For your Christmas Eve viewing/listening – a video that Bells of the Sound invited us to share with you. The group rehearses at Tibbetts United Methodist Church in West Seattle, and performed on the peninsula many times pre-pandemic. Here’s their message:
Merry Christmas from Bells of the Sound. We took advantage of a concert-less pandemic season to make this feature video to share. This jazzy, off-kilter arrangement of “We Three Kings” has been a longtime favorite of ours. We hope you enjoy the grooving bass, right rhythm section, and sauntering melody!
Cameras: Sean MacLean & Nikhil Sarma | Editing: Nikhil Sarma | Audio: Matt Ogaz
Three King Swing – composed by John Henry Hopkins and arranged for handbells by Sondra Tucker. Streaming rights provided by the copyright holder, Laurendale Associates.
Bells of the Sound is proud to receive support from the 4Culture / King County Lodging Tax Fund.