PHOTOS: Aurora, seen from West Seattle

10:49 PM: The aurora’s out again tonight! Thanks to the reader who just sent that photo, from Fauntlee Hills. Earlier, Cami reported faint colors looking west from Alki. How long will it last? Hard to tell, but here’s one of the forecast sites recommended by West Seattle expert skywatcher/educator Alice Enevoldsen (here’s her aurora-viewing-tips page).

11:12 PM: More photos arriving – thanks! From Lacey:

From Jessica in Fairmount Park:

From Liz in North Admiral:

12:57 AM: And from Jamie Kinney:

4 Replies to "PHOTOS: Aurora, seen from West Seattle"

  • 22blades October 8, 2024 (2:59 am)

    Aurora Probability graphic at 1045 pm.

    • WSB October 8, 2024 (9:12 am)

      The first photo we received was from around 10:30. Geomagnetic conditions lessened over subsequent hours … by my last check (1-ish?) it had settled back down out of “storm” mode.

  • Sillygoose October 8, 2024 (7:53 am)

    Appreciate the beautiful photos, tried to stay awake. Looked from balcony around 9:30 pm gorgeous sky along with 68* but no Borealis yet!

    • Liz October 8, 2024 (10:11 am)

      when you go out to your balcony bring your phone with you, put the camera in night mode and take a pic with an extended exposure. in the city aurora colors aren’t usually visible to the naked eye, but your phone camera can usually pick it up. (the aurora was not very active at 9:30, but my camera did catch a green glow on the north horizon at that time.)

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