(California scrub-jay with its Christmas gift – photo by Jerry Simmons)
Notes for the day after Christmas:
VACCINATION CLINIC: Need your first, second, or booster shot for COVID-19? Pliable is back at Neighborhood House High Point (6400 Sylvan Way SW) 8:30 am-1 pm today. It’s too late to make an appointment but they say “eligible walkups” are welcome.
WEST SEATTLE CHURCHES: Some are not having services today. Our updated list of who is and isn’t is here.
NO WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: In case you missed the sign at last week’s market …
But the 10 am-2 pm Sunday market WILL be back next Sunday (January 2nd).
‘WE’VE BATTLED MONSTERS BEFORE’: Closing performance for the ArtsWest (4711 California SW; WSB sponsor) musical, 3 pm. A few tickets were left when we checked early today – go here. (That’s also where you can go to buy your ticket to the online recording.)