West Seattle, Washington
10 Monday
(California scrub-jay with its Christmas gift – photo by Jerry Simmons)
Notes for the day after Christmas:
VACCINATION CLINIC: Need your first, second, or booster shot for COVID-19? Pliable is back at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW) 8:30 am-1 pm today. It’s too late to make an appointment but they say “eligible walkups” are welcome.
WEST SEATTLE CHURCHES: Some are not having services today. Our updated list of who is and isn’t is here.
NO WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: In case you missed the sign at last week’s market …
But the 10 am-2 pm Sunday market WILL be back next Sunday (January 2nd).
‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Closing performance for the ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) musical, 3 pm. A few tickets were left when we checked early today – go here. (That’s also where you can go to buy your ticket to the online recording.)
Christmas is almost over … so we close out the holiday with one more look at West Seattle’s most dazzling display, the Menashe Family Lights at 5605 Beach Drive SW [map]. We’re planning to continue spotlighting West Seattle lights until New Year’s Eve, so if we haven’t shown your favorites yet, let us know where they are – westseattleblog@gmail.com. (The two-dozen-plus we’ve already showcased can be seen here.)
(Sunset with fkurries at Solstice Park, photographed by Michelle Green Arnson)
Thanks for the reports! Snow showers moved through the area this past hour, as Christmas Day made way for Christmas night – we received reports from all over the peninsula (and saw them ourselves from Upper Fauntleroy to White Center). Snowplow crews have been out on patrol – we saw this one by Roxbury Safeway (which attracted an audience, apparently for lunch crumbs):
The mid-afternoon forecast update is in – though the Winter Weather Advisory alert remains in effect until 4 pm tomorrow, the National Weather Service still isn’t forecasting anything major:
TONIGHT…Breezy. Rain and snow likely in the evening, then a chance of rain late in the evening. A chance of snow after midnight. Snow level near 200 feet. Snow accumulation around 1 inch. Lows in the mid to upper 20s. Southwest wind 10 to 15 mph becoming north 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph after midnight.
SUNDAY…Windy. Snow in the morning, then a chance of snow in the afternoon. Snow accumulation of 2 to 3 inches. Total snow accumulation 3 to 4 inches. Highs near 30. North wind 20 to 30 mph becoming northwest in the afternoon.
SUNDAY NIGHT…Breezy. Mostly cloudy. A chance of snow showers in the evening. Lows 15 to 20. North wind 15 to 25 mph becoming northeast after midnight.
Let us know if/when you see more snow – text our hotline at 206-2936302 – thank you!
7:30 AM SUNDAY: The snow has arrived! Separate coverage later.
2:42 PM: No holiday for vehicle thieves. Karin sent the photo and report:
My friend is a hard-working gardener and this truck is critical to his work, plus all his tools were in the truck. My friend’s truck was stolen (last night) from 14th Ave SW and SW Webster St. Please keep your eyes open for this Chevy S-10, 2003 with extended cab.License #C90201L.
Call 911 if you see it.
4:12 PM: Karin says the truck’s been found.
(17th/Cloverdale – photo by Troy Sterk)
Merry Christmas! Here’s information you might find helpful on this holiday:
COFFEE SHOPS OPEN TODAY: We found seven – here’s the list.
RESTAURANTS AND BARS OPEN TODAY: Twelve are on our list – see it here.
GROCERY STORES OPEN TODAY: Only the three Safeways (Roxbury, Admiral, Jefferson Square) are open (8 am-5 pm) – all other West Seattle supermarkets are closed.
TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION: Metro is on a regular Saturday schedule … No West Seattle Water Taxi service … Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route is on the Saturday two-boat schedule, and is likely to be extra-busy because the South Vashon route (Tahlequah-Point Defiance) is not operating today … Sound Transit buses and light rail are on varied schedules … No charge for street parking in areas of the city with pay stations … West Seattle-relevant traffic cameras are here; see all cameras citywide via this map.
OTHER NOTES: No USPS mail service (except Priority Mail Express delivery) … Seattle Parks closure info is here … Libraries (city and county) are closed.
AFTERNOON BIRD WALK: 1 pm at Lincoln Park – details are in our calendar listing.
SEE A MOVIE: The Admiral Theater (2343 California SW) is open this afternoon/evening.
If you see/hear news, please text/call 206-293-6302 – we appreciate your tips 24/7/365!
For your Christmas Eve viewing/listening – a video that Bells of the Sound invited us to share with you. The group rehearses at Tibbetts United Methodist Church in West Seattle, and performed on the peninsula many times pre-pandemic. Here’s their message:
Merry Christmas from Bells of the Sound. We took advantage of a concert-less pandemic season to make this feature video to share. This jazzy, off-kilter arrangement of “We Three Kings” has been a longtime favorite of ours. We hope you enjoy the grooving bass, right rhythm section, and sauntering melody!
Cameras: Sean MacLean & Nikhil Sarma | Editing: Nikhil Sarma | Audio: Matt Ogaz
Three King Swing – composed by John Henry Hopkins and arranged for handbells by Sondra Tucker. Streaming rights provided by the copyright holder, Laurendale Associates.
Bells of the Sound is proud to receive support from the 4Culture / King County Lodging Tax Fund.
Tonight’s featured Christmas lights represent another approach to holiday lighting … projection. Thanks to Devin Liddell for the photos of their display at 4028 40th SW [map], between Dakota and Andover.
A Merry Christmas Eve to all! Scroll through all the displays featured here since November 30th (and previous years) by going here; we’re still welcoming tips/photos at westseattleblog@gmail.com.
Kevin hopes to reunite this bicycle with its owner:
Found bike for a rider approximately 5’6” to 5’10” with the seatpost set for someone approximately 5’8”. Found Christmas Eve in the Gatewood neighborhood near 35th Avenue Southwest. Produce the key and unlock the padlock, describe the make, model and type of handlebars, brakes, and gear shifters and serial number to prove ownership.
If you think it’s yours, email us – westseattleblog@gmail.com – and we’ll connect you.
(Snowy Olympic foothills photographed from West Seattle today by Marty Westerman)
After days of talk about extremely cold weather on the way, the National Weather Service has issued the first official alert about it: A Winter Weather Advisory, in effect 4 am Saturday through 4 pm Sunday. The advisory is as wide-ranging as the forecasts have been, saying: “Snow will most likely develop in showers and bands, leading to highly variable snow accumulations. The best timing for heavier snow is Saturday night into Sunday.” The forecast for this evening, meantime, says you might see a few flakes, but insists, “no snow accumulation.” (If and when you see snow, let us know where – text 206-293-6302 – thank you!) P.S. Here’s the newest safety info from the city. No official city-supported shelters in our idea, but if you can help with the emergency shelter at West Seattle’s American Legion Post 160, here’s how.
Thanks to Stewart L. for excellent photos of an offshore sight often mistaken for an orca – “sailing” sea lion(s). He photographed these earlier this week, “relaxing in style along the fence line just north of Don Armeni mid-morning. Very close to the shore because of the super high tide, which makes getting photos easier.”
We’ve featured this before, but seldom with this close of a view. As explained by David Hutchinson of Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network in this WSB report from 2019, sea lions raise their flippers to regulate their body temperature.
But if you do think you’re seeing wildlife in distress, not something normal like this, SSMSN is at 206-905-SEAL
Thanks to Tom Trulin for the photo – another big tree down in Lincoln Park. Rain and wind kicked up for a while overnight. The weather’s not expected to get too dramatic for the rest of today or even tomorrow – still no alerts/advisories for our area. The National Weather Service‘s “forecawt discussion” should be updated again in a few hours, but in the meantime, it’s not projecting the temperature drop to start before Sunday, and the prospect of serious snow remains iffy.
P.S. If you encounter fallen trees or any other Seattle Parks maintenance problem, the after-hours number is 206-684-7250.
(Decorated tree by the ALKI lettering at 59th/Admiral)
This is it – if you still have gifts to buy, not much time left! But many local independent retailers are open for your last-minute shopping. Our list of what’s up on this Christmas Eve starts with hours for at stores for which we have info:
THUNDER ROAD GUITARS: 10 am-1 pm are the hours today for Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor). Even if you’re not buying someone a guitar – how about merch? (Closed for post-holiday break after today, until January 4th.)
WYATT’S JEWELERS: Christmas Eve hours are 10 am-2 pm at Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village; WSB sponsor). Free gift with $200+ purchase. (Wyatt’s also plans a post-Christmas break!)
CLICK! DESIGN THAT FITS (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor): Open 10 am-5 pm.
EMERALD WATER ANGLERS (4502 42nd SW; WSB sponsor): Open until 4 pm. “Got an ugly Christmas Sweater? Wear it to the shop before close and spend $50 and you will be entered in a raffle for a 1/2 day walk-and-wade trip on the Sound!”
AVALON GLASSWORKS (2914 SW Avalon Way): Open 11 am-2 pm.
TAILS TO ASTONISH (4850 California SW): Open 11 am-6:30 pm.
FLEURT (4536 California SW): Open 10 am-4 pm.
BIN 41 (4707 California SW): Open 10 am-3 pm.
EASY STREET RECORDS (California/Alaska): Open 9 am-5 pm.
YOUNGSTOWN/HEARTBEET HOLIDAY SHOP (6032 California SW): “Holiday shop featuring local BIPOC, LGBTQ, and female creators and artists at Youngstown Coffee and HeartBeet Cafe’s seating space.” Open 9 am-3 pm today.
(added) MYSTERY MADE (4312 SW Oregon): Open until 3 pm today.
(added) CURIOUS KIDSTUFF (4740 California SW): Open until 3:30 today.
Someplace to add that’s open today? Text us ASAP – 206-293-6302! Here’s what else you should know today:
GROCERY STORES CLOSING EARLY: Here’s our list of those times, plus tomorrow’s plans.
RESTAURANTS/BARS OPEN TODAY/TONIGHT: Here’s our list with that info (and who’s open tomorrow).
CHURCH SERVICES TONIGHT: Seven local churches sent their info – they’re listed in our <strong>Holiday Guide.
LIBRARIES CLOSED TODAY: Both the Seattle Public Library and King County Library System are closed today as well as tomorrow.
USPS MAIL: Mail will be delivered today, but not tomorrow. If you’re planning to mail something from a blue USPS box today, do it before noon, because they’re planning early pickups. More info here.
Additions/changes? Text 206-293-6302 – thank you and Merry Christmas Eve!
The photo is from Mel, dropping off homemade cookies Thursday for The Christmas People, who are including the cookies in holiday meals for people in need. Today’s your last chance to contribute some too – take the cookies to West Seattle Coworking (6040 California SW) between 9 am and 3 pm. (Last year they received more than 7,000 cookies!)
6:18 AM Good morning! We hope you’re off today, but in case you’re not and have to head out, here’s the daily info:
The Christmas Eve forecast is for clouds, high in the 40s, a chance of rain, especially tonight, mixed with snow very late.
*Metro is on the Sunday schedule.
*Water Taxis are NOT running.
*Washington State Ferries‘ Triangle Route is on the Saturday schedule.
*Sound Transit is on the Sunday schedule.
640th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are views of other bridges and routes:
Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings – today is treated as a regular Friday. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)
The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):
South Park Bridge:
West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:
Highland Park Way/Holden:
The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):
Are movable bridges opening for vessels? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed can tell you; 1st Ave. S. Bridge openings are also tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.
See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.
Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.
2:26 AM: We have an outage report from Belvidere, shortly after flickering here in Upper Fauntleroy, and a flicker report from Genesee Hill. Anyone else out?
2:28 AM: The outage is now on the Seattle City Light map – more than 3,200 customers. Second early-early-morning outage this week, but a different part of the peninsula – this time mostly the northeast section.
2:42 AM: No cause yet from SCL but we can say that as was the case with this week’s first big outage, this one was preceded by a burst of loud weather.
3:31 AM: Second hour. No word of any restoration yet (the outage two mornings ago ended for some after an hour, others after two).
4:13 AM: Down to 3,009 out now.
6:11 AM: Some came back on around 5:20, and the rest around 6 – outage now over. Still no word on the cause.
Need to know what’s open in West Seattle on Christmas? For easier access, we’ve now created calendar pages for the Christmas info lists that were previously only on our Holiday Guide page. They are:
*Restaurants/bars open Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day – here
*Coffee shops open Christmas Day – here
*Grocery stores’ closing times Christmas Eve (and hours for the ones that are open Christmas Day) – here
If you’re looking for churches with Christmas Eve/Day services, the ones we’ve heard from are still in the Holiday Guide, as is other info, including our list of spotlighted Christmas-lights displays, plus some last-minute local-shopping hours for Christmas Eve. Got anything to add (or change)? Email westseattleblog@gmail.com or text 206-293-6302 – thank you!
If you had to choose just one West Seattle neighborhood to visit for Christmas lights sightseeing, Fauntlee Hills would be a good choice. That’s where we started the season – and that coverage-launching display’s creator, Ken Arkills, points us again this year to a nearby home that also shines bright, at 40th/Donovan [map]:
Ken says Joey and Myung Haugen are the creators here, with a giant star among its features. “They are really into it and I am so happy to see a lot of fellow West Seattleites really going all out this year with their displays!” We’ve shown more than two dozen this season and we’re not done yet – keep the suggestions (with or without photos) coming, via westseattleblog@gmail.com. You can browse everything we’ve shown by going to this WSB archive; they’re also listed in our West Seattle Holiday Guide.
Yes, some snow is likely this weekend and beyond, says the National Weather Service, but not enough to even issue an alert (yet). The bigger forecast news is that it’s expected to be REALLY, REALLY COLD – colder than we’ve seen in a long time. The big cooldown is forecast to start on Sunday, with a high near 30 and a low possibly in to the upper teens; then Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, highs in the 20s, lows as cold as the lower teens. With all this ahead, the mayor led a briefing this afternoon, including a meteorologist who also stressed that the extra-cold air is the big news, a “rare event.” Here’s the video:
Managers from multiple departments/agencies – including SDOT, Seattle City Light, Metro, Seattle Public Utilities, Human Services – also were part of the briefing, and the roundup of reminders and resources is here, including info on how to keep pipes from freezing (and what to do if they do anyway).
We’ve obtained the police reports on two West Seattle burglaries from last night:
MYSTERY MADE BREAK-IN: The Junction retail shop at 4312 SW Oregon was burglarized overnight – second time Mystery Made has been hit in less than two years (the previous break-in in April 2020 was in their old Admiral location). Police went there at about 12:30 am after word of an audible alarm and found a shop owner already there. The report says “signs of forced entry” included a removed pane of door glass. They showed police their video of two burglars, described in the report as “UM [unknown male], 5’9, in dark clothing with a hood and mask” and “UF [unknown female], 5’7, wearing dark clothing with a hood and mask,” spending only a few minutes inside but filling a box with thousands of dollars in merchandise and leaving, (added) Here’s some video:
HOME BREAK-IN: Less than half an hour after that police response, a 911 call came in about an “in-progress burglary” in the 5700 block of SW Charlestown. The resident said someone had forced their way in through the back door, and then left quickly, likely in a vehicle. The family dog started barking at the intruder and woke everyone up. The resident reported hearing two voices. Police looking for evidence found “wet footprints” and a phone left behind. Nothing appeared taken but a tape measure was removed from a drawer near the door, so police took that to test for fingerprints. A K-9 search didn’t get far, as the officer also surmised the burglars had left in a car. No one saw it, though, so there’s no description of it or the burglars.
That’s the Admiral Way bridge over Fairmount Ravine, always festively (and mysteriously) decked in bows this time of year. This time next year, though, it might be decked in construction equipment. Earlier this month, a reader noticed what appeared to be an official-looking team assessing the bridge, and wondered if its earthquake-safety work were imminent. We checked with SDOT, whose spokesperson Ethan Bergerson replied: “The SW Admiral Way Bridge is planned to receive an earthquake-safety upgrade as part of the Levy to Move Seattle. Two members of our bridge team visited the site to view the vegetation around the bridge and get a closer look at the bridge in order to scope painting needs. This project is currently in the design phase, and we expect to reach the construction phase in late 2022 or in 2023.” The other Admiral Way bridge is in line for a seismic retrofit too.
We were forwarded an alert sent by Providence Mount St. Vincent to family members this morning, saying the campus was in “lockdown” because of an unspecified threat. We asked The Mount for comment/confirmation and just received this update, which we’re told was also provided to families:
This morning a verbal threat was made by a visitor toward a staff member at Providence Mount St. Vincent and we immediately called 9-1-1. No residents were in the vicinity of the incident. We have completed our assessment with the Seattle Police Department and they have released us from a brief lockdown status.
Following their assessment, we have no reason to believe there is any imminent threat to residents, patients, caregivers or ILC children on our campus.
The safety of our residents and this entire community is always our highest priority. As soon as we heard about this individual making threatening comments, we immediately launched our safety plan action steps. We are grateful for the quick response of our team and for the guidance from the SPD. We are following up on their recommendation to initiate measures that will ensure this individual is not allowed to return to our campus.
Additionally and as an added precaution, we are initiating additional security measures for the campus through the weekend.
No other details of the circumstances so far. (added) The Mount’s Molly Swain says in response to our followup question, “The person is known to the community, not a stranger who wandered in.”
(Lincoln Park trail, photographed by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and Holiday Guide:
COOKIE-DONATION DROPOFFS: Until 3 pm, second day to drop off donated homemade cookies for The Christmas People. Dropoff location is West Seattle Coworking (6040 California SW).
PRE-HOLIDAY SALE CONTINUES: Today at Wyatt’s Jewelers (Westwood Village; WSB sponsor), 10% off engagement rings. Open until 6 pm.
MORE SHOPPING: Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor) is open until 6 pm tonight.
SANTA AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY (California/Fauntleroy; WSB sponsor) – Now until 1 pm today, last chance to see Santa at the supermarket!
HOLIDAY MUSIC AT WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY – Also at the grocery store, live holiday music – Alex Baird now until 1 pm, Gary Benson 2-4 pm.
MACHEL SPENCE ART: The local artist has a pop-up with her work – “original woodland scenes in jewelry, glass cloches & wall art” – at the Burien Farmers’ Market until 4 pm today. (Burien Town Square Park, 480 SW 152nd)
WINTER WEATHER BRIEFING: Mayor Jenny Durkan and city department reps will brief the media at 12:30 pm on preparations for the upcoming cold (and possibly snowy) weather. We’re checking on whether this will be publicly viewable via Seattle Channel.
WINE FOR CHRISTMAS: Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW) is open 5 pm-9 pm tonight, last wine-buying day before Christmas.
BINGO! Admiral Pub hosts West Seattle’s “sassiest bingo,” 7 pm. (2306 California SW)
‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Second-to-last performance for the ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) musical – details and ticketing link here – 7:30 pm. Still a few tickets left as of this writing, (4711 California SW)
SHOP LATE: West Seattle Junction Hometown Holidays events wrap up with one more night to shop late! Among them, WSB sponsor Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW) is open until 8 pm.
Thanks to Jon Anderson for the woodpecker photo. If you love birds, and will have free time on Christmas afternoon, one of your neighbors is organizing a bird walk in Lincoln Park, 1 pm to 3 pm Saturday. “No experience necessary; all levels of expertise are welcome!” says volunteer naturalist Merle, who sent the announcement. We’re mentioning it in case you miss it among all the holiday info in our calendar. Full details here, including where in the park to meet.