West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
Reminder – tomorrow night (Monday, November 27) brings what Seattle Parks is calling a “West Seattle Park Project Updates” meeting, online at 6 pm. They’re promising to discuss not only the plan for pickleball courts in Lincoln Park but also the long-running Hiawatha Community Center closure, the even-longer-running Lincoln Park South Play Area closure, the future off-leash area, the landbanked West Seattle Junction park project, and more. All this will supposedly be addressed in the span of an hour; whether any real-time questions will be answered isn’t clear, but Parks’ original announcement suggested that if you have questions “you’d like answered at the meeting,” email them in advance to pks_info@seattle.gov. To get the link for tomorrow’s meeting, register here.
Three reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
EMERALD WATER ANGLERS HIT AGAIN: The fly-fishing-focused shop at 4502 42nd SW in The Junction (WSB sponsor) is dealing with the aftermath of another crime. This time, says proprietor Dave McCoy, thieves dressed all in black swooped in, grabbed expensive jackets, and ran out. For now EWA is changing their open-door policy. The store is open (until 5 pm today), but you might have to knock.
Looks like a stolen Kawasaki motorcycle was stripped early yesterday morning and left at the Duwamish trailhead at 14th Ave SW and SW Holly. Still there this morning.
CAR PROWLERS: Seen by Todd in the 1100 block of Alki late last night after his barking dog alerted him – “I looked out into the darkness and saw a short-ish woman with a pit bull checking the doors on several parked cars in front of the condos….across the street was a taller man wearing a full mask watching her…when she came back across the street they seemed to notice that I was watching them and they did a quick walk the other direction then came back to an older black toyota tacoma pickup and took off in the direction of Alki Beach.”
Questions about senior living – whether for yourself or a family member? Get answers about multiple options during an event this Tuesday (November 28), 5-7 pm. at Village Green West Seattle (2615 SW Barton; WSB sponsor). Coordinators say multiple senior-living communities are participating as well as the hosts. Call to RSVP (or if you have questions about the event), 206-937-6122.
Four weeks until Christmas Eve, and your West Seattle tree sellers are now up and running, as noted in our West Seattle Holiday Guide. Above, that’s the Holy Rosary School Tree Lot, north side of the campus off 42nd SW between SW Dakota and SW Genesee. They’re open daily through December 16th, 4-9 pm weekdays, 9 am-9 pm weekends, and sent a few notes:
Wreaths and cedar garland are also for sale as well as Hope Lutheran’s beautiful poinsettias.
In addition to proceeds benefiting Holy Rosary School and Hope Lutheran (poinsettias only), two local charities will also receive a portion of the proceeds: Salvation Army Hickman House and West Seattle Food Bank. Let’s work together as a community and fill the shelves at the West Seattle Food Bank. Bring 5 Cans of Food, Receive $5 Off Your Purchase!
West Seattle’s northernmost tree lot also opened right after Thanksgiving, Trees By The Sea (2530 Alki Avenue SW), which also sent notes:
We have our amazing weekly fresh cut trees available =and will be open every day from then until we sell out. We also have wreaths, garland and products available from our honey company Shipwreck Apiaries.
Hours are:
Monday-Thursday – 12-7
Friday – 10-8
Saturday – 8-8
Sunday 8-7
Also: In the south end of West Seattle, Tony’s Market (35th/Barton) has made the annual transformation into a tree lot, and in the heart of the peninsula, West Seattle Nursery (California/Brandon) is stocked with trees, and offers delivery. We also noticed today that trees are available at the West Seattle Farmers’ Market (open until 2 pm), from Three Tree Farms in Maple Valley. … Local hardware stores offer trees too: Junction True Value (44th/Edmunds), The Home Depot (Delridge/Orchard), and McLendon in White Center (16th/102nd).
Three years after we first reported on the art planned for the Pump Station 38 overhaul in the 1400 block of Alki Avenue SW, the work is complete, and artist Sarah Thompson Moore will be visiting to answer questions about it during a casual celebration. Seattle Public Utilities invites you to stop by between 10 am and noon next Saturday (December 2nd). The work spans the site from a cabinet to the walkway to new safety fencing, and was inspired by an old topographic map of the area. SPU says the pump-station work – mostly to increase its capacity – is finished too, but the newly planted area will remain taped off until sometime next month so it has a chance to get established.
(Photo by David Hutchinson from Christmas Ship’s Alki visit Saturday; our Friday report is here)
First a quick traffic reminder – if you are heading anywhere near downtown and North Seattle this morning, you might encounter Seattle Marathon street/highway closures – here’s a paywall-free regional-media roundup. Now today’s West Seattle events in two sections, starting with what’s in our Holiday Guide:
DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE NATIVE ART MARKET: Last day to buy from Native artists and crafters. 10 am-7 pm. Food vendors too. And there’s parking north of the Longhouse! (4705 West Marginal Way SW)
ELVES COTTAGE HOLIDAY PHOTOS: At Hoste (2332 California SW), 11 am-5 pm: “The Elves’ Cottage is a haven of festive cheer, inviting you to create memories that will be cherished for years to come. Dress your little ones in their festive best, bring along a favorite holiday toy, and prepare for a portrait session filled with smiles and joy! Spots are limited to one day, so be sure to reserve your session.”
BUY YOUR PANCAKE-BREAKFAST TICKETS! 10 am-2 pm, at the West Seattle Farmers Market‘s south end, look for the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle booth, and buy your ticket(s) for their December 2nd pancake breakfast (which features Santa photo ops)!
TOYS FOR TOTS AT WEST SEATTLE FARMERS MARKET: The Kiwanis Club of West Seattle also is accepting unwrapped-toy donations at its West Seattle Farmers’ Market booth, 10 am-2 pm today.
And now the rest of today’s lineup, mostly from our WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet at 9 am at rotating locations.
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: 10 am-2 pm, the market is open as usual between SW Alaska and SW Oregon on California, offering fall fruit and vegetables as well as flowers, cheese, fish, meat, baked goods, condiments, fresh-cooked food, beverages (from cider to kombucha to beer/wine), nuts, more. Here’s today’s vendor list.
CLASSIC NOVELS (AND MOVIES) BOOK CLUB: At C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor): This month’s topic, Lampedusa‘s “The Leopard.” All welcome.
SUNDAY NIGHT JAZZ: Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (4509 California SW), 8 pm and 9 pm sets.
Something for our calendar – one-time or recurring? Or for the West Seattle Holiday Guide? Please email us the info – westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
Police are searching the Morgan Junction area for a suspect in a shoplift-turned-armed-robbery – the thief brandished a weapon – at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor). The description so far is a white man in his mid-to-late 20s, 6′, medium build, shaved head, beard, neck tattoo, brown coat, blue jeans, with a gun in his waistband. He left with two cases of beer (Modelo and Corona), officers told dispatch, last seen southbound on foot – they’re not sure if he was headed for California or 42nd.
As we wrap up a day in which the main mantra was “shop local,” here are four reasons to “read local” – four books we’ve recently heard about, all the work of West Seattle writers and/or illustrators:
‘POETRY FOR PUPS’: By author Susan Seah and illustrator Morgan Boyle, this book is already an award-winner (Gold Medal from Literary Titan), and a reading for people AND dogs is planned next weekend, 3-5 pm Sunday, December 3, at Realfine Coffee (4480 Fauntleroy Way SW). The author, who plans to bring her “beagle muse” Koa to the reading, writes from this viewpoint: “Embracing the joys of being a dog mom for over two decades, her journey has been enriched with adventures, inspiration, and the unwavering devotion of her fur babies. Beyond her canine companions, Susan wears the hat of a corporate and technology lawyer, a vocation that stands alongside her dedication to empower women as the CEO and Founder of The Koa Club.” Copies of “Poetry for Pups“ will be available for purchase at next weekend’s event.
‘IT’S NOT (ALL) YOUR FAULT’: West Seattle author Sharon Podobnik recently launched her first book, described as …
… a deeply personal nonfiction exposé on the self-help industry from an insider’s perspective. Rather than being a self-help book in the traditional sense, it is a self-conscious self-help book that reveals the tactics that the industry uses while demonstrating exactly how they work. The book is incredibly approachable, while proving that well-being depends on solidarity, not self-optimization.
Sharon is the founder of The Center for Conscious Leadership, “which seeks to co-create a more peaceful, just, and equitable world.” She recently read from “It’s Not (All) Your Fault“ at C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor).
‘BROOMS’: The illustrator of this graphic novel, written by Jasmine Walls, is Teo Duvall, a member of the team at Highland Park Corner Store, which held a launch party earlier this fall. Teo explains that “Brooms“ is about “six young witches of color in an alternate history 1930s Mississippi. In order to raise money for better lives, they participate in illegal backwoods broom racing. It’s a story about friendship, magic and overcoming the odds with lots of joy and love.” You can see an excerpt here. “Brooms” has been acclaimed for a variety of reasons including its inclusion of people living with disabilities.
To buy “Brooms” locally, check Pegasus Book Exchange and (of course) Highland Park Corner Store.
Pip Paisley recently published Always Carry Your Scythe, describing the book as “a humorous, contemporary fantasy set in Seattle (that) features a diverse cast of living and alternative-living beings in all shapes, sizes, colors and orientations.” Pip has been leaving copies of “Always Carry Your Scythe” in (Little) Free Libraries around West Seattle, and whether you encounter the book that way or by buying it, Pip has an offer: “If anyone reads the book and leaves a review on Amazon, drop me a note at pippaisley@gmail.com and I’ll happily send over a Always Carry Your Scythe mug.”
Over the past decade. readers have sent occasional photos of a multicolored bird we quickly learned was a Golden Pheasant. (For example: 2013, 2019.) Most likely not all the same one, as their lifespan isn’t quite that long. Most recently, the one shown above was hanging around Arbor Heights. Kersti Muul sent a sad update about it today:
I leaned yesterday that the golden pheasant was found off 106th and (Marine View Drive) with head trauma and euthanized at Urban Animal. I matched it to one in Arbor Heights that (a) woman had contacted me about. We were monitoring it in her yard. Found very close to her house.
Kersti said several people had suggested she “rescue” it in the past year, but it was clearly not in distress and was “very active and alert,” so there was no reason to do so. “He had a good free life for a long while. Rest well, beautiful one.”
From Stewart L.:
Walking today (on Harbor Avenue) I found an unlabeled box containing a Disney item that’s brand new. I suspect this has been stolen based on where it was found. If you are missing a Disney-themed gift, please reach out with a description and I will be happy to reunite you with it.
Email us at westseattleblog@gmail.com and we’ll forward to Stewart.
Start checking your cupboards and closets now for anything you might be able to donate to the Caudle family’s annual drive-up food/coat drive next Saturday – 10 am-3 pm December 2nd! This is the fourth year that the Caudles (Leah, Tim, Atticus, and Dominic) have organized the drive held in the lot behind Hope Lutheran Church/School (enter off SW Oregon, just east of 42nd SW).
Coat donations should be new or “gently used,” all sizes. For food donations, here’s more information on what’s most helpful for WSFB and the people they help.
If you sing, this is a unique way to use your voice and presence. The South Seattle Threshold Singers asked us to share this announcement as they invite new members:
We are a chapter of Threshold Choir, a nationally known nonprofit network of a cappella choirs whose members volunteer to sing in small groups at the bedsides of those who are at end-of-life.
We invite you to visit the Threshold Choir website at thresholdchoir.org, and our chapter website at thresholdchoir.org/southseattle to learn more about us.
We welcome people who can carry a tune, hold their own part and blend with others in a small group, communicate kindness with their voice, offer a loving presence to those who are dying, and share deeply with other chapter members. The time commitment is an average of ten hours a month.
If this is of potential interest to you, please contact us at sseattlethreshold@gmail.com and we will send you more information.
Thanks to the crew at Alki Bike and Board (2606 California SW; WSB sponsor) for the photo. Santa is on two wheels today instead of riding in the reindeer-drawn sleigh. You can stop by the shop for a photo with Santa on the classic tandem bike until 3 pm today. While you’re there, check out the Small Biz Saturday sale on bikes and gear (and find out about the AB&B layaway plan).
P.S. As published Friday, here’s our list of all the West Seattle Santa photo ops listed in our Holiday Guide so far!
Thanks for the photos! Above, Rick Dolezal sent that view with the observation, “Weather watching on Beach Drive is always awesome. This weather phenomenon occurred this morning over the water across from Emma Schmitz Overlook.” Below, Darlene Allen photographed “interesting fog”:
And earlier, from Constellation Park, Pelicans photographed fog flowing over the ridge:
Bonus close-up view: “Spider art” seen by Rosalie Miller:
Thanks as always to everyone who sends photos, from weather views to breaking news (and it’s just about time for Christmas lights, too!) – best way is email, westseattleblog@gmail.com, but text works too, particularly when it’s urgent – 206-293-6302.
(Goldeneyes at Jack Block Park, photographed by Steve Bender)
Another two-part list – first, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:
SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY: Today’s the day to emphasize shopping at your independent local businesses (which we do all year long) – and some are offering sales/deals to invite you in. Full details are in the Holiday Guide, but here are highlights:
Filigree & Shadow Handmade Fragrances (WSB sponsor): “Between now and end of Monday, I’m offering 15% off storewide, and online with code GOODTHINGS. I offer complimentary U.S. shipping, too.” Filigree & Shadow’s studio behind Canna West Culture Shop “is open by coincidence or appointment. If you see my sign on the sidewalk, come on in!”
Carmilia’s (4528 California W): At the Junction boutique, today’s offers: “15% off your gift purchase, pick a free gift. Sale Rack up to 50% off. Open today 11 am-6 pm.
Alki Bike and Board (2606 California SW; WSB sponsor): Multiple items on sale – big savings on bikes, bags, shoes, lights. Shop open today 10 am-6 pm. (Also note AB&B has a layaway program!)
Emerald Water Anglers (4502 42nd SW; WSB sponsor): 40% off on select items in-store, Also: Offering a free casting lesson with the purchase of any single-hand rod. Shop open today 10 am-6 pm.
Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor): 20% off select items, in-store and online. Shop open today 10 am-6 pm.
The Bass Shop (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor): All basses 15% off, in-store or online. Shop open today 10 am-6 pm.
SSC Garden Center (6000 16th SW, north lot): The Garden Center is open 10 am-2 pm with 20% off plant sales.
Northwest Wine Academy: Also on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, north lot: “1 tasting included with the purchase of any bottle and 3 for 42$ on all 2016 bottles!” Open 11 am-4 pm.
More holiday events:
DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE NATIVE ART MARKET: Day 2 of your annual chance to buy from Native artists and crafters. We went on Saturday – in addition to work by Northwest Natives, you’ll also find creations like these:
Those are crafts from the Pueblo of Zuni, sold by Seciwa’s Southwest Native Jewelry and Crafts, one of 15+ vendors this weekend. The market is open 10 am-7 pm. Food vendors too. And now there’s more parking, north of the Longhouse! (4705 West Marginal Way SW)
SANTA PHOTOS IN ADMIRAL: This afternoon, Alki Bike and Board (WSB sponsor) hosts Santa for your DIY pics, noon-3 pm. (2606 California SW)
CHRISTMAS SHIP: The Argosy Cruises Christmas Ship returns to West Seattle twice tonight for 20 minutes of live caroling for audiences on the shore:
Stop 1: Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW; WSB sponsor), 5:35 pm
\Stop 2: Alki Beach Park (usually near the Bathhouse), 8:35 pm, with a bonfire
GARY BENSON’S CHRISTMAS SHOW: 7-9 pm at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), all ages, no cover.
Now – from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and archives:
FREE GROUP RUN: Start your Saturday with this weekly West Seattle Runner (2743 California SW) group run! All levels welcome. Meet at the shop by 8 am.
SOFT OPEN: As we reported earlier this week, today is the first day of a soft open for sandwiches-tea-and-more shop Banh Mi XO (9003 35th SW), 9 am-4 pm.
MORNING MUSIC: 10:30 am-noon at C & P Coffee (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), Marco de Carvalho and Friends perform. Info about Marco’s music is here.
FREE WRITING GROUP: 10:30 am in West Seattle, registration required – see full details in our calendar listing.
FAMILY READING TIME: Every Saturday at 11 am at Paper Boat Booksellers (6040 California SW).
PLAY GAMES! The South Park Library invites you to drop by and celebrate International Games Month, 11 am-3 pm. (8604 8th Ave. S.)
VIETNAMESE CULTURAL CENTER: The center is open to visitors noon-3 pm, as explained here. (2234 SW Orchard)
VISCON CELLARS: Tasting room open – wine by the glass or bottle – 1-6 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor). Try the new reds!
BURGERS & BEATS: Saturday night food and music at Revelry Room – burgers start at 6, DJs at 9. (4547 California SW, alley side)
PINK BOA AT EASY STREET: Doors open at 6:30 pm for free all-ages in-store show. (4559 California SW)
ALL-AGES OPEN MIC: 7-10 pm at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way)
‘GREAT NIGHT’: Saturday night program for young adults 18+ to hang out 7 pm-midnight, at Southwest Teen Life Center (2801 SW Thistle).
DRAG AT THE SKYLARK: West End Girls drag extravaganza hosted by Cookie Couture, doors 7 pm, music 8 pm, $20 at the door. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Planning a concert, open house, show, sale, event, meeting, seminar, reading, field trip, fundraiser, class, game, Halloween or holiday-season happening, or ? If the community’s welcome, get your event on our calendar! Please email info to westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
The sky was clear, as were the voices of The Dickens Carolers, as the Argosy Cruises Christmas Ship made its first of this year’s three West Seattle stops tonight at Don Armeni Boat Ramp. We recorded the mini-concert of holiday classics on video:
The downtown skyline provided a gleaming backdrop, including the red and green roof lights of the SODO stadiums. This year’s West Seattle schedule is the same as last year, so you have two more chances tomorrow to see and hear the Christmas Ship without leaving the peninsula – 5:35 pm at/near Salty’s on Alki (1936 Harbor SW, WSB sponsor) and 8:35 pm at Alki (usually near the Bathhouse, 60th/Alki), with a Seattle Parks-supervised bonfire on the beach.
(WSB photo: Santa roaming in The Junction last year)
We’ve made the list and checked it twice – and it’s likely to grow – but for now, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, here are 11 Santa photo ops in West Seattle, starting tomorrow!
SANTA PHOTOS IN ADMIRAL, NOVEMBER 25: Alki Bike and Board (WSB sponsor) hosts Santa for your DIY pics, noon-3 pm. (2606 California SW)
SANTA PHOTOS AND PANCAKES, DECEMBER 2: Santa photos are part of what you’ll find at the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle pancake breakfast, 7 am-11 am December 2nd at Alki Masonic Center (40th/Edmunds) – details in our calendar listing.
SANTA PAWS, DECEMBER 2: Pet photos with Santa at Windermere West Seattle (4526 California SW), 10 am-noon.
SELFIES WITH SANTA, DECEMBER 2: The West Seattle Junction Association offers Selfies with Santa from 12 pm – 3 pm in the Holiday Room at 4210 SW Oregon St. (lower level of the Senior Center of West Seattle)
SANTA AT OUNCES, DECEMBER 2: Bring the kid(s) to Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW) 2-5 pm for free photos with Santa Claus.
Santa is making a stop at Highland Park Corner Store! Sunday, December 3rd he’ll be here to spread good cheer and take photos with your pets (kids of all ages welcome as well!). For a $25 donation, you’ll get access to a digital library of photos taken by Erika Smith Photography. Proceeds from the photos support Forgotten Dogs Rescue. Happy Howl-idays!
(7789 Highland Park Way SW)
SANTA PHOTOS WITH GAIL ANN, DECEMBER 12-13: Two dates during Gail Ann Photography‘s holiday run at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse have limited Santa availability – book ASAP.
SANTA ON THE STREET, DECEMBER 14: Look for Santa roaming The Junction during the December West Seattle Art Walk, 5-8 pm.
SANTA AT WEST SEATTLE REALTY, DECEMBER 14: Santa Claus is expected at West Seattle Realty (2715 California SW; WSB sponsor) during Art Walk, 5-8 pm.
SANTA AND GRINCH PHOTO FUNDRAISER, DECEMBER 15-16: Photos to raise money for West Seattle-based nonprofit Stephanie’s Lifeline, 4-7 pm each day at The Blu Grouse. (9839 17th SW)
SANTA PICS AT LADY JAYE, DECEMBER 19: Santa photos will be part of the annual Lady Jaye Meat Market, 4-8 pm December 19. (4523 California SW)
Know of others? Email us soon as you can so we can add to the list! westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!
All weekend long, the main hall at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse is transformed into a one-stop shop for holiday gifts during the annual holiday-season Native Art Market.
We visited this afternoon and photographed some of the artists – above, elk-skin drum maker Margie Morris; below, Coast Salish artist Peter Boome:
They’re among more than 15 vendors this year, as is Sue Shotridge from Raven’s Nest on Vashon:
You can buy food while you’re there too – we noticed more than a few marketgoers enjoying frybread. Also worth the visit, you can see the exhibits in the Cultural Center outside the hall where the market is happening, and shop the Longhouse gift shop too. The market continues Saturday and Sunday (November 25-26), 10 am-7 pm, 4705 W. Marginal Way SW. And if you haven’t been to the Longhouse in a while, note that they now have parking lots immediately north, same side of the street.
(Photo courtesy ArtsWest – “Snowed In” cast)
West Seattle’s only playhouse, ArtsWest (WSB sponsor), is days away from opening its holiday show, “Snowed In.” Here’s the ArtsWest explanation of this brand-new homegrown production:
This holiday season, ArtsWest will present the world premiere of “Snowed In,” a new holiday musical by Corinne Park-Buffelen and ArtsWest Artistic Director Mathew Wright. Directed by Kelly Kitchens (Mrs. Caliban, Book-It Repertory Theatre) and featuring beloved Seattle musical theater stars Rachel Guyer-Mafune (ACT’s The Wolves), Christian Quinto (Village Theatre’s Mamma Mia), Sarah Russell (Seattle Rep’s Lydia and the Troll), and Nik Hagen (The 5th Avenue Theatre’s Sweeney Todd), Snowed In performs at ArtsWest from November 29 through December 23. Tickets are available online at artswest.org, or by phone at 206-938.0963.
In this fast-paced musical comedy, four musical theater stars (and best friends) are commissioned by ArtsWest to write the most magical, fabulous, fantastic holiday musical of all time. The only problem is they open tomorrow night and all they have is the opening number. When they get snowed in with no escape, a cozy mountain cabin retreat becomes a drama-filled pressure cooker. Will they finish the show and make it to the stage on time?
Writers Park-Buffelen and Wright have aimed to create a holiday musical that speaks to the now. This production takes all the best elements from vintage holiday TV specials, SNL, the Rockettes, and old Hollywood, and mixes in the humor, voice, and reality of 2023. Co-creator Corinne Park-Buffelen remarks, “The magic of this production is that at the heart of the show, we have cast four real-life friends who have never had the opportunity to take the stage together. Mathew and I had the pleasure of writing a show around their incredible talent and chemistry. The holidays are about spending time with people that you love, and we have built that into the show by forming this incredible production team and extend that to welcoming our audiences.”
Snowed In features holiday classics alongside original music by Rich Gray (Forbidden XMas), Corinne Park-Buffelen, and David Taylor Gomes (Ranked, A Musical) with additional musical arrangements by Aaron Norman and Riley Brule, and choreography by Shadou Mintrone (The Can Can). This brand-new musical will have you dancing and singing along with the cast.
ArtsWest will present Snowed In, Wednesday through Saturday at 7:30 pm and Sundays at 3 pm.
The newest place in West Seattle to browse and buy art is now open. As previewed here, this is soft-open day for Alki Arts at 6030 California SW in Morgan Junction. Proprietor Diane Venti is settling back in to a bricks-and-mortar location after recent pop-ups:
You can check out the new space until 6 pm. Official grand-opening day is Saturday, December 2nd; regular hours for Alki Arts will be open Tuesdays-Saturdays, noon-6 pm, and by appointment. The space will also be available for event rentals, with “a deep discount to nonprofits.”
(Photo courtesy Thunder Road Guitars)
As previewed here, Black Friday transformed into Truck Friday at Thunder Road Guitars (6400 California SW; WSB sponsor), where proprietor Frank Gross booked the Dick’s Drive-In truck to come be part of a special event – they’re raffling off this $2,300 guitar:
And if you buy a $10 raffle ticket before the truck leaves at 2 pm, you get a burger and shake. (The truck is just there as part of the raffle – no separate sales.) Sasquatch is there for photo ops, too. TRG’s sale, meantime, lasts through Sunday. (So does the sale at co-housed The Bass Shop, also a WSB sponsor – details on that here.)
(WSB file photo, 57th/Alki restrooms)
Seattle Parks has started the process of turning off water fountains and closing some park restrooms for the winter. But this year, more of the latter will remain open – Parks says it’s on track “to make all 129 public restrooms available for year-round use by the end of 2028.” As part of that, crews have “winterized” eight more park-restroom facilities, three of which are in West Seattle and marked by asterisks in the list below of all West Seattle park restrooms that SPR says will stay open this winter:
WEST SEATTLE STADIUM NORTH STANDS (Limited use for events/programs)
Though only three restroom facilities are identified as newly winterized, we note the West Seattle list is almost twice as long as last year’s. Meantime. SPR’s announcement adds, “While we strive to keep these restrooms open for the winter, there may be times when we must close them for repair or due to extreme low temperatures.” If you happen onto a Parks restroom – or other facility – in need of repairs/maintenance, the 24/7 hotline is 206-684-7250. The reopening process will start in March.
(Frosted leaves, photographed this morning by Theresa Arbow-O’Connor)
Here’s what’s happening on the day after Thanksgiving – first, from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:
DUWAMISH LONGHOUSE NATIVE ART MARKET: This is your annual chance to buy from Native artists and crafters the weekend after Thanksgiving. 10 am-7 pm today through Sunday. Food vendors too. And now there’s more parking, north of the Longhouse! (4705 West Marginal Way SW)
Next, local businesses that have sent word of their sales/specials for Black Friday – full details are in the Holiday Guide:
ALKI BIKE AND BOARD SALE: Multiple items on sale today and tomorrow. 2606 California SW (WSB sponsor). Shop open today 10 am-6 pm.
EMERALD WATER ANGLERS (4502 42nd SW): “We will be offering 40% off on select items in-store for Black Friday and Small Business Saturday. We will also be offering a free casting lesson with the purchase of any single-hand rod.”
THUNDER ROAD GUITARS: On Black Friday, not only a sale, but also a $10 raffle ticket for an awesome guitar that also will get you a burger and shake from the visiting Dick’s Drive-In truck noon-2 pm – details here. (6400 California SW)
BLACK FRIDAY OFFER AT AVALON GLASSWORKS: The shop/studio at 2914 SW Avalon Way will be open 12-4 pm, and: “Shop with us in-person on Black Friday and receive a free original-photography greeting card as our gift to you.”
BLACK FRIDAY = RECORD STORE DAY AT EASY STREET: Huge day at Easy Street Records, open until 9 pm – free in-store concert with Princess Pulpit and Linda From Work at 6 pm. (4559 California SW)
BLACK FRIDAY AT SSC GARDEN CENTER: The Garden Center will be OPEN for Black Friday Weekend with 20% off Plant Sales. 10 am-2 pm Friday. (6000 16th SW, north lot)
BLACK FRIDAY AT NW WINE ACADEMY: Also on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus, north lot: “1 tasting included with the purchase of any bottle and 3 for 42$ on all 2016 bottles!” 11-4 pm.
BLACK FRIDAY AT CARMILIA’S: At the Junction boutique at 4528 California SW: 15% off entire store today. Hours 11 am-5 pm.
Other holiday events:
GIFT WRAPPING: Hosted by The Clay Cauldron at Jet City Labs, 4-8 pm, by donation, with part of the proceeds benefiting cancer research. (4547 California SW)
CHRISTMAS SHIP: The brightly lit boat with carolers on board makes its first stop of the season at Don Armeni Boat Ramp (1220 Harbor SW), 5:35 pm. Gather on shore to listen! Full season schedule (including 2 more West Seattle visits, both tomorrow) is here.
And at least two returning Christmas tree lots open today/tonight:
HOLY ROSARY TREE LOT: This year’s Holy Rosary Tree Lot, on the north side of the campus, is scheduled to open today, 4-9 pm. Wreaths, garland, and poinsettias (collaborating with Hope Lutheran School) will be available too. Part of the proceeds go to local nonprofits.
TREES BY THE SEA (2530 Alki SW) … This lot opens today too. Friday hours are 10 am-8 pm.
Now from the year-round West Seattle Event Calendar and our coverage archives:
SCRABBLE CLUB: You can play 12:30-1:30 pm at Margie’s Café inside the Senior Center of West Seattle (4217 SW Oregon).
GH PASTA & PIZZA GRAND OPENING: This is the official opening day for the new restaurant, 5-9 pm after 4-5 pm happy hour. (7500 35th SW)
VISCON CELLARS: Tasting room/wine bar open – wine by the glass or bottle – 5-9 pm at Viscon Cellars (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor). Try the newly released red wines!
DANCE NIGHT AT THE SPOT: Fridays are DJ Dance Night at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way), 7-10 pm.
DJ NIGHT AT REVELRY ROOM: Music 9 pm-1 am on Fridays! (4547 California SW)
Something to add to our calendar? westseattleblog@gmail.com – thank you!