day : 01/02/2025 10 results

‘We have to continue to tell our story’: Washington State Black Legacy Institute’s grand opening in West Seattle celebrates past, present, future

(Photo courtesy Admiral Neighborhood Association)

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

More than a year after we first took you to the Washington State Black Legacy Institute, the new mission of an ex-church/event venue in Admiral, it is opening its doors more widely to the community.

A celebration today at the city-landmarked building at 2656 42nd SW, recently purchased to firm up its future, featured words of both promise and defiance – a declaration that the WSBLI mission will not be derailed or detoured by the national political attack on diversity and equity. “We have to continue to tell our story and what we’ve been able to overcome,” declared WSBLI president/CEO Kateesha Atterberry, founder of real-estate/development firm Urban Black, which partnered with WSBLI for the building purchase. Here’s what she told those gathered this morning, starting with words of welcome:

Even stronger words were delivered by the next speaker, District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka.

(WSB photo by Dave Gershgorn)

Before presenting Atterberry with a proclamation that today is Washington State Black Legacy Institute Day in Seattle, he decided to “go off script for a moment” and decry “efforts to politicize things that should not be political,” elaborating that he was defending diversity/equity/inclusion. “In Seattle, we will continue to celebrate DEI.” Here’s what he said, including excerpts from the proclamation:

You might have noticed the speakers standing under umbrellas in front of the WSBLI building. Throughout the speeches, icy rain continued to pick up intensity, and that led Roger Evans, executive vice president for heritage and preservation, to keep his remarks short, explaining the exhibit as celebrating “greatness that has always bee here but was never told to the masses”:

Dr. Jacqualine Boles sang next – and during her gospel performance, the heavens opened up and a heavy hail shower poured down, moving the celebration into the WSBLI foyer, where the ceremonial ribbon was cut, before guests moved into the larger inside room for brunch. The foyer is where portraits and other permanent displays can be seen:

(WSB photo by Dave Gershgorn)

The art exhibit that went on public display today is in the WSBLI basement, while other rooms in the building are devoted to work such as preservation and digitization. The plan is to have the building open most days this month (we’re checking on the hours); other events being planned include a Juneteenth film festival.

UPDATE: Missing man found

SUNDAY NIGHT: The missing man that KCSO had been seeking has been found, safe.


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Small fire in West Seattle Junction apartment building

(Image from SDOT camera via @SDOTtraffic)

Thanks for the tips. A briefly large Seattle Fire response was sent to The Junction this past hour for a small fire in a unit at 4730 California SW. The seventh-floor fire was extinguished quickly and most of the responding units were dismissed. This started with a small dispatch to investigate “water flow” (turned out to be the sprinklers) and then was upgraded.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Auto-shop burglars on video

Todd at Swedish Automotive (35th/Kenyon; WSB sponsor) reports his shop was broken into early today, and it’s on video:

We had a break-in this morning at the shop around 4 am. Ring camera captured some of it and the alarm went off, but not before they broke the front door, 4 windows in the back, cut the latch off the back gate and made off with our safe. SPD case 2025-29750 if anyone has any information.

That includes if you happen to find a dumped safe.

PHOTOS: West Seattle’s Vietnamese Cultural Center welcomes the New Year

(WSB photos by Dave Gershgorn)

The tumultuous midday weather didn’t stop the celebration at West Seattle’s Vietnamese Cultural Center this afternoon – just forced a bit of a delay until the Lion Dance to commemorate the arrival of the Year of the Snake:

(Vovinam Burien performed this year’s Lion Dance.) The historic Vietnamese flag was also raised for the holiday, known as Tết, with South Vietnam military veterans in attendance:

Also visiting for the celebration, new citywide City Councilmember Alexis Mercedes Rinck (below with center director Ducly Bui):

The festivities included food:

And a group photo:

You can visit the Vietnamese Cultural Center most Saturdays, noon-3 pm, at 2236 SW Orchard; watch the center’s website for dates of other celebrations.

ADDED SUNDAY: Thanks to Lynda Bui for Lion Dance video!

Gatewood water break resolved – and what crews did afterward

(WSB photo)

That sighting of brown water flushing from a hydrant is what tipped us to a water outage in Gatewood. We were out walking when we spotted a Seattle Public Utilities worker flushing the hydrant at 39th/Rose [map]; he told us they were clearing the water from a “branch” before restoring service following a break further east on Rose. The SPU water-trouble map says 40+ homes were affected by the break centered near 35th/Rose; we walked past the hydrant again about half an hour after taking the top photo, and the water was running clear.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Hit-run driver on video (Sunday update)

The video and report were sent by Corey:

We want to share this hit and run last night that completely wrecked my wife’s car, And hoping our West Seattle community can help identify the car in the video. This happened at 2:48 AM on the 8800 block of 18th Ave. SW and SW Trenton. As you can see, the car smashes into the front driver side, backs into the truck behind it, and then takes off.

If someone can help identify the car make or model, that would be very helpful or if you have seen this car in your neighborhood with a smashed front driver side, please let us know.

Corey says the report #, filed with the State Patrol, is M4014103.

SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Corey emailed to say, “Because of the post, someone identified the car and they live less than a block away. The Tesla was found, parked on the street with the very apparent damage. Contacted the owner and he gave us all of his information. We also saw that he backed into a neighbor’s truck and did damage there as well. Now we can all get our cars fixed and not have to pay our deductible. Thanks to the Blog and thanks to the people who emailed us with the information about the car, And the individual who emailed me about the location.”

UPDATE: Water rescue response off Alki Point

12:09 PM: Responders are looking for a kayaker who may be in distress.

12:35 PM: SFD says responders made contact with the kayaker they were seeking, and all’s well.

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: A bit of snow – then ice – shows up

9:41 AM: For days now, forecasters have been dangling the possibility of a little snow here in the “lowlands.” And just now, as we started to write a “no sightings yet” story, a flurry showed up here in Upper Fauntleroy. No alerts yet but snowflakes are featured daily/nightly in the official National Weather Service forecast for the next several days and nights, so keep your snow-related gear on standby.

10:21 AM: Sunshine has since shown up too.

12:20 PM: Intense squall moved through Admiral a short time ago and the ground was coated.

12:59 PM: Thanks to commenter Oriana for that photo showing what happened after the ice (not snow) squall went through. We were covering the Washington State Black Legacy Institute event, outdoors, and will add video of how it was so intense, it chased everyone indoors.


(Recent sunny day at Alki – photo by James Bratsanos)

Here’s what’s happening on your Saturday, mostly from our West Seattle Event Calendar:

SATURDAY GROUP RUN: Meet at West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW; WSB sponsor) at 8 am for the regular Saturday morning run.

HEAVILY MEDITATED: Free community meditation, 9 am at Inner Alchemy‘s sanctuary/studio (3618 SW Alaska).

INTRODUCTORY WALK: Prelude to the next event – meet at the same spot, 47th/Fauntleroy, 9:30 am, for a flat-terrain 1-mile walk.

WALKING FOR WELL-BEING: Then at 10 am, you’re invited to join others for the weekly walk in Lincoln Park (also meet at 47th/Fauntleroy).

WEST SEATTLE TAE KWON DO CLUB: First February 2025 class is at 9:30 am at High Point Community Center (6920 34th SW), all levels welcome.

THREE LITTLE BIRDS REOPENS: As previewed here last night, the shop opens today in its new location at 3270 California SW, 10 am-5:30 pm.

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADMISSIONS FAIR: Not in West Seattle but some local SPS schools are expected to participate. 10 am-2 pm at district HQ in SODO (3rd/Lander).

MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.

FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am – “This is a free, weekly, in-person active writing group grounded in the Amherst Writers and Artists method. It is a safe, critique-free space. Writers of all levels welcome, 16 and up.” Our calendar listing has location and RSVP info.

WASHINGTON STATE BLACK LEGACY INSTITUTE GRAND OPENING: 11 am speeches, noon ribboncutting, followed by art-exhibit preview, until 2:30 pm at the new history institution headquartered at 2656 42nd SW.

LEAPS AND BOUNDS WOMEN’S CLOTHING SWAP: As previewed here, you’re invited to swap clothes and accessories 11 am-3 pm at WSUU, to benefit local nonprofit Leaps and Bounds Children’s Therapy. (7141 California SW)

MUSIC FEST AT THE SPOT: 11 am-11 pm, free all-day-all-night music festival at The Spot West Seattle, all ages, see the hour-by-hour lineup here. (2920 SW Avalon Way)

LOW TIDE ARTS OPEN HOUSE: New art studio at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California SW) invites you to visit 11 am-5 pm, as previewed here.

FAMILY READING TIME: Canceled again today because Paper Boat Booksellers is moving.

LOG HOUSE MUSEUM OPEN: The home of West Seattle history is open for your visit, noon-4 pm – see the newest exhibit, about the West Duwamish Greenbelt! (61st/Stevens)

VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER OPEN, WITH NEW YEAR CELEBRATION: The center is also open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here, with Vietnamese New Year celebration noon-2 pm today. (2236 SW Orchard)

VISCON CELLARS TASTING ROOM/WINE BAR: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor).

HEART-TENDING GRIEF AND YOGA WORKSHOP: Experiencing grief? This workshop is for you, 1-5 pm at Bohemian Studios (4801 Fauntleroy Way SW), details in our calendar listing.

MORBIDLY CURIOUS BOOK CLUB: 1 pm at Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) – our calendar listing details the January book up for discussion today.

LIVE AT KENYON HALL: Romantic Cello performs, doors at 2 pm, music at 2:30 pm, tickets here. (7904 35th SW)

WALK-IN MASSAGE CLINIC: Free, drop-in, at Nepenthe (9447 35th SW), 3-5 pm.

BABY GROUP: At Viva Arts, Baby Massage Class, 3-4:30 pm. Details in our calendar listing. (4421 Fauntleroy Way SW)

BASKETBALL: Chief Sealth International High School hosts Ingraham – girls’ varsity at 4 pm, boys’ varsity at 5:30 pm. (2600 SW Thistle)

DINE-OUT FUNDRAISER: 5-9 pm, dine at Chipotle in The Junction (4730 California SW), give them the code shown in our calendar listing, and you’ll be helping the West Seattle High School Class of 2026 ASB.

LIVE AT C & P: 6-8 pm. Steff Jetson at C & P Coffee, solo acoustic music, no cover, all ages. (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor)

LIVE AT EASY STREET RECORDS: A.G. Joints, Beatbox Panda, Will FM, 6:30 pm, no cover, all ages. (4559 California SW)

ASTRA LUMINA: The illuminated walk at Seattle Chinese Garden on Puget Ridge continues all month. 6:30 pm and later entry times; ticket cost varies. (6000 16th SW)

THE BYRD ENSEMBLE, WITH TICKET DEAL: Acclaimed vocal ensemble performs Renaissance music from Scotland and England, 7:30 pm at Holy Rosary Church (42nd/Genesee) – get tickets here; use code WSBLOG30 at checkout for discount.

LIVE AT THE SKYLARK: Jay Fiddy hosts a night of PNW Hip-Hop with PXSSION, JUST BLU3, HYBRID HOUND, CARTER COSTELLO, PEYDAY, 8 pm, $10 at the door, which opens at 7. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

REVELRY ROOM DJ: 9 pm, always a DJ. (4547 California SW)

KARAOKE AT TALARICO’S: 10 pm start time for Saturday-night singers at Talarico’s Pizzeria. (4718 California SW)

West Seattle event coming up? If the community’s welcome, your event is welcome to a spot on our calendar! Please email info to – thank you!