackfins. Tickets and other info here.
‘HERE THERE BE DRAGONS’: 3 pm matinee at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) for the new one-woman musical. Tickets here.
CLASSIC NOVELS (AND MOVIES) CLUB: 3 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), info here.
SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK X 2: GreenStage presents two free plays at Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) – “Henry V” at 3 pm, “Pericles” at 7 pm.
LIVE MUSIC AT C & P COFFEE: 3-5 pm, Citizens of Earth performs at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
NEED FOOD? White Center Community Dinner Church serves a free meal (take-away available) at 5 pm Sundays at the Salvation Army Center in South Delridge (9050 16th SW).
MEDITATION AND MORE: Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Gong Bath at Solstice Park (7400 Fauntleroy Way SW) with Inner Alchemy, 7-8:30 pm.
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
SUNDAY NIGHT KARAOKE: 9 pm to 1:30 am at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
Have an event to list for our calendar? Please email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Thanks to Chris Frankovich for the beautiful dusk view, following a record-tying day – fifth consecutive day with a high past 90. If the temperature passes 90 again Sunday – as the forecast suggests it might – that’ll be a record-setting sixth day. But the Excessive Heat Warning alert is still set to expire at 9 pm Sunday, and Monday is supposed to be close to the upper-70s norm. The quest to keep cool led to a busy day at Alki Beach, as photographed by David Hutchinson:
If the forecast holds, next Thursday might not even get to 70.
10:04 PM: Seattle Fire has sent a “scenes of violence” response to the 5600 block of California SW for what the dispatcher has described as someone reported to have been “stabbed in the back with scissors.” Updates to come.
10:14 PM: The SFD response was downsized and then completely closed, indicating no serious injuries.
10:25 PM: Police are still in the area, though (but inside a building and unavailable for questions), and there’s indication a suspect may still be at large.
ADDED SUNDAY MORNING: Seattle Fire spokesperson Kristin Tinsley says their responders evaluated a ~20-year-old man who “did not want to go to the hospital.”
While awaiting marathon swimmer Alison Peterson‘s arrival at Alki Point, we got a glimpse of one of today’s other big events = the Seattle Outrigger Canoe Club‘s annual “Da Grind” races. Paddlers raced on one of two courses, four miles and 12 miles. The outriggers we saw were on the long course, which went to Blake Island and back.
One more human-powered boat-racing event is yet to come this summer off Alki – Sound Rowers’ Great Cross-Sound Race is set for August 27th.
6:56 PM: Earlier we noted orcas were off West Seattle, southbound. If you missed them then – you have another chance; Chris Frankovich just texted to say they are off Three Tree Point, headed northbound toward Seola/The Arroyos. Let us know if you see them!
7:43 PM: Kersti Muul says they’re passing Brace Point now.
This time it’s not a boat shortage but a crew shortage that has Washington State Ferries canceling runs on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route. WSF says the #1 boat will tie up after the 7:35 pm Fauntleroy-Vashon run and will remain out of service for the rest of the night, which means: “This will cancel the 8:50 p.m. from Fauntleroy to Vashon, 9:15 p.m. Vashon to Southworth and the 9:35 p.m. from Southworth to Vashon on the #2 schedule.”
Less than an hour ago, Alison Peterson completed her first marathon swim in style – arriving at Alki Point about six and a half hours after leaving Bremerton. Her husband Erik and daughters Marcella and Eloise were on the beach to welcome her.
The 10.4-mile swim between Bremerton and Alki Point is known as the Amy Hiland Swim, after the woman who was the first known swimmer to accomplish it, on August 1, 1959. The Northwest Open Water Swimming Association – many of whom swim regularly off Alki – revived it in recent years, after no one tried it in more than half a century; we reported on Erika Norris‘s success in 2016, and others followed. One year ago, in one weekend, Melissa Kegler became the first to swim it round trip, and the Silver Seals – six swimmers over 60 – did it as a relay.
(Alison Peterson in foreground, formally signaling she’s ended the swim)
NOWSA’s Amanda Winans – herself an Amy Hiland Swim veteran – told us before Peterson’s swim today that “Alison has enthusiastically supported other Alki swimmers over the years by crewing marathon swims and making delicious baked goods, and the community is excited that it’s her turn.”
Busy day in central Puget Sound – southbound orcas are off West Seattle (as are outrigger canoes and a marathon swimmer). Thanks to tipsters including Gary Jones and Kersti Muul who have sent word of the whales – Gary says they’re just south of Alki Point now, southbound. Let us know if you see them!
(WSB photo, Thursday afternoon)
In the wake of Thursday morning’s ferry crash (WSB all-day coverage here), the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run is back to two boats, but the damaged M/V Cathlamet remains out of service, likely for months. We asked WSF some followup questions Friday afternoon. Little new information was made available, but here’s what we have learned.
The U.S. Coast Guard continues leading the investigation into whether the ferry hit an offshore structure because of mechanical problems or human error, but there’s “no new news” on that, said WSF spokesperson Dana Warr. They weren’t able to tell us whether any of the crew on duty at the time have been cleared to return to work – but the captain who was at the helm of Cathlamet was definitely not back to work yet because, Warr said, the incident happened on “his ‘Friday’.” Still no additional information available regarding the captain’s background or years of service.
Cathlamet remains at WSF’s Eagle Harbor maintenance facility on Bainbridge Island “for further inspections and we’re working to make a claim with our insurance company to begin repair in the future. It looks like the work can be done dockside but that could change based on more inspections.” WSF’s supply of backup boats was already tight with M/V Kitsap being summoned to replace Cathlamet, but another boat will be completing repairs and resuming service soon – the M/V Tacoma, according to what WSF’s John Vezina told the West Seattle Transportation Coalition‘s Thursday night meeting.
As for the damaged dolphin – the offshore structure the Cathlamet hit – Warr said, “Evaluations continue but could be a week or more before removal of damaged pilings begin.” At the WSTC meeting, Vezina explained that the dolphins are helpful for guiding the ferry into the dock and keeping it there even in rough weather, but not essential, and there’s even new magnetic technology in development that could change the need for them.
Finally, we wondered about the car that was caught in the crumpled section of the ferry. “It is likely the car won’t be able to be removed until it is taken to a shipyard.”
From the inbox, a reader report just a little too unusual for our ongoing Lost/Found (Non-Pets) section, and maybe not quite Crime Watch:
In the Very Odd Theft category, in the 3200 block of 44th Ave SW, a raccoon stole a fountain pump out of our water feature. It was gray with an approximately five-foot electrical cord affixed to it. They took just the pump, not other parts, so it’s of no use as is. If someone finds it we’d love to get it back.
We wouldn’t have believed it, but a piece of foam filter was left in the yard (as evidence), plus there’s been ongoing signs of a raccoon messing with the fountain & pump. It also became more believable after my brother told me that, while camping, they saw a raccoon drag their backpack into the river! Please let us know through the blog if it should turn up somewhere. We’ve already scoured our yard (though it could be stuck in a bush or tree).
Email us at westseattleblog@gmail.com and we’ll connect you.
(Great Blue Heron, photographed at Constellation Park by Michael Ostrogorsky)
Here’s what you should know about the first half of July’s last weekend:
TRAFFIC ALERTS: In the morning and evening, you might encounter parade floats on Harbor Avenue SW = here’s why. Otherwise, here’s SDOT’s list of work:
Starting at 5 PM Saturday, we’ll close the on-ramp from eastbound SW Spokane St to the Spokane St Viaduct, along with eastbound lanes of the Spokane St Viaduct. A signed detour will be in place along S Spokane St. All lanes will reopen by 5 AM, Monday, August 1. The closure is needed to install signage, striping, and new bridge expansion joints, which allow the bridge to expand and contract during winter and summer months.
On Saturday, asphalt crews will be working in the vicinity of 37th Ave SW and Fauntleroy SW. We anticipate work to begin as early as 6 AM and conclude by 4 PM. There will be minimal traffic impacts; however, you may experience delays in the area.
Also Saturday (and Sunday), we will be working at 16th Ave SW and SW Cambridge St to update curb bulbs and curb ramps. Traffic will be maintained throughout the work zone; however, please anticipate delays.
HOT-WEATHER CLOSURES: Southwest and West Seattle (Admiral) branches will be closed again today. Reader tells us Tony’s Market (35th/Barton) expected to be closed because of the heat. (added) Milpa Masa is closed, per a commenter. Anyplace else?
SWIMMING TO ALKI POINT: The Northwest Open Water Swimming Association has a swimmer, Alison Peterson, trying the Amy Hiland Swim (Bremerton to Alki Point) today – planning to start around 6:30 am and getting to Alki Point noonish if all goes well. You can watch the tracking beacon here.
BIRDS OF ROXHILL PARK: Join master birders for a 9 am walk in the park. (29th/Barton)
(Added: Saturday morning photo by Marc Milrod)
OUTRIGGER CANOE RACING: Seattle Outrigger Canoe Club‘s “Da Grind” is back – a daylong event at Alki Beach, with races starting at 9 am – see the schedule and other info here.
BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG MEETUP: Earlier time – now 10 am to noon at Westcrest Off-Leash Area (9000 8th SW). –
MORNING MUSIC: Marco de Carvalho and Friends, 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor).
WADING POOL/SPRAYPARK: With the heat wave continuing, the city will open the wading pools, so the pool in central upper Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) will be open noon-7 pm. Also, Highland Park Spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale) will be open 11 am-8 pm.
COLMAN POOL: You can swim at the outdoor pool on the Lincoln Park shore today, noon-7 pm.
POSTCARDING POP-UP: Postcards to Voters has a noon-1:30 pm pop-up today at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor)
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: Open to visitors noon-3 pm, as noted here. (2234 SW Orchard)
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM: The Southwest Seattle Historical Society museum is open on Alki, and you can visit noon-4 pm. (61st/Stevens)
DARE TO DANCE: Dance and watch dancing during this one-afternoon free festival at Roxhill Park (29th/Barton), 1-5 pm.
WINE TIME: The Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room – selling wine by the glass or bottle – is open 1-6 pm. (5910 California SW)
CAKE TIME: Lovely and Dapper Desserts pop-up at The Nook (2206 California SW), 4-10 pm.
DUBSEA FISH STICKS: Last weekend to see the DubSea Fish Sticks, tonight at 6:05 pm, vs. DubSea Seal Slingers (special rules!), at Steve Cox Memorial Park (1321 SW 102nd) – ticket info here.
DRAG SHOW AT THE SKYLARK: West End Girls monthly drag siw, doors at 7 pm, music at 8, $15 at door, all ages. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
‘LET THERE BE DRAGONS’: First weekend for the new one-woman musical at ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor), 7:30 pm curtain – info and ticket link in our calendar listing.
(added) AT KENYON HALL: Ryegrass performs at 7:30 pm. (7904 35th SW)
WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: Second of this summer’s five free screenings is at Hotwire Coffee (4410 California SW), gates open at 7:30 pm, movie – “Never-Ending Story.”
DRAG SHOW AT ADMIRAL PUB: 9 pm, free drag show at Admiral Pub (2306 California SW).
(added) DRAG SHOW AT BOX BAR: Another edition of Out at the Box, 9:30 pm. $10 suggested donation. (5401 California SW)
Something to add, for today/tonight or beyond? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Two weeks after her husband was killed by a hit-run driver east of the West Seattle low bridge, Claudia Mason stood near the site tonight, holding his photo, speaking to more than 100 people gathered in his memory.
As shown in our video, most arrived by bicycle, the transportation mode <Robb Mason was using on July 15th to head home from his work as a massage therapist at a West Seattle clinic. Tonight’s monthly Critical Mass activism ride became a memorial, beneath the utility pole that holds a “ghost bike” tribute:
Riders gathered at Westlake Park downtown before heading southwest. At their destination, they were met – and applauded – by Mr. Mason’s widow, friends, and West Seattle bicyclists. Standing along busy Spokane Street, drowned out at times by the evening traffic, Claudia Mason – noting that she’s a rider too – spoke of the need for safety improvements:
Her husband was savvy and hyper-aware, she said, so “if it could happen to Robb, it could happen to anyone.” After she finished speaking, a voice called out, “We’re so sorry.” Bike bells were rung in support. Then riders placed flowers and candles beneath the pole holding the “ghost bike”:
One rider commented on how well-placed the “ghost bike” is, high on the pole; another agreed while lamenting, “I wish they weren’t needed.”
The driver who hit Robb Mason still hasn’t come forward or been found; police have still not said anything beyond that it was believed to have been a white or silver sedan. If you have any information, call the SPD Violent Crimes Tip Line, 206-233-5000. Meantime, friends have launched crowdfunding to support Claudia Mason, as we reported earlier this week; find that here.
Thanks for the tip. Notices like that one we photographed tonight are posted along SW Juneau in the 25th/26th vicinity, signaling the city’s intent to sweep the area encampment(s) as early as 9 am Monday morning (August 1st). This is the area where 56-year-old Anthony Gonzalez was shot dead in his tent last month. About a week after that, a city rep told us that the encampment would be removed, but wouldn’t say when. The newly posted notices describe the reason for the sweep as that “Materials in this area are an obstruction to the intended use of this property, are in a hazardous location, or present a hazard” and advise that anything left there will be put into storage, accessible for 70 days. Neighbors had circulated photos showing burned debris and what appeared to be fuel containers at the site, after a fire that followed the murder.
(Repaved section completed today, between Findlay and Juneau)
A full repaving of 35th Avenue SW has long been postponed – last major mention in our archives was five years and two SDOT directors ago, suggesting it wouldn’t happen any sooner than 2023. Not on the schedule through 2024 right now, but SDOT’s lately been repaving a block here and a block there. Most of it has been without wide advance announcement – aside from last weekend’s traffic alerts including the plan for repaving 35th between Holly and Morgan. After happening onto another stretch of work today between Juneau and Findlay, we asked SDOT for a list of what’s been done and what’s yet to come. Spokesperson Ethan Bergerson replied:
This is part of our Reconnect West Seattle work. We are working to repair rough spots in the pavement on roads like 35th Ave SW that saw a decrease in traffic when the West Seattle Bridge closed and will likely become more heavily used once the bridge reopens.
Over the last two weeks, we have paved several blocks on 35th Ave SW including:
SW Barton St to SW Trenton St (two blocks)
SW Kenyon St to SW Holden St
SW Myrtle St to SW Willow St
SW Holly St to SW Morgan St
SW Graham St to SW Raymond St
SW Juneau St to SW Findlay St (we are finishing work on this today).In the near future, we also plan to pave one more block of 35th Ave SW from SW Edmunds St to SW Alaska St.
Four West Seattle Crime Watch notes today:
ASSAULTED WHILE WALKING THE DOG: A 34-year-old man remains in jail today after being arrested for assault late last night. According to a preliminary police summary, two people were walking their dog around 11:30 pm in the 4500 block of 38th SW “when they were approached by a (man they didn’t know … who) was agitated and pushed the victim, pressing his finger against the victim’s nose and mouth without provocation; (he then) pointed a box cutter at victim and extended the blade, making threats.”
FIRE-SETTING ARREST: This happened just before 8 am Thursday, according to the police summary, which says SFD was at the High Point Walgreens when they flagged down a passing SPD officer about someone “trying to set propane tanks on fire at the Walgreens. … The suspect then went to the 6400 block of 34 Ave SW and began damaging large windows around the apartment building.” Police by then had called for backup and were able to arrest the 37-year-old man, who the summary notes “has significant criminal history” and remains in jail this afternoon, bail set at $10,000.
STORE BURGLARY: Thanks for the tip on this. The T-Mobile store at The Whittaker (4755 Fauntleroy Way SW) was broken into early Thursday. Police were dispatched around 5:30 am and found that someone had broken the door glass to get in. The alarm was going off, and it appeared that display phones and tablets had been taken after their tether cords were cut. SFD was called to board up the window. If you have any information, the police incident # is 2022-196223.
STOLEN RED ESCAPE: Reader report from Darcy:
My 2010 Ford Escape was stolen from Andover/California sometime between 9pm last night and 2pm today. I have a call-in to the police, waiting for an officer to come and take a report. The license plate number is CAP0573. (The license plate number in the picture is old/incorrect)
It has a Sasquatch/National Park sticker on the left rear window. Police incident # 2022-6309922.
AUGUST 1ST UPDATE: Darcy says her Escape was found, in Everett.
It was initially a “full response” that was dispatched minutes ago to the 3400 block of 40th SW, but arriving crews found “a smoldering deck fire” and the response has been downsized.