Tonight’s pandemic toplines:
PHASE PAUSE: With King County’s cases and hospitalizations being over the maximums for staying in Phase 3, many considered it inevitable that Gov. Inslee would announce a rollback today. But he didn’t. Instead, he announced a two-week “pause” on any counties changing phases, saying the newest numbers suggested the “fourth wave” was plateauing.
NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: So here’s where’re we’re at tonight, per the today’s daily summary from Seattle-King County Public Health – the cumulative totals:
*99,420 people have tested positive, 203 more than yesterday’s total
*1,527 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total
*5,897 people have been hospitalized, 17 more than yesterday’s total
*1,047,286 people have been tested, 2,401 more than yesterday’s total
One week ago, the totals were 96,744/1,505/5,742/1,032,976.
NATIONAL/WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 154.3 million cases worldwide, 32.5 million of them in the U.S. – see other nation-by-nation stats by going here.
HEALTH OFFICIALS’ BRIEFING: At 8:15 am tomorrow online, state health officials will present their weekly briefing and media Q&A. Watch the livestream here.
VACCINATION PROGRESS: 66.1 percent of King County residents 16+ have had at least one shot.
GETTING VACCINATED: The city’s still operating its sites, including the West Seattle hub (2801 SW Thistle), on a “no appointment needed” status (you can make one, though), and starting tomorrow, it’s supposed to have all three authorized vaccines on hand. Tomorrow is also the trial run for evening hours – the WS site will be open until 7:30 pm. … Next new idea from the city: Neighborhood pop-ups. First one is in the U-District; we checked with the West Seattle Junction Association, which says it’s heard from the city about the idea, but no date set yet.
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