month : 04/2021 324 results

FOLLOWUP: At least one more day of work for Gatewood tower takedown

April 17, 2021 8:28 pm
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 |   Gatewood | West Seattle news

(Wednesday photo courtesy PSERN)

We reported Tuesday that the old emergency-communications tower at Myrtle Reservoir Park was finally coming down, more than a year after its replacement went up next to it. By the end of Wednesday, the old tower was in pieces on the ground. But the Puget Sound Emergency Radio Network says at least one more day of work is ahead: “There will be demolition work – jackhammering – off and on throughout the day, Monday, April 19, and potentially on Tuesday, April 20. The Project team greatly appreciates the patience of neighbors during these challenging times as we work with multiple partners to finish.” The upgraded emergency-radio network was authorized by a countywide ballot measure approved six years ago. This is one of more than 60 towers comprising the network, which is about to start.a major testing phase. The West Seattle tower is at the city’s highest elevation.

SPORTS: Football victories for West Seattle, Chief Sealth

As Seattle Public Schools‘ high-school students get ready for part-time in-person learning starting Monday, a delayed major-sport season is winding down. Both West Seattle HS and Chief Sealth IHS won their football games this week – West Seattle over Nathan Hale last night, 24-0, while Sealth beat Ingraham on Thursday, 23-22. The Seahawks are 5-2, the Wildcats 3-1. Another major sport season is around the corner – the delayed basketball season starts week after next, for girls as well as boys.


Todd reports this happened last weekend:

My wife returned home in the Belvedere neighborhood on Sunday to find a woman in a red Toyota Corolla with the passenger side door open, which was next to the curb, digging our tulips and other flower bulbs out of the ground.

Upon being confronted the woman got shaky and apologized and slid into the car with ease through the passenger side and vamoosed it on out on there. She was tall, blonde and blue eyes. Her car was decked out inside with glittery sparkly things. She was wearing blue flip flops. The perpetrator got a verbal lesson in stealing and the respect of other’s property. No police report was filed … it’s a sad story of a young woman stealing flower bulbs, as flowers are not worth anything but happiness and if you have to steal it, that defeats the purpose.

Brown water in West Seattle, and what if it happens to you

April 17, 2021 2:02 pm
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 |   Utilities | West Seattle news

Thanks to the texter who reported brown water in the Belvidere area. First thing to do if that happens to you is, report it to 206-386-1800. That’s the 24-hour Seattle Public Utilities hotline. If there have already been other reports, they might be able to tell you what the problem is – say, a water break in your area. More often in weather like this, it is the Seattle Fire Department using/testing hydrants, and that’s what the texter was told. That stirs up sediment – basically, rust. West Seattle had so much trouble with this five years ago, a special flushing-the-lines project ensued. Back to what you can do: Today’s texter was told, don’t use the water for a few hours, then run cold water for 20 seconds or so and that should clear things up. Here’s more advice.

BIZNOTE: West Seattle Caffe Fiore closes

Though the banner says “We Are Open,” Caffe Fiore at 2206 California SW is closed – permanently. After tips (thank you!), we went over this morning to check, and found this note on the door:

To all of our loyal and supportive Caffe Fiore customers: It is with a very heavy heart that we are announcing our permanent closure here in West Seattle. We have had 10 amazing years here and want to thank you for all of your support and patronage. As much as we had hoped we could get this store through this very difficult time, the situation has just been too much for us to sustain financially and this coincides with the end of our lease here. Thank you again for your amazing support over the years and we encourage you to please come visit us at any Caffe Vita or Fiore in the Seattle area. Thank you again and we wish everyone all the best.

The shop opened in November 2011. The micro-chain’s founder Deming Maclise took over Caffe Vita – which has a two-decade history – early last year.

What’s happening on your West Seattle Saturday

(Hiawatha trees, photographed by Mark Jaroslaw)

After a high of 79 on Friday, we might get past 80 degrees today. Here’s some of what’s scheduled:

LAST DAY OF COVID-19 TESTING AT SWAC: After today, the city-run site at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle) becomes vaccinations-only. If you’re looking for a testing appointment today, go here.

FREE COMPOST: Starting at 9 am and going until it’s gone – which could be relatively quickly – bring your own container and shovel to get up to a half-yard of free compost at the South Seattle College (6000 16th SW; WSB sponsor) north parking lot. (UPDATE: Karen notes that by 10 am, the line was estimated at up to an hour and a half long. 2ND UPDATE: As of 12:17 pm, SPU says they’re out.)

FREE SHREDDING: 10 am-1 pm, you can bring up to three boxes of paper for free shredding at this drive-up/walk-up event at Daystar Retirement Village (2615 SW Barton; WSB sponsor).

DUWAMISH ALIVE! VOLUNTEERING: 10 am-3 pm, the twice-yearly multi-site mega-work party – here’s where help’s needed.

BEACH VOLLEYBALL: The University of Washington continues hosting a tournament at Alki today, with play starting at 10 am.

DONATE CAR SEATS: 11 am-2 pm, WestSide Baby‘s White Center hub (10002 14th SW) would love to accept your gently used or new donations – details in our preview.

WYATT’S JEWELERS ANNIVERSARY SALE: 10 am-6 pm at Westwood Village, the 16th-anniversary celebration at Wyatt’s Jewelers (WSB sponsor) continues with 10 percent off everything in the shop.

QUALITY CLEANERS PICKUP, DAY 1: Noon-4 pm, it’s the first of three days for customers who still have items at the closed cleaners (2601 California SW) to go in and retrieve them – unclaimed items will be donated. Mask required; one person in the shop at a time.

VISCON CELLARS: 1-6 pm, the Viscon Cellars (WSB sponsor) tasting room (5910 California SW) is open for tasting, glasses, and bottle sales.

Anything we’re missing? Text 206-203-6302 – thank you!

UPDATE: About the plane circling over West Seattle

1:13 AM: Thanks for the tips. Flight tracker shows a small plane registered to the Washington State Patrol is what’s been circling in the Junction area – and other points south – originating in Olympia. We’re not sure yet why. It’s shown with a most unusual flight pattern:

(Image from Flightradar 24)

1:33 AM: It’s finally moved on, heading southwest. Still no specifics on what it was doing – we might not be able to find out until Monday – but here’s what the WSP aircraft are generally used for.

1:49 AM: Listening to archived police-radio audio to try to catch more context on a mention of a trooper in West Seattle while the plane was overhead, there was a mention of a WSP vehicle and a suspect vehicle, at a West Seattle location where SPD was going to assist, but no details on why or where.

8:32 AM: Here’s what WSP spokesperson Trooper Rick Johnson tells us:

We pursued what I believe was a stolen vehicle and then our aircraft got involved and the ground units backed off.

Two occupants fled on foot from the vehicle that I believe was in an apartment parking garage where they abandoned it.

This was not part of the street racers.

CORONAVIRUS: Friday 4/16/2021 roundup

Tonight’s pandemic headlines as we head into a summer-like weekend:

KING COUNTY NUMBERS: First, the latest stats from the Public Health daily-summary page, cumulative totals:

*93,046 people have tested positive, 447 more than yesterday’s total

*1,493 people have died, 2 more than yesterday’s total

*5,532 people have been hospitalized, 29 more than yesterday’s total

*1,003,142 people have been tested, 1,001 more than yesterday’s total

On to our weekly check of key numbers on the COVID Vaccination Among King County Residents dashboard:

*962,030 people have received one dose

*596,525 people have received both doses

*1,380,455 doses have been allocated to King County (not counting pharmacy programs)

One week ago, the first four totals were 90,581/1,483/5,444/990,088, and the vaccination totals were 842,660/504,402/1,244,985.


WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 139.9 million cases, 2,999,000+ deaths – see the nation-by-nation numbers here.

COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER’S BRIEFING: In his weekly briefing, Dr. Jeff Duchin updated King County trends. Good news: “Deaths have fallen dramatically.” Also good: 51 percent of people in King County age 16 and up have received at least one vaccine injection. Otherwise, “cases are substantial but holding steady.”

IF YOU’RE SEARCHING FOR VACCINE – here are links to try:

*If you’re looking for a city-site appointment, note that the official advice is to sign up for the city’s notification list for all four of its sites here.
*Health-care providers (particularly bigger ones like UW Medicine (one reader specifically recommends Valley Medical Center), Franciscan, Swedish, Kaiser Permanente, Neighborcare, etc.)
* (volunteer-run aggregator) – you can also follow its tweets for instant notifications
*The state’s Vaccine Locator (as mentioned above)
*The CDC’s Vaccine Finder
*Pharmacies big and small – Safeway, Rite Aid, QFC, Pharmaca, Costco
*Sea Mar clinics
And if travel time is not a barrier – Beth recommends this lookup for potential appointments within a few hours’ drive.

IF YOU NEED TESTING SATURDAY: It’s the last day for the West Seattle test site (2801 SW Thistle), which will become vaccinations0-only on Monday.

GOT INFO OR PHOTOS? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

Alki Community Council talks about police patrols, beach behavior

(Photo by James Tilley)

It’s a summery spring night on Alki. Despite signs like the one above, SFD has been called out to handle unauthorized beach fires tonight. And SPD has been summoned to investigate reports of racing/stunt-driving at Don Armeni Boat Ramp. Reckless driving was.a big topic at last night’s Alki Community Council meeting, including late-night crashes like this one hours after the meeting:

(Texted photo: Car damaged by hit-run driver in 1400 block Alki after 9 pm Thursday)

Southwest Precinct Lt. Dorothy Kim represented local police at the ACC meeting. She recapped what we reported on Monday about last Sunday’s multi-agency show of force – noting that the State Patrol is “really interested in the street racers” because the groups often use I-5 to get from one point to another.

Read More

FOLLOWUP: City’s West Seattle testing ends after tomorrow

The reprieve for West Seattle’s city-run COVID-19 test site ends after tomorrow. Last month, as first reported here, a plan to end testing at the Southwest Athletic Complex parking-lot site was announced. Then, a week later, the city announced an extension of testing services there until at least April 17th. That’s tomorrow, and Seattle-King County Public Health said today that Saturday will indeed be the last day of testing at SWAC, with the site converting to all-vaccination status as of Monday. City Councilmember Lisa Herbold said in her weekly newsletter this afternoon that “The Mayor’s Office had previously assured me that if the SW Thistle site were to stop testing, they would place a Curative testing kiosk in the near vicinity, similar to the kiosk at Don Armeni” – but there’s no word of one yet. The Curative kiosk at Don Armeni, though, continues in operation, as do a few other test sites mentioned in Herbold’s newsletter.

UPDATE: Power outage after vault fire on 35th south of Avalon

5:42 PM: Avoid 35th SW south of Avalon; Seattle Fire has a sizable response there for a problem in an underground electrical vault. Updates to come.

6:06 PM: At the scene, firefighters tell us it’s out and the vault is ‘de-energized.’ City Light is here; some nearby power is out.

7:21 PM: The City Light outage map shows 130 customers are without electricity right now.

Remembering Lou Magor, Kenyon Hall’s hero

Though his accomplishments are many, Lou Magor‘s West Seattle neighbors may know him best as the keeper of Kenyon Hall, the historic event venue at 7904 35th SW. Suddenly, the hall is without its hero, as Mr. Magor has died at age 75. His death was announced today by the pastor of Wallingford United Methodist Church, where he served as music director.

Mr. Magor shared his talents far and wide, also as longtime accompanist of the renowned Total Experience Gospel Choir, and as a Kindermusik teacher for the littlest visitors to Kenyon Hall, which started its life as the Olympic Heights Social Hall more than a century ago. In Mr. Magor’s years of managing the hall, it has not only showcased the circa-1929 “Mighty Wurlitzer” pipe organ that it houses, but has also seen performances by musicians and actors from unassuming community groups to superstar Eddie Vedder (who played two semi-secret shows there in 2008). The hall also hosted many fundraising galas for local nonprofits, especially those whose performances benefited from its excellent acoustics. More recently, Mr. Magor kept Kenyon Hall going through the pandemic shutdown by presenting a series of online events that also served as fundraisers for the nonprofit operation. Beyond his work, as the pastor’s announcement of Mr. Magor’s passing noted, he was known for his personality: “It is his warmth, laughter, friendship, and presence that we will perhaps miss the most.” We will update when we learn of memorial plans.

ADDED: Thanks to everyone sharing memories in comments. We also received this video link from Bob – it’s a TV-news report from 1989, when Mr. Magor coached a California crowd through a sing-along “Messiah”:

MONDAY: A tribute to Mr. Magor is now on the Kenyon Hall website.

BIZNOTE: WaFd Bank closes Morgan Junction branch

For the second time in four months, a Morgan Junction bank branch has closed. First, Chase closed its branch inside West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) at the end of last year; today, WaFd Bank closed its branch at California/Fauntleroy. Signage on the door notes that they are consolidating operations at the WaFd branch on the north end of The Junction (4102 California SW); we have an inauiry out to WaFd HQ seeking more information on the consolidation. Public records indicate the bank (formerly Washington Federal) owns the building, but don’t show either a development proposal or sale/lease listing for it so far. (Thanks to Morgan Community Association president Deb Barker for the tip; local business is one of many topics that will be on MoCA’s quarterly meeting agenda at 7 pm Wednesday.)

P.S. Morgan Junction won’t be bankless for long – Waterfront Credit Union‘s move to 6421 California SW is getting closer.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE: What’s next, now that repair proposals are in

(Slide from March presentation to Community Task Force)

This past Monday was the deadline for prospective contractors to submit to SDOT their proposals for the West Seattle Bridge project – spanning high-bridge and low-bridge work. Six proposals were received, SDOT tells WSB. So now what happens? According to spokesperson Ethan Bergerson, “We expect to announce a shortlist of candidates for interviews by the end of April, and will invite contractor teams to show how their experience and qualifications make them the best fit for the work. Shortlisted firms will be interviewed in May and June.” SDOT expects to choose the contractor in time for the next major schedule update and design milestone in mid-summer; they are using a process that enables the contractor to be brought in before design is complete, GCCM (General Contractor/Construction Manager). The design is being led by a consultant with whom the city’s already been working, WSP. The high- and low-bridge work is expected to cost about $72 million; more details are in this post from March. Until that expected July update, the estimate for completion and high-bridge reopening remains “mid-2022.”

UPDATE: Fire callout on Fauntleroy Way

April 16, 2021 1:16 pm
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1:16 PM: Big callout in 5400 block of Fauntleroy but turned out to be a dryer fire, says SFD.

1:35 PM: One engine and one ladder truck left at the scene (on the east side of Fauntleroy). No injuries reported.

BIZNOTE: Molly’s Bottle Shop expanding to West Seattle

Another addition to the booming wine scene in West Seattle: If you have passed by 3278 California SW, you might have noticed the small liquor-license-application notice in the window of one of those new live-work units. It is for Molly’s Bottle Shop, a Ballard wine shop that’s adding a West Seattle location. Molly’s specializes in “natural wine.” Proprietor Molly Ringe tells WSB, “We are so excited! Our goal is be open in May – we are waiting for Liquor Control Board approval. The store will be run by a West Seattle local named Sebastiano Tecchio.”

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another stolen white Ford van

For the second time in three days, we’ve received a report of a stolen white Ford van. This one is from Kate:

Our 2001 white Ford e350 conversion van was stolen from the side of our house late Wednesday night or Thursday morning. We live on 35th and Thistle. It was parked on Thistle Street. License plate is MOBI.

If you see it, call 911.

BIZNOTE: Pawsitively Kleen opens in Delridge

Just opened this week at 5214 Delridge Way SW – a new self-serve pet-wash business, Pawsitively Kleen. Co-proprietors Mario and Keith tell WSB that they “moved to West Seattle close to 7 years ago and we have always wanted to open a business related to pets.” They of course have their own: “We have had 5 different types of dogs in the last 20 years. Currently we have a Mastiff and a Pit Bull.” Though Pawsitively Kleen is self-serve, they explain, “We will be there most of the time walking customers through the process. We are very excited to be able to serve the West Seattle community.” Hours are 10 am-8 pm.

SPORTS: University of Washington beach volleyball back at Alki

Thanks to James for the tip. The University of Washington beach-volleyball team is playing at Alki today, Saturday, and Sunday. From the announcement:

Washington Beach Volleyball gets to compete in the sands of Seattle for the first time in over two years this weekend, making up for lost time with a total of seven matches over three days at Alki Beach this Friday through Sunday, April 16-18. The first two days will make up one tournament, the Husky Invitational, featuring UW, 15th-ranked Hawaii, Oregon, and Portland. Then Sunday will be three more dual matches separate from the tourney, with UW, Hawaii and 9th-ranked Arizona all playing each other once.

It’s the first home matches for UW since March of 2019. It’s also the last week of the regular season as the Pac-12 Championships are next up for the Dawgs starting on April 29.

Though past visits have drawn crowds, this time they’re asking you to stay away:

Fans are respectfully requested not to attend the weekend’s matches at Alki Beach. Due to Covid-19 protocols and the openness of the area, crowds cannot be controlled nor can seats be assigned.

Going into the weekend, the Huskies are 1-7. Their appearances at Alki date back to 2016.

SCHOOLS: Alki Elementary’s online musical ahead, flower/bake sale now

April 16, 2021 8:46 am
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The Alki Elementary PTA has a triple invitation for you – involving entertainment, flowers, and treats. Here’s the announcement:

Broadway has been dark for over a year… But the lights are bright at Alki Elementary! Alki PTA is thrilled to announce the 10th anniversary of their musical theater enrichment program with this year’s musical, Super Happy Awesome News! Thursday, April 22nd (Super Cast!) and Friday, April 23rd (Awesome Cast!) at 6:30 PM.

We’d like to extend the invitation to our surrounding West Seattle schools and community to get on the guest list at for a fun family night joining our Zoom viewing parties to watch our pre-recorded shows! You won’t want to miss 29 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Alki performers bringing you this totally new musical from Beat by Beat Press, written during quarantine about kids in quarantine! In this crazy year, we all need a little Super Happy Awesome News!

In Alki PTA Musical tradition, we will be having a Flower & Bake Sale – ONLINE NOW through Sunday, April 18th at midnight – where all proceeds benefit Alki PTA and our community partners: Admiral Theatre, Jones Soda, Cupcake Royale, Alm Hill Gardens, Treat Cookies, Franz Bakery and more! Pre-order beautiful spring flower bouquets for your home, popcorn buckets for your viewing parties, tasty treats, and cupcakes to celebrate the night! And don’t forget your PBJGBCSWC Sandwich Kit! (Trust us, after watching Chef make this tasty treat during the production, every kid will want to make their own!) Pick up your goods near Alki Elementary April 22nd and 23rd 3:30 – 5:30 PM.

Your $5 suggested donation and/or purchase from the Super Happy Awesome Flower + Bake Sale at will ensure you are on the Guest List to receive both of the Premiere Viewing Party Zoom links in your inbox the week of the show!

On behalf of the cast and crew of Super Happy Awesome News and Alki PTA, we thank you for your support! For more information please visit

ROAD WORK, TRAFFIC, WEATHER: Spring-break Friday watch, with Delridge/Orchard work beginning

6:07 AM: Good morning! Another sunny and warm day, with mid-70s forecast again after Thursday’s 75-degree record.


School’s out until Monday for Seattle Public Schools (and independent schools on the same calendar); middle-school and high-school part-time in-person classes start Monday.


Delridge project – Early update this week – Delridge/Orchard intersection work is expected to start today and last about a month.


Metro is due starting tomorrow to increase the number of passengers allowed on buses.

The West Seattle Water Taxi changes to its spring/summer schedule starting Monday – all-day, 7 days a week.


389th morning without the West Seattle Bridge. Here’s how it’s looking on other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: 14th week for automated enforcement cameras; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends, when the bridge is now open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Read about other changes ahead, here.)

Here’s a low-bridge view:

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

And the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

To check for bridges’ marine-traffic openings, see the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed.

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also shown on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 4/15/2021 roundup

A new slogan tops our pandemic news check tonight:

‘TAKE IT OUTSIDE’: That’s the slogan Gov. Inslee unveiled during his mid-afternoon briefing, He urged people to take advantage of the warm weather by spending time outdoors, where transmission risk is lower. He in fact held the briefing outdoors:

He warned that cases and hospitalizations are still on the rise – “we’ve knocked this virus down three times, now we have to knock it down a fourth time.”

NEWEST NUMBERS: Here’s the latest on King County, from the Public Health daily-summary dashboard – today’s cumulative totals:

*92,599 people have tested positive, 441 more than yesterday’s total

*1,491 people have died, 2 more than yesterday’s total

*5,503 people have been hospitalized, 13 more than yesterday’s total

*1,002,141 people have been tested, 861 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, the four totals we track were 90,362/1,481/5,429/988.612.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 138.8 million cases worldwide, 31.4 million of them in the U.S. See the nation-by-nation breakout here.

‘VAX DAY’: Today’s the day that everyone in our state 16 and up became eligible to get vaccinated in our state.

CITY VAX STATUS: The city’s vaccination efforts have now passed 100,000 shots given. Here’s the overview for city sites/teams this week.

LOOKING FOR VACCINE BY PHONE? You can use this hotline – 800-525-0127.


*If you’re looking for a city-site appointment, note that the official advice is to sign up for the city’s notification list for all four of its sites here.
*Health-care providers (particularly bigger ones like UW Medicine (one reader specifically recommends Valley Medical Center), Franciscan, Swedish, Kaiser Permanente, Neighborcare, etc.)
* (volunteer-run aggregator) – you can also follow its tweets for instant notifications
*The state’s Vaccine Locator (as mentioned above)
*The CDC’s Vaccine Finder
*Pharmacies big and small – Safeway, Rite Aid, QFC, Pharmaca, Costco
*Sea Mar clinics
And if traveling a distance is not a barrier – Beth recommends this lookup for potential appointments within a few hours’ drive.

GOT INFO/PHOTOS/TIPS? 206-293-6302, text or voice, or – thank you!

ELECTION 2021: Seattle Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins running for a second term

April 15, 2021 9:33 pm
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 |   Port of Seattle | West Seattle news | West Seattle politics

Seattle Port Commissioner Ryan Calkins announced today that he’s running for a second 4-year term. Calkins, who works as a business consultant, says economic recovery from the pandemic-caused hardships will be a priority. He lists job creation as a focus. His announcement also says he “is running to build on his commitment and track record as a climate champion and advocate for mitigation and cleanup in communities that have historically suffered the impacts of pollution, dislocation, and development.” Calkins, an Eastlake resident, holds Position 1 on the commission; so far no one else has registered a campaign for that seat. The formal filing period, however, isn’t until next month. Commissioners are elected in a countywide vote.
