Among the many opportunities for holiday help that we showcased this season was The Christmas People‘s request for cookies and volunteers. The group’s president/co-founder Fred Hutchinson sent this community thank-you note with an update on the results:
From December 24 through December 27, The Christmas People delivered 2,917 meals to homeless shelters and tiny-house settlements. This is about 60% more meals that other years due to demand. Generous neighbors in West Seattle dropped off in excess of 7,200 cookies — twice what we normally receive. Many cookies were nicer than a bake shop; often these cookies are the only gift a homeless person receives. We also had the generous support of 65 volunteers over the six-day period of prep and delivery. Thank you to West Seattle Blog and our neighbors for a genuine outpouring of goodwill and love this holiday season.
Along with announcements here in the news stream, we also list giving opportunities in our West Seattle Holiday Guide every year; our thanks, too, to everyone who organizes, and responds to, them!