month : 05/2021 323 results

CONGRATULATIONS! Metro League honors for West Seattle High School football coach, team members

(Image courtesy WSHS)

More high-school-football honors – West Seattle High School finished the abbreviated season 3-1, and postseason honorees in the Metro League Valley Division include head coach Jeffery Scott and a long list of his players. Here’s the list we received of the Wildcats’ honorees:


Offensive MVP: Jimmy Fomby (senior)
Defensive MVP: Reuben Leiataua (junior)
Coach of the Year: Jeffery Scott

RB: Jasper Mors (senior)
Wide Receiver, Defensive Back: Jimmy Fomby (senior)
Tight End, Linebacker: Jaxton Helmstetler (junior)
Offensive Line: Reuben Leiataua (junior)
Offensive Line: Dominic Novito (senior)
Defensive Tackle: Reuben Leiataua (junior)

QB: Axel Johnson (sophomore)
RB: Quinn O’Neill (junior)
Wide Receiver: Connor Berry (senior)
Offensive Line: Sebastian Chik (junior)
Offensive Line: Chris Manion (junior)
Defensive Back: Roman Centioli (sophomore)
Linebacker: Connor Berry (senior)
Defensive End: Ben Lapchis (senior)
Defensive End: Dominic Novito (senior)
Defensive Tackle: Chris Manion (junior)
Defensive Tackle: Sean Satia (junior)
Kicker: JP Dufour (senior)
Punter: Bo Gionet (freshman)

Wide Receiver: Christian Halter (senior)
Tight End: Mark Ursino (junior)
Defensive Back: Julian Tooman (sophomore)
Defensive Back: Rune Hendershot (sophomore)
Linebacker: Casey Maxwell (junior)

City promises to ‘address concerns’ about sidewalk-blocking residents on Delridge Way

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

West Seattle has no full-time homeless shelters. It has one city-sanctioned tiny-house encampment, usually at capacity with about 50 residents. Just about everyone else living unhoused in West Seattle is in a tent, or a vehicle, or maybe a doorway.

Right now, one group of tent residents on a South Delridge business-district sidewalk has been drawing increasing attention.

The site has grown steadily over this spring, starting on the east side of the building on the northwest corner of Delridge/Roxbury, now extending onto the sidewalk outside businesses on the north half of the block, more than a dozen tents in all, covering most of the sidewalk all the way to the curb.

The sidewalk blockage has been discussed at various community meetings on both sides of the West Seattle/White Center line. Then this week, one of the adjacent businesses’ owners, Abby Fisher of White Center Glass, said her longtime low-key view of the situation ended when a tent resident set up on the sidewalk in front of her business. So on Thursday, she sent city agencies this letter, and also sent it to us:Read More

SATURDAY: Drive-up food distribution in West Seattle

May 7, 2021 5:07 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle news

If you missed the mention in last night’s roundup – 2-4 pm tomorrow (Saturday), the Greater Seattle Filipino-American SDA Church invites anyone in need of food to come get some at their next drive-up distribution. Food boxes will be distributed outside the church, which is at 2620 SW Kenyon, across from Denny International Middle School – here’s a map.

DELRIDGE PROJECT: 21st SW closes, and other repaving/utility-work updates

The intersection of 21st SW and Delridge Way (map here, and above) is one of the work sites spotlighted in SDOT’s newest weekly update on the repaving-and-utilities project preparing for the RapidRide H Line conversion. Here are the key points:

New work

Yesterday, we started demolishing the intersection where 21st Ave SW meets Delridge Way SW. We’ve placed signage at the top of the hill indicating the road closure/local access only for residents where SW Holden St meets 20th Ave SW, as well as for the slip lane that connects with the 21st Ave SW hill (approximate locations here). We will continue upgrading this intersection through next week, with a goal of reopening the area to traffic soon.

Continuing work

Later this month, we will seal cracks in the roadway in North Delridge where we recently completed milling the road. Paving is still scheduled for the week of May 24.

We are finishing upgrading the third quadrant of the SW Orchard St intersection this week. We will plan to begin upgrading the final quadrant of the intersection next week.

We will resume electrical upgrades on the east side of Delridge Way SW between SW Holden St and SW Thistle St. We will need to demolish and trench the roadway in front of the properties in this area, but will maintain access in and out of driveways with steel plates. People driving may experience a slightly shifted traffic pattern in this area.

Those are the highlights, but there’s more work under way – see the full weekly update here.

YOU CAN HELP: Arbor Heights Family Resource Fund

May 7, 2021 1:52 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle news

During the pandemic, communities have coalesced in new ways. Among them, school communities raising money for emergency assistance, to supplement what’s available through regular channels. We’ve been asked to share information about another of those efforts, the Arbor Heights Family Resource Fund, to reach more who might be interested in offering support. Here’s their message:

What a long year 2020/2021 has been! Covid-19 has interrupted the lives of all of our families, but many of us have bene fortunate enough to remain employed, work from home, and have our children close.Unfortunately, this has not been the case for many in our community.

The pandemic has hit some of our families harder with job loss, working in high-risk environments, and being away from their children. Here is an opportunity to come together to support our Arbor Heights families.

Our families are facing diverse needs in 2021 as we continue to work through the challenges posed by the pandemic. Many of our families are experiencing severe financial hardships. This fund is direct support with no overhead — the Arbor Heights Family Support Team will work to help families with bills, groceries, transportation to school, childcare, and rent. 100% of your donations will go to the Arbor Heights Family Resource Fund to be distributed directly to families. In the alternative, please consider donating grocery (Safeway & Kroger), gas, and Uber gift cards directly to the school. We are stronger together and we are so grateful for this generous community!

NOTE: These donations are not tax deductible and this short-term Family Resource Fund is not affiliated with the Arbor Heights PTSA.

WEST SEATTLE LIGHT RAIL: To realign or not to realign? Sound Transit board arguments intensify

Sound Transit board members continue to disagree over whether ST needs a full “realignment” plan, which could delay/downsize voter-approved projects including West Seattle light rail. The video above is from ST’s Executive Committee meeting on Thursday morning. Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan, King County Executive Dow Constantine, and King County Council Chair Claudia Balducci (from Bellevue) – all board members who are part of the committee – continued to argue the points they made in a letter to Board Chair Kent Keel (from University Place) reported here last month, saying it’s too soon to decide. Keel in turn recapped his reply, insisting the realignment plan – currently scheduled for a July vote – is necessary.

First the board got an update on more possible realignment “scenarios” as well as the latest stats on the “affordability gap,” all shown in this slide deck:

What’s in that presentation is not a complete list of possible scenarios – they’ve been looking at various concepts over the course of multiple meetings in recent months. Possibilities for West Seattle include building to Delridge first – maybe on a 2-year delay beyond the original 2030 plan – or a 5-year delay for the entire extension.

The big point of contention, intensively discussed on Thursday, remains whether a realignment is even needed. When this all first came up last year, the big problem was a pandemic-fueled revenue drop. That started bouncing back, but then came news of dramatically increased cost estimates. Now the latter is more of an issue than the former, according to ST staff, but Durkan argued on Thursday that they don’t have enough cost information for realignment decisions. She also noted that the gap has shrunk by billions already and could shrink further. “The affordability gap could be less and we could build what the voters want and what the climate needs.” Balducci, who has long argued against making these decisions now, said that since this has become much more of a cost gap than a revenue gap, “project-based approaches” might be a solution to the higher cost estimates. Constantine warned that officially setting “lowered expectations” now could “become the default.” Keel contended that whatever they decide would be a “flexible framework” and could be changed. Balducci countered that even if that’s technically true, a realignment vote “would essentially adopt a revamp of our program.” Keel said not responding to the current gap predictions by creating an “affordable plan” via realignment would make ST look financially irresponsible.

The discussion will continue at two upcoming meetings – the System Expansion Committee (which Balducci chairs) on May 13th and the full board meeting on May 27th, which is also when the board is scheduled to hear more about the results of recent community opinion-gathering, which brought in just under 10,000 survey responses, ST staff said on Thursday.

Tomorrow is Neighbor Day. Here are 6 West Seattle examples of neighborliness

Saturday (May 8th) is Neighbor Day in Seattle. No major events again this year, but to get you into the spirit, the Department of Neighborhoods has published a list of neighbors around the city who were nominated for a special spotlight – the department “asked the community to submit nominations for people, businesses, and organizations who went above and beyond to help and support their friends and neighbors.” The West Seattle neighbors who are included on the list are:

Odetta Owen Boudreau, for the food-pickup program at Highland Park Improvement Club
Joe Wadden, who picks up trash while out for walks
Ella McRae, community builder for Seattle Housing Authority in High Point
Circa in The Admiral District, community-spirited restaurant
Lori Kothe for creating Poogooder
Jeff Daley, nicknamed ‘Mayor of Gatewood’

Read more about them and the others spotlighted from around the city by going here. And then you’re invited to celebrate Neighbor Day “by indulging in random acts of kindness.”

REUNION: West Seattle High School Class of 1971’s plan

May 7, 2021 9:45 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Summer’s on the way and some reunion plans are resuming, including this one:

The 50th reunion for the West Seattle High School Class of 1971 is scheduled for July 17, 2021. It will be held at the Glen Acres Golf and Country Club in Burien. There is no charge for the event but we really need to know who is attending so that we have a good head count for planning the food as well as preparing the name tags. Please RSVP to Jim Biava at

The costs are being covered by a crowdfunding campaign – if you can donate, here’s the link.


6:12 AM: Good morning! Showery forecast for today.


West Marginal sidewalk – More work this weekend, on the west side of the road, north of the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse, 8 am-3 pm both days.

Delridge project – Delridge/Orchard work continues, plus side-street closures and repaving of Delridge Way’s north end. Next week’s plan will be in later today.

35th/GrahamWork continues, with Graham closed on both sides of 35th.

SW Yancy east of Avalon – Still closed at last check.

Home Zones – Speed-hump installation continues around the Highland Park, South Delridge, and Riverview areas.


The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its spring/summer schedule – all day, 7 days a week, plus Friday and Saturday evenings; the free 773 and 775 shuttles are running daily too.

Metro is on a regular schedule. Even if you seldom ride, you’re invited to respond to this new survey.


410th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here’s how it’s looking on other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 17th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is now open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are now available for some categories of drivers.)

Here’s a low-bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are bridges opening for boats or barges? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/6/2021 roundup

Here’s what you need to know about the pandemic tonight:

NEWEST NUMBERS: First, the update from the Public Health daily-summary dashboard:

*104,256 people have tested positive, 372 more than yesterday’s total

*1,533 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total

*5,924 people have been hospitalized, 10 more than yesterday’s total

*1,051,030 people have been tested, 1,666 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, the four totals we track were 97,620/1,514/5,784/1,036,081.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 156 million cases worldwide, 32.6 million of them in the U.S. See the nation-by-nation breakout here.

VACCINATION VISITS: Tomorrow’s the first of the city’s new pop-up clinics in neighborhood business districts. This will be in the U-District, but a West Seattle Junction visit is planned Saturday, May 15th – stand by for details.

NEED A RIDE TO GET A SHOT? Free and discounted transportation is available.

NEED FOOD? The Greater Seattle Filipino-American SDA Church is offering free food boxes again this Saturday, 2-4 pm. Just show up at 2620 SW Kenyon.

GOT INFO/PHOTOS/TIPS? 206-293-6302, text or voice, or – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen bicycle; fire-setting arrest

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight:

STOLEN BICYCLE: The photo and report are from Jake:

My wife’s bike was stolen from a shared garage in the 4700 block of 41st Ave SW around noon on May 4th. The thief slipped under the garage door behind a car that was exiting the building. The bike isn’t worth much money so it may have been dumped somewhere before leaving West Seattle. Please be on the lookout. Bike is posted to the Index and a Police report has been filed (#2021-110446)

FIRE-SETTING ARREST: A 51-year-old man is in jail tonight, bail set at $1,000, arrested for investigation of reckless burning. Police say that they responded to an area across from Westwood Village just after 8 pm last night, after a complaint that someone was “using lit newspaper to try to catch a wooden residential fence on fire.” The report adds, “The resident of the house pulled the lit newspaper out of the fence before the wood caught on fire.”

CONGRATULATIONS! Metro League honors for Chief Sealth International High School football team members

(WSB photo from March, when CSIHS defeated WSHS in the annual Huling Bowl)

Under first-year head coach Daron Camacho, the just-concluded football season was a big success for Chief Sealth International High School, finishing 5-2, and now there’s word of postseason honors for some members of the team. Check out the Metro Sound Division all-league team list:

The Seahawks’ honorees are:


LEAGUE MVP: Zack Cunningham – #3, Chief Sealth senior
LINEMAN OF THE YEAR: Uiligi Vasega – #60, Chief Sealth senior

QB, Teagan Gaither, #5, senior
WR & SAFETY, Quinn Killham, #4, senior
DL, Ja’Hiem Scott, #12, senior

OL, Emmanuel Magdeleno Deluna, #59, senior
OL, Jameil Quilantang, #70, senior
MLB, Mason Vaughn-Thomas, #7, junior
OLB, Grayson Leui-Steele, #33, sophomore
DL, Ethan Heathershaw, #41, junior (also Honorable Mention as TE)

WR, Demiko Bousley, #8, sophomore
DL, Randy Johnson, #79, senior
DL, Tre’Shawn Vinson, #55, senior

FOLLOWUP: Date set for West Seattle Junction pop-up vaccination clinic

May 6, 2021 5:39 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | West Seattle news

As reported here Tuesday, the city’s trying new tactics to get more people vaccinated, including pop-up vaccination clinics in various neighborhood business districts. We noted that the West Seattle Junction Association had heard from the city about hosting one. Now the date is set – WSJA executive director Lora Radford says the clinic is planned for 10 am-noon on Saturday, May 15th. So if you’re not vaccinated yet but might find that more convenient for you than what’s available now, stand by for more details!

BIZNOTE: Xfinity store on the way to Westwood Village

Looking through city permit-system files, we happened onto a new tenant on the way to Westwood Village. The former Sprint (and before that, Radio Shack) space in the middle of the shopping center is slated to become an Xfinity store. We contacted Comcast‘s regional spokesperson Nick McDonald for confirmation. The reply: “This is going to be one of our standard Xfinity Retail Store locations that Comcast operates. It will offer a welcoming and modern retail environment that highlights the complete line of Xfinity Home and Comcast Business technology offerings,” including, he added, “Xfinity Mobile, Xfinity X1, Xfinity Home, the Xfinity Flex 4K streaming device, and Xfinity Internet.” No opening date yet. The site-plan layout suggests it’ll be something like this one in Ballard; the company’s nearest retail outlets are downtown and in Tukwila.

REOPENING: Log House Museum sets the date

(WSB file photo)

Another long-awaited reopening is on the way. The Southwest Seattle Historical Society has just announced the reopening date for its home base, the Log House Museum on Alki:

Opening Day is on its way! The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is thrilled to announce that our beloved Log House Museum will be reopening to the public on Friday, May 21st 2021 from 12:00 to 4:00 PM.

Want to see our new exhibits before anyone else? Become a member today HERE since the Log House Museum will be open for a members only opening weekend May 14th, 15th, and 16th from 12:00 to 4:00 PM.

From White Center to Delridge, South Park to Alki, we love being stewards of your local history. Visit the museum to explore The Alki Suffrage Club to discover how Alki women were key players in gaining women’s suffrage in 1910, and what the impacts of WWII were on local high schoolers through War on the Homefront.

Our community is full of historic changemakers – so come tell us your stories!

The Southwest Seattle Historical Society is committed to fostering a healthy environment for our entire community. As such, face masks are required for all museum visitors over the age of 2. Visitors can also expect increased ventilation through the museum, frequent cleaning, and capacity limits.

Please check our website often for important updates about how to plan your visit and what you can expect upon your arrival to the museum. For more information you can also call us at 206-350-0999 or email us at We look forward to welcoming you back.

If you haven’t been to the museum, it’s a cozy, historic building at 61st/Stevens. The SWSHS has been busy with many virtual offerings during the closure – tomorrow night you are invited to view the awards ceremony for its recent youth writing contest!

CRIME WATCH: Ryan Cox update; building-burglary arrest; how to help vandalism victims

Three notes in Crime Watch this morning:

RYAN COX UPDATE: Since his post-prison-release arrest last week, we’ve been watching the case. This morning, the VINE system sent notification that he is out of custody. The SCORE jail roster shows him still there with “scheduled release” tonight, so we are working to clarify. Regarding last week’s arrest, Department of Corrections spokesperson Jacque Coe told WSB that he “was arrested on a DOC warrant for two alleged violations; a) failure to comply with approved prison release address, and b) absconding by failure to report. As a condition of his supervision, he was to report to a field office within one business day of his release where geographical conditions, if any, would be discussed with him at that time, in addition to other resources of support specific to his needs.”

BUILDING-BURGLARY ARREST: A 36-year-old man is in jail, accused of breaking into a Morgan Junction apartment building in the 6500 block of California SW late Tuesday night. Police were called when the break-in was seen on live security video, with the burglar using a hammer to damage mailboxes, according to the SPD report. Police were told the suspect was first caught in the building three hours earlier, told to leave, then came back. Not only were the mailboxes damaged, the report says, two building doors also had handle damage, and door locks on two tenants’ vehicles were damaged. Police reviewed recorded security video and noted a “garden hoe” being used to damage the mailboxes as well as a hammer; both were found and taken into evidence. The police report says the suspect told police he had just ingested drugs, including heroin, so he was taken to Harborview for evaluation before being booked into jail. Online records show the suspect is awaiting trial for charges in three building break-ins on SW Avalon Way last November. We’ll update after his expected bail hearing in this case later today.

WHITE CENTER VANDALISM: Local community advocates are circulating this link to a crowdfunding campaign to help more than half a dozen White Center businesses deal with the damage done by vandals in recent months, and asked us to share it with you. The cases are being investigated by the King County Sheriff’s Office; we hope to get an update during tonight’s North Highline Unincorporated Area Council meeting (7 pm, online).

UPDATE: Crash at 30th/Thistle after King County Sheriff’s Office pursuit

9:03 AM: Big emergency response for a crash at 30th/Thistle.- details to come.

9:14 AM: Witnesses report this followed a pursuit involving King County Sheriff’s Deputies, which we had just started hearing about before this call. Photo added. We’re still working to find out what led to the pursuit. Two people were in the car and both are out.

9:20 AM: Thistle will be blocked in that area for a while because of the KCSO investigation. SPD is assisting with traffic control until KCSO can send more units.

9:39 AM: KCSO tells us at the scene that this started with deputies trying to pull the car over for potentially stolen license plates. At some point, they say, the driver rammed one or more KCSO vehicles. No serious injuries reported; the driver and a passenger were being questioned.

9:56 AM: Just talked to KCAO spokesperson Sgt. Tim Meyer. He confirms a PIT maneuver was done to stop the car and that its driver had “rammed two patrol cars.” One deputy has been taken to the hospital “as a precautionary measure.” The driver is in custody and has “multiple warrants.” This all started outside the Roxbury Safeway.

One more note – Thistle is blocked about a block west of the city’s vaccination hub, so to get there, you’ll have to approach from the east – get to westbound Thistle from Delridge, for example. We’ll check back on the street’s status later.

12:45 PM: Thistle is still closed.

3:03 PM: Finally got back over to check again; the street has reopened.


6:03 AM: Good morning! Cloudy, breezy forecast for today.


Delridge project – Delridge/Orchard work continues, plus repaving of Delridge Way’s north end.

35th/GrahamWork continues, with Graham closed on both sides of 35th.

SW Yancy east of Avalon – Still closed.

Home Zones – Speed-hump installation continues around the Highland Park, South Delridge, and Riverview areas.

West Marginal sidewalk – More work this weekend, on the west side of the road, north of the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse.


The West Seattle Water Taxi is on its spring/summer schedule – all day, 7 days a week, plus Friday and Saturday evenings, which means the free 773 and 775 shuttles are running daily too.

Metro is on a regular schedule. Even if you seldom ride, you’re invited to respond to this new survey.


409th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here’s how it’s looking on other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 17th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is now open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are now available for some categories of drivers.)

Here’s a low-bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are bridges opening for boats or barges? Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Wednesday 5/5/2021 roundup

Tonight’s local/state pandemic updates:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Seattle-King County Public Health daily-summary dashboard, the cumulative totals:

*99,754 people have tested positive, 334 more than yesterday’s total

*1,532 people have died, 5 more than yesterday’s total

*5,914 people have been hospitalized, 17 more than yesterday’s total

*1,049,354 people have been tested, 2,078 more than yesterday’s total

Last Wednesday, the county did not update its dashboard, so tonight we have no “one week ago” numbers for comparison.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find all the numbers, county by county, on the state Department of Health data page,.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them, nation by nation, here.

STATE HEALTH OFFICIALS’ BRIEFING: The weekly briefing by Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah and other officials happened this morning. Watch the briefing here.

VACCINATION SITUATION: It was a major topic during the state briefing – in which a new helpline was introduced, 833-VAX-HELP – and the newest vaccine-distribution report is out too.

IF YOU HAVEN’T BEEN VACCINATED YET … You can still go to city sites including the West Seattle hub (2801 SW Thistle) without an appointment, but if you’d rather guarantee your spot, go here.

GOT INFO? Email us at or phone us, text or voice, at 206-293-6302 – thank you!

MISSING: Have you seen Ben? (update, found)

Ben‘s mother asked us to post this request for help finding him,

She says he is 16, 5’10”, 160 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes.

He was last seen when dropped off at Lincoln High School in North Seattle at 11:30 am Monday, but is believed to be with a girl who attends Chief Sealth International High School, and Ben’s mother says he’s been seen at Roxhill Park, as well as in Tukwila.

A police report is filed; call 911 if you see him. You can refer to case 2021-108016.

UPDATE: Found.

MUSIC: West Seattle High School Band resumes rehearsals, with extra equipment

The musicians are masked and the instruments have special covers, as the West Seattle High School Band gets back to business. The West Seattle Music Boosters shared the photos and some video:

The Marching Band resumed rehearsals a few weeks ago, while the Jazz Band had its first practice today. The Music Boosters note, “Mr. Thomas went to great lengths to obtain SPS permission and put the many safeguards in place. As you can see, proper masks and instrument covers were purchased, and kids are distanced and outside.”

The Music Boosters add, “Other things you didn’t know you needed were clothespins! If you happen to be by Hiawatha on a Wednesday afternoon, cheer them on.”

BIZNOTE: Jeweler hosting clothing pop-up; pre-Mother’s Day online gift show

Two biznotes centered on shopping:

CLOTHING POP-UP: Lisa Esztergalyos Jeweler (WSB sponsor) is hosting a clothing pop-up – by appointment, and signups are open now. Here’s the announcement:

A mini pop up will be hosted at the Lisa Esztergalyos jewelry boutique, featuring BEATA Design Studio clothing and accessories. Sustainable, timeless designs that work with your everyday life.

Learn more about BEATA Design Studio here and jewelry shop details here to find out more about these brands and their collections.

By appointment only. Click the link below to schedule your times lot for the pop up.

Event Date: Saturday, May 15th
Event Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Event Location: 4224 SW Findlay

ONLINE GIFT SHOW: Sunday is Mother’s Day – and if you’re still contemplating gift ideas, the West Seattle Junction Association invites you to an online gift show tomorrow (Thursday, May 6th, 4 pm to 8 pm). From WSJA:

Not sure what to get that wonderful woman in your life? Your boutiques and shops have the answer for you with another fun and interactive Instagram shopping spree! Get your friends together, get a glass of wine, and meet online from the comfort of your couch. Watch LIVE on either the Junction’s IG or shop IG Live starting at 4 PM. Every shopper has a chance to win a $50 gift card to each store too! We’ll pick one random winner per virtual shopping spree when you comment. That’s $400 in total giveaways! No purchase necessary to win. Sit back and relax as we walk you through some of your favorite stores. Plus, you’ll get to see a Junction celebrity Hey Dave! Every half hour we’ll start a new Instagram Live virtual shopping event. Shop owners will show you the very best ideas for Mother’s Day! You can ‘shop’ via the store’s Instagram Live page too by dropping comments in the chat or DM. In the comments, let us know what you like; we’ll contact you for delivery and payment before Mother’s Day!

4 PM Wild Rose’s
4:30 PM Doll Parts Collective
5 PM bin41
5:30 PM Fleurt
6 PM Capers
6:30 PM Carmilia’s
7 PM Darby Winery
7:30 PM Lika Love

FOLLOWUP: Here’s when you’ll be able to swim again at Colman Pool

(Colman Pool, photographed in 2017 by Long Bach Nguyen)

Last month, we reported Seattle Parks‘ announcement that Colman Pool – the outdoor saltwater pool on Lincoln Park‘s shore – would reopen this year, after skipping 2020. At the time, the dates weren’t set. Now they are: June 19 through September 6 “at reduced capacity,” says Parks, with “operational changes … to ensure public and staff safety as we recover from the pandemic.” Lap and family swims will be offered, but no group lessons; swim sessions will last an hour, with a half-hour break following “to facilitate cleaning.” Pre-registration will be offered a day in advance, with “limited drop-in admission.” Masks will be required when you’re not in the pool. On-deck seating will be limited, and the slide will be closed. But Parks will offer party rentals for 30 or fewer people, Fridays through Sundays at 7:30 pm. Rental bookings will open at noon May 26th. More details in the full announcement, here.

P.S. No word yet on when/whether indoor Southwest Pool might reopen.