month : 04/2020 332 results

SUPERMOON: Seen from West Seattle

10:26 PM: We mentioned tonight’s “supermoon” earlier – thanks to David Hutchinson for sending that photo after it rose over the downtown skyline!

ADDED WEDNESDAY MORNING: More views! First, from Kersti Muul:

From Marc Milrod:

CORONAVIRUS: Tuesday 4/7 roundup

No big announcements today, so here’s what we have for the nightly roundup:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

3,486 confirmed positive cases (up 155* from yesterday)

230 confirmed deaths (up 8 from yesterday)

* The “new confirmed positive cases” figure we publish each day represents all new confirmed cases reported to us through 11:59 the night prior. Some of these test results were processed on days prior but were delayed in being reported to us.

No week-to-week comparison numbers tonight, as they had a data hiccup last Tuesday. The county’s data dashboard, meantime, shows no new deaths in the zip codes that comprise West Seattle/White Center.

ISOLATION/QUARANTINE SITES: Today’s county update also notes, “39 people are currently staying in King County isolation and quarantine facilities.” That does NOT include the Top Hat (east of White Center) site, which has not yet been activated.

2-DAY CONSTRUCTION SUSPENSION: The city has ordered work to be suspended Thursday/Friday on “active public works projects” to “allow contractors and staff to implement rigorous social distancing requirements and update health and safety plans.”

GOVERNOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS: He had two in a relatively low-key afternoon news conference today (video here) – a new fund for small businesses to get relief grants of up to $10.000, and a fund to help food banks around the state. (You can donate directly to both of the ones serving our area via their own websites – West Seattle Food Bank here, White Center Food Bank here.)

‘SEE IT,SNAP IT, SEND IT’: The Attorney General’s Office wants to enlist you in the fight against price-gouging – something about which the AGO has already received 400+ complaints in the past month. here’s how to do that.

TONIGHT’S CHALK-ART INSPIRATION: Seen along SW Thistle in Gatewood:

GOT INFO? or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

GRATITUDE: Words of appreciation from a West Seattle businessperson

Lots more business updates ahead, after we repeated our invitation for them today. First- one proprietor just wanted to share words of appreciation. From Chris Christensen of West Seattle Autoworks and Swedish Automotive (both WSB sponsors):

Our community is incredible!

Everyone is following guidelines and is respectful of one another.

Small businesses are taking solid steps to keep us safe and protected. I applaud all of those businesses.

I just want everyone in our community to know they are doing a great job through this process.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Prowling report; prevention advice

In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

PROWLING REPORT: From an Arbor Heights resident:

Have (an attempted) break-in that happened this morning at 11:30 am … Has been reported to police with video from our doorbell camera, etc.

The vehicle (was) a red 1991 Ford F-150.

The guy approached the house because driveway was empty, and was trying to pry the doorbell camera off when I confronted him.

SPD incident # is 2020-116947.

BURGLARY PREVENTION: Also today, Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner sent this advice:

Even though many Seattle area residents are Staying Home to Stay Healthy, we still see residential burglaries occurring throughout Seattle. There are some trends worth noting. In some instances, suspects peered through windows, saw something close by that they wanted, then smashed the window and grabbed the item without entering the home. In other instances, burglars may be watching to see when people leave the house, (maybe going to the store for a short while), make entry, then leave quickly.

We wanted to offer these tips to help reduce burglaries in your neighborhood:

Lock your doors, even when home

Lock your windows or at least limit how far they can be opened

Don’t leave valuables in close proximity of a window

Answer the door; let people know you are home. “Answering” the door does not mean “opening” the door.

Always know who is on the other side of your door before you open it, even if you are expecting someone

While home, take moments to go outside and put eyes on the street; check out what’s happening on the street

When you see neighbors out and about, wave and say hi. When you see people you don’t know out and about on your street, wave and say hi. Send the message that you are a neighborhood that cares and that you are paying attention

Do not call 911 to report people being outside; remember that Police are focused on criminal behavior, not people who want to get out of the house for a bit (Please contact us directly if you have questions about how to report anyone violating the ‘Stay-At-Home’ order)

Stay connected with your Block Watch neighbors and help keep an eye on your neighbors’ place and ask they do the same for you

If you live in an apartment or condo make sure to check on your car daily to ensure it is secure.

It’s a good time to also use your Block Watch connections to see if any neighbors need help or could use a few items from the grocery store.

If you have prevention/safety questions, is her contact info.

‘Stay home’ – unless you need to get your car at the tow yard: What happened on Avalon

As noted here last weekend, the 35th/Avalon/Alaska project is in the final stretch – with nighttime paving this week on Avalon west of 35th, and permanent striping/markers for the entire project zone. As part of the latter, some parking spots were marked “NO PARKING” starting today. That led to multiple tows, according to multiple readers plus a conversation we heard via scanner (and mentioned in a tweet at the time). That conversation mentioned “possibly 20” tows. Then we received this reader report saying it might have been more:

I discovered my car was towed out from in front of my apartment at 30xx SW Avalon Way around 3 pm, assuming it happened sometime today. Due to the Striping project. In the past there has been advance noticed and communication (that) this was happening. I do not believe there was reasonable notice given this time, as I do not recall seeing any no parking signs. I called a number from a flyer that is now definitely visible and spoke to (a) work crew member who said they had printed signs Friday and put out over the weekend. Again, I do not recall seeing these signs; of course I could have missed them. But considering the state is under Gov Inslee’s order to stay inside. I don’t believe this was a reasonable notice or expectation to residents.

I approached the work crew and spoke to a retired Traffic officer for advice. The work crew person told me they had towed up to 40 cars up and down Avalon Way, and pointed to reach out the number on the flyer and the Avalon Paving Outreach email.

Lincoln Towing is still charging me $230 to get the car, which I will also have to Uber to.

Via Twitter, another resident expressed concern about people risking exposure by having to go get their towed car. Twice now, as we’ve reported, Mayor Durkan has announced some parking rules have been lifted because of COVID-19, and the online SDOT policy says towing is to be limited too. So we have an inquiry out to the mayor’s office and SDOT, seeking comment about what happened on Avalon today.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: SDOT releases inspection reports, including ‘could lead to collapse in the near future’ warning

(West Seattle Bridge cracks, from

Two weeks after the sudden safety shutdown of the West Seattle Bridge, SDOT has just gone public with inspection reports chronicling the history of the bridge’s cracks, which as previously explained, were first noticed in 2013. The 14 reports are linked on the project website, and in a new SDOT Blog post which says in part:

… What we believe the reports show is our careful, proactive monitoring effort that put into place the systems necessary to make sure we could act quickly to preserve life and safety. Additionally, they show that during our frequent inspections of the West Seattle Bridge over the past several years, there was no indication that the bridge was unsafe for ordinary use or that preventative maintenance plans would impact normal use of the bridge until very, very recently.

Documents shared with the public today include:

Initial crack memo in 2013, special inspection memo in 2013, and technical assessment memo in 2014 from consultant indicated some cracking that should continue to be monitored

Inspection reports from 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and late 2019 show monitoring of cracks and recommendations from each year

Memo from consultant in 2019 suggested sealing cracks with epoxy and further monitoring of cracks

Memo from consultant on 2/21/20 suggested the bridge should be reduced to two lanes each way and repairs initiated before end of year 2020

Memo from consultant on 3/20/20 that indicates a further review of 2019 inspection report data suggests immediate closure …

We’ve just begun reading the reports – starting with the most-recent one (March 20th, three days before the bridge was closed), which says in part:

Since our initial recommendation, our biggest concern has become the extent and rate of
cracking near the quarter points of the main span could lead to collapse in the near future if
strengthening is not implemented quickly.

The 2013 details on the cracks is also of note, carrying the observation, “The cracking does influence long term durability …” We’ll add more highlights later..

Meantime, no update yet on the timeline for determining what short-term repairs are needed before long-term repairs can be done, but we’ve asked for one.

CANCELED: No West Seattle Garden Tour this year

(WSB photo from 2019 West Seattle Garden Tour)

Just in from West Seattle Garden Tour organizers:

It is with great sadness, disappointment and an abundance of caution, we announce the cancellation of our June 28, 2020 West Seattle Garden Tour due to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our wish to protect our gardeners, volunteers and ticket holders is of paramount importance.

Anyone who has purchased tickets for this year’s event will be issued a refund.

Since 1995, the West Seattle Garden Tour has been inviting you to visit some of the most beautiful and unique gardens right in our own backyard. We do it for the love of lush, inviting spaces, but that’s not the only reason. We celebrate our neighborhood. We make connections and foster relationships.

Besides showcasing beautiful and creative gardens, we shine a light on local non-profits working hard to make our community a better place, and donate the net proceeds from the tour, about $25,000 each year, to those non-profits whose goals fit our mission—to promote horticultural-based interests, education, and artistic endeavors. Our all-volunteer organization is driven to provide them the funds they need to continue their important missions and create an exciting and enriching garden tour experience to our supporters.

For 25 years, we have found joy in growing community and all of this is made possible by you—our ticket buyers, and the generosity of many sponsors and donors. From the bottom of our heart, we thank you for supporting the West Seattle Garden Tour and hope to see you next year during our 2021 West Seattle Garden Tour.

SKYWATCHING: Full ‘supermoon’ tonight

Even if you aren’t in the Alki vicinity – as photographer Theresa Arbow-O’Connor was a few nights ago – you might be able to catch the full “supermoon” rising tonight just after 7:30 pm. The local moment of moonrise is also just a few minutes short of when the moon is completely “full.” You can also watch online; notes this will be the year’s closest full moon.

DEVELOPMENT: Apartments proposed at 4515 44th SW

Though most construction is on hold, new plans/proposals are still being filed in the city system, so we’ve been keeping watch for anything of note, and found this:

(King County Assessor’s Office photo)

The former CDE Software site at 4515 44th SW [map] has an early-stage proposal for an apartment building: 5 stories, 50 units, no off-street parking, per the site plan (PDF). The site is zoned for development up to 55 feet high (upzoned by HALA Mandatory Housina Affordability, previously 40′). The existing building is to be demolished. The website for CDE, which makes bowling software, shows it now has offices in Tukwila. The Junction site had a redevelopment proposal in 2008, but that was eventually dropped.

BUSINESS UPDATES: Click! Design That Fits, Alair

Two more West Seattle business updates this morning:

CLICK! DESIGN THAT FITS: This longtime WSB sponsor just announced:

Permission granted! You know that old saying about permission and forgiveness? Well… we did exactly the opposite of what it says. We asked the state for permission to ship orders. And they said YES.

We’ll be shipping twice weekly, are doing free contact-less deliveries within West Seattle (orders $50+) and free shipping on orders over $75.

Our web store will continue to be updated with in-stock goodies and we’re always available by email or IG DM. We’ve also got a brand spankin’ new Gift Helper form for personalized gift suggestions, the next best thing to being together in the store :).

Rick Moreno continues as our featured artist. The entire gallery of work is online for a little virtual Art Walking and we now have prints available upon request too!

ALAIR: From the South Admiral gift shop‘s proprietor Shandon Graybeal:

I have been offering local, no contact delivery and it’s been really nice to see how many people are staying home and flattening the curve. It’s also been fun to go to customer’s houses and see things like door mats that they got at Alair.

Also, we have always offered a gift concierge service and this week, we’ve been doing a lot of Easter baskets. I feel like Easter kind of snuck up on us and I have baskets, grass, and things to fill it with. People can email us at and tell us about the kid/kids and a budget and we put something together and email them back! (We can even drop them off!)

Got a business update? Email is the best way to get it to us – – thank you!

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT: Tuesday watch, third week of West Seattle Bridge closure

5:40 AM: The high-rise West Seattle Bridge remains closed for the 15th consecutive morning.

The low bridge is reserved for transit, freight, emergency response, and Harbor Island access – spot enforcement started Monday, and you’ll see new signage and lane striping to reinforce the restrictions.

For general traffic, the main route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) – that’s also how to get to I-5, cutting across Georgetown.

Or you can use the South Park Bridge (map).

Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed to see if a bridge is opening for marine traffic.


As first reported here, Metro‘s schedule is reduced further. Use the lookup to see which trips are canceled.

The Water Taxi’s schedule is reduced too – 2 morning departures and 2 evening returns – and its shuttles are no longer operating.


Work on the last section of Avalon to be paved, west of 35th SW, is happening this week – striping in the full project zone, too.


SDOT’s traffic map
Our traffic-cams page

Let us know what you’re seeing if you’re still commuting – comment, or text (not if you’re at the wheel!) 206-293-6302.

CORONAVIRUS: Monday 4/6 roundup

No more speculation whether schools will reopen to finish out the school year – they won’t. That’s the biggest story in this edition of our nightly roundup:

GOVERNOR SAYS, NO IN-PERSON SCHOOL BEFORE FALL: Governor Inslee and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal made the announcement at mid-afternoon – schools will stay closed for the rest of this school year. But schools still need to educate their students, they made it clear. Here’s our coverage, with video of the announcement, plus Seattle Public Schools‘ concurrently issued statement.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From today’s Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

3,331 confirmed positive cases (up 164* from yesterday)

220 confirmed deaths (up 14 from yesterday)

* The “new confirmed positive cases” figure we publish each day represents all new confirmed cases reported to us through 11:59 the night prior. Some of these test results were processed on days prior but were delayed in being reported to us.

One week ago, King County reported 2,330 cases and 150 deaths.

SO HOW ABOUT THE PROJECTIONS? At least one set has been revised downward. (That tweet was later followed by this Seattle Times story.)

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: Find them here.

ALIGNING THE DATES, AND MORE: Multiple city announcements today revised potential end dates for closures to align with the governor’s extension of “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” through May 4th. One was from the mayor. From the announcement:

The Mayor’s Executive Order extends the following policies until May 4:

Closure of City facilities including public-facing counters, Seattle Public Library locations, and community centers and Seattle beaches;

Suspension of City-permitted events, with the exception of farmers markets which will continue to be for a potential re-opening;

Suspension of enforcement of paid parking requirements on City streets and enforcement of select hourly time limits outside no-parking or special zones; and

Continuing the Utility Discount Program’s self-certification pilot program.

The Mayor’s Executive Order extends the following policies until further notice:

Suspension of enforcement of the 72-hour parking rule, and suspension of booting and towing vehicles with unpaid parking tickets;

Creation of temporary restaurant loading zones, and temporary parking zones for hospital and human services staff; and

Flexible payment plans and shutoff policies for City utilities.

ALSO ALIGNED: The Seattle Public Library‘s facilities remain closed at least until May 4th, but Chief Librarian Marcellus Turner reminds you of the other ways you can access SPL services.

MORE CITY NEWS: SPD and SFD posted info on how their staffs are affected by COVID-19.

TONIGHT’S FINAL WORDS: Saw a lot of chalk art while out walking today. This pic, however, came in via text, seen in Admiral:

Props to the poet for that adaptation.

GOT INFO? PHOTOS? Email or text/voice 206-293-6302 – thank you!

WEST SEATTLE BIRDS: More spring sightings

More West Seattle bird sightings – thank you to all the photographers!

Above, the always-spectacular (and loud) Steller’s Jay, photographed by Mark Wangerin, whose photos we have featured so often with our daily calendar highlights – which are mostly on hiatus now in this eventless time! Below, a Brown Creeper, photographed at Lincoln Park by another Mark, from Nature’s Eye Photos:

And we’ve received several great views of Bald Eagles – here are two, first from Chris Frankovich:

And one spotted in mid-meal, photographed by Dan Ciske:

P.S. Want to help monitor how our current altered lifestyle is affecting birds? Check this out! (Hat tip KUOW.)

Wondering how COVID-19 has affected police/fire staffing? See the numbers

Both the SPD and SFD blog-format websites have just published updates on how COVID-19 has affected their staffing. First, from SPD Blotter:

Seattle Police Department (SPD) employees in either Quarantine or Isolation: 50

SPD employees who have returned to work based on Public Health guidelines: 194

SPD employees who have tested positive for COVID-19: 6

SPD employees who have been tested at our First Responder testing site, but tested negative for COVID-19: 87*

* denotes an approximate number

And from Fireline:

Members currently in quarantine or isolation: 29 members
Total number of SFD personnel impacted since the beginning of tracking COVID-19: 88 members
Total number of SFD personnel who have completed their 14-day quarantine and returned to work: 59 members

This includes those who have received testing at the site designated for first responders and those who have shared their results from testing conducted at a private physician.

Total number of known SFD personnel who have tested positive for COVID-19: 16 members
Total number of SFD personnel with a negative test results at first responder testing site: 58 members
Total number of SFD personnel who have tested positive for COVID-19 and have recovered: 1 member

Neither post includes by-precinct or by-station information.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen blue-green Accord

April 6, 2020 5:57 pm
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 |   Crime | West Seattle news

Alison reports her car was stolen today:

My 1993 Honda Accord SE was stolen today around noon from behind my apartment building at 3001 SW Avalon Way. It’s a dark blue-green, has a spoiler, plate number BCX 9718. (This stock photo is) of an identical car. SPD incident number 2020-115904.

If you see it, please call 911.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: Low-bridge enforcement begins

Earlier today, we showed you the new signage and bus-lane markings being installed to underscore that the low bridge is NOT for general motorized-vehicle traffic. Now, multiple texters (and Dean, who posted photos in comments) report that police have been out pulling over violators. One texter repoorted at 3 pm, “There are about six motorcycle cops down here, handing out tickets left and right.”

We don’t know whether they issued citations or warnings, but do you really want to risk it?

UPDATE: Governor, state superintendent announce schools will remain closed to in-person learning for the rest of this school year

2:37 PM: You can use the window above to click into TVW‘s live feed of Governor Inslee‘s media briefing, at which he is expected to be joined by the state’s superintendent of public instruction, Chris Reykdal. We’ll publish notes while the briefing’s in progress.

He starts by announcing there will be no in-person school for the rest of this school year. But “if you’re a senior in good standing, we expect you will receive your diploma this year.” He says at least 13 states have already closed their schools for the rest of the year. Distance learning WILL continue, Inslee makes clear. “Together we will ensure that learning continues in the state of Washington,” he says.

He also says they MIGHT be able to consider graduation ceremonies, depending on how things go.

Seattle Public Schools has just sent a statement:

Following today’s emergency proclamation by Washington Governor Jay Inslee, Seattle Public Schools will not reopen its school buildings for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.
While buildings remain closed, the work by SPS educators to provide continuous learning to students will continue.

This continuity of learning includes a variety of methods and channels used by educators to teach their students, some of which include:

• Learning packets distributed weekly
• Teacher-led video lessons distributed on our social media channels, SPS-TV and by our broadcast partners
• Online instruction when possible
• Telephone contact

“This is how we ‘do school’ now – remotely, with families as co-educators and partners,” said SPS Superintendent Denise Juneau. “Never has family engagement been so important and we’ll all have to work at this together with patience and understanding.”

In addition to the continuity of learning, SPS will continue to provide other supports and services, including meal distribution from the SPS Nutrition Services team.

SPS will be providing additional information in the coming days about what the extended closure means for staff and students, including information about graduation for seniors and information for students receiving specialized services.

For more information about the SPS response to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, please see our website page, “Seattle Public Schools Coronavirus Response FAQ.”

2:45 PM: Reykdal speaks now:

He says it could be disastrous if in-person school resumed too soon – one case would shut down a school and disrupt many. He says this is also already touching off conversations and considerations about what fall will or should like. He also says that connectivity must be improved, as much of a right “as clean water.”

2:52 PM: Now to Q&A with reporters. The governor says, “We have not reached the peak of this pandemic.” He stresses that even when the rate of fatalities goes down, “we have to be intensely committed … to all that we’re doing.” Another question is about the state’s data lag regarding hospitalizations; the governor says he’ll look into it. Asked about the ventilators the state is sending back to the federal stockpile, he says they were requested when the caseload was predicted to double every week, “and that’s not occurring.”

In response to another question, Reykdal confirms that the proclamation closes ALL schools – public, private, charter. … Regarding educational equity, Inslee repeats something he said during opening remarks, that on-site education might be possble for some students “with profound challenges.” … Asked about a pass/fail model, Reykdal says they’re working with higher-education institutions to ensure that grades and transitions aren’t harmed for high-school students. … How many students in the state still don’t have connectivity? Reykdal says that data is being collected now.

3:15 PM: Briefing’s over. The video window above should soon provide access to the recorded version, so we’re leaving it up.

WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Car prowler takes child carrier; vandals deface ‘Welcome’ sign

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports today:

CHILD CARRIER STOLEN: Amy on Puget Ridge sends that photo with this report:

Last night someone managed to open the back door of our minivan, parked in our driveway. Among the stolen items was the Tula Toddler carrier we sometimes use to carry our disabled son on hikes. (You may also have seen us on walks with his swell blue trike, but it doesn’t do well on stairs).

The Tula retails for over $100, so we would love to get it back if possible. It has a gray and green pattern, with gray straps. It’s machine washable, so if someone sees it dumped somewhere, please let us know! Also stolen were a case of Clif Bars and a bag of reusable shopping bags.

WELCOME SIGN DEFACED: Pete Spalding, from the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce, sent photos and word that the WSCoC is working on getting this cleaned up. We blurred the tags as per WSB policy to not show tagging vandalism whenever possible, but you can get the idea – both sides of the sign were hit:

The sign was installed 11 months ago, funded by a gift from philanthropist Ada Rhodes Cruzen.

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE CLOSURE: New signage, and other notes

Exactly two weeks after the West Seattle Bridge’s safety shutdown began, two related notes so far today:

(WSB photo, today)

SIGNAGE/BUS LANE: Thanks to commenter Joe Z for the tip. SDOT crews are out right now at the Spokane/Chelan/Delridge/West Marginal intersecion, installing signage and red lane markings to make it clearer that the low bridge is primarily for buses (“trucks OK,” the signs note, and of course emergency-response vehicles too). If you’re headed that way, by the way, work crews have lanes blocked off for the work, so the backup was significant when we went through (compounded by the low bridge opening for maritime traffic).

AT THE COUNCIL MEETING: We listened in this morning to the first of the day’s two regular City Council meetings – the “briefing meeting” on Monday mornings is where each councilmember provides miscellaneous updates. Councilmember Lisa Herbold noted that SDOT had been back at Highland Park Way/Holden on Saturday installing the pedestrian signal at the newly signalized intersection – we had noticed work going on there:

(WSB photo, today)

And Counclmember Alex Pedersen, who chairs the Transportation Committee, said he expects SDOT to be back before the council with another briefing around “month’s end” since that’s when they expect the bridge assessment to be done, enabling a repair plan. (He didn’t mention a date, but the last council meeting of the month would be April 27th, three weeks from today.

P.S. Just discovered that a bridge update is also on the agenda for tomorrow night’s Move Seattle Levy Oversight Committee meeting.

BIZNOTE: Rudy’s Barbershop files for bankruptcy, CHS reports

It’s been three weeks since hair salons and barber shops were completely shut down by the governor’s health order that also required restaurants and beverage businesses to shift to takeout/delivery. This morning, our friends at Capitol Hill Seattle Blog report that the Rudy’s Barbershop chain has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is seeking permission for a sale. Read the full CHS coverage here; CHS reports documents show Rudy’s was “struggling” even before the COVID-19 shutdown. Next month marks five years since Rudy’s opened a West Seattle location in The Triangle, at 4480 Fauntleroy Way SW.

BUSINESS UPDATES: The Grove, Staples

Two business updates from the WSB inbox:

THE GROVE: From general manager John Coney at West Seattle’s only hotel/motel, in The Triangle:

Just letting you know that The Grove is open for anyone needing a room for a few days. We have lowered our rates to help out in this difficult time. We are all practicing safe distancing, wearing masks, cleaning everything with disinfectant cleaner and do our own laundry in house so it’s not being touched by anyone off property. If anyone just needs to get a way for a few days, they can call or drop by.

The Grove is locally owned, at 3512 SW Alaska, 206-937-9920.

STAPLES: From general manager Deena Knapton at the Westwood Village Staples:

I wanted to let you know that Staples has been deemed an essential business; we are open and ready to serve our community. We see it as a privilege and a large responsibility to continue serving our community. As such, we’ve compiled a few services to specifically help the restaurant industry and provide just a little more relief.

Local restaurants can immediately take advantage of 250 free full-color menus from our in-store Print & Marketing department, as well as free full-color CDC health awareness posters and complimentary faxing, scanning, and computer workstation services. We are also offering curbside pickup to all customers for any orders from our print center and for products from our floor.

In addition, we are excited to share that Staples stores (are) accepting donations of the following types of personal protective equipment (PPE) for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals: unused N95 respirator face masks, disposable face masks, face-shields, goggles and eye shields, and isolation or surgical gowns. If you have any of the above, please drop it off at the Westwood Village Staples store or any Staples location and we will get it in the hands of our heroes. Check out for additional information.

We checked – Seattle Children’s Hospital is the nearest CMN hospital.

Got a business update? Please let us know – preferred, but text/phone 206-293-6302 if you can’t email.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT: Monday watch, third week of West Seattle Bridge closure

5:35 AM: The high-rise West Seattle Bridge remains closed for the 14th consecutive morning.

The low bridge is reserved for transit, freight, emergency response, and Harbor Island access – too many continue to ignore that, so SDOT told us in last week’s interview, they’re working on an enforcement plan and better signage.

For general traffic, the main route across the Duwamish River is the 1st Avenue South Bridge (map) – that’s also how to get to I-5, cutting across Georgetown.

Or you can use the South Park Bridge (map).

Check the @SDOTBridges Twitter feed to see if a bridge is opening for marine traffic.


As first reported here, Metro‘s schedule is reduced further. Use the lookup to see which trips are canceled.

The Water Taxi’s schedule is reduced starting today – 2 morning departures and 2 evening returns – and its shuttles are no longer operating.


Work on the last section of Avalon to be paved, west of 35th SW, is likely to start tonight.


SDOT’s traffic map
Our traffic-cams page

Let us know what you’re seeing if you’re still commuting – comment, or text (not if you’re at the wheel!) 206-293-6302.

GRATITUDE: Heroes honored by Alki roadside signs

Along 59th SW in Upper Alki, south of SW Admiral Way, those signs of gratitude have sprouted along the embankment that divides the road. Above is what you see if you’re headed north; below, the individual signs along the southbound side:

If you couldn’t read all the signs in the video clip – bumpy road! – they thank doctors, first responder, transit, truckers, janitors, lab techs, teachers, and retail workers, while the signs in the individual photos thank nurses, delivery drivers, all clerks, farmers, EMTs, restaurant workers, and volunteers.

P.S. Thanks to Tom Rasmussen, West Seattle-residing former city councilmember, for the tip!