Gatewood 427 results

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Gator Fair at Gatewood Elementary

(WSB photos)

Gatewood Elementary is one of the places to be on this busy Saturday – they’re welcoming everyone to this year’s Gator Fair – lots of fun and games:

Other community groups are participating too – the Morgan Community Association is there to remind everyone about the Morgan Junction Community Festival two weeks from today:

The Gator Fair is on until 2:30 pm, at the Gatewood Elementary playground, 4320 SW Myrtle!

WEST SEATTLE SCHOOLS: Gatewood Elementary event welcoming teen and tween volunteers

Again this year, Gatewood Elementary is planning a community event, and welcoming teenage and tween-age volunteers to help make it happen. Here’s the announcement we were asked to share with you:

Volunteer opportunity for Seattle Public School middle and high school students to earn service hours:

Gatewood Elementary is hosting the 2nd Annual Gatewood Gator Fair on Saturday, June 1st, 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and is looking for volunteers to set-up and break down the event, run carnival games, help out at booths, etc.

The event is rain or shine and the community is invited.

Volunteer shifts are: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., 11 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., 1- 3:30 p.m.

Sign up at

School address: 4320 SW Myrtle Street. Parking in the neighborhood

Public transportation: Rapid Ride C line stop is Fauntleroy Way SW and SW Myrtle St.

UPDATE: Brown water in Gatewood

4:33 PM: So far we have two reports from Gatewood this afternoon about discolored tap water. No emergencies are showing on the Seattle Public Utilities water map, which means hydrant testing is a possibility – that tends to stir up sediment (rust) in the pipes, and as we reported recently, this is the start of the busy season for testing. If brown water happens to you, be sure to contact SPU’s 24/7 hotline at 206-386-1800 to let them know, even if you think someone else in your neighborhood already has. (And don’t do laundry until you’re sure the water’s running clear!)

8:27 PM: As noted in comments, SPU confirmed hydrants were being tested.

Brown water in Gatewood

Per a text, discolored water is happening in the 6700 block of 41st SW. No incidents on the Seattle Public Utilities map so far, but if/when it happens to you, it’s always important to report it – SPU’s 24-hour number for this is 206-386-1800 – because your report might be first word of a problem. (Another common cause: Hydrant testing stirring up sediment, aka rust, in the pipes.)

DEVELOPMENT: Next round of commenting for 7617 35th SW project

A new sign is up at 7617 35th SW – between Holden and Ida – because the project review for that site has reached a new phase. As announced in today’s city-circulated Land Use Information Bulletin, the developers have applied for a land-use permit, now that they’ve cleared the first phase of Design Review. (That happened in December – here’s our coverage of the meeting.) The project still has to go through the second phase of Design Review, but so far, city files say it’s proposed as “a 7-story, 126-unit apartment building with 3 live-work units and retail (with p)arking for 66 vehicles …” It’s also worth noting that this is at the heart of one of the “neighborhood centers” envisioned in the newly released Draft One Seattle Plan Update. Today’s permit-application notice opens a two-week comment period; if you want to comment, March 27 is the deadline, and this explains how.

In South Gatewood or Upper Fauntleroy? Huddle with your hub!

March 4, 2024 1:03 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | Gatewood | Preparedness | West Seattle news

Last week on the Nisqually earthquake anniversary, we reminded you about Emergency Communication Hubs – the volunteer-powered meeting places pre-designated in case of catastrophe, places you can go for information/resources if something big takes down the usual means of communication. One of West Seattle’s 20+ hubs is hoping nearby residents will come to a gathering this Thursday (March 7), 6:30 pm – the one for South Gatewood and Upper Fauntleroy residents, at Peace Lutheran Church (39th/Thistle). Here’s the announcement from organizer Joel:

The Emergency Hub located at Peace Lutheran Church is meant to provide community-run support efforts in the area of Cloverdale up to Othello, and 35th to California in the event of infrastructure related disturbances such as a major snowstorm, extended power outages, or the big earthquake/ tsunami/ volcanic eruption/ Guadalajara type of disaster.

If you are, or you know anyone, in the area that may be interested in doing some tabletop role-playing exercises that’ll cover several information gathering and resource distribution techniques to help us be better prepared for managing our local needs in a time of crisis, please feel free to join us. All are welcome. No prior knowledge or training is needed. Enter on the west side of the church.

For detailed info on how hubs are supposed to work, go here

Brown water in west Gatewood

February 12, 2024 11:31 am
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 |   Gatewood | Utilities | West Seattle news

From a reader via text: “Brown water alert just south of Gatewood Elementary. No known fire hydrant activity on our street (Woodside).” Nothing on the Seattle Public Utilities water-trouble map, either. If this happens at your home/business/etc., be sure to report it to SPU at 206-386-1800, even if you think someone else already has.

UPDATE: House fire in Gatewood, cat missing

5:40 AM: Thanks for the tip. Seattle Fire is at a house in the 3700 block of SW Austin. The fire is described as under control. Updates to come.

(Reader photo via text)

5:52 AM: Firefighters have just declared the fire “tapped” (out). The call log indicates they’ve been on scene since about 5:25 am. We’re on our way over to check on injuries and extent of damage.

(WSB photo)

6:01 AM: Just as we arrived, firefighters told dispatch that reptile pets mentioned earlier as being in the house have been “extricated.” Meantime, SFD’s investigator has arrived to start looking into the fire’s cause. We’re waiting to speak with an incident commander.

6:16 AM: Firefighters tell us at the scene that no one was hurt, and the rescued pets – snakes – are OK. Since the fire is out, some of the responding units are starting to leave.

11:47 AM: Still missing from the house, Auzzie the cat:

The photo was forwarded by a neighbor who asks that if you find Auzzie, call Jeff (206) 612-9558. (We’re also adding to our Lost/Found Pets page.)

ADDED FRIDAY AFTERNOON: According to SFD spokesperson Kaila Lafferty, “Investigators ruled the fire was accidental, likely caused by an overheated power strip. It’s important to remember to plug high powered appliances such as space heaters and toaster ovens directly into the wall outlet, never into an extension cord or power strip.”

ALSO: Here’s a crowdfunding page set up to help the victims.

CONTINUING. SUNDAY: Peace Lutheran’s Holiday Bazaar

The holiday spirit abounds at the Peace Lutheran Church Holiday Bazaar in Gatewood, happening both days this weekend in the church’s gathering hall (enter off 39th just north of Thistle). Lots of treats, too:

You’ll also find a table with fair-trade coffee, chocolate, and tea for sale. Jewelry too:

And you or someone on your gift list can combat cold feet with these slippers:

We also noted plants, poetry books, and suet for your backyard birds. The bazaar continues until 3 pm today and will be open tomorrow too, noon to 3 pm. Proceeds are benefiting local nonprofits including the Westside Neighbors Network Shelter (and thanks to bazaar organizers for sponsoring WSB this week to get the word out).

SATURDAY: West Seattle community mini-walk for Alzheimer’s awareness

September 28, 2023 9:00 am
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 |   Gatewood | How to help | West Seattle news

Once again this year, at the same time as the regional Walk to End Alzheimer’s downtown, an unofficial mini-walk is planned in West Seattle. Here’s the invitation:

The local Alzheimer’s Caregivers’ Support group invites anyone who wants to join us for an easy, fairly level walk around the neighborhood, staying on sidewalks. Meet up with the West Seattle group if you don’t want to go downtown.

Meeting at 39th and SW Holden
Saturday 9/30 at 10:00 am

All are welcome. Wear purple if you can!

READER REPORTS: 2 abandoned, suspicious vehicles

First one appears to be a definite candidate for the dumped-likely-stolen file:

Abandoned burgundy KIA found on 27th and Kenyon. Obvious signs of being stolen (broken windows, ignition, etc.) and signals of drug use. This has been reported to police and assume it will be towed soon. Also footage from camera shows multiple people and cars involved during the dump.

The second one is a little more of a mystery. The reader report came in Saturday; we looked about an hour ago, and the truck is still there, so we’re publishing this:

Appears to be abandoned at 41st and Ida. Half in parking strip. Side work door attempted to be pried open.

It’s also parked facing the wrong way. The person who emailed said they’ve reported to police. Also of note – that’s the same Gatewood intersection where a stolen Hyundai was dumped earlier this week.

VIDEO: ‘Gratitude gathering’ beneath two doomed Gatewood trees with advocates who say ‘housing vs. trees is a false dichotomy’

(The Gatewood Douglas Firs)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Tree advocates who helped save Luma are branching out.

Tonight in West Seattle, they led a “gratitude gathering” that drew more than 40 people to pay tribute to two Douglas Firs that are among 16 trees planned for removal on a Gatewood lot where a house is to be built.

Organizer Sandy Shettler of Tree Action Seattle said they’re not sure these two can be saved as was “Luma” – she hasn’t even contacted the builder who owns the lot to plead the case – but she doesn’t want to see them go without at least a round of awareness-raising.

The trees – measured at diameters of 43″ and 27″ – are on a 4,200-square-foot lot in the 4100 block of SW Southern that, records show, had the same ownership as the house to its east until last year, when the house got a new owner, followed this past April by the separate sale of the lot to a West Seattle builder.

Shettler says she and her group were not there to vilify the builder and that they are not against housing – but they are against losing more “exceptional” trees to do it. (The Tree Action Seattle website declares, “The future is about housing and tree equity for all. Housing vs trees is a false dichotomy of the Old Way of unintelligent planning and short term profits for the few. We reject this limited thinking and embrace housing and tree equity for all.”) She says this project was cleared because the trees couldn’t be spared without the house being less than 15′ wide at one spot, but she contends the city has many homes that don’t fit the criteria, and showed a roughed-out sketch of how this lot could hold a home and accessory dwelling unit while sparing the two big trees.

Losing trees like these, lot by lot, is an ecological crisis, Tree Action Seattle contends. Leaders were joined in speeches tonight by West Seattle wildlife biologist Kersti Muul, who stated flatly, “If we don’t have trees, we don’t have whales” – trees cool and clean the air by the waterways that raise the salmon Southern Resident Killer Whales in particular need to eat.

While the two Gatewood trees may not be next to a salmon stream – though Fauntleroy Creek is only about a mile away – they are important to birds, she added, showing a photo of a mating pair of Merlins that she found nesting in the area seven years ago, with their offspring seen nearby ever since. Her photo even appeared in the book Magical Merlins” by Bruce A. Haak; she sent us this photo post-event:

The Merlins need tall evergreens for nesting – “mostly Douglas Firs.” She offered one more point for contemplation: “We have wants, Wildlife has needs.”

We recorded her remarks as well as those of the Tree Action Seattle leaders:

Shettler said they’ve been hearing from so many local people about doomed trees, she’s planning a West Seattle section on their website. (Friday update: That page is now live.) They’re also fighting for changes in the city’s new tree ordinance, which they say actually reduces protection possibilities for exceptional trees by giving the city less leeway in considering their fate. They’re hoping to make this an issue in the seven City Council campaigns and urged attendees to ask council candidates – Rob Saka and Maren Costa in District 1 – where they stand. “Our best hope is the new council.”

As the setting sun cast a golden glow on the trees, the “gratitude” part of the gathering began; Tree Action Seattle brought a basket of flowers and created a mandala on the pavement for people to pause to contemplate the trees and offer thanks for their existence.

Some then left; many of those who stayed gathered for a group photo.

WHAT’S NEXT: The newest version of the tree-removal notice filed today for this site says removal might start as soon as a week from tomorrow. Unlike the “Luma” saga, Shettler didn’t expect “direct action” in this case, but each spotlight shone on a situation like this, she said, could plant a seed of inspiration for housing plans that spare trees.

CONTINUING MONDAY-TUESDAY: ‘Art on the Corner’ in Gatewood

If you walk or run in Gatewood, you’ve probably seen the chalked messages now and then, inviting you to “Art on the Corner” at 39th/Holden. Today Megan sent photos, including the chalkboard above with the schedule. Here’s the artist, Bonnie Bennedsen:

Megan explains: “All of the paintings are watercolors made by Bonnie herself. Ships, flowers, birds, ferries, Seattle landscapes and cityscapes and more. She also sells hand-painted greeting cards. Every penny goes to the West Seattle Food Bank.” Look for the chalkboard and banner to find Bonnie’s house “on the corner.”

WEEKEND SCENE: Gatewood Elementary Gator Fair

Thanks to Brandy for the photo! Another event happening right now, spotlighted in our daily list, the Gator Fair at Gatewood Elementary (4320 SW Myrtle). Brandy notes, “Lots of booths, music, prizes, and fun. Goes until 2:30 pm. All welcome!” Indoor science fair and art walk too.

More brown water in Gatewood, south Morgan Junction

Multiple reports, via email and Twitter, with word of brown water. First:

John on the 7100 block of California Ave SW reports taking a “mineral bath” and recommends checking your water before doing the laundry.

Also just out of the inbox, T reports, “I want to let you know about brown water in Gatewood (41st and Holden) this morning. It’s been reported to SPU. … Apparently someone has operated a hydrant in the neighborhood which stirred up sediment. It should be clear by 6:00 p.m.” If your water turns up discolored, always report it to SPU, 206-386-1800, so they can track it; they recently explained that a change in hydrant-testing procedures is apparently stirring up more sediment – mostly rust – in the lines. (Thanks to the commenter who provided the initial tip about that change!)

UPDATE: Brown water in Gatewood

11:02 AM: Thanks to the texter who reported brown water in upper Gatewood. Nothing of note on the Seattle Public Utilities map so far. If your water is discolored – now or any other time – be sure to report it to SPU’s hotline, 206-386-1800. The discoloration is usually from “sediment” – mostly rust – being stirred up in the lines by anything from a water-main break to nearby hydrant testing.

4:09 PM: Another texter says this just started at their residence, and sent a photo (added above). SPU told them hydrant testing was the likely culprit, and that the discoloration might persist until tomorrow morning.

EARTH DAY: Church’s RainWise installation showcased during educational event

April 22, 2023 11:11 am
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 |   Environment | Gardening | Gatewood | West Seattle news

It’s a familiar sight if you walk, run, ride, or drive along SW Thistle in Gatewood – the garden outside Peace Lutheran Church (39th/Thistle). It’s not just for show – it’s part of the church’s RainWise installation, as are cisterns:

The church’s grounds are the setting for today’s RainWise info event – more West Seattle residents are eligible for rebates to lessen the load on our area’s stormwater system by capturing rainwater, so they’re getting the word out this spring. Even if you’re not, you’re welcome to stop by and talk about topics including wildlife habitat:

This is on until 1 pm – more info here. (And if you miss it, another round of RainWise events, in-person and online, is coming up soon – watch this page, and our calendar, for details..)

Milestone for new levy-funded public-safety radio system, with one side effect

Back in 2019-2020, we reported on the construction of that public-safety radio tower in Myrtle Reservoir Park, built alongside the older one it replaced, which has since been removed. It’s part of a radio-network upgrade that dates back to a nine-year, quarter-billion-dollar levy passed by voters in 2015. Today brought a milestone for the system, known as the Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network (PSERN) – Seattle Police and Fire radio communications made the analog-to-digital switch this morning. That caught some scanner listeners off guard (ourselves included, as well as at least some of the popular online services), when the usual channels suddenly went silent. We’re now in the process of upgrading our equipment – so for a few days, we REALLY appreciate texts about sightings of sizable SPD responses (206-293-6302). It’s not just SFD and SPD – other agencies around the county are using PSERN as well. PSERN’s website says the upgrade is intended to “provide improved coverage, capacity, and reliability, as well as incorporate limited conventional VHF and UHF interoperability capabilities, primarily in the mountains, for connection to other response agencies, such as search and rescue.” As we reported in 2019, the Myrtle Reservoir Park tower is one of more than 60 comprising the network; the old tower on the site was part of PSERN’s predecessor, the King County Emergency Communication System.

WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: ‘Sidewalk reveal’ in west Gatewood

Some parts of the city don’t have sidewalks – and some parts have sidewalks that are unusable because they’ve been covered in overgrowth. That’s the situation in west Gatewood, near Westside Unitarian, where volunteers calling themselves the Seattle Street Fixers are working right now.

You’re welcome to help – they started at 44th/Othello [map]. You can see some of the other places they’ve cleared by scrolling through here.

CONTINUING SUNDAY: Peace Lutheran Church’s holiday bazaar is back

November 12, 2022 12:06 pm
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 |   Gatewood | Holidays | West Seattle news

Christmas is six weeks away. If you’re ready to get in the mood, this weekend’s return of the Peace Lutheran Church (39th/Thistle) holiday bazaar is the place – many of the handmade/fair-trade items are holiday-themed:

The bazaar also features a bake sale, with proceeds benefiting the West Seattle Food Bank:

The bazaar continues until 2 pm today, and will be open again noon-2 pm Sunday. If you get there today before 1 pm, they’re also offering free kids’ crafts and selling a hot lunch ($5 adults, $3 kids). Note that they’re not taking cards or electronic payments – bring cash or personal checks.

WEST SEATTLE HALLOWEEN: Gatewood show starts tonight

With Halloween now just a little over three weeks away, we’re continuing our spotlight on West Seattle decorations. Andrew‘s home in Gatewood is offering a special seasonal show, starting tonight:

We’d love to share our Halloween decorations with everyone!

37th Ave SW/SW Austin St in Gatewood

Saturday nights, starting Saturday, 10/8

Two Showtimes:
7:30 pm
8:00 pm

The show is 15 minutes long. Show will unfortunately only be playing if it’s not raining. Happy Halloween!

If you have Halloween decorations – with or without a show – to suggest for our ongoing spotlights, please email info (and a photo if you have one, though we can also go out and take our own) to – thank you!

WEEKEND PREVIEW: Can’t get to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s? Unofficial mini-walk in West Seattle

September 30, 2022 12:55 pm
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 |   Gatewood | How to help | West Seattle news

From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar, happening tomorrow (Saturday, October 1st): The regional fundraising Walk To End Alzheimer’s is happening downtown. Local supporters are organizing a mini-walk here:

For those who want to stay in West Seattle, the Alzheimer’s caregivers support group welcomes anyone to join them for a walk at 11:00 am at 39th and Holden for a walk in the Gatewood area. Wear purple if possible!

No RSVP needed – just show up.

Close call as tree tumbles in lower Gatewood

Thanks to Tim for the tip and top photo. A tree on the southeast edge of the Gatewood Elementary campus has fallen onto the back of The Little Gym‘s building next door (California/Myrtle). But we’re told no one was hurt and, so far, it’s not believed to have caused major damage, either to the building or to a car that’s under the tree

Logistics of removing the tree were being discussed when we were there a little while ago.