Exactly two weeks after the West Seattle Bridge’s safety shutdown began, two related notes so far today:
SIGNAGE/BUS LANE: Thanks to commenter Joe Z for the tip. SDOT crews are out right now at the Spokane/Chelan/Delridge/West Marginal intersecion, installing signage and red lane markings to make it clearer that the low bridge is primarily for buses (“trucks OK,” the signs note, and of course emergency-response vehicles too). If you’re headed that way, by the way, work crews have lanes blocked off for the work, so the backup was significant when we went through (compounded by the low bridge opening for maritime traffic).
AT THE COUNCIL MEETING: We listened in this morning to the first of the day’s two regular City Council meetings – the “briefing meeting” on Monday mornings is where each councilmember provides miscellaneous updates. Councilmember Lisa Herbold noted that SDOT had been back at Highland Park Way/Holden on Saturday installing the pedestrian signal at the newly signalized intersection – we had noticed work going on there:
And Counclmember Alex Pedersen, who chairs the Transportation Committee, said he expects SDOT to be back before the council with another briefing around “month’s end” since that’s when they expect the bridge assessment to be done, enabling a repair plan. (He didn’t mention a date, but the last council meeting of the month would be April 27th, three weeks from today.
P.S. Just discovered that a bridge update is also on the agenda for tomorrow night’s Move Seattle Levy Oversight Committee meeting.