month : 07/2021 309 results

ELECTION 2021: Five Seattle mayoral candidates answer questions about gun violence

“We know this crisis is not inevitable.”

That’s how the Alliance for Gun Responsibility‘s executive director Renée Hopkins opened a forum this past week with five mayoral candidates. The Alliance presented it along with Grandmothers Against Gun Violence and the South Seattle Emerald, whose publisher Marcus Harrison Green served as moderator. Though the forum had been scheduled for a while, it happened the day after four people were shot at Alki, one fatally, and during a citywide wave of gunfire incidents.

Participating candidates, in alphabetical surname order, were Colleen Echohawk, Jessyn Farrell, Lorena González, Bruce Harrell, and Andrew Grant Houston. The five qualified by participating in the Alliance’s endorsement process and having at least 1,000 donors, Hopkins said during introductions.

The questioning included full-length answers as well as lightning-round yes/no questions. Opening statements were requested to include the answer to: “If you could wave a magic wand and do one thing to end the gun-violence epidemic, what would it be?” Here’s how the candidates responded: (Note that in all responses in this report, only quotation marks signify an exact quote – otherwise it’s our summarizing/paraphrasing.)

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DESIGN REVIEW: Mixed-use plan for 9208 20th SW gets board’s final approval

The Southwest Design Review Board gave its approval Thursday night to the project that now carries the address 9208 20th SW [map], formerly 9201 Delridge Way SW. No public comments were offered, and board recommendations were few; most of the changes proposed at the previous meeting in October (WSB coverage here) had already been incorporated into the design presented during the online meeting.

Four SWDRB members were present – chair Scott Rosenstock, newly appointed members Patrick Cobb and Johanna Lirman, and member Alan Grainger. The city was represented by planner Tami Garrett, who’s handling the project, and Design Review program manager Lisa Rutzick. Read More

SCAM ALERT: Fake text messages

Scammers try to reach you by just about every messaging means possible – even text messages: Patrice Lewis sent this warning:

Watch out for phony health-care-related text messages. I received one Thursday morning that appeared to come from my health-care provider. It told me to click the included link for a health message. I’ve been waiting for a notification that the result of a recent routine test is ready for me in my online health chart, so for a minute I thought it might be that, but the link looked suspicious. I called my provider’s customer service and they confirmed it was fake. So easy to be fooled by these links if you don’t take a minute to question them – so do be careful.

Even a health-care expert can almost get fooled – Patrice is a health-insurance specialist.

P.S. You can report fraudulent messages here.

WHALES: Transient orcas headed northbound

July 3, 2021 3:03 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | Whales

Thanks to Kersti Muul for the tip – transient orcas are headed northbound, off the Southworth ferry terminal at last report, so if you’re going to look for them, take binoculars!

Could this be … the return of The West Seattle Turkey?

(Photo by Benjamin Chamberlain)

Thanks for the photos/tips! Turkey sightings north of The Junction has people wondering if this could be THE West Seattle Turkey – which hasn’t been seen around here in more than a year. The photo above was taken near 42nd/Andover on Friday; the one below, the same area, this morning:

(Photo by Claire Fitterer)

And this one is from 41st/Dakota, also this morning:

(Photo by Ian Lurie)

If you’re new – The West Seattle Turkey captivated the peninsula, working her way north from the southwest end of West Seattle starting in April 2019, eventually settling in the Admiral/Belvidere area, occasionally making forays away. Then she started heading back south again, crossing out of the city limits after this Seola sighting in April 2020. The last sighting of any kind mentioned to us was in south King County later that month. Her origins were never determined.

(Video by Claire Fitterer)
Could this be the same bird? Average lifespan of a wild turkey hen is reported to be about three years.

FOURTH OF JULY: Want to be part of a pop-up parade?

July 3, 2021 11:53 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

One more Independence Day event in The Junction – along with helping to place American flags along the heart of downtown West Seattle, you are also invited to be part of a “pop-up parade”! Here’s the invitation from the West Seattle Junction Association:

Meet us outside Cupcake Royale at the All Walk on Sunday, July 4th at 10 AM for a loop around the West Seattle Farmers’ Market (no more restrictions)! You’re encouraged to dress up, bring the kids, dogs, and your independent spirit! The Junction will provide hand-held flags to the first 50 people. You’ll see the expanded American Flags too, lining California Ave! Meet us Sunday and let’s celebrate SO MUCH!

About last night’s U.S. Coast Guard helicopter search off West Seattle

Several people asked us about a helicopter search off the west-facing West Seattle shore late last night. Flight trackers showwed it was a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter. We checked with USCG Public Affairs just now and they told us they had responded to a salvage company’s report of a “red flare” in the area. They looked from both air and sea, and found nothing, nor could they get other confirmation of a sighting, even from Washington State Ferries, and no one was reported missing, so the search was eventually called off.

What’s happening on your pre-holiday West Seattle Saturday

July 3, 2021 6:34 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

(Fiery sunset and fireboat – photo by Jen Popp)

The holiday weekend is here! Possibilities for your Saturday:

BEACH CLEANUP: Join Jessica at Alki, starting at 10 am, for the monthly community cleanup at the beach (meet at 2452 Alki SW), as previewed here.

LIVE MUSIC: Marco deCarvalho and friends play Brazilian jazz outdoors at C & P Coffee Company (5612 California SW; WSB sponsor), 10:30 am-noon.

TODAY’S AQUATIC SCHEDULE: Open todayHighland Park spraypark (11 am-8 pm, 1100 SW Cloverdale); Delridge (noon-5:30 pm, 4501 Delridge Way SW) and Lincoln Park (noon-7 pm, 8011 Fauntleroy Way SW) wading pools.

‘STOP THE VIOLENCE’: 1-4 pm youth-geared event on Alki with music, food, speakers, more, as previewed here.

VISCON CELLARS: Fully open tasting room (5910 California SW; WSB sponsor)! Wine by the glass and bottle too. 1-6 pm.

MORE LIVE MUSIC: Tyler Edwards on the patio at The Spot West Seattle (2920 SW Avalon Way, 6 pm.

EVEN MORE LIVE MUSIC: The Memphis Radio Kings headline tonight’s show at Drunky’s in White Center (98th & 16th). Doors open at 8 pm.

LIGHTS ON: Seattle Parks is turning the lights on approximately 8:30 pm-11 pm at four local parks/playfields tonight and tomorrow to try to deter fireworks use – details here.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Armed robbery at Lucky 5

Police investigated an armed robbery Friday night at the Lucky 5 gas station/mini-mart (35th/Henderson). Their preliminary summary report says it happened around 9 pm; the robber approached the counter, pulled out a handgun, pointed it at the employee behind the counter, and demanded cash. The employee gave him what was in the register but the robber demanded money from the safe, holding the victim at gunpoint until that was handed over too. He fled with cash and the employee’s cell phone. Police responding to the area used a K-9 but weren’t able to find the robber.

DELRIDGE PROJECT: Early warning of 2 weekend closures ahead for SW Genesee

That’s the detour map provided by SDOT for closures of SW Genesee coming up the next two weekends – Friday, July 9th, until early Monday, July 12th, and the same timeframe July 16th-19th. Genesee will be closed between Delridge Way and 25th SW for “street upgrades” as part of the ongoing project to prepare for RapidRide H Line. Here are other key points of the weekly preview:

-Street demolition and paving along Delridge Way SW between SW Holden St and SW Thistle St to begin as early as July 12
This work includes upgrading several sections of the street in both lanes of traffic. We’ll share more details and a detour route for this work soon.

-Overnight and weekend demolition and paving in select areas between SW Henderson St and SW Cambridge St to begin as early as July 16
We will mostly work near Boss Drive-in and Two Fingers Social.

-Intersection upgrades at SW Henderson St continue into July. We are still working to upgrade the street at this intersection. Once this work is complete, we will begin upgrading sidewalks. We anticipate keeping the street closed during sidewalk upgrades due to the narrow width of the street and needing space for our equipment to operate.

Other details of upcoming work along the corridor are here. Still no estimate of how much longer SW Thistle, on the east side of Delridge, will remain closed.

SATURDAY AT ALKI: Community cleanup; ‘Stop the Violence’

In case you don’t get up early and might miss tomorrow morning’s list before it’s too late, two events of note at Alki tomorrow:”

COMMUNITY CLEANUP: Jessica‘s monthly first-Saturday cleanup at Alki Beach always welcomes volunteers. 10 am-1 pm, meet at 2452 Alki SW, bring your own “pick stick” and bucket if you have them (she has a limited number) – kids welcome if accompanied and supervised by adults. You can sign up/RSVP by texting her at 206-769-6330.

‘STOP THE VIOLENCE’: Three nonprofits – Progress Pushers, Southwest Youth and Family Services, and the YMCA – are presenting this 1-4 pm Saturday at Alki Beach Park across from 62nd/Alki. Here’s the poster. It promises youth speakers, a discussion of the impact of gun violence, music, food, and more. (Thanks to Seana for the tip.)

FOLLOWUP: Metro will bring back Route 22 on weekdays this fall

(WSB photo, December 2020)

Bus stops along two West Seattle Metro routes have been bagged like that for the past half-year. This September, one set of stops will reopen. Metro plans to continue “suspension” of Route 37. But it is planning to bring back Route 22, which runs between Arbor Heights and The Junction. This was not in the tentative plan Metro had presented to a County Council committee earlier this year, but it was added by the time Metro returned to the council’s Environment and Mobility Committee last week. (Here’s the presentation, which notes that the Route 22 restoration was added to its fall plan because of survey feedback.) We didn’t hear about it until local transportation writer Ryan Packer mentioned it in a WSB comment discussion; we followed up with Metro spokesperson Jeff Switzer, who confirmed, “Route 22 will be returning with weekday service with the fall service change, operating between 6 AM-9 PM. Similar to service levels pre-pandemic, service will be hourly.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Peel & Press burglarized again; plus – catalytic-converter thieves’ getaway car

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports:

PEEL & PRESS BURGLARIZED AGAIN: In Morgan Junction, burglar(s) have again struck Peel & Press (6503 California SW), whose proprietor Dan Austin sent the photo and report:

This should be a celebratory weekend with the Fourth of July and 100% capacity for the first time in 16 months at the restaurant. Instead we walked in and found that we’ve been burglarized again. We are frantically trying to replace some critical equipment with hopes of being able to open later tonight.

ADDED: Some followup information:

Security hard drive was taken. They also got a week’s worth of my kitchen’s tips :-(. I just want neighbors to be aware and if folks want to buy some food over the next … it wouldn’t hurt. Thanks to White Center Glass for moving as fast as possible to get the glass replaced early next week and to the folks at The Bridge for helping me, temporarily securing the back door. The business community and neighborhood always rally.



My husband caught these guys taking our catalytic converter on our Prius. Older model white Dodge Durango, tinted windows, silver rims. End of the license plate is 793P or 723P. Contact police if you see this vehicle.

This happened before 6 am today in the Fairmount Park area.

HOLIDAY WEEKEND: Seattle Parks says Alki Beach will close early for next 4 nights

(WSB file photo)

Last week, the city announced a 9-month pilot program closing Golden Gardens, the Ballard beach park, at 10 pm, but nothing for Alki. Today – four days after a deadly shooting – an announcement that Alki will close early too, but only for the next four nights:

Seattle Parks and Recreation is implementing new temporary closing hours at Alki Beach Park (2665 Alki Ave. SW) beginning on Friday, July 2 through Monday, July 5. The park will close daily at 10:00 p.m. (instead of 11:30 p.m.) and reopen as normal at 4:30 a.m.

This temporary closing time change, authorized by SMC 18.12.040, is intended to deter illegal use of fireworks and to help mitigate illegal activity at the park during the anticipated busy holiday weekend. Alki Beach Park has experienced an increase in public safety issues, including acts of violence, excessive noise violations, illegal fires, and unpermitted events.

SPR has already implemented several strategies to try to discourage illegal behaviors at Alki Beach Park:

· Public education: To clarify and publicize beach fire rules and other park rules, we are using our website and social media resources, sandwich-board signs at the park, and most recently, two large electronic reader-boards stating that fires are allowed in authorized firepits only, and the time by which fires must be extinguished. (Reader-board messaging may change to reflect updates.)

· Enhanced staffing: Five staff are on the beach nightly. They remind park users that fires can be in firepits only and must be extinguished by 9:30 p.m.; remind park users that amplified music is prohibited; pick up litter; clean and restock restrooms.

· Reduced hours for fires: Staff extinguish beach fires by 9:30 nightly.

· SPD coordination: We stay in close communication and strategize with SPD regarding efforts to enforce laws and prevent illegal behaviors.

Alki Beach Park will continue to allow beach fires over the holiday weekend in designated fire rings. All beach fires must be extinguished by 9:30 p.m. and all visitors will be asked to leave the park by 10 p.m. Please see beach fire rules here.

Alki Beach Park daily operating hours will return to 4:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. effective July 6, 2021.

WEST MARGINAL WAY: Here’s what SDOT told the West Seattle Transportation Coalition about collision, speed trends

SDOT West Marginal Way info by WestSeattleBlog

Still no decision on the West Marginal Way protected bicycle lane proposal. But for those interested in this major detour route, some data that might interest you, if you didn’t get to attend last week’s West Seattle Transportation Coalition meeting. WSTC had asked SDOT about collision and speed data for West Marginal; SDOT’s Brad Topol presented the slide deck you see above (here’s the PDF version). As of last week’s meeting, no major-injury collisions had happened on the road this year, he noted. The big trouble spot, not surprisingly, is the Highland Park Way intersection; the number of collisions in that area has tripled since the bridge closure. And while there’s been some reduction in speed along West Marginal, according to the data, people are still driving over the (reduced) speed limit. As a result, Topol said without elaboration, they’re working on “other methods” for slowing West Marginal traffic. Video of the meeting will eventually be available on WSTC’s YouTube page; WSTC expects to keep meeting through the summer, fourth (corrected) Thursdays, 6:30 pm, online, so July 22nd is the next date. (Our other story from last week’s meeting is here.)

IN THE JUNCTION: Free pizza slices; ‘Fun & Festive Friday’

Two things happening right now in the West Seattle Junction:

FREE PIZZA: There’s a line outside Pagliacci (4449 California SW) because they’re giving away free slices, chain-wide, until 3 pm, as a reopening celebration. Limit two slices per person. Full details are on the Pagliacci website.

Kitty-corner from there, outside the Senior Center of West Seattle, another reopening celebration:

‘FUN & FESTIVE FRIDAYS’: The Senior Center wants everyone to know it’s open, so today they’re kicking off “Fun & Festive Fridays,” with refreshments & cookies outside until 1 pm, and live music by The Ukes, 2-4 pm. The center’s message: “We’re excited to welcome back the community!”

ADDED: Joining the celebration, Dan Jackson, photographed by Jerry Simmons:

Got a reopening celebration/special/event? Let us know – – thank you!

CONGRATULATIONS! District championship for West Seattle Little League 12s All-Star team

The return of youth sports this season has had winning results for West Seattle Little League – they’re sending a team to the state championships! Thanks to Meg Bell for the photo and Knathan Ryan for the report:

West Seattle Little League 12s won the District 7 Championship last night, July 1, defeating the South Highline Nationals by a score of 11-6 at Bar S Fields.

Timely hitting, great defense, and consistent pitching were the factors for this team throughout the tournament and led to their ultimate win. Otis Schlede and Asher Straus hit a grand slam and solo home runs, respectively, to lead the offensive onslaught in the championship game. The Westside All-Stars went undefeated in the tournament. The team now advances to the Washington State Little League All-Star Tournament held in Redmond, which begins on July 17.

Congrats, West Seattle All Stars! Here’s the lineup of the team: Alex O’Donnell, Asher Straus, Otis Schlede, Aiden Peters, Waylon Ryan, Owen Fahy, Kye Ritzman, Jaxton Dailey, Sam Kraynek, Liam Bell, Cole Williamson, Mateo Garcia, Ben Grimes, and Brady Stenberg, with coaches Mike Fahy, Matt Schlede, and Knathan Ryan.

WSLL is hosting the district’s 9/10/11 All-Star tournament starting July 10th.

Longtime Hope Lutheran School principal Kristen Okabayashi to also lead Seattle Lutheran HS

Seattle Lutheran High School has new leadership. Here’s the announcement we received from the school:

Seattle Lutheran High School and Hope Lutheran School are excited to welcome Kristen Okabayashi in her new position as Principal of Schools. Okabayashi received the keys to the building Thursday and is excited about her new role.

“After months of planning and some behind the scenes work on special projects, I am excited to actually be working at the school with the amazing team already in place, from the\ talented faculty to the organized office staff,” said Okabayashi.  

She is in her 12th year as principal at Hope Lutheran School and will continue to serve in that role with newly appointed assistant principal Jennifer Neafcy assisting at Hope Lutheran.

Okabayashi holds hold a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration (Accounting and Finance) from the University of Washington, a Master’s of Arts in Teaching from Seattle Pacific University, and a Master’s of Education in Educational Leadership (K-12) also from Seattle Pacific University.

Andie Merlino will continue the hard work she has been doing at SLHS as interim principal and will serve this next year as the part-time assistant principal. Merlino will directly oversee the teachers, curriculum and academics at SLHS, and looks forward to strengthening the overall educational programs over coming weeks and months. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Whitman College, a Master’s degree in Math Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Washington, and a Doctorate in Educational Leadership from Seattle University and has worked in education for over 35 years as a math teacher and dean of students.

“I look forward to working more closely with Kristen next year. She and I have a very similar approach to education, and I value her leadership experience and dedication to the students, parents and staff. She’ll be a great addition to our community,” commented Merlino.

Okabayashi and Merlino are already working on finalizing the fall schedule, adding a few additional classes to the course catalog, hiring staff and planning for students to attend fully in-person in the fall. “Our staff is really looking forward to welcoming all our students back into the building and bringing back many of the activities, sports and clubs that make Seattle Lutheran a great school. Our school has a lot of room to grow and we look forward to opening our doors to more students and their families,” said Okabayashi.

This coincides with the start of an agreement announced early this year for the two schools to be managed together.


6:04 AM: Good morning, The Fourth of July is two days away. Today’s forecast calls for some clouds, some sun, 70s.

(Photo by Jerry Simmons)


Heat damage – Work starts today at 36th/Oregon, where SDOT says repairs might take almost two weeks.

Delridge projectRapidRide station work as well as road work continues.


Regular schedule for buses and ferries. WSF has announced that the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth route will run two boats on Sundays starting this weekend. Holiday preview: Limited West Seattle Water Taxi service Monday (July 5th), and a Sunday schedule for Metro on that day. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of bus cancellations, @wsferries for major WSF changes.


466th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here are the views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 25th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available for some categories of drivers.)

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are draw/swing bridges opening for boats or barges? See the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed. (1st Ave. South Bridge openings also are tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.)

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.


July 2, 2021 12:10 am
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Be on the lookout for Tom‘s stolen car, a dark-blue 1997 Subaru Outback, license AXH 2450, taken from the 3900 block of 42nd SW (corner of SW Bradford) on Wednesday night. If you see it, call 911.

VIDEO: West Seattle woman gets a birthday paw-rade

Imagine having a friend who would do anything for you.

Rachel clearly has that in Heather, who came up with a plan for a parade – starring Golden Retrievers! Rachel loves them. So Heather decided to recruit some – and their people – to parade past Rachel’s home on Alki tonight. She put out the call on social media, and we counted at least 18 who answered that call.

As you can see in our video atop the story, the dogs had a tail-wagging time too.

(Thanks for the tip on this!)

About that two-helicopter U.S. Coast Guard flyby

July 1, 2021 10:07 pm
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(Photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Cynthia Oldham)

At the podium in the photo is U.S. Coast Guard Rear Adm. Anthony “Jack” Vogt, and he’s the reason that two USCG helicopters flew together along the west coast of West Seattle late this afternoon. A retirement reception was being held for Rear Adm. Vogt at Alki Point Lighthouse, celebrating 35 years of service, and we confirmed with the Coast Guard tonight that it was the reason for the flyby. Earlier in the day, he turned over the 13th Coast Guard District command to Rear Adm. Melvin Bouboulis during a ceremony at the USCG base downtown. As the announcement of the change explains, the 13th District covers “all Coast Guard operations throughout the Pacific Northwest which encompasses the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, and includes more than 4,400 miles of coastline, 600 miles of inland waterways, and a 125 nautical mile international border with Canada.” Rear Adm. Vogt has been 13th District commander for the past two years. RADM Bouboulis previously served as Director of Operational Logistics at USCG headquarters in Washington, D.C.

CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Murder, assault charges filed against alleged Alki shooter

(WSB photo)

That’s a photo of Tilorae Shepherd, the 22-year-old Federal Way man shot and killed at Alki on Monday night. Just before family and friends gathered at the beach this evening for a memorial, charges were filed in the shooting that took his life and injured three other people.

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has filed a second-degree murder charge and two first-degree-assault charges against 19-year-old Milton Arnold III of Des Moines, who’s been in custody since shortly after the shooting. The charging documents tell the story of what witnesses told police happened that night.

First – the charging documents reveal that while Arnold has no history of criminal convictions, in addition to the domestic-violence arrest last November that we mentioned in our previous coverage, he was also facing possible charges in an incident less than two months ago. Federal Way police say Arnold and accomplices robbed two people at a park there, at gunpoint, then hit one of the victims in the face with his gun, and walked both into nearby woods – still at gunpoint – as they pleaded for their lives. Charges had not yet been filed in that case. One of Arnold’s alleged accomplices that day, prosecutors say, is an 18-year-old friend who was injured in the Alki shooting – the one who was allegedly driven to Harborview, with Arnold in the same car.

Harborview, you may recall, is where police found Arnold. But first, here’s what else is the charging documents:

First, the original assessment of the victims that night as being in their 30s was incorrect. Along with the 22-year-old who was killed, and the suspect’s 18-year-old friend who was wounded, the two other people who survived with gunshot wounds to their legs are described as a woman and man who are both also 22 years old.

One witness told police that those two had “confronted his group about using fireworks” – one 911 caller said the woman had been hit with one – and alleged that Mr. Shepherd came over to defend the man, and “displayed a gun.” Another witness said that the gun was in Mr. Shepherd’s waistband, and that while he lifted his shirt to show it, he did not pull it out nor use it in any other way. As noted earlier, there had been a 911 call about a dispute involving a gun even before shots were fired; then the calltaker heard gunfire while that caller was on the line.

The documents say officers found nine fired 9mm casings at the scene along with two .25 caliber casings

Witness and vehicle descriptions were circulated among police, and when officers got to Harborview Medical Center about 15 minutes after the shooting, they saw a gray BMW arrive with two women and two men. The latter were Arnold and his previously mentioned friend, who had a gunshot wound to his abdomen. Police saw two guns in the rear passenger seat where Arnold had been sitting. Arnold matched a description given by witnesses, so officers took him into custody and impounded the car. (The two women in the car were questioned and said they had gone to Alki with Arnold but weren’t with him when the shooting happened, nor did they know his friend who was wounded.)

The other man who was shot was interviewed by police at the hospital, He said he and the woman who was shot – his partner – were riding scooters at Alki when they ran into Mr. Shepherd, an acquaintance of his. A short time later, he said, a firework hit his partner in the head, They started confronting people nearby, trying to find out who was responsible. At one point when they were asking two men if they had seen who did it, Mr. Shepherd came up behind him. The other men reportedly said, “Don’t come over here with that s—t, don’t come over here with that,” and then, the shooting survivor said, one man pulled a pistol out of his pants and shot Mr. Shepherd from just a few feet away. The survivor started running, and that’s when he and his girlfriend were shot.

Police talked to her too; she said she and her boyfriend got into “a little confrontation” with people over the fireworks but worked it out and were walking away when the two men, believed to be Arnold and his friend, said something like, “why are you beefing with my people” – and then the argument heated up again, followed shortly thereafter by gunfire. She said the two men were with two women who matched the description of the ones who arrived at Harborview with Arnold and his friend.

In trying to sort out who was armed and who fired shots, police included additional information in the charging documents: No gun was found on or near Mr. Shepherd, but a Glock .357 SIG magazine was found on him. A relative later contacted police and said Mr. Shepherd may have had his Glock 32 Gen 4 pistol with him when he was killed and provided the serial number. No casings of that type were found at the scene, just the 9mm and 25-caliber ones mentioned earlier. Detectives believe all the 9mm casings were from the same gun.

Earlier today police got a search warrant for the impounded BMW. Inside it they found a Glock 32 – but with a different serial number than the one given by Mr. Shepherd’s relative – along with a Beretta that fires “the equivalent of” a .25-caliber round, and a 9mm “ghost gun,” made from different parts. Neither the Glock nor the Beretta had ammunition but the 9mm gun had a 21-round magazine with ‘additional live 9mm rounds.” They also found a blue hat similar to what witnesses had described, and a bloody white T-shirt.

A judge set Arnold’s bail today at $2 million. He remains in the King County Jail and will be arraigned later this month.