Here are the highlights of what’s happening in our area today, mostly from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar (where you’ll find even more listings):
SWIM IN THE SOUND: At 9 am, dive into the weekly group plunge into Puget Sound off Alki – meet at Statue of Liberty Plaza (61st/Alki).
WESTIES RUN CLUB: Meet for today’s run at 9 am at Highland Park Corner Store (7789 Highland Park Way SW).
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: As usual, open 10 am-2 pm, with seasonal produce, plus beverages, baked goods, flowers, cheese, fish, meat, prepared food, nuts, candy, condiments, more. (California SW between SW Alaska and SW Oregon)
SMALL BIZ POP-UP: While you’re in The Junction for the Farmers’ Market, check out this market, with small-biz pop-ups, 10 am-2 pm at Jet City Labs (4547 California SW).
ALKI UCC DONATION DRIVE: Here’s what the church at 6115 SW Hinds is collecting today:
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Front Courtyard
This month’s priority: warm clothing, particularly coats for men, and NEW SOCKS, SOCKS, SOCKS!Also needed: Non-perishable food, men’s work clothing, hygiene items, and outdoor gear: tents, tarps, blankets, etc.
Donations are distributed through the Westside Interfaith Network (WIN) Saturday lunch, hosted in White Center. Deepest gratitude to our community for your generous support of our neighbors in need.
SELF-CARE SUNDAY: Fun activities 11 am-3 pm at Camp Long (5200 35th SW), hosted by Maslow’s Closet – see the plan here!
PUMPKIN PATCH AT OUNCES: Noon-7 pm, second weekend!
Cascadia Produce has turned our beer garden into a Pumpkin Patch! Pick out your pumpkins, snap pics at the hay-bale photo booth, get festive for fall and drink beer while you’re at it! Patch will be open when Ounces is (Tuesdays – Sundays) thru 10/26! It’s FREE (no entry fee), all ages and dogs welcome!
(3809 Delridge Way SW)
FEATHER IN THE WIND ART SHOW: 12-6 pm, final day for this pop-up art show with five artists in the upstairs annex at Alki Arts (6030 California SW)
ART-GLASS PUMPKIN PATCH … and glass-blowing demos! Noon-4 pm at Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way).
FREE ART WORKSHOP: At Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), 1-2 pm, with Eileen Jiminez.
FAUNTLEROY FALL FESTIVAL: Rain or shine, the festival is happening! 2-5 pm on both sides of the 9100 block of California SW, free fall fun including pumpkin painting, birdhouse building, bunny petting, live music, “cake trot,” much more. See the event schedule, activity list, and map here.
DINE OUT TO SUPPORT CO-OP PRESCHOOLS: Both locations of Future Primitive Brewing, and associated food providers, are donating a part of their proceeds to four local co-op preschools 3-8 pm today – details in our calendar listing.
JERRY CANTRELL SIGNING AT EASY STREET: 4 pm, Jerry Cantrell signs his new album at Easy Street Records (4559 California SW). Our calendar listing explains how to get in.
‘BEYOND LAND ACKNOWLEDGMENT’: Series of Sunday night events at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (3050 California SW):
We are pleased to be able to offer this series to our community and invite all who are interested in learning more about the history and future of the Duwamish tribe and the effects of colonization on the Indigenous community to join us.
5 pm-6 pm, no RSVP required.
BYRD ENSEMBLE IN CONCERT, WITH TICKET DEAL: 7:30 pm at Holy Rosary Church (42nd SW/SW Genesee), the Byrd Ensemble (WSB sponsor) sings music of “The Tudors.” Get your ticket(s) online with code WSBLOG30 for a discount price.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE ALLEY: Sunday night music with the Triangular Jazztet at The Alley (behind 4509 California SW) – 8-10 pm.
Are you planning, organizing, and/or publicizing something that should be listed on our community event calendar – one-time or recurring? Just email us the basics – – thank you!